React Navigation error: not handled by any navigator - react-native

I realize why this occurring but am trying to figure out the best way to go about getting the required behavior:
Let's say I have a tab navigator and inside those tabs I have stack navigators. When I first open the app I am in the Home tab. Now let's say a push notification comes in and I handle that and say go to this screen in the profile stack navigator. The screen is not usually the first screen in the navigator but because I have not navigated to the profile screen via the tab navigator the initial screen is not loaded so it's the first in the stack. If I call navigation.pop it will not be handled by a navigator because their is no screen to go back to in the profile navigator.
I figured I could just call navigation.navigate('Profile') and it does navigate to that screen but it doesn't pop the initial screen so clicking the tab by default will now make the first screen the base screen until the app is restarted.
If I call navigation.goBack() I won't run into the above problem but I won't be able to always ensure that the 'Profile' screen is the place it goes back to.
Ideally I'd like some way to say push this screen into this stack and then push this screen. So when pop is called it will always show that users profile screen.
** EDIT **
After looking through some docs I found that I can do the following:
navData.dispatch(() => {
navData.navigate('Home', {
screen: 'ProfileScreen',
navData.navigate('Home', {
screen: 'ProfileScreen',
params: {
screen: 'ViewPostScreen',
params: { shouldPlay: true },
Though I get the following warning: Possible unhandled Promise rejection: TypeError: undefined is not an object ''
I'm also using this logic in another location of my app with a different screen and works in development but not in production. Looking for suggestions on to best handle the above situation.


Why does my state persist on screen change?

I am developing a React Native app and I am currently using a component in 2 different places of my app. I navigate from one place to another using a Drawer Navigator (React Navigation v6). This component updates a state when receiving a response from an API. However, if I switch to the other place where this component gets rendered, the state remains (therefore the visual message from the API appears inside it).
Why does this happen? Shouldn't all states reset on unmount and get the initial value (the one passed to useState()) when the component gets mounted again? This not the behavior I want and from what I know, this was not supposed to happen.
What can I do to make my state not persist on screen change? I have implemented the code below to be executed when a menu screen is selected, but has no effect on this issue:
index: 0,
key: null,
routes: [{ name: targetScreen }]
This behavior in react-native differs from react. This is documented here.
If you are coming to react-navigation from a web background, you may assume that when user navigates from route A to route B, A will unmount (its componentWillUnmount is called) and A will mount again when user comes back to it. While these React lifecycle methods are still valid and are used in react-navigation, their usage differs from the web.
Consider a screen A and a screen B. Suppose we navigate from A to B.
When going back from B to A, componentWillUnmount of B is called, but componentDidMount of A is not because A remained mounted the whole time.
This is valid for all navigators in react-native-navigation. Thus, if we have a tab bar navigation with 5 tabs, and each tab nests a Stack, then we could navigate on one stack to a certain depth, then switch the tab, and then switch the tab back again, and all screens visited will remain mounted.
Edit: In response to the comments. The recommended standard pattern to resolve your issue is as follows.
// some state in my component
const [state, setState] = useState()
React.useCallback(() => {
// set state to initial value
}, [])
This is described here.
Your component does not unmount when you navigate out of component. Consider manually reseting your state inside this hook useFocusEffect

How to navigate to a same screen on stack in react native

I have a stack in react-native-navigation. I want to navigate to a screen that is in the stack before.
but when I use Navigation.push command nothing happened and the screen does not change. How to implement this on react-native??
for exmaple my stakc is: [the part in the () does not navigate]
Main -> Map -> Stores (-> Map)
Note: I can't pop the screen to navigate to map. Because when I use the button that I Navigate with it, maybe the Map Screen doesn't in the stack. In the other word, some times I navigate from Main to Map and then to Stores, and some times I navigate to Stores from Main directly. and my button that is saying about to navigate to Stores screen in Map screen.
I finally found the solution.
Navigation.push or Navigation.pop is a promise that is made error when there is impossible to run command for any reason.
I use it and when Navigation.push made error in catch clause, I pop the screen.
For example:
Navigation.push('Map', {
component: {
id: 'Stroes',
name: 'Stroes',
options: {},
passProps: {},
}).catch(e => {

React Navigation: How to fake a history in Stack Navigator?

I use and my app has a register process consisting of several screens:
First, the user has to enter his first name ("FirstNameView")
Second, the user has to enter his last name ("LastNameView")
If the user closes the app in the LastNameView and opens it later again, the app sends a request to the backend to fetch the current user data. Depending on this data, the user is navigated to the right screen via the initialRouteName property:
I have a back button on every screen which does navigation.goBack(), which obviously not works if the user just opens the app again and I direct him to the right View without pushing other screens to it.
One approach that I could think of is removing the navigation.goBack() functionality and replacing it with navigation.navigate("nameOfPreviousView"). However, this has the drawback that native "back" functionality of e.g. Android would not work.
How can I handle a case like this? Can I somehow create a fake history with my initialRouteName approach?
Yes you can create previous route history without navigating there.
In NavigationContainer initialize initialState like
let initialState = initialRoute = {
index: 1, // to load the second screen which is LastNameView
routes: [
name: 'FirstNameView',
name: 'LastNameView',
<NavigationContainer initialState={initialState}> {/* ... */} </NavigationContainer>
To explore more about initialState check description here

React Navigation : How to prevent navigation to unmounted tab screen with Material Bottom Tab Navigator when Icon is pressed?

I have a question for React Native developers here. I use createMaterialBottomTabNavigator, and I wanted one button in the tab bar to open a screen not in a tab, but in a stack navigator instead. According to the documentation, we can prevent default behaviour with a useEffect hook in the target screen and do our navigation from there. So here is my code in the target screen :
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener("tabPress", (e) => {
// Prevent default behavior of tab press in bottom navigator
// Open screen in stack navigator, not in tab navigator
return unsubscribe;
}, [navigation]);
It works well, except for one detail: Material Bottom Tab Navigator doesn’t mount its routes before they are first focused, so the first time I press the button it opens the screen in a tab. After that, when I press the same button, it opens the screen in a stack navigator as expected.
Does anyone know a workaround for that issue? Is there a way to force Material tab to mount routes before they are focused? Or a way to call a hook when the screen first mounts?

App Navigation state persisting EVEN IF app closed and restarted

I have a react-native app with two screens, Home and Details. Using react-navigation, Ive set the Stack navigator as following
const RootStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: FormComponent,
Details: DetailScreen
initialRouteName: "Home",
headerMode: "none"
Home contains a form, which once submitted, navigates to the Details screen with relevant data (using navigation.navigate("Details",{some data})). At this point, if I exit the app, and then open it again, the Details screen loads, with all the data preserved(Instead of the Home screen). I logged the navigation object data (this.props.navigation.) and it prints like the app was never closed.
Am I missing something here? Im new to React Native and Navigation, but from what I understand this is not expected behaviour.
Tried uninstalling app and rebuilding. This resets the app and Home screen loads. If I try reinstalling without uninstalling, back to same behaviour.
Tried also manually forcing navigation.goBack() on ComponentWillUnmount() but no difference.
This should've been a comment but sadly i don't have enough reputation.
Could you check if you haven't accidentally set a persistenceKey as a navigator prop?