WebRTC Video Streaming fails through Airtel Broadband, works fine with 4G Hotspot - webrtc

I am trying out the WebRTC examples of MuazKhan. It is working perfectly fine when the broadcaster is on AWS/Azure(or any other network) and the receiver is through my phones 4G network. But as soon as I switch to my broadband from 4G, the video stream is unable to connect and I the video player keeps on trying. Therefore I assumed that the problem is of the router NATting and will be resolved if I use a tried-n-tested TURN service such as Xirsys.
Sadly, even after using their TURN servers, I still am blocked with my broadband connection issue as mentioned above. Here are a few queries that I wanted to discuss:-
This issue seems to be due to NATting through my broadbands routers. Shouldn't using the TURN server solve it?
How can I verify if even the TURN servers are getting used and its not just the STUN servers.
Can this issue be due to the Signalling Server?
Do i need to enable some specific protocols in my router to make this work?
What else could be responsible for the issue that I should debug?


Reverse Engineering HTTP API between iOS device and wifi device on same network

I have a device that connects wirelessly to my network. This deivce has a dedicated iOS app but it hasnt been updated in a while and I worry it is no longer supported/updated and therefore it will eventually stop working.
What I would like to do it try to capture the data between the app and the device and reverse engineer the API so write my own app.
I can see that the device has port 8080 open so I am hoping that it is a HTTP based API but on a non standard port.
Ive looked and both Fiddler and Postman but cant quite seem to work out whether their proxy will capture the data from from port 8080 or just 80/443.
Any thoughts how to do this?

webrtc after signaling on LAN

After webrtc passes by a signaling server on Internet, how it works when two machines are running in the same network?
The data will be exchanged only on the network or will it still use internet ?
I am asking this because of our internet is not good, it's too slow. but our local network speed is very fast.. So I would like to know if the internet signal will affect the audio and video conversation.
Thanks a lot!
Depending on the network configuration, the devices should connect directly over the local network. Please note that some browsers, such as Safari, may not share with the signalling service local ICE Candidates unless configured to do so (false concern over sharing network info). The devices must share local ICE Candidates, or else they will still stream via the external network or a TURN server, if available.

No audio on simultaneous webrtc p2p connections

I've created a webrtc p2p app using socket io for signalling.
This work perfectly with one connection pair. When there are more than one connection pair, the video works well but the audio isn't hear on the other side.
I've deployed TURN server, it works as intended.
I'm not able to isolate the issue as in where does this issue lie.
I've been searching on google with no luck. It's been 3 days now
It would be great if anyone would point me to a right direction

PubNub WebRTC demo working in same network but not over internet (even after established connection)

I was going through this PubNub WebRTC demo. https://kevingleason.me/SimpleRTC/minivid.html
Which works fine within same network (same browser or different devices across same network). But I tried using it over internet, I am able to connect a call but can not see anything but a black screen. This is the source for same tutorial
I have gone through many such application, such as AndroidRTC
and I face same problem (black screen after connection over internet). I am unable to figure out why, any help is appreciated.
You need some sort of signaling mechanism (PubNub, Firebase, or your own software [nodejs seems the preferred choice these days]) to get the webRTC API communicating P2P on your local network. To get webRTC to work from one network to another you need a STUN server/service. Google provides free stun servers (stun:stun.l.google.com:19302). To get webRTC to traverse strict firewall settings and complicated networks you need a TURN server/service like xirsys.com.
This article covers it all ...

Apache freezes if a request is sent while leaving wifi network

I'm using Apache 2.4.4 as a part of WAMP in Windows 2008 server. If I try to send a request while on the fringe of a wifi network using a smart phone and the phone transitions from wifi to 4g, my entire Apache service will freeze until it is restarted. Nothing is written to the access log or error log after the service stops working.
Is there a way to protect my server against this?
I did some more testing. This only occurs if I'm using the external IP to connect to the server ie., but not
I am able to recreate the issue 100% if I stand somewhere with slight packet loss (2%), send a request, and disconnect from wifi before a response is received.
The only thing that locks up is Apache. Everything else on the server works fine.
It seems this is an issue with Apache, Windows, and my network card. I tried the solution to this question which is a general solution for buggy Windows/Apache interactions. I'll try updating my network card drivers when I get that chance and that may also solve the issue without needing the above fix.