How to get id's from a list that are NOT in a table? - sql

I am receiving a list of ID's. Most of these already exist in a table. I need to find which ID's are NOT in the table. This question has nothing to do with joins.
My API will receive a list of IDs, such as: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Let's say there are three records in the table: [2, 3, 4]
The result I'm looking for is the array: [1, 5]
Our SQL brains jump quickly to something like the following, but clearly that's not what we need:
select * from widgets where id not in [list]
We don't need the records not in the list, we need the part of the list not in the records!
My fallback is to retrieve all records in the list and subtract from the list, something like this:
existing_ids = Widget.where(id: id_list).pluck(:id)
new_ids = id_list - existing_ids
That will work...but feels heavy-handed. Particularly if id_list has 100,000 records, and the table has 99,999 of those records.
I've searched around, and the only similar result is ID from list that is not in a table ... which did not find a viable solution.
Is there any way to do this in a single SQL query? (Bonus points for an ActiveRecord solution!)

To compare the lists to each other, either the input list needs to go into the database or the list of existing ids needs to come out of the database. The latter you already tried and didn't like, so here's an alternative
SELECT "id" FROM unnest('{1,2,3,4,5}'::integer[]) AS "id" WHERE "id" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "widgets");
Not sure about performance.

Depending how many records are in your database, the simplest thing might just be to select all of the IDs and then drop the duplicates in Ruby.
from_api = [1,2,3,4,5]
existing = Widgets.pluck(:id) # => [2,3,4]
from_api.difference(existing) # => [1,5]
Obviously, if you have a substantial dataset, this will be less than optimal.

This should work.
from_api = [1,2,3,4,5]
existing = Widgets.order(:id).ids # => [2,3,4]
new_ids = []
from_api.each{ |n| new_ids << n unless existing.include? n }
new_ids # => [1,5]
from_api = [1,2,3,4,5]
existing = Widgets.order(:id).ids # => [2,3,4]{ |n| n == existing.first ? (nil if existing = existing.drop(1)) : n }.compac # => [1,5]

Balancing the complexity (to the current and future developers) of unset approach, I decided for my project that the simpler approach was warranted. While I didn't profile performance, I believe any gains would be minimal, if any.
Here is the solution I ended up with:
class Widget < ApplicationRecord
def self.absent(names)
uniq_names = names.uniq
uniq_names - where(name: uniq_names).pluck(:name)
And tests:
describe '.absent' do
subject { described_class.absent(names) }
let!(:widget1) { create(:widget, name: 'old-1') }
let!(:widget2) { create(:widget, name: 'old-2') }
let(:names) { %w[new-2 old-2 new-1 old-1 new-1 old-1] }
it { eq %w[new-2 new-1] }


Merge the results of two active record queries

I want to merge the results from the following queries:
Dispenser.includes(:reviews).where.not(reviews: { id: nil })
Dispenser.includes(:dispenser_reviews).where.not(dispenser_reviews: { id: nil })
I have tried simply placing a || in the middle of these two queries, but that does not give the expected result. I want to find all Dispensers with a review or a dispenser_review..
So let's say I have the following dispenser ids from each query:
[1, 2, 3] and [2, 3, 4] ..
The output should be the dispensers represented by the ids [1, 2, 3, 4]
You can accomplish that using rather than active record. It provides the more advanced functionality that Arel does not have out of the box.
That being said, your logic is gonna be pretty nasty. If you wanted to get the result set and you didn't mind two queries instead of one, I'd just join the two results with the + operator.
r1 = Dispenser.includes(:reviews)# ...
r2 = Dispenser.includes(:dispenser_reviews)# ...
result = r1 + r2
As for a squeel example, it'd be something like:
where{( nil) | { nil)}.
Joins will do an INNER JOIN and only return dispenser objects that have reviews or dispenser_reviews. Pipe '|' will get rid of dups.
Dispenser.joins(:reviews) | Dispenser.joins(:dispenser_reviews)
or to get ids
Dispenser.joins(:reviews).pluck(:id) | Dispenser.joins(:dispenser_reviews).pluck(:id)
You can also use arel and combine the two queries into one like this:
Dispenser.includes(:reviews, :dispenser_reviews).where((Review.arel_table[:id].not_eq(nil)).or DispenserReview.arel_table[:id].not_eq(nil)).references(:reviews, :dispenser_reviews)

Active Record query to match every subset element

In my RoR application, I've got a database lookup similar to this one:
Client.joins(:products).where({'' => [1,2,3]})
Unfortunately this will return all clients that have bought product 1, 2 or 3 but I only want to get back the clients, that bought all of the three products. In other words, I'd like to write a query that matches for n elements in a given set.
Are there any elegant solutions for this?
This is not really elegant. But it should translate into the needed SQL.
where({'' => [1,2,3]}).
having('COUNT(DISTINCT >= 3')
Same answer with more dynamic way
ids = [1,2,3]
where({'' => ids}).
having('COUNT(DISTINCT >= ?', ids.size)

Query that finds objects with ALL association ids (Rails 4)

BACKGROUND: Posts have many Communities through CommunityPosts. I understand the following query returns posts associated with ANY ONE of these community_ids.
Post.joins(:communities).where(communities: { id: [1,2,3] })
OBJECTIVE: I'd like to query for posts associated with ALL THREE community_ids in the array. Posts having communities 1, 2, and 3 as associations
EDIT: Please assume that length of the array is unknown. Used this array for explanation purposes.
Try this,
Post.joins(:communities).select(“count( AS cnt”).where(id: ids).group(‘’).having(cnt: ids.size)
ids = [1, 2, 3] # and etc
Post.joins(:communities).where(" IN ?", ids)
Wish it helps .

Rails ActiveRecord Join Query With conditions

I have following SQL Query:
SELECT campaigns.* , campaign_countries.points, offers.image
FROM campaigns
JOIN campaign_countries ON = campaign_countries.campaign_id
JOIN countries ON campaign_countries.country_id =
JOIN offers ON campaigns.offer_id =
WHERE countries.code = 'US'
This works perfectly well. I want its rails active record version some thing like:
Campaign.includes(campaign_countries: :country).where(countries: {code: "US"})
Above code runs more or less correct query (did not try to include offers table), issue is returned result is collection of Campaign objects so obviously it does not include Points
My tables are:
campaigns --HAS_MANY--< campaign_countries --BELONGS_TO--< countries
campaigns --BELONGS_TO--> offers
Any suggestions to write AR version of this SQL? I don't want to use SQL statement in my code.
I some how got this working without SQL but surely its poor man's solution:
in my controller I have:
campaigns = Campaign.includes(campaign_countries: :country).where(countries: {code: country.to_s})
render :json => campaigns.to_json(:country => country)
in campaign model:
def points_for_country country
CampaignCountry.joins(:campaign, :country).where(countries: {code: country}, campaigns: {id:}).first
def as_json options={}
json = {
id: id,
cid: cid,
name: name,
offer: offer,
points_details: options[:country] ? points_for_country(options[:country]) : ""
and in campaign_countries model:
def as_json options={}
json = {
face_value: face_value,
actual_value: actual_value,
points: points
Why this is not good solution? because it invokes too many queries:
1. It invokes query when first join is performed to get list of campaigns specific to country
2. For each campaign found in first query it will invoke one more query on campaign_countries table to get Points for that campaign and country.
This is bad, Bad and BAD solution. Any suggestions to improve this?
If You have campaign, You can use campaign.campaign_countries to get associated campaign_countries and just get points from them.
=> [1,2,3,4,5]
Similarly You will be able to get image from offers relation.
Ok, I guess now I know what's going on. You can use joins with select to get object with attached fields from join tables.
cs = Campaign.joins(campaign_countries: :country).joins(:offers).select('campaigns.*, campaign_countries.points, offers.image').where(countries: {code: "US"})
You can than reference additional fields by their name on Campaign object
But be sure, that additional column names do not overlap with some primary table fields or object methods.
After some more research I came to conclusion that my first version was actually correct for this case. I will use my own console as example.
> u = User.includes(:orders => :cart).where(:carts => { :id => [5168, 5167] }).first
> u.orders.length # no query is performed
=> 2
> u.orders.count # count query is performed
=> 5
So when You use includes with condition on country, in campaign_countries are stored only campaign_countries that fulfill Your condition.
Try this:
Campaign.joins( [{ :campaign_countries => :countries}, :offers]).where('`countries`.`code` = ?', "US")

Rails (or maybe SQL): Finding and deleting duplicate AR objects

ActiveRecord objects of the class 'Location' (representing the db-table Locations) have the attributes 'url', 'lat' (latitude) and 'lng' (longitude).
Lat-lng-combinations on this model should be unique. The problem is, that there are a lot of Location-objects in the database having duplicate lat-lng-combinations.
I need help in doing the following
Find objects that share the same
If the 'url' attribute of the object
isn't empty, keep this object and delete the
other duplicates. Otherwise just choose the
oldest object (by checking the attribute
'created_at') and delete the other duplicates.
As this is a one-time-operation, solutions in SQL (MySQL 5.1 compatible) are welcome too.
If it's a one time thing then I'd just do it in Ruby and not worry too much about efficiency. I haven't tested this thoroughly, check the sorting and such to make sure it'll do exactly what you want before running this on your db :)
keep = []
locations = Location.find(:all)
locations.each do |loc|
# get all Locations's with the same coords as this one
same_coords = { |l| == and \
l.lng == loc.lng }
with_urls = { |l| !l.url.empty? }
# decide which list to use depending if there were any urls
same_coords = with_urls.any? ? with_urls : same_coords
# pick the best one
keep << same_coords.sort { |a,b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }
# only keep unique ids
# now we just delete all the rows we didn't decide to keep
locations.each do |loc|
loc.destroy unless keep.include?( )
Now like I said, this is definitely poor, poor code. But sometimes just hacking out the thing that works is worth the time saved in thinking up something 'better', especially if it's just a one-off.
If you have 2 MySQL columns, you can use the CONCAT function.
SELECT * FROM table1 GROUP BY CONCAT(column_lat, column_lng)
If you need to know the total
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM table1 GROUP BY CONCAT(column_lat, column_lng)
Or, you can combine both
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, table1.* FROM table1
GROUP BY CONCAT(column_lat, column_lng)
But if you can explain more on your question, perhaps we can have more relevant answers.