How to enable automatic Manhattanize mode in dymola? - dymola

How could I enable the automatic Manhattanize model in Dymola?
I am using Dymola 2021, but I just found how to Manhattanize one connection.

In Dymola 2021 (and earlier ) it can be set in Tools>Options>Graphical Editor>Automatic manhattanize of connections
Or by setting Advanced.ManhattanizeConnection=true;
However, I believe it is enabled as default.


redis cluster continuously print log WSA_IO_PENDING

When I start up all the redis-server of the redis cluster, all these servers continuously print logs like WSA_IO_PENDING clusterWriteDone
[9956] 03 Feb 18:17:25.044 # WSA_IO_PENDING writing to socket fd --------------------------------------------------------
[9956] 03 Feb 18:17:25.062 # clusterWriteDone written 2520 fd 15----------------------------------------------------------‌​---
[9956] 03 Feb 18:17:25.545 # WSA_IO_PENDING writing to socket fd --------------------------------------------------------
[9956] 03 Feb 18:17:25.568 # WSA_IO_PENDING writing to socket fd -------------------------------------------------------- –
There is no way to specifically turn those "warnings" off in 3.2.x port of Redis for Windows as the logging statements use highest LL_WARNING level. This issue has been reported in my fork of that unmaintained MSOpenTech's repo (which I updated to Redis 4.0.2) and has been fixed by decreasing that level to LL_DEBUG. More details:
This change will be included in the next release ( or you can get the latest source code and build it for yourself.
Current releases can be found here:
An issue was open in the official redis repo 10 months ago about that problem. Unfortunately it seems to be abandoned, and it hasn't been solved yet:
Redis cluster print "WSA_IO_PENDING writing to socket..." continuously, does it matter?
However, that issue may not be related to redis itself, but to the Windows Sockets API, as pointed out by Cy Rossignol in the comments. It's the winsock API that returns that status to the application, as seen in the documentation:
Overlapped operations will complete later.
The application has
initiated an overlapped operation that cannot be completed
immediately. A completion indication will be given later when the
operation has been completed. Note that this error is returned by the
operating system, so the error number may change in future releases of
Maybe it didn't get much attention because it's not a bug, although it's indeed an inconvenience that floods the system logs. In that case, you may not get help there.
Seems like there's no temporary fix. The Windows Redis fork is archived and I don't know if you could get any help there either.
Go on this location C:\Program Files\Redis
Open file in Notepad.
You will find a section like below:
# Specify the server verbosity level.
# This can be one of:
# debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing)
# verbose (many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level)
# notice (moderately verbose, what you want in production probably)
# warning (only very important / critical messages are logged)
loglevel notice
# Specify the log file name. Also 'stdout' can be used to force
# Redis to log on the standard output.
logfile "Logs/redis_log.txt"
Here, you can change the value of loglevel as per your requirement. I think changing it to warning will solve this issue because it will log only essential errors.

The direct update doesn't work in MobileFirst Studio v7.1

I'm doing a demo in MF Studio 7.1, but I can not make the direct update work in the studio, I have test on at leat 3 workstations. Anyone knows why?
Please see the Direct Update tutorial, and specifically the following section:
Because MobileFirst Platform Foundation Server 7.1 is session-independent, this affects Direct Update as well.
The setting of when to check for a Direct Update is now based on tokens; the check for an update will be made only once the token expires.
You can adjust it in the following ways:
Remove the wl_DirectUpdate realm from the used security test in authenticationConfig.xml and instead explicitly call the WL.Client.checkForDirectUpdate API to check for an update
Change the wl.realm.expiration.directUpdate value in the your-project\server\conf\ file to a lower value.
Note for production environments: The lower the value, the more network traffic will incur. The value should be configured with care.

Where are Ambari Macros set

In Knox config file in Ambari we have defined:
The problem is we have 2 namenodes, one active and one passive for high availability. Our active namenode01 failed so namenode02 became active.
This caused problems for a lot scripts as they were hardcoded to point to namenode01. So we used a command to failover namenode02 back to namenode01 using a terminal, not Ambari.
Now, the macro {{namenode_host}} is defined as namenode02 and not namenode01.
So, where is {{namenode_host}} defined?
Or, do we need to failover namenode01 to namenode02, then failover again to namenode01 using Ambari to update the macro?
If we need to failover the namenode using Ambari, I'm assuming we need to select the "Restart" option? There isn't a direct failover command.
See issue here:
This was committed to Ambari to support HA mode for Knox. However if you're still looking for the location take a look at the file that's edited in the patch. That file is the place where the macros are set. You'll have to find it on your local machine though.
Should be something like

Can one change the domain xml configuration file of glassfish while the server is running?

I changed the domain.xml while the server was running and it seems like old configuration has been restored later again. Is it not allowed to change the file directly while the server is running? Does one need to use the admin console in this case?
With dynamic configuration, changes take effect while the DAS or instance is running. The following configuration changes do not require restart:
1) Adding or deleting add-on components
2) Adding or removing JDBC, JMS, and connector resources and pools (Exception: Some connection pool properties affect applications.)
3) Changing a system property that is not referenced by a JVM option or a port
4) Adding file realm users
5) Changing logging levels
6) Enabling and disabling monitoring
7) Changing monitoring levels for modules
8) Enabling and disabling resources and applications
9) Deploying, undeploying, and redeploying applications
One is not allowed to edit this configuration file manually at all:
Note –
Changes are automatically applied to the appropriate configuration
file. Do not edit the configuration files directly. Manual editing is
prone to error and can have unexpected results.

Intellij idea using 10001 port

Intellij IDEA 12 Public Preview by default is listening to 10001 port for one of its plugins. In our company we use this port for other purposes and there seems to be no easy way to change this... Can anyone suggest any options? Been googling for about an hour to no avail.
IntelliJ IDEA EAP builds come with the YourKit Java Profiler agent enabled by default so that users can take CPU and Memory snapshots out of the box to report performance problems.
The agent is enabled via idea(64.exe).vmoptions file:
You can remove this line to disable profiler agent that will free up 10001+ ports.
Another solution is to change the default port using agent options:
If you are on Mac, this configuration is done via Info.plist, see the FAQ.
On Linux it's added in script:
if [ "$IS_EAP" = "true" ]; then
OS_NAME=`echo $OS_TYPE | "$TR" '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ -r "$IDE_BIN_HOME/lib$" ]; then
Just change to IS_EAP="false" or delete the agent .so file to disable it.
Following Vladimir's suggestion I've created a request to use onlylocal option by default, feel free to vote.
As a YourKit developer, I'd like follow-up Serge's answer and recommend to add "onlylocal" to the list of YourKit agent options. This option forces profiler to open port on loopback network interface. Potentially it's more secure and on Windows you will not see security warning.