I have an Access file with ADD and UPDATE queries that is linked to an SQL database of some sort (Orderwise). I'm building the reports and things, but someone else in our company will end up using it - possibly a variety of people - therefore I've put it on a Shared Drive.
However, when I access it from another computer (tried to demonstrate it to the Ops manager) it loses the connection to the SQL database, despite both computers having access to that drive too. I'm new to this but I think the ODBC file / connection it relies on is somewhere in the computer that built the database - the error message is ODBC connection to 'Orderwise 2' failed..
I've tried researching it but haven't found anything very conclusive, it seems to involve .mdb files but I don't know where those are, and hunting through the control panel settings thing doesn't give an option to move the odbc to a shared drive.
How can I share this database so everyone on the shared drive can use the live data connection?
Below is code to connect SQL Database and run commands.
Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
'Add reference Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
'Fix SQL Server Connection ERROR! See below link
'Declare variables'
Dim objMyConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim objMyCmd As ADODB.Command
Dim objMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Set objMyConn = New ADODB.Connection
Set objMyCmd = New ADODB.Command
Set objMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strEmpID As String, strEmpName As String
Dim JoiningDate As Date
Dim eSalary As Integer
Dim myRate As Double
'Open Connection'
objMyConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=;User ID=sa;Password=saDBpassword;"
'Another provider
'Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
'Set and Excecute SQL Command'
Set objMyCmd.ActiveConnection = objMyConn
' Insert data to SQL Database table.
strEmpID = InputBox("Enter Employee ID:", "Employee ID", "HO-300")
strEmpName = InputBox("Enter Employee Name:", "Employee Name", "Mr. SQL")
JoiningDate = InputBox("Enter Joining Date:", "Joining Date", Date)
eSalary = InputBox("Enter Salary:", "Salary", 10000)
myRate = InputBox("Enter Rate:", "Rate", 11.11)
objMyCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [TestDB].[dbo].[tblEmpInfo] (EmpID, EmpName, jDate, Salary, HourRate) Values('" _
& strEmpID & "', '" _
& strEmpName & "', '" _
& JoiningDate & "', " _
& eSalary & ", " _
& myRate & ")"
objMyCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
objMyCmd.Execute 'Execute SQL command
End Sub
You have to add ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library to reference. I am using MS-Access-2013. Object reference may varies depending on MS-Access versions.
Please read this article carefully to troubleshoot network service barrier. SQL Server Fix Error.
I'm developping modules on a client XLSm with 32-bits 2013 Excel.
I'd like to use datas on worksheet as if it is an Access table.
With a lot of difficulties, I think connection is now OK.
Still, I have error : 3001 Arguments are of wrong type, are out of acceptable range. Error that I cannot understand.
Here excerpts of VBA lines :
In addition, I added 20 lines in data Worksheet below the header line to permit to Excel to interpret for the type of each columns.
varCnxStr = "Data Source=" & G_sWBookREINVOICingFilePath & ";" & "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=15';"
With conXLdb
.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
.Mode = adModeShareExclusive
.Open varCnxStr
End With
strSQL = "SELECT * "
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM [ReInvoiceDB$B2B5072] inum "
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE inum.InvoiceNum LIKE '1712*' "
strSQL = strSQL & ";"
'>> TRIGGERs ERROR with the current Where Clause !!'
adoXLrst.Open strSQL, conXLdb, dbOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If adoXLrst.BOF And adoXLrst.EOF Then
'no records returned'
GoTo Veloma
End If
Do While Not adoXLrst.EOF
'Doing stuff with row'
sHighestSoFar = adoXLrst(1).Value '> just to try for RecordSet : Codes are not completed...
sPrefixeCURR = Mid(sHighestSoFar, 1, 4)
Highest = CInt(Mid(sHighestSoFar, 5))
'> Increment >'
Highest = Highest + 1
HighestStr = sPrefixeCURR & Format(Highest, "00")
strGSFNumber = HighestStr
On Error Resume Next
Set adoXLrst = Nothing
Set conXLdb = Nothing
Exit Sub
Any idea about what seems be wrong ?
Thank you
Below is an old example I have been using successfully. Note that the sheet name in the book are Sheet1 and Sheet2, but in the query I had to use sheet1$ and sheet2$. I noticed you had $ signs in the middle of your sheet names. perhaps that's the issue ?
Sub SQLUpdateExample()
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.Open "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & _
"DriverId=790;" & _
"Dbq=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";" & _
"DefaultDir=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ";ReadOnly=False;"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = con.Execute("UPDATE [Sheet1$] inner join [Sheet2$] on [Sheet1$].test1 = [Sheet2$].test1 SET [Sheet1$].test3 = [Sheet2$].test2 ")
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
End Sub
To give more details about the whole module to be implemented : it is to perform a Transaction unit.
This transaction will comprise 3 operations : get a max value from a column (Invoice number) to increment it, record the new number inside an Access table (by DAO), the same Excel file (by ADO) and generating document on HDD.
So it is aimed to use the Excel file as a table not as a file manipulated with Windows script or Excel VBA. My end user is disturbed by the pop-uping of an Excel opening file operation. As a developer, I'm feeling more comfortable with using SQL statements as much as possible inside Transaction session. Is that your opinion too ?
Currently I am suffering Excel ADO issue.
Here is the thing taht
I was trying to insert some records
from "Excel table" to "SharePoint list" Using ADO connection.
But failed (Can't recognize Excel table in SQL Statement)
Dim SQL As String
Dim CN As New ADODB.Connection
Dim OLEDB As String
Dim LIST As String
Dim SITE As String
LIST = "{EE028282-3D7E-4D37-93EE-50FB69C4432C}"
SITE = "https://asml.sharepoint.com/teams/FFKR_DUV_YS_Installation_and_Relocation/Product"
OLEDB = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=0;RetrieveIds=Yes;" & _
"DATABASE=" & SITE & ";" & _
"LIST=" & LIST & ";"
Set CN = New ADODB.Connection
SQL = SQL & "FROM [" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & "].[S_RAW$] "
CN.Execute CommandText:=SQL
If I run it I got error ->
Error image
I have already check the miss-spell, and the amount of item is too much, so I would prefer to process it as a one SQL statement.
"Excel to Excel" works well But still have no ideas for "Excel to SharePoint List".
Please share your advice.
When you want to read data from your Excel sheet you need to have a ADODB.Connection with Read permission, then to write data to your SharePoint List you need to have another ADODB.Connection with Write permission.
Note: You can't transport your whole data in that way, You can generate a big command with whole data then use it or generate command for each record of your Excel data.
About your exception it is simply says it can't find your sheet name in SharePoint Lists.
A sample to guide you can be something like this:
Dim cnnXl As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rsXl As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnnShP As New ADODB.Connection
conStrXl = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='C:\yourExcel.xlsx';" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;"";"
commandXl = "SELECT [Field1], [Field2] FROM [Worksheet$$A1:D7] WHERE [Thing1] > 1"
conStrShP = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=0;RetrieveIds=Yes;" & _
Then open cnnXl and run commandXl and read data to rsXl.
Then open cnnShP and loop over rsXl records and create your commandShP and execute it.
I am trying to connect to connect to Netezza using VBA. I have enabled the following:
Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library
Microsoft Office 15.0 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library
Visual Basic for Applications
Here is my code:
Sub NZConn()
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim x As Variant
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
cmd.ActiveConnection = "Driver={Netezza " & _
"ODBC};servername=servername;port=####;database=database;" & _
cmd.ActiveConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
cmd.CommandTimeout = 120
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
x = "Write Query here"
cmd.CommandText = x
Set rs = cmd.Execute
Sheet1.Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rs
End Sub
I can get the code to run without throwing back an error, but there is nothing that is pasted from the record set, which leads me to believe that is may have something to do with the structure of the connection string.
I have the server, user id, password, database, port, and driver.
Would I need to establish / open an ActiveConnection first?
I was able to figure out the issue on my own. I found that there is a command line builder in the 'Tools' tab in Aginity, which helped specify the exact connection string I needed to connect to Netezza. Once I had this connection string, I was getting an 'architecture mismatch' error. After downloading the 32-bit ODBC drivers for Netezza, the methodology worked perfectly. Here is the updated code below:
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim iCols As Integer
Dim DB As String, User As String, PW As String, ConnectionString As String
Dim Server As String, Query As String
Dim SQLTable As Worksheet
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set SQLTable = Sheet1
Server = SQLTable.Cells(2,3).Value
User = SQLTable.Cells(2,4).Value
PW = SQLTable.Cells(2,5).Value
DB = SQLTable.Cells(2,6).Value
Query = SQLTable.Cells(2,7).Value
ConnectionString = "Driver={NetezzaSQL};" & _
"server=" & Server & ";" & _
"UserName=" & User & ";" & _
"Password=" & PW & ";" & _
"Database=" & DB & ";" & _
"Query Timeout=120"
cn.Open (ConnectionString)
rs.Open (Query), cn
For iCols = 0 To RS.Fields.count - 1
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(1, iCols + 1).Value = rs.Fields(iCols).Name
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, "A").CopyFromRecordset rs
"IBM NETEZZA ODBC DRIVER – 32 BIT" is what I downloaded
"ODBC-DRIVER-FOR-NETEZZA-7-X86" is what showed up in my software center to install
"Name: NetezzaSQL ; Version: ; Company: www.ibm.com ; File: NSQLODBC.DLL" is what is shown now in my 32-bit 'ODBC Data Source Administrator' window
I think your connection string is ok, and yes you should need to open a connection first.
Like this:
AccessConnect = "Driver={Netezza " & _
"ODBC};servername=servername;port=####;database=database;" & _
Dim Conn1 As New adodb.Connection
Conn1.ConnectionString = AccessConnect
then it would be
Set RS = Conn1.Execute(x) 'where x is your query
After spending a few days researching and trying to figure this out solo, I could really use some help.
I'm trying to query the As400's database directly from .Net without the use of a As400 program file. I have very little support other than "go ahead and try" from the As400 administrators (I'm being told what I'm attempting hasn't been done here before).
I'd really like to use CWBX. The code below successfully connects, but I could really use a pointer in the right direction on how to build a query:
Dim As400 As New AS400System
Dim AsProgram As New cwbx.Program
Dim AsCommand As New cwbx.Command
Dim strQuery As String
As400.UserID = ""
As400.Password = ""
As400.IPAddress = ""
If As400.IsConnected(cwbcoServiceEnum.cwbcoServiceRemoteCmd) = 1 Then
MsgBox("Valid Connection")
MsgBox("Invalid Connection")
Exit Sub
End If
'Trying to figure out first if this syntax is correct, and if so... where/how to call it??
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Library.File WHERE FILEFIELD='Criteria'"
' ---
AsProgram.LibraryName = ""
AsProgram.ProgramName = "" '?
AsProgram.system = As400
'Assuming this will end up being a program call?
I'm very open to any other methods/suggestions. I've looked for guides from IBM's site as well as MSDN and neither actually do direct querying without the use of an As400 program file. Is this even possible?
Here is a simple console app that will retrieve all the records from one table and display the row count.
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim table As String = "YOUR TABLE"
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " & table
Dim ip As String = "YOUR AS/400 IP GOES HERE"
Dim user As String = "YOUR USER ID"
Dim pass As String = "YOUR PASSWORD"
Dim defaultLib As String = "YOUR LIBRARY"
Dim connstring As String = "Provider=IBMDA400;" & _
"Data Source=" & ip & ";" & _
"Force Translate=0;" & _
"Default Collection=" & defaultLib & ";" & _
"User ID=" & user & ";" & _
"Password=" & pass
cmd.Connection = New OleDbConnection(connstring)
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to close...")
End Sub
End Module
The remotecmd service is basically a Rexcd daemon. Not sure why you're messing with that when you want to simple query a DB table. The integrated DB in IBM i is accessible via ODBC, OLEDB, JBDC and most importantly for you a ADO.NET provider.
All of the above mentioned drivers are available in the IBM i Access software. Note that while some of the IBM i Access features are chargeable, ex 5250 emulation, and you must have bought a license; the data access providers are not.
Included in the IBM i Access package is a collection of documentation known as the "Programmers Toolkit"
An example using the .NET data provider from that toolkit:
Public Sub Example()
Dim cn As iDB2Connection = New iDB2Connection("DataSource=mySystemi;")
Dim da As New iDB2DataAdapter("select * from mylib.mytable", cn)
End Sub
Lastly note that the (free) .NET provider doesn't support Microsoft's Entity Framework (EF). If you need EF support, you'll have to pay for DB2 Connect
I have found the following code which is supposed to create an SQL table within an SQl Database.
The database is specified in dbpath and the table to be created is in tblname.
However when I run this code I have a problem connecting to right SQL database.
For example if I specify dbpath as "WIN2k8\Test\ABC" ie the machine name is WIN2k8, sql instance is Test database is ABC.
For some reason it keeps picking up the dbpath as where I have saved the Excel workbook then WIN2k8\test\abc.
Can somebody help?
Dim dbConnectStr As String
Dim Catalog As Object
Dim cnt As ADODB.Connection
Dim dbPath As String
Dim tblName As String
'Set database name in the Excel Sheet
dbPath = ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value 'Database Name
tblName = ActiveSheet.Range("B2").Value 'Table Name
dbConnectStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbPath & ";"
'Create new database using name entered in Excel Cell ("B1")
Set Catalog = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Catalog.Create dbConnectStr
Set Catalog = Nothing
'Connect to database and insert a new table
Set cnt = New ADODB.Connection
With cnt
.Open dbConnectStr
.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblName ([BankName] text(50) WITH Compression, " & _
"[RTNumber] text(9) WITH Compression, " & _
"[AccountNumber] text(10) WITH Compression, " & _
"[Address] text(150) WITH Compression, " & _
"[City] text(50) WITH Compression, " & _
"[ProvinceState] text(2) WITH Compression, " & _
"[Postal] text(6) WITH Compression, " & _
"[AccountAmount] decimal(6))"
End With
Set cnt = Nothing
The Jet.OLEDB provider is for MS Access. Try using a SQL Server connection string if that is what you are trying to connect to. You can find the different types of connections strings at http://www.connectionstrings.com/.
Hope that helps
You could also try thy udl file trick described at the following location - You can also try to the udl file approach to get your connection string - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140076%28office.10%29.aspx