TF-Hub Elmo uses which word embedding to concatenate with characters in Highway layer - tensorflow

I understand that Elmo uses CNN over characters for character embeddings. However I do not understand how the character embeddings are concatenated with word embeddings in the Highway network. In the Elmo paper most of the evaluations use Glove for word embeddings and CNN character embedding together which make sense as they have mentioned the word embeddings.
But for pre-trained models like the one in TF-Hub with which word embeddings do we concatenate with character embeddings in Highway layer?
Please help me understand if you can.

Concatenation happens inside the model. When using word_emb output, one can get the embedding for each token in the input. The embedding can be used for classification or other modeling tasks similar to BERT/transformer based models. The model also provides direct access to the some hidden state of the LSTM through lstm_outputs1 and lstm_outputs2.


How is an input translated to the input units of a NN

I am quite new to machine learning and neural nets. I‘ve used the following model for sentiment analysis of short texts. I generally understand how signals are computed, all the way to the output layer. Now what I dont understand is how the inputs are found. When the model classifies a word, how is that word translated to the 512 input units? What features of the word does the model assess and how is that decided?
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(512, input_shape=(max_words,), activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(256, activation='sigmoid'))
model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))
When the model classifies a word, how is that word translated to the
512 input units?
As you already noticed, before any kind of written information (single words, sentences or whole texts) can be processed by a neural network, it must be encoded into a vector representation. This is called an embedding or a representation and to find suitable embeddings is subfield of Natural Language Procesessing (NLP) research.
Over the years a number of different representations were published. For single words e.g. Word2Vec in which a neural network has "learned" the embedding based on the semantic similarity of the words. That means words which are similar in context should be close by in the vector space.
The most simple embedding for a sentence would be a bag-of-words embedding. This means we count how many different words we have in our corpus of sentences (e.g. N) and we transform each sentence into a vector of length N where each index of the vector represents a word and the value at the index the number of occurrences of that word in the sentence.
Of course there are many more sophisticated text embeddings.
There are multiple methods by which you can obtain the vector embedding of a word.
Count based methods: PMI, PPMI and SVD
Prediction based methods: CBOW and Skip-Gram
The count-based methods create a co-occurrence matrix of words of shape Vocabulary*Vocabulary where each word is represented by some sort of count of co-occurrence in K neighborhood.
The prediction-based models train on a corpus and create a vector embedding basis on how close the context of two words are.

How to use Transformers for text classification?

I have two questions about how to use Tensorflow implementation of the Transformers for text classifications.
First, it seems people mostly used only the encoder layer to do the text classification task. However, encoder layer generates one prediction for each input word. Based on my understanding of transformers, the input to the encoder each time is one word from the input sentence. Then, the attention weights and the output is calculated using the current input word. And we can repeat this process for all of the words in the input sentence. As a result we'll end up with pairs of (attention weights, outputs) for each word in the input sentence. Is that correct? Then how would you use this pairs to perform a text classification?
Second, based on the Tensorflow implementation of transformer here, they embed the whole input sentence to one vector and feed a batch of these vectors to the Transformer. However, I expected the input to be a batch of words instead of sentences based on what I've learned from The Illustrated Transformer
Thank you!
There are two approaches, you can take:
Just average the states you get from the encoder;
Prepend a special token [CLS] (or whatever you like to call it) and use the hidden state for the special token as input to your classifier.
The second approach is used by BERT. When pre-training, the hidden state corresponding to this special token is used for predicting whether two sentences are consecutive. In the downstream tasks, it is also used for sentence classification. However, my experience is that sometimes, averaging the hidden states give a better result.
Instead of training a Transformer model from scratch, it is probably more convenient to use (and eventually finetune) a pre-trained model (BERT, XLNet, DistilBERT, ...) from the transformers package. It has pre-trained models ready to use in PyTorch and TensorFlow 2.0.
The Transformers are designed to take the whole input sentence at once. The main motive for designing a transformer was to enable parallel processing of the words in the sentences. This parallel processing is not possible in LSTMs or RNNs or GRUs as they take words of the input sentence as input one by one.
So in the encoder part of the transformers, the very first layer contains the number of units equal to the number of words in a sentence and then each unit converts that word into an embedding vector corresponding to that word. Further, the rest of the processes are carried out. For more details, you can go through the article:
How to use this transformer for text classification - Since in text classification our output is a single number not a sequence of numbers or vectors so we can remove the decoder part and just use the encoder part. The output of the encoder is a set of vectors, the same in number as the number of words in the input sentence. Further, we can feed these sets of output vectors into a CNN, or we can add an LSTM or RNN model and perform classification.
The input is the whole sentence or batch of sentences not word by word. Surely you would have misunderstood it.

Use pre-trained word2vec in lstm language model?

I used tensorflow to train LSTM language model, code is from here.
According to article here, it seems that if I use pre-trained word2vec, it works better.
Using word embeddings such as word2vec and GloVe is a popular method to improve the accuracy of your model. Instead of using one-hot vectors to represent our words, the low-dimensional vectors learned using word2vec or GloVe carry semantic meaning – similar words have similar vectors. Using these vectors is a form of pre-training.
So, I want to use word2vec to redo the training, but I am a little bit confused about how to do this.
The embedding code goes here:
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
embedding = tf.get_variable(
"embedding", [vocab_size, size], dtype=data_type())
inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, input_.input_data)
How can I change this code to use pre-trained word2vec?

GLoVe word embedding for special words in seq2seq

I am training a seq2seq model in Tensorflow. I want to use GLoVe as word embedding for words in my sequences. In seq2seq, I am using some of tags like EOS(End of Sequence), GO(start of sequence for decoder), PAD(for padding sequence), as words in my sequences.
But GLoVe won't be having embedding for these tags.
So, how should I represent these tags ?

Weights update in Tensorflow embedding layer with pretrained fasttext weights

I'm not sure if my understanding is correct but...
While training a seq2seq model, one of the purpose I want to initiated a set of pre-trained fasttext weights in the embedding layers is to decrease the unknown words in the test environment (these unknown words are not in training set). Since pre-trained fasttext model has larger vocabulary, during test environment, the unknown word can be represented by fasttext out-of-vocabulary word vectors, which supposed to have similar direction of the semantic similar words in the training set.
However, due to the fact that the initial fasttext weights in the embedding layers will be updated through the training process (updating weights generates better results). I am wondering if the updated embedding weights would distort the relationship of semantic similarity between words and undermine the representation of fasttext out-of-vocabulary word vectors? (and, between those updated embedding weights and word vectors in the initial embedding layers but their corresponding ID didn't appear in the training data)
If the input ID can be distributed represented vectors extracted from pre-trained model and, then, map these pre-trained word vectors (fixed weights while training) via a lookup table to the embedding layers (these weights will be updated while training), would it be a better solution?
Any suggestions will be appreciated!
You are correct about the problem: when using pre-trained vector and fine-tuning them in your final model, the words that are infrequent or hasn't appear in your training set won't get any updates.
Now, usually one can test how much of the issue for your particular case this is. E.g. if you have a validation set, try fine-tuning and not fine-tuning the weights and see what's the difference in model performance on validation set.
If you see a big difference in performance on validation set when you are not fine-tuning, here is a few ways to handle this:
a) Add a linear transformation layer after not-trainable embeddings. Fine-tuning embeddings in many cases does affine transformations to the space, so one can capture this in a separate layer that can be applied at test time.
E.g. A is pre-trained embedding matrix:
embeds = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(A, tokens)
X = tf.get_variable("X", [embed_size, embed_size])
b = tf.get_vairable("b", [embed_size])
embeds = tf.mul(embeds, X) + b
b) Keep pre-trained embeddings in the not-trainable embedding matrix A. Add trainable embedding matrix B, that has a smaller vocab of popular words in your training set and embedding size. Lookup words both in A and B (and if word is out of vocab use ID=0 for example), concat results and use it input to your model. This way you will teach your model to use mostly A and sometimes rely on B for popular words in your training set.
fixed_embeds = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(A, tokens)
B = tf.get_variable("B", [smaller_vocab_size, embed_size])
oov_tokens = tf.where(tf.less(tokens, smaller_vocab_size), tokens, tf.zeros(tf.shape(tokens), dtype=tokens.dtype))
dyn_embeds = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(B, oov_tokens)
embeds = tf.concat([fixed_embeds, dyn_embeds], 1)