Wallet connection issue in android Tronlink pro App - tron

My Dapp is running peacefully on chrom using tronlink extension and in ios Trust wallet app
But this is not working with Tronlink pro,Tron pocket, Trust wallet in android
Is there any additional thing that i have to do to run my Dapp on these platform?
I am using https://github.com/fbsobreira/tf-example for connection.
Some of the android phone users are able to make connection by clearing cache again and again in Tronlink pro App
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.


Can the development build installed on my phone be used and debugged through the Internet like Expo Go App does?

Currently I am working on a map app that tracks users position and generate their walking route. I wish I can go outdoor and test if the app can tracks the users' position in time. Currently I have set up a EAS build and now I can connect my developement build to my computer and test it wirelessly through WiFi, but it said it lost connection to Metro once I disconnect the WiFi connection.

How to setup remote notifications without certificate? (RN)

I want to test some remote notification services in React Native. But run into some problem. In iOS I need to enable the Push Notifications BUT for that I need a Developer Plan. For testing and playing around of course I do not want to buy an iPhone Developer Program.
Is there a way to test remote push notifications without the need of buying iPhone Developer Program?
No, a paid Apple Developer Program membership is required to use push notifications.

USB device listening OSX objective c using peertalk

I developed a OSX application that listening the USB devices that connected from OSX and application runs fine before submit to app store. At the time of submission to app store I enabled the "App Sandbox" and enabled USB in App Sandbox. But after enable this application is not able to get the list of USB connected devices. I am using peertalk library from github. Link is below:
So now please can anyone suggest the solution for this. or suggest any option to get the devices list which is connected from osx using USB.

IBM Worklight Offline Support

we have an app which uses JSONStore to support offline, if device is offline and user submit data it stores it offline, now when device is online and when user login to the app it sync with server and submit all data to server.
the question is, Is it possible when device comes online then my offline data sync with server without user open my app ?
Does worklight support that? Or I have to do something else?
please advice
Like Idan said, Worklight does not support this, but depending on the OS, it could support it.
For instance, on Android, you could use BroadcastReceivers to detect changes in network connectivity, and execute an action when it happens, regardless of whether your app is closed or not.
Here is the API for the receiver: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/BroadcastReceiver.html and here is a SO answer explaining how to use it to detect WiFi connectivity: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22626736/2245921 So you can modify this BroadcastReceiver to run the sync code that you would normally do if your app was already open.
If you are using any other platform (iOS, Windows) there might be an equivalent that you can use.
Also, keep in mind that if you are doing a hybrid application, you can create your own Cordova plugin to execute native code from Javascript. Here is the documentation on how to do so: http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.5.0/guide_hybrid_plugins_index.md.html#Plugin%20Development%20Guide

File transfer from iOS App to Mac App?

Is it possible to transfer files between a Mac app and a iOS app? I want to transfer files that are in the documents directory in my iOS App to my Mac App via Wifi, how could I do it?
Well, as of iOS 5 onwards, there's iCloud. Since that's still under NDA, I'll just have to point to the relevant documentation and let you read up on your own.
If not, I'd consider using the fabulous Dropbox APIs. This does require your users signing up for a Dropbox account, but then you get automatic two-way syncing between their Mac (or PC) and their iOS devices.
Failing that, there's always Bonjour. Properly configured - and it's not super easy, there is a bit of CFSocket or BSD socket work that you need to do - Bonjour will discover any services on the local network, Mac or iOS.