Best way to evaluate performance with - tensorflow

I trained a model and now want to evaluate its performance on a test set. The test set is loaded as object (from multiple TFRecords with multiple examples in each of them) which consists of ~million examples in the form of tuples (image, label), the data are batched. The raw labels are then mapped to the target integers (one-hot encoded) that the model needs to predict.
I understand that I can pass the Dataset object as an input to model.predict() which will output predictions for each example in the dataset. However, to compute some metric I need to compare true target values to the predicted ones, and to obtain the former ones I need to iterate through the Dataset, cause all true labels are stored in there.
This seems like a common task but I couldn't find a straightforward solution that works for huge dataset in TFRecord format. What would be the best way to compute, for instance, AUC per class in this case? Should I use Callbacks with model.predict(test_dataset)? Or should I process each example one by one in a loop, save true and predicted values into arrays and then use, for example, sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score() to compute AUC scores for the two arrays? Or maybe I'm missing some obvious way to do it?
Thanks in advance!

If you need all labels, why not just:
or if your ds is too large for this action, just iterate over your dataset, calculate your metric and the mean at the end.


How to structure multi-output bayesian optimization

I am trying to use bayesian optimization for a multi-output problem, but am not 100% sure the best way to set it up.
I have a small number of inputs (5) and outputs (3-4) in my problem. For each output, I have a target value I would like to achieve. Ultimately I would like to minimize the MSE between the target vector (of 3-4 outputs) and the true outputs.
The simplest way to do this in my mind is to create a single model which models the MSE as a function the problem inputs. Here, all historical data is first compressed into the single MSE, then this is used to train the GP.
However, I would instead like to create individual models (or a combined, multi-output model) that directly models the outputs of interest, instead of the ultimate cost function (MSE). Primarily, this is because I have noticed more accurate predictive results (of the combined MSE), when first modeling the individual outputs, then creating a MSE, instead of directly modeling the MSE.
My problem arises when creating the acquisition function when I have multiple outputs. Ideally, I'd like to use expected improvement (EI) as my acquisition function. However, I'm not sure how to either 1) combine the multiple output distributions into a single distribution (representing the probability of the combined MSE), which can then be used to determine overall EI or 2) how to combine multiple EI values into a single metric (i.e. combine the E.I. for each output into a unified E.I.).
When reading about multi-output BO, the most common approach seems to be to identify a frontier of solutions, however this is not 100% applicable, as ultimately I can convert the output vector into a single MSE (and the frontier becomes a point).
Is the best approach simply to model the combined MSE directly? Or is there a way that I can model the individual outputs, then combine these modeled outputs into a reasonable acquisition function?

How to feed normalized new data to saved trained neural network model and then inverse the result?

I am working on a research population by country based on this data set:
I learned that it's best practice to normalize the dataset before training, so I normalized the data using sklearn.preprocessing MinMaxScaler. I proceeded to train the model using the normalized dataset before saving the model.
Next, I wanted to perform predictions on new data. So I created an input file with a similar format to the training dataset. The new input data has only 2 rows (versus the training dataset which has 200 rows).
The problem that I encounter is, due to a small number of data in the new dataset, the minmaxscaler returned 1 and 0. 1 is for the bigger number, and 0 for the smaller number. When I feed this input into the model, it gave me a prediction that is too far off from the expected value.
I have also tried to apply mixmaxscaler to the new data, feed into the model, and then inverse the result. Still, I got a value that is too far from the expected value.
I have also tried to train the model without applying mixmaxscalar. I got a better result in this model, but the predicted result only respond very well when I changed certain columns with bigger values. The columns with smaller values don't have a very good response, while in real world I know that this factor is quite significant to the predicted result.
Where do I went wrong?
Any sample code on handling the input for the trained model is much appreciated.
To test what is going on I suggest that you take a row of your training data prior to scaling it. Apply the scalar and then use the result as the data for a prediction. You should get the same predicted result as the train data result value. When you apply the scalar look to see if it generates the same values as present in the training data for that row. Make sure you are using the scalar that was fit to the training set. Do not fit the scalar to the new data, just use it to transform the data.

How is keras predict working with datasets

I am new in using tf datasets with keras. Since you just handover one object, I don't understand what actually happens. If I handover a dataset to model predict, how does it know how and what elements to use from this object? Since a dataset of complex structure which inherits many kind of structures and levels I think, what happens if I take a dataset which as more "columns" than the dataset which was trained on. Are somehow the structure, names or levels saved during training from the dataset to remember when making predictions?
if receives tf.dataset() as input - it assumes that the dataset returns a tuple of either (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). Now, inputs part itself may be a complex structure of sub-inputs (like tuple of image and label for conditional VAE for instance).
If the dataset does not fit your model inputs - fit() will just fail.
See comment to fit() function in the TF source code

Split Image dataset for keras model.fit_generator

I have single directory, dataset, which contains sub-folders(labels/classes) of images.
Here's the Sub-folders of animal images in dataset:
I want to split the dataset into train and test set for model.fit_generotar().
How can I do that?
Use glob to get file paths iterator.
You can then use scikit-learn's train-test split to get train and test data paths (use stratify parameter to get the same class distribution in test/train as in whole dataset).
The result would be two lists of paths, which you can write to appropriate test/train folders, and then you can apply generator's flow_from_directory method.
The second way would be to not use flow_from_directory, but load train/test sets (either load everything and use scikit-learn method or use what I've described before) and then use generator's flow method.
Also note that you might not want to use generators for test/validation data, since it would make comparing accuracy hard, since you won't have a fixed valid/test set.

Caching Computations in TensorFlow

Is there a canonical way to reuse computations from a previously-supplied placeholder in TensorFlow? My specific use case:
supply many inputs (using one placeholder) simultaneously, all of which are fed through a network to obtain smaller representations
define a loss based on various combinations of these smaller representations
train on one batch at a time, where each batch uses some subset of the inputs, without recomputing the smaller representations
Here is the goal in code, but which is defective because the same computations are carried out again and again:
X_in = some_fixed_data
combinations_in = large_set_of_combination_indices
for combination_batch_in in batches(combinations_in, batch_size=128):, feed_dict={X: X_in, combinations: combination_batch_in})
The canonical way to share computed values across sess.Run() calls is to use a Variable. In this case, you could set up your graph so that when the Placeholders are fed, they compute a new value of the representation that is saved into a Variable. A separate portion of the graph reads those Variables to compute the loss. This will not work if you need to compute gradients through the part of the graph that computes the representation. Computing those gradients will require recomputing every Op in the encoder.
This is the kind of thing that should be solved automatically with CSE (common subexpression elimination). Not sure what the support in TensorFlow right now, might be kind of spotty, but there's optimizer_do_cse flag for Graph options which is defaulting to false, and you can set it to true using GraphConstructorOptions. Here's a C++ example of using GraphConstructorOptions (sorry, couldn't find a Python one)
If that doesn't work, you could do "manual CSE", ie, figure out which part is being needlessly recomputed, factor it out into separate Tensor, and reference that tensor in all the calculations.