Does it make sense to use Tensorflow Dataset over a Keras DataGenerator? - tensorflow

I am training a model using tf.keras and I have many small .npy files with single observations in a folder on local disk. I have build a DataGeneretor(keras.utils.Sequence) class and it works correctly, although I have a warning:
'tensorflow:multiprocessing can interact badly with TensorFlow, causing nondeterministic deadlocks. For high performance data pipelines is recommended.'
I have found out that I can simply create something like this:
ds =
DataGenerator, args=[...],
output_types=(tf.float16, tf.uint8),
output_shapes=([None,256,256,3], [None,256,256,1]),
and then my Keras DataGenerator would work as a single file reader and a TF Dataset as interface to create batches. My question is: does it make any sense? Would it be safer? Would it read next batch during the training of previous batch, when using simple


What do the TensorFlow Dataset's functions cache() and prefetch() do?

I am following TensorFlow's Image Segmentation tutorial. In there there are the following lines:
train_dataset = train.cache().shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE).batch(BATCH_SIZE).repeat()
train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(
What does the cache() function do? The official documentation is pretty obscure and self-referencing:
Caches the elements in this dataset.
What does the prefetch() function do? The official documentation is again pretty obscure:
Creates a Dataset that prefetches elements from this dataset.
The transformation can cache a dataset, either in memory or on local storage. This will save some operations (like file opening and data reading) from being executed during each epoch. The next epochs will reuse the data cached by the cache transformation.
You can find more about the cache in tensorflow here.
Prefetch overlaps the preprocessing and model execution of a training step. While the model is executing training step s, the input pipeline is reading the data for step s+1. Doing so reduces the step time to the maximum (as opposed to the sum) of the training and the time it takes to extract the data.
You can find more about prefetch in tensorflow here.
Hope this answers your question. Happy Learning.

Loading a model from tensorflow SavedModel onto mutliple GPUs

Let's say someone hands me a TF SavedModel and I would like to replicate this model on the 4 GPUs I have on my machine so I can run inference in parallel on batches of data. Are there any good examples of how to do this?
I can load a saved model in this way:
def load_model(self, saved_model_dirpath):
'''Loads a model from a saved model directory - this should
contain a .pb file and a variables directory'''
signature_key = tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
input_key = 'input'
output_key = 'output'
meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load(self.sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING],
signature = meta_graph_def.signature_def
input_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key].name
output_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key].name
self.input_tensor = self.sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(input_tensor_name)
self.output_tensor = self.sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(output_tensor_name)
..but this would require that I have a handle to the session. For models that I have written myself, I would have access to the inference function and I could just call it and wrap it using with tf.device(), but in this case, I'm not sure how to extract the inference function out of a Saved Model. Should I load 4 separate sessions or is there a better way? Couldn't find much documentation on this, but apologies in advance if I missed something. Thanks!
There is no support for this use case in TensorFlow at the moment. Unfortunately, "replicating the inference function" based only on the SavedModel (which is basically the computation graph with some metadata), is a fairly complex (and brittle, if implemented) graph transformation problem.
If you don't have access to the source code that produced this model, your best bet is to load the SavedModel 4 times into 4 separate graphs, rewriting the target device to the corresponding GPU each time. Then, run each graph/session separately.
Note that you can invoke multiple times concurrently since releases the GIL for the time of actual computation. All you need is several Python threads.

Tensorflow input pipeline

I have an input pipeline where samples are generated on fly. I use keras and custom ImageDataGenerator and corresponding Iterator to get samples in memory.
Under assumption that keras in my setup is using feed_dict (and that assumption is a question to me) I am thinking of speeding things up by switching to raw tensorflow + Dataset.from_generator().
Here I see that suggested solution for input pipelines that generate data on fly in the most recent Tensorflow is to use Dataset.from_generator().
Does keras with Tensorflow backend use feed_dict method?
If I switch to raw tensorflow + Dataset.from_generator(my_sample_generator) will that cut feed_dict memory copy overhead and buy me performance?
During predict (evaluation) phase apart from batch_x, batch_y I have also opaque index vector from my generator output. That vector corresponds to sample ids in the batch_x. Does that mean that I'm stuck with feed_dict approach for predict phase because I need that extra batch_z output from iterator?
The new can potentially speed up your input pipeline by overlapping the data preparation with training. However, you will tend to get the best performance by switching over to TensorFlow ops in your input pipeline wherever possible.
To answer your specific questions:
The Keras TensorFlow backend uses tf.placeholder() to represent compiled function inputs, and feed_dict to pass arguments to a function.
With the recent optimizations to tf.py_func() and feed_dict copy overhead, I suspect the amount of time spent in memcpy() will be the same. However, you can more easily use Dataset.from_generator() with Dataset.prefetch() to overlap the training on one batch with preprocessing on the next batch.
It sounds like you can define a separate iterator for the prediction phase. The tf.estimator.Estimator class does something similar by instantiating different "input functions" with different signatures for training and evaluation, then building a separate graph for each role.
Alternatively, you could add a dummy output to your training iterator (for the batch_z values) and switch between training and evaluation iterators using a "feedable iterator".

Using tensorflow input pipline with GAN

I want to build a conditional GAN with tensorflow and use input pipline for loading my dataset. The problem is that in each iteration I want to the use same data batch for training both generative and discriminative models, but because their training operators are fetched in different runs they will receive different batches of data. Is there any solution for that or should I use a feed_dict?
One way to use the same data is to use a on the generator and discriminator train ops so they are trained jointly, and set use_locking=True on your optimizers to prevent pathological race conditions. Note that there still will be some stochasticity due to the fact that TensorFlow runtime won't guarantee that either the generator or the discriminator will consistently be trained first.
This idea is already implemented in TensorFlow's TFGAN library in get_joint_train_hooks, although it uses hooks instead of grouping the training ops (the "joint" refers to the fact that the discriminator and generator are trained jointly, rather than sequentially).

How to get both loss and model output at once, on a batch of data in Keras?

I'm using Keras w/ Tensorflow backend to train a NN.
I'm using train_on_batch for training, which returns the loss on the given batch. How do I also get the output classification on that batch ? (I'd like to do some visualisations of the output)
To do that I currently do another call to predict to get the model output, but that's redundant since train_on_batch have already passed the input batch "forward".
In Caffe, when an image is fed forward, the intermediate layer outputs stay stored in net.blobs, but in Keras/Tensorflow it seems that if we want to get an intermediate output we have to rerun the computational graph for each intermediate output we want to access on CPU, as described here. Is there a way to access many/all intermediate layers' outputs without rerunning the graph for each ?
I don't mind having a tensorflow-specific workaround.
If you use the function API, this is pretty straight forward.
In addition to #MohamedEzz's answer, you can create a custom callback which can perform the operations you require during the training process. They have methods which will run your code onEpochEnd, onEpochStart, onTrainingEnd and so on...
This way you can preserve the batch.