Where can I find the SONOS Cloud Queue server sample the docs are talking about? - sonos

I'm trying to get started with SONOS programmed radio feature, but I can't seem to find their Cloud Queue server sample referenced in the docs. Namely, the docs (this link) says the following:
A cloud queue to serve the list of tracks to Sonos players. See our cloud queue sample server for a sample implementation and Play audio for details about cloud queues.
with cloud queue sample server receiving 403 File Not Found
I noticed the same thing happens in the case of another sample code of theirs, also referenced in the docs (this link) here:
For example, we handle this on our Android cloud queue sample app by moving music playback to the local device so that it continues playing on the local device and stops playing on Sonos.
with Android cloud queue sample app receiving same HTTP error.
How can I access this needed samples?
Thank you in advance

Just received this email from developer-feedback#sonos.com
You should find the links to these samples restored. Let us know if
you encounter further issues. Disclaimer: we are not actively
maintaining these samples and they are provided as-is.
Best, Sonos Sound Platform Team
I verified the links and they're working


How to keep streaming if initial client loses connection?

I'm working on an app that streams out multiple presenters via the Agora Live Streaming protocol. Everything works great so long as the person who started the live stream stays connected, however if they lose internet, the stream stops, even if other presenters are still online.
Is there a way to tell the live stream to keep going until "stop live streaming" is called (or all presenters are offline)? My code can handle updating the transcoding config (e.g. video layout) when they go offline.
After multiple discussions with Agora Support, it appears the answer is no, if only using the web SDK, however they are introducing a new server side feature to make this possible.
It's currently in beta, so you'll have to ask Agora Support to enable it for your account, but once you've done so you can create and update an RTMP converter via their server side API instead of relying on the client SDK to manage the stream: https://docs-preprod.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/streaming_restful
I'm assuming you're using startLiveStreaming method using the Agora Web SDK. You can attach event listeners on all hosts to listen for primary host's online status, in case the primary host (the host that calls the start method) goes offline - a secondary host can call the start (and transcode) method.
You can also use Agora RTM to signal this status.

Is it possible to subscribe to Azure IOT Edge Device

Hopefully a simple question, but with all the reading I have done about IOT Edge Devices, I still cannot find an answer.
For my application, I would like to have a local offline view of all the data going into the edge device and an online view from a website. Is it possible to subscribe to all the events in the Edge Device, just like how I am able to subscribe to all the events in the IOT Hub?
Hopefully something like this
_______________->Local View (offline)
From what I have seen I can use the components to create a website and do this.
If you need a local Azure IoT Edge webpage dashboard then look at Sander van de Velde blog for details and ideas. Sander has also a lot of other very good examples.
You just need one nodejs module listening messages from edgeHub and sending messages using websocket connection. Then you can use same or another module to serve static webpage aka your dashboard. You can access this local dashboard from the same local network without any connection to internet. And you can also send your messages to upstream (IoTHub in cloud) and do the same there. I have used nodejs websocket locally in the edge and SignalR to stream data to cloud dashboards.

Adobe Media Server Alternative for VideoChat

I currently have a video chat app working on web(Flash) and android via Adobe AIR, it uses Adobe Media Server (RTMP) as backend for video streaming and shared objects, my question is, if there is another server or solution that provides many to many live video broadcast maybe using H.264 codec from android and iOS, have some sort of user list and room list stored in a database or similar, I want to move away from Adobe as it has many limitations on mobile devices.
Live video is crucial in 1 to many broadcasts that will have hundreds of viewers at the same time.
Thanks for reading!
Ulex.fr created an RTMP connector for Asterisk (the free PBX platform).
Used with the Asterisk Vonference application, it allows you to create conference rooms for 1 to many configuration, with audio and video. The only one limitation is the power of your server. You can plan a scalable architecure in order to broadcast one video to many (many could be unlimited). We developp a specific protocol to connect and manage the connection based on the telephony events. I think we already done a direct RTMP connection that skip this protocol too.
All the project done by ulex.fr is free, OpenSource and GPL.
Get the full project here : https://github.com/voximal/asterisk-rtmp
(a live demo is available)
We already develop an RTMP stack for android with video (using the camera), this allows you to create your own application without using AIR.
You can check Adobe Cirrus, it's still in the beta stage (actually IMHO Adobe forgot about it), but it works on web, desktop and mobile too. Check this Video Phone example, it can handle chat applications without a problem.
You could take a look at Red5 Media Server, which is an open source solution. There are other options like the Wowza's solutions on AWS, but they come a higher cost...
Ok as today, we have decided that we can manage the users,rooms and messages via Google Firebase Real Time Database, and the live video stream using ANT Media Server

Best push service option for React Native Android/IOS?

I have been following many projects which demonstrate the push service.
But there are many problems specially when the app is closed/kill (IOS too).
My first preference would be using FCM with react-native and followed This project on git. But it too have issues with notifications.
Is there any full proof source showing the push with android/IOS even when closed/kill?Anything is deeply appreciated :)
I have tried Firebase Notification:
- Easy Implementation
- Works really well
- No inbox messaging (as far as i saw - correct me if I am wrong)
At the moment I am using Urban Airship. Wich is not free to use but has a larger SDK to use.
- Also has Inbox messaging
- Deep Linking
Both are working fine if the app is closed.
I wrote a pretty long chapter in my book on Android push messaging. Here is the flowchart I present on choosing a technology:
You should be able to get a good implemention using GCM/FCM with respect to power off and app close, but the bottom line is, GCM/FCM does not provide quaranteed delivery Quality of Serivce. They also will not quarantee order of message delivery. If you use MQTT, you can get this by setting QOS mode = 2.
MQTT is not hard to implement for Android. You can use the open source Mosquitto broker on the server side. It only take me 15 minutes to set this up on AWS or any unix server.
In your Android app, you then implement your own long lived service, and the Paho Android library is very stable and supports the 3 QoS levels, including QoS=2 which is the guananteed delievery mode.
Anyway, something else to think about. I use MQTT a lot. FCM is great, and it even supports topic messaging now, which is how the MQTT pub/sub model works. You just will never get guanarteed delivery QoS level with FCM.

Does Machine Vision API work offline?

Does the Google Mobile Vision (https://developers.google.com/vision/) API work offline? Or does it need Internet connectivity? The sample app does not require any Internet permission. Which means the API works entirely offline. I am looking for a positive confirmation of this.
PS. Also I am looking for more information on this API. For example, does it use neural networks? If so what algorithms were used? I can not find any detail discussion anywhere.
The API does an initial library download the first time that it is used, and then works offline from that point on.
I tried the official sample app here.
I installed the sample app on a device in airplane mode, and continued to run under airplane mode - It works without problem.
(Note that I only tested the OCR part)
But as far as I know, all google services libraries made use of an already installed (On most device, probably, except China models) application named Google Play Services. As long as this application is installed in the device (With a reasonably updated version), the Vision API should works even under no internet connectivity.