Get layer ID from Photoshop layer - photoshop

Not sure if I'm doing this right. I'm trying to locate a layer. I can normally do that by group name & layer name. However that does present problems if there are duplicate names. So instead I'll try and find their unique layer ID.
I think this is correct:
var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
var numOfLayers = srcDoc.layers.length;
// main loop
for (var i = numOfLayers -1; i >= 0 ; i--)
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), i);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var currentLayer = srcDoc.layers[i].name;
alert(layerID + " " + currentLayer);
... Only I expected the ID to be a larger random string, not a int. Firstly, have I got this right? And secondly is there a way to get the layer ID from the activeLayer?

IDs are interegers in PS and they are unique for a document only: they always start at 1 and then new layers and layer operations change ID counter by +1 so it's normal to have IDs in hundreds after a while.
To get an id of the active layer, change the reference to target:
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt')); // reference is active layer
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
P.S. this will work only with one active layer. For multiple layers you'll have you use a function I posted here: Get selected layers
P.P.S. note that your original code won't work with groups: indices of DOM and indices of AM aren't the same. You need to traverse layers in AM list to get proper indices.


Merging many spreadsheets into report file exceeds maximum execution time

I am using the following script to add rows of files from a student loop in the Google spreadsheet if credits are less than x. The script was working good but as the data in the spreadsheet is being added daily, now the script is throwing "Exceeded maximum execution time" error (we have more than 2000 files). As I am new to scripting I don't know how to optimize the code.
Could someone help me to optimize the code or any solution so that the execution time take less than 5 min. Every time you compare to an email, it has to be compared to many emails. Please Help!
function updated() {
//Final file data (Combined)
var filecombined = SpreadsheetApp.openById("XXXXXXXXXX");
var sheet2 = filecombined.getSheets();
//Folder with all the files
var parentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("YYYYYYYYYYYY");
var files = parentFolder.getFiles();
//Current Date
var fecha = new Date();
//Path for each file in the folder
while (files.hasNext()) {
var idarchivo =;
var sps = SpreadsheetApp.openById(idarchivo);
var sheet = sps.getSheetByName('STUDENT PROFILE');
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var credits = data[5][1];
//Flat; bandera:1 (new row), bandera:2 (update row)
var bandera = 1;
//Take data from final file (Combined)
var data2 = sheet2[0].getDataRange().getValues();
//If credits are less than X: write
if (credits < 120) {
var email = data[2][1];
var lastrow = filecombined.getLastRow();
var u = 0;
//comparison loop by email, if found it, update and exit the loop
while (u < lastrow) {
u = u + 1;
if (email == data2[u - 1][1]) {
sheet2[0].getRange(u, 3).setValue(credits);
sheet2[0].getRange(u, 4).setValue(fecha);
u = lastrow;
bandera = 2;
//if that email does not exist, write a new row
if (bandera == 1) {
var nombre = data[0][1];
sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow + 1, 1).setValue(nombre);
sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow + 1, 2).setValue(email);
sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow + 1, 3).setValue(credits);
sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow + 1, 4).setValue(fecha);
The questioner's code is taking taking more than 4-6 minutes to run and is getting an error Exceeded maximum execution time.
The following answer is based solely on the code provided by the questioner. We don't have any information about the 'filecombined' spreadsheet, its size and triggers. We are also in the dark about the various student spreadsheets, their size, etc, except that we know that there are 2,000 of these files. We don't know how often this routine is run, nor how many students have credits <120.
getvalues and setvalues statements are very costly; typically 0.2 seconds each. The questioners code includes a variety of such statements - some are unavoidable but others are not.
In looking at optimising this code, I made two major changes.
1 - I moved line 27 var data2 = sheet2[0].getDataRange().getValues();
This line need only be executed once and I relocated it at the top of the code just after the various "filecombined" commands. As it stood, this line was being executed once for every student spreadsheet; this along may have contributed to several minutes of execution time.
2) I converted certain setvalue commands to an array, and then updated the "filecombined" spreadsheet from the array once only, at the end of the processing. Depending on the number of students with low credits and who are not already on the "filecombined" sheet, this may represent a substantial saving.
The code affected was lines 47 to 50.
line47: sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow+1, 1).setValue(nombre);
line48: sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow+1, 2).setValue(email);
line49: sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow+1, 3).setValue(credits);
line50: sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow+1, 4).setValue(fecha);
There are setvalue commands also executed at lines 38 and 39 (if the student is already on the "filecombined" spreadsheet), but I chose to leave these as-is. As noted above, we don't know how many such students there might be, and the cost of these setvalue commands may be minor or not. Until this is clear, and in the light of other time savings, I chose to leave them as-is.
function updated() {
//Final file data (Combined)
var filecombined = SpreadsheetApp.openById("XXXXXXXXXX");
var sheet2 = filecombined.getSheets();
//Take data from final file (Combined)
var data2 = sheet2[0].getDataRange().getValues();
// create some arrays
var Newdataarray = [];
var Masterarray = [];
//Folder with all the files
var parentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("YYYYYYYYYYYY");
var files = parentFolder.getFiles();
//Current Date
var fecha = new Date();
//Path for each file in the folder
while (files.hasNext()) {
var idarchivo =;
var sps = SpreadsheetApp.openById(idarchivo);
var sheet = sps.getSheetByName('STUDENT PROFILE');
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var credits = data[5][1];
//Flat; bandera:1 (new row), bandera:2 (update row)
var bandera = 1;
//If credits are less than X: write
if (credits < 120){
var email = data[2][1];
var lastrow = filecombined.getLastRow();
var u = 0;
//comparison loop by email, if found it, update and exit the loop
while (u < lastrow) {
u = u + 1;
if (email == data2[u-1][1]){
sheet2[0].getRange(u, 3).setValue(credits);
sheet2[0].getRange(u, 4).setValue(fecha);
u = lastrow;
bandera = 2;
//if that email does not exist, write a new row
if(bandera == 1){
var nombre = data[0][1];
Newdataarray = [];
// update the target sheet with the contents of the array
// these are all adding new rows
lastrow = filecombined.getLastRow();
sheet2[0].getRange(lastrow+1, 1, Masterarray.length, 4);
As I mentioned in my comment, the biggest issue you have is that you repeatedly search an array for a value, when you could use a much faster lookup function.
// Create an object that maps an email address to the (last) array
// index of that email in the `data2` array.
const knownEmails = data2.reduce(function (acc, row, index) {
var email = row[1]; // email is the 2nd element of the inner array (Column B on a spreadsheet)
acc[email] = index;
return acc;
}, {});
Then you can determine if an email existed in data2 by trying to obtain the value for it:
// Get this email's index in `data2`:
var index = knownEmails[email];
if (index === undefined) {
// This is a new email we didn't know about before
} else {
// This is an email we knew about already.
var u = ++index; // Convert the array index into a worksheet row (assumes `data2` is from a range that started at Row 1)
To understand how we are constructing knownEmails from data2, you may find the documentation on Array#reduce helpful.

Is there a way to seperate with a <br> each time the order property finds a change?

I'm working on a defect list custom app that uses a queryConfig to populate results of a defect. I'm currently sorting the results using the order property.
My question is: is it possible to somehow detect when the criteria of the order sort changes and to make a break?
For example- let's say the list that is populating is a list of food sorted by categorization. In our order property we will sort these DESC. It may look like this:
Now within the food categorization, there is a Fruits category and a Vegetables category. The question again, can I somehow know when the Vegetables sort is happening and then perform a to make the results look grouped?
Using the example from above, we would want to achieve:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorting via the Order parameter is done server-side, so I don't think there's a way to identify changes in groupings client-side without inspecting the data.
Since you're using AppSDK 1.x, this may be a situation where using an Array of queryConfig's could be useful to attain groupings of results that match your desired groupings. Then you could do something similar to the following:
var queryConfig = [];
queryConfig[0] = {
type : 'HierarchicalRequirement',
key : 'fruit_stories',
query: '(c_FoodCategory = "Fruits")',
fetch: 'Name,FormattedID,Description,c_FoodCategory'
queryConfig[1] = {
type : 'HierarchicalRequirement',
key : 'veggie_stories',
query: '(c_FoodCategory = "Vegetables")',
fetch: 'Name,FormattedID,Description,c_FoodCategory'
var rallyDataSource;
rallyDataSource = new'__WORKSPACE_OID__',
rallyDataSource.findAll(queryConfig, processResults);
var processResults = function(results) {
var fruit_stories = results['fruit_stories'];
var veggie_stories = results['veggie_stories'];
var aDiv = document.getElementById("aDiv");
// Output fruit stories
for (var i=0; i<fruit_stories.length; i++) {
story = fruit_stories[i];
storyInfo += story.Name +
', ' + story.FormattedID +
', ' + story.c_FoodCategory + '<br>';
aDiv.innerHTML = '<strong>Name, State, Food Category</strong><br/>';
aDiv.innerHTML += storyInfo;
// Add break
aDiv.innerHTML += "<br/>
// Output veggie stories
for (var i=0; i<veggie_stories.length; i++) {
story = veggie_stories[i];
storyInfo += story.Name +
', ' + story.FormattedID +
', ' + story.c_FoodCategory + '<br>';
aDiv.innerHTML = '<strong>Name, State, Food Category</strong><br/>';
aDiv.innerHTML += storyInfo;
// Add break
aDiv.innerHTML += "<br/>
You may wish to consider using rally.sdk.ui.Table for displaying your output results - it provides a much cleaner visual display of columnar information.
Also, if you're interested in considering AppSDK 2.0, its Grid component contains a configuration attribute for automated grouping. See this example:!/example/groupable-grid

Calculate distance between two PFGeopoints in a NSPredicate for a Parse Query

I have a special case when I want to do something like
let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"
DISTANCE(\(UserLocation),photoLocation) <= visibleRadius AND
DISTANCE(\(UserLocation),photoLocation" <= 10)"
var query = PFQuery(className:"Photo", predicate:predicate)
Basically, I want to get all photos that are taken within 10km around my current location if my current location is also within the photo's visible radius
Also, photoLocation and visibleRadius are two columns in the database, I will supply UserLocation as a PFGeoPoint.
Is it possible to achieve this? In my opinion, I don't think that I may call, for example, photoLocation.latitude to get a specific coordinate value. May I?
I'll appreciate you a lot if this can be achieved!!
I found this at the docs here is the link
let swOfSF = PFGeoPoint(latitude:37.708813, longitude:-122.526398)
let neOfSF = PFGeoPoint(latitude:37.822802, longitude:-122.373962)
var query = PFQuery(className:"PizzaPlaceObject")
query.whereKey("location", withinGeoBoxFromSouthwest:swOfSF, toNortheast:neOfSF)
var pizzaPlacesInSF = query.findObjects()
This code fetch you all the objects that are in a rectangle area defined by the swOfSF & neOfSF objectc, where seOfSF is in the south-west corner and neOfSF is in the north-east corner.
You can make some alterations to the code and get all the objects in rectangle area that your object is in middle
i would recommend that you don't use a radius, because it will take a lot of calculations. Instead use a rectangle area (like in the code i gave you).
just calculate what is the max/min longitude & max/min latitude from your position and fetch all the objects that are in between. you can read about how to fine the min/max longitude & latitude here Link
I managed to solve it using Parse Cloud Code, here is the quick tutorial
Parse.Cloud.define("latestPosts", function(request, response) {
var limit = 20;
var query = new Parse.Query("Post");
var userLocation = request.params.userLocation;
var searchScope = request.params.searchScope;
var afterDate = request.params.afterDate;
var senderUserName = request.params.senderUserName;
query.withinKilometers("Location", userLocation, searchScope);
query.greaterThan("createdAt", afterDate);
success: function(results) {
var finalResults = results.filter(function(el) {
var visibleRadius = el.get("VisibleRadius");
var postLocation = el.get("Location");
return postLocation.kilometersTo(userLocation) <= visibleRadius;
if (finalResults.length > limit) {
var slicedFinalResults = results.slice(0, 20);
} else {
error: function() {
response.error("no new post");
The code above illustrate a basic example of how to use Cloud Code. Except, I have to make sure that all the returned image are in the union of user's search scope and photo's visible circle. There are more techniques such as Promises. But for my purpose, the code above should just suffice.

Photoshop Script - New layer below current layer

I am a Photoshop beginner and currently use version Photoshop CS3. I use keyboard shortcut all the time to speed up the design process such as creation of new layers etc.
However, one command I feel Photoshop must have is to create a new layer below the current working layer and therefore I cannot assign it via a shortcut.
I have to create a new layer above the current layer and then manually drag it below the current layer which I feel can be automated using action or scripting, both of which are difficult for me being a beginner.
Can anybody help me in this regard.
It can be scripted with the following:
I've simplified my answer - you don't need to find the index, you can use the active layer instead.
// function CREATE NEW LAYER (layername)
// --------------------------------------------------------
function create_new_layer(layername)
if (layername == undefined) layername = "Layer";
// create new layer at top of layers
var originalLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
var layerRef = app.activeDocument.artLayers.add();
// name it & set blend mode to normal = layername;
layerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
// Move the layer below
// Move the layer above if you desire
// layerRef.moveBefore(originalLayer);
You can then record this script as an action and put on a keyboard short cut.
Few years ago i thought that native PS API working with DOM is cool and should work faster, but actually under the hood it's callstack often even bigger than same commands performed via actions. + Also sometimes DOM functions consist of multiple underlying calls, like artLayers.add() for example which is actually make layer + move it to top of the document. So here's action version of that functionality from my PS scripting library:
// get current layer number
function curLyrN(){
if(app.activeDocument.artLayers.length<2) return 1;
var idLyr = charIDToTypeID("Lyr ");
var idItmI = charIDToTypeID("ItmI");
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putEnumerated(idLyr, charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt"));
var id = executeActionGet(aref).getInteger(charIDToTypeID("LyrI"));
aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putProperty(charIDToTypeID("Prpr"), idItmI);
aref.putIdentifier(idLyr, id);
id = executeActionGet(aref).getInteger(idItmI);
if(id) return id;
return 0;
// select [LayerNum], optionally [add] to selection (if add=2: with inclusion)
function selLyr(LyrN,add){
var adesc = new ActionDescriptor();
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), LyrN);
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), aref);
add = (add==2) ? stringIDToTypeID("addToSelectionContinuous") : stringIDToTypeID("addToSelection");
adesc.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID("MkVs"), false);
return executeAction(charIDToTypeID("slct"), adesc, DialogModes.NO);
// move current layer to [LayerNum]
function movLyr(LyrN){
var idLyr = charIDToTypeID("Lyr ");
var adesc = new ActionDescriptor();
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putEnumerated(idLyr, charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt"));
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), aref);
aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putIndex(idLyr, LyrN);
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("T "), aref);
adesc.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID("Adjs"), false);
return executeAction(charIDToTypeID("move"), adesc, DialogModes.NO);
// create new empty layer
function mkLyr(){
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putClass(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "));
var adesc = new ActionDescriptor();
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), aref);
return executeAction(charIDToTypeID("Mk "), adesc, DialogModes.NO);
// count all inner layers from layer-set (group)
function cntLyrS(lyrs,c){
if(lyrs.typename!='LayerSet') return 0;
c = 0;
var ls = lyrs.layers.length;
var i = 0;
if(lyrs.layers[i].typename=='LayerSet') c=cntLyrS(lyrs.layers[i],c);
return c+1;
// make new layer below current or [LayerNum], optionally [ignoreGroups]
function mkLyrBelow(LyrN,noGr){
var doc = app.activeDocument;
if(!doc) return false;
LyrN = curLyrN();
if(!LyrN) return false;
var actv = doc.activeLayer;
if(actv.isBackgroundLayer) actv.isBackgroundLayer=false;
if(curLyrN()==LyrN) return true;
var lc = cntLyrS(actv);
if(lc && lc<LyrN-1) LyrN -= lc;
return movLyr(LyrN-1);
And even tho it looks pretty cumbersome and scary - i doubt that it will perform much slower. And as a bonus it will create minimal amount of actions in the history (no unnecessary layer moves) + it will correctly work with background layer + it will work properly with the groups (layer-sets): if group is opened - it will create new layer inside of it, and if group is closed it will correctly move layer under the whole group-structure including other possible groups inside the selected one.
Use it like that: mkLyrBelow(); to create new layer under selected one, or mkLyrBelow(LayerNumber); to create layer under another one via it's number, also u can optionally add 2d parameter to ignore groups (it will move new layer inside the group even if it's closed): mkLyrBelow(LayerNumber,true); or mkLyrBelow(0,1);...
P.S. don't get me wrong about ActionRefs - they're not the silver bullet, just oftenly have some more convenience in the end, but ofc best results obtained when u combine ARef's with native API. Just believe me on that, i've coded my first PS script like 8 years ago, so i've tried pretty much everything =)
If I understand your question correctly, Photoshop already has these shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+N (Creating New Layer)
Ctrl+] (To move the layer up)
Ctrl+[ (To move the layer down)

Exceeded maximum execution time on Google App script with Google Big Query

How can I extend the execution time within my code below. Essentially, I use Google App scripts to query data from our big query data base and export data on to Google spreadsheets.
The following is my code:
function Weekly_Metric(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetName = "Budget";
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var sql = ' bigqueryscript ';
var results = GSReport.runQueryAsync(sql);
var resultsValues = GSReport.parseBigQueryAPIResponse(results);
ss.appendRow(["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]);
for ( var i = 0 ; i < resultsValues.length ; i++ ) {
Always reduce the number of calls to Google Apps Script services as much as you can.
In this case, the loop containing appendRow() can be replaced with javascript array operations and a single call to setValues().
var data = [];
data.push(["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]);
for ( var i = 0 ; i < resultsValues.length ; i++ ) {
Alternatively, if resultsValues is an array of rows already, you only need to add the labels:
resultsValues.unshift(["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]);
If that doesn't do the trick, then you should look at your GSReport object's methods.