Running Chrome from PortableApps with Selenium WebDriver fails - selenium

I've got C# Selenium project and want to run portable Chrome downloaded from here.
My chromeOptions are:
chromeOptions.BinaryLocation = Path.GetFullPath("C:\", "tests.browsers", "windows", "chrome", "GoogleChromePortable.exe"));
chromeOptions.AddExtension(Path.Combine("path", "to", "kontur-plugin.crx"));
But when I run the test, Chrome opens and shows this:
(notifications say "Failed to login %EXTENSIONNAME%, click to load it once again)
chrome_debug.log contains no errors.
What am I doing wrong? How can I figure out what is the problem with?

this might help you - Stackoverflow post
also, your CRX file should add as a file, not just the path.


Configure Chrome options for Cypress

In Selenium projects, I'm used to configure the Chrome options. Is there a way of doing it in Cypress projects?
I need to test a website that is flagged like "unsafe" because of its obsolete certificates, and I need to bypass the "Unprotected connection" window.
What it looks like in Selenium projects:
DesiredCapabilities handlSSLErr = ()
handlSSLErr.setCapability (CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true)
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver (handlSSLErr);
Thanks in advance.
As per the documentation on cypress , you need to add below in your cypress.json file for achieving the same :
"chromeWebSecurity": false
Please check below link for more detailed info Here
Disabling my antivirus fixed the problem.

Unable to download a file when chromedriver is in headless mode. How to get it work?

During the test, a file (.html) will be downloaded from the web application & I have to verify that file by opening it on the browser. In the non-headless mode, my test is working fine. But whenever I'm going to headless mode, that file is not getting downloaded to the download path (i.e. pointed in the "user.dir"). My chrome driver version is 2.44.609538 & selenium version is 3.14.
Apparently this could help you
Shawn Button post the answer related with it.
Downloading with chrome headless and selenium
Are you running the test from the command line?
Because, according to an answer to this question and this, when you run it via command line, your user.dir corresponds to your global user directory (C:\users\username).
This worked for our ruby implementation:
Capybara.register_driver :scrapping_driver do |app|
options =
options.add_preference(:download, directory_upgrade: true,
prompt_for_download: false,
default_directory: "#{Rails.root}/")
options.add_preference(:browser, set_download_behavior: { behavior: 'allow' })
Selenium::WebDriver::Service.driver_path = Webdrivers::Chromedriver.driver_path
driver =, browser: :chrome, options: options)
Pay attention at download behaviour
I met same situation.
Headless mode is very faster. So your code might be implemented to detect download(DL).
(Current your process?) .click for DL -> Detecting download file generation.
(My solution) Detecting download file generation -> .click for DL.
I implemented the above mechanism using callback function.

Click on elements in Chrome Extension with selenium

I have been searching on the internet using Selenium (Java) interacting with Google Chrome Extension but have not been able to find an answer.
First Question
Is there a way to launch the chrome extension since Selenium only interact with WebView but not on the chrome extensions button in the browser ?
I try this method
"chrome-extension://id/index.html" but the extension did not launch as expected. I like find if there is another way to launch a chrome extension through selenium
Second Question
I am trying to click on the elements in a chrome extension with Selenium webdriver. How do I do it ? I tried the driver.CurrentWindowHandle , but it does not detect the chrome extension.
Below is the solution with pyautogui (similar to autoit in java - so you can extend the same solution for java also).
save the extension image in the project folder (I saved it under "autogui_ref_snaps" folder in my example with "capture_full_screenshot.png" name
Imports needed
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ChromeOptions
from Common_Methods.GenericMethods import *
import pyautogui #<== need this to click on extension
options = ChromeOptions()
options.add_argument("--load-extension=" + r"C:\Users\supputuri\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl\5.1_0") #<== loading unpacked extension
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
url = ""
# get the extension box
extn = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(os.path.join(GenericMethods.get_full_path_to_folder('autogui_ref_snaps') + "/capture_full_screenshot.png"))
# click on extension[0],y=extn[1],clicks=1,interval=0.0,button="left")
If you are loading an extension and it's not available in incognito mode then follow my answer in here to enable it.
Try to click on extension with this JsExecutor method:
driver.execute_script("window.postMessage('clicked_browser_action', '*')")

Unable to load webextension in firefox using python selenium

Hi I am seeing this issue when I try to load a Firefox webextension using Python Selenium:
selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile.AddonFormatError: ("[Errno 2] No such
file or directory: 'c:\\users\\admini~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpr\\install.rdf'", )
Code is as below
from selenium import webdriver
extn_path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\xxxxx\xxx.xpi"
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
Versions used
Selenium 3.12
Gecko v.0.20
Firefox- 60
Can anyone let me know why I am facing this issue. I did see that many people are facing this issue and it's mentioned that it's a known issue but with latest Selenium and Gecko driver issue it is expected to be resolved.
However, I don't see it working. Any tips or inputs.
can you try double front slash instead one single front slash inside your path

Nightwatch tests do not find elements in Headless chrome mode

I am trying to get my tests (written in Nightwatch.js) to run locally in headless chrome.
However, the tests fail since they are not able to find the elements in headless mode (they work without headless mode though).
If I check the failure screenshots I only get a white screen.
But if test checks for the "body" element, it actually pass. So I think the page is loaded, but maybe headless chrome, for some reason, cannot load the javascript? Later I wait for divs and buttons etc to be visible for several seconds, but it does not find them.
Do you have any ideas what could be wrong?
I have added the --headless and --disable-gpu flags in desiredCapabilities in the nightwatch config file.
So, as I said in my reply I had the same issue yesterday, I was just trying to do a dummy test on google homepage. This morning with a fresh brain I tried to tackle that. I had the brilliant idea to take a screenshot just before nightwatch fails to find an element.
It turns out the "normal" chrome had the home page in English, and the "headless" chrome had the homepage in french, for some reason.
I found this: may be explaining why.
The workaround I found to always have the correct language is:
"chromeOptions" : {
"args" : ["--lang=fr", "--headless"]
I still have a hard time setting it in english (weirdly) but I hope this will save someone a couple of hours in the future
I think you should declare binary path in Nightwatch.js
If you are on linux please try this, it works perfectly for me :
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"javascriptEnabled": true,
"acceptSslCerts": true,
"chromeOptions": {
"args": [
"headless", "disable-gpu"
"binary": "/usr/bin/google-chrome"
If you are on Mac, replace your binary path, eg /Applications/Google\\ Chrome