MicroServices Authentication / Authorisation - authentication

We are looking to implement a Micro Services architecture in the future. We don't want permissions at the API gateway to be very clunky and restricted to GET, PUT, POST etc.
We want granular application permissions to be stored and managed centrally, so apps only have to fetch them and not manage them.
I have included a picture of the draft architecture I have in my head as well as logic flow below.
My Question
Can this design pattern be implemented using any of the existing authentication/authorisation specifications such as OAuth2? If not, is it acceptable to create your own Authentication / Authorisation pattern for use with in a private network?
App Life cycle
A developer creates WebApp1
WebApp1 is registered in the Web App Registry Server by the developer. He/She also registers the custom permissions that the App exposes.
Users can have access granted or revoked to the granular permissions exposed by the App by an IT Administrator.
In the example above WebApp1 exposes two permissions CreatePost & DeletePost user1 only has permission to CreatePost
User Process Flow
An unauthenticated user accesses WebApp1 and is redirect to the Login screen.
The user's credentials are validated against LDAP and a UUID Authorisation token is generated. The token is stored in a Security Token Server and the user redirected back to WebApp1 with the token included in an Authorization Header.
WebApp1 requests the permissions this user has from the Web App Registry server, this can be done every x minutes and stores them in local state. The Web App Registry Server also checks the Authorization token is still valid.
WebApp1 checks every x minutes that the users token is still valid, if not the user is requested to login again (or a refresh token could be included with the original token that was sent to the app when the user Authenticated).

Interesting question - some thoughts below on achieving your goals via OAuth based design patterns:
The desired end state is usually to give yourself choices:
Use a pattern that enables any API component to do authorization
Sometimes you need to be close to the data source to enforce permissions.
Other times you may want some types of rule to be enforced via a dedicated service
I like this way of doing things. In effect it is a Claims Based Architecture, and the information you need for authorization won't come solely from tokens.
My API Authorization Post describes an extensible pattern that starts with defining a claims / principal object in each API. Here is some sample code, where the Authorizer class provides an overview of behaviour on each API request.
I would be careful about creating components that could come under heavy load and become a bottleneck for your whole software platform - should you need one of these?
A pattern that can work well is to design 2 levels of API. Interestingly, both of these can use claims and you can put authorization responsibilities anywhere you want - and give yourself choices:
Entry point APIs: exposed to the internet, do OAuth validation and naturally lock down what clients can do with access tokens:
Microservices: run in a locked down network and can freely call each other without OAuth plumbing
My API Platform Architecture
post explores this option, where claims are passed between microservices via headers.
You can often simplify code by following the below rules, since there can be multiple reasons for tokens becoming invalid:
Keep access tokens short lived ~60 minutes
Handle 401 errors in the client as in this code


Oauth 2.0 and OpenId Connect for REST API authentication and authorization

After having read books and watched videos on OAuth, OIDC, PKCE, JWT, etc. I still have no idea on how to use all of these for my app (a secured REST API).
My use case is fairly simple. I want my users to be able to login with Google, Amazon, Okta or whatever and the only info I want from them is the email address they used to login, nothing else. After their first login, their email will be added to a database and in a separate process I will grant them some permissions (what resources they can access).
So let's imagine a standard authorization code flow and let's fast forward to the access token part. The redirect URI has been called, we are in my client (somewhere is my backend/API) where I retrieve an access token. At this point the user has been successfully authenticated.
But what now ?
I don't care about Google anymore (do I still need the access token ?), but I still want to check if the user can use my API for each request and is able to access the API resources depending on his permissions.
How do I keep the user authenticated (for like 2h only) and check his permissions ? A session Cookie, a Token or something else with an expiration time ?
Do I need my own authorization server to check if the user has access to the resource he is requesting ?
Considering my requirements, do I need PKCE if the API is accessed from an SPA or a mobile app ? Wouldn't the authorization code flow be enough - the SPA or mobile app retrieve an authorization code, then call the callback endpoint from the API ?
And the more important question is, do I ask the right questions or am I completely off track and it's not how it's supposed to work ?
In terms of your questions:
Your API needs an access token on every request
A stateless session is managed by sending the access token on every request
It is recommended to use your own Authorization Server that manages redirecting to social providers - this will simplify your UIs and APIs which only need to handle one type of token - also this means you are in control of the tokens your apps use
Yes - use PKCE for public clients - the Authorization Server and UI security libraries will handle this for you
Your use case is not simple at all on a technical level and requires a lot of understanding. A good starting point is to understand these aspects:
Role of UI and what a coded solution looks like
Role of Authorization Server and its configuration
Role of API and what a coded solution looks like
Open Id Connect messages used
These links of mine may be useful for browsing:
Initial code sample and tutorial
Message Workflow including PKCE
Given an access token, both the UI and API can potentially get the email via step 12 in the second link to lookup user info.

Do I not need to secure my API endpoints (resources) with OAuth 2 access tokens?

There are multiple partied involved in OAuth2 conversation. Consider the
following diagram from the article here
Consider that I have an application that has data for restaurants and has APIs related to it. Let's call is restaurants APIs. Let us assign some role to each party in context of this example
User - our chefs, who have some recipes in restaurant
Application - Web client written in HTML5, JS, CSS that our Users use to interact with APIs
OAuth Endpoint - Google (who acts as Authorization Server)
API - My application API keeping all data for chefs
The workflow for Implicit (as per above diagram in the link) states the Application gets the access token and then the Application(browser) calls API (my application with chefs recipes) and gets the data back.
Shouldn't I secure my application endpoints or rather just believe the accesssTokens? Yes, the trust is established between Application and OAuth Endpoint (Google), but there is no trust developed API and Application by confirming the validity of accessToken with OAuth Endpoint (Google)?
If I should secure my application API endpoints, shall I have a /login endpoint for my APIs where my application accepts accessTokens, validate and create a JWT based headers for clients to use for further communication with protected resources like /recipes.
Looking forward to your ideas here.
Thanks in advance
TL;DR - don't blindly trust the access tokens. Ask Google to reveal the user/email associated with them and the client ID that was used when generating them. You can still provide a /login endpoint for scalability purposes mostly.
Let's deal with the core security first
OAuth is a delegation protocol, not an authentication protocol. To quote from the OAuth website:
The OAuth 2.0 specification defines a delegation protocol [...] OAuth is used in a wide variety of applications, including providing mechanisms for user authentication. [...] Let's say that again, to be clear:
OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol.
Because it's not an authentication protocol, your app/API never learns who the user is. It just gets a token. Delegation in this context means that OAuth lets App A request access to resources in App B that belong to a User, by having the User authenticate to App B and then passing the token back to App A. In your example, it can provide your web app with access to Google resources (email, photos, etc. - depending on the required scopes) that are owned by the Users (chefs).
Note that this isn't what you are doing here, since you're accessing resources managed by your app, not by Google. In particular, as you correctly identified, the access token means nothing to your API. I could just as well give it a random string.
You might be tempted to use the following scheme:
Implement the implicit scheme as described in your question.
Have the API server validate the access token with Google, and ask Google for the name or email associated with the token. This will be the identity of the user who actually logged in to Google, and you can then decide whether or not to grant permission to that user.
The problem with this approach is that many apps use OAuth with Google, and so many apps will have Google access tokens that don't belong you app. How can you tell the difference?
You can ask Google, when you present it with the access token, to also provide you with the client ID that was provided when this token was generated (see how your diagram indicates that the client ID is sent?). Since that client ID uniquely identifies your app, then your API can tell that it's been given tokens that only came from your app. Note that this critical part of the OAuth flow is very different in mobile apps which is why the implicit flow should not be used with mobile apps (but it's fine with web apps).
Note that your client ID should be considered common knowledge (e.g. it's found in the .js files on the machines performing this flow), but it cannot be spoofed because as part of the OAuth flow, the user's browser will be redirected to a URL that is pre-configured in Google and belongs to your app. So even if a malicious app uses your client ID, Google will still send the token to your app.
Other practicalities
The above requires you to issue a call to Google on every API call, or at least cache the valid access tokens (which means you keep state, which is a bummer for scalability). If you want to avoid this, you can create a /login endpoint which generates a JWT. Note that you'll still need to validate the access tokens upon login.

Allowing Developer Access tokens for an api secured with Auth0

I have used Auth0 for a while with success, I recently came across a new challenge: allowing external developers to access my API with credentials provided by my web app.
The current system comprises of:
a Web App (not a SPA currently) with Auth0 log in
a back end API with Auth0 api authentication
Currently there is a single client in Auth0. The user logs in on the website and when they call the API via the website the token is passed along in the headers.
My question is: what is the best way to allow developers to request direct access to the api, in a self service manner on my website?
I see two paths forward, either create a client for each developer application via the Auth0 management API (github style), or request a token on behalf of the developer with a VERY long lifespan (like AppVeyor).
I'm assuming that your API provides functionality and/or resources that are associated or owned by an end-user, and you want to allow other application to also access this data on behalf of each end-user. If this isn't the case, and you API is general-purpose and does not require the notion of an end-user identity then other approaches like API keys could also meet your requirements.
Considering the end-user delegation scenario, the approach I would recommend would be going with the creation of separate client applications within Auth0. Like you said, you could automate this process through the Management API so that this process could be handled in a self-service way. Despite being self-service, the application that enabled the registration could still apply constraints in order to make sure only eligible developers could obtain the necessary information to then obtain access tokens to access the API.
This has the benefit that if you wanted to stop an existing developer from using your API you could just remove the associated client application and they wouldn't be allowed to request access tokens anymore and the ones they already had would be short lived and soon expire. This requirement is more complex to implement when using long-lived tokens because they would need to be revoked/blacklisted.
A final note, if these applications don't require to act on behalf an end-user when calling your API and you would prefer to still accept access tokens instead of using a different approach like API keys, then you can consider registering client applications meant to use the client credentials grant.

Multiple authentication levels in a RESTful API

We are building a new RESTful API for our web application. This API will serve our mobile applications, our web application and authorised customers.
We are using Apigility to build the API and are making use of the OAuth2 implementation it provides.
Currently, our web application relies on a users table, with permissions assigned to each user. These users simply log-in using a web form, and the session is then stored and appropriate permissions checked upon access.
We want to be able to authenticate API access (such as our web app, and authorised customers), so no unauthorised access to the API can happen. However, we also want to authorize the permissions at a user level, therefore some sort of user authentication must also happen as well.
Any authorised access to the API may use a different user, so relying on a single user per client will not work, especially since the permissions are on a per user basis. We also do not want any user to be able to use the API without prior authentication, so wanted to avoid adding every user as a client to OAuth2.
For example:
The web app is authenticated with the API with two users using it:
UserA has user management permissions
UserB does not have user management permissions
Therefore, UserA can POST to /users and receive a 200 OK while UserB should receive a 403 Forbidden.
What we have tried
We have created an example application, and have successfully set up authentication using OAuth2 for the high-level clients and can make calls as expected. But we have not been able to create an authorization model for our users based on this.
We though adding a custom HTTP header with a user token that is provided after an authenticated call to /user/login. But we are not sure if this is the correct method.
The question
How can we both authenticate the high-level clients (such as our web app, or authorised customers) but then authorize access based on the user actually using the system?
You have a few options available to you:
Token-level permissions
You can provide different tokens for each user account, and tie permissions to the token. This runs the risk of the wrong tokens being mixed up with the wrong users. However, this also has the advantage of not having to maintain a user<->token relationship, as the permission is decided at the token level. How you decide which token to generate can be tricky.
User-level permissions
You can tie a user account to a token and that user can then be given read/write permissions. This reduces the risk of a user having a wrong token as they're linked. With this method, you can use the same method of token generation for all user accounts as the token is ignorant of the permission, but does allow them "access" to the API (thus preventing unauthorised access).
I've deliberately avoided mentioning specific types of authentication tokens, as these two concepts can apply to most of the popular choices on the web (token-based, OAuth based).
OAuth has no concept of Identity.
You should look into using OpenID Connect which is a profile on top of Oauth 2.0.

What is the correct flow when using oAuth with the Reso​urce Owners Password​s Credentials Grant​

i am looking to build a client to my RESTful hypermedia based API and after reviewing many options am learning towards oAuth* to become the de facto method for authorizing access to the API.
I think i am understanding the overall oauth concepts, i.e. depending on the client (trusted or not) the spec provides several flows in order to "trust" the client (application) from the perspective of the resource owner (user) granting access to the client.
Becuase the application i am building is directly part of the ecosystem of the service it will fall under the umbrella of the trusted clients section so i have decided to implement the Resource Owners Password​s Credentials Grant but here is where my knowledge gets muddied with the terms and the exact role oAuth is there to provide and my brain shuts off :)
I am thinking this is the flow (with some more technical thoughts):
Via a login form the resource owner supplies their credentials
the details are posed to a server (in this case an express.js app)
the app via some local mechanisms authenticates the user credentials against a store
if the user doesn't exist or fails validation then they are returned to the login
if the user does exists and does pass validation the mechanisms to swap their credentials for a token is started (contacting a oAuth server and swapping the details) which stores the encrypted/hashed infor somewhere (redis maybe?)
Once the token is returned it is stored in maybe a session for persistence to the client (i think trello.com do something similar as they have a token cookie but i could be very wrong here)
Is this an acceptable flow? i can't seem to find any examples available and as a sole developer currently would be good to get some feedback.
No need in the end to define my own flow, this is simply the Resource Owner Password Grant where we exchanged the credentials of the user for a oAuth Token for trusted clients.