How can I fill the circle when pressing on F in blender 2.83? - blender

The tutorial is using blender 2.82
I added a circle and when I change it to edit mode and press on the F key instead filling the circle it's giving me this error :
This is the circle in object mode :
Then changing to edit mode and pressing F :
Following a tutorial when he press on F the result is :
I didn't see in the tutorial that he selected any points or how to do it.

TLDR: use Add -> Mesh -> Circle, and always use mesh unless otherwise stated.
You added curve -> circle but you should add mesh -> circle
There are many different types of object in blender. Mesh and curve are different and has different purpose in blender:
Mesh is basic and most used type of geometry in blender. It's made of vertices (points) and edges (straight lines between points) and faces (at last 3 edges creating a plane).
Curve is made from points with handles connected with curve generated accordingly to handles and type of point. It used to create some basic round shapes (like paths and motion guides) and can be optionally convert to Mesh.
You can convert curve to mesh from menu object -> Convert to -> Mesh form Curve[..],

when add a circle, choose it from mesh, mot curve.
I don't know why either but that worked for me.


How to convert a colored point cloud into a textured mesh?

I have a .ply file which contains a colored point cloud:
I need to convert it as a textured mesh. I can create a blank mesh doing:
Filters -> Point Set -> Surface Reconstruction: Poisson
But the result is a white mesh
It seems that all the informations about the color go lost. Any advice?
If you want vertex colors use Filters -> Sampling -> Vertex Attribute Transfer, click the appropriate boxes to transfer color, and select the appropriate source and target meshes.
If you want a texture, you first need UV coordinates - the easiest and messiest way for an arbitrary mesh is to do Filters -> Texture -> Parameterization: Trivial per triangle, then use Filters -> Texture -> Transfer: Vertex Attributes to Texture. This can cause seams to appear. For my messy meshes I use the Smart UV in Blender and export it out as a .obj, then import it into meshlab and use the aforementioned Transfer: Vertex Attributes to Texture filter.

QSGGeometryNode depth (z) problems with 3 vertices

I am drawing a 3D geometry (Point3D vertices) in a Qml scene graph with a custom QSGGeometryNode and QSGTransformNode. This works except that the 3D model is cut off at a certain z-coordinate (z is the depth axis in Qml). First I expected that the problem is due to intersection with the Qml 2D plane. But I tried to move the model along the z axis and it gets always cut off (as if there is a local model frustum clipping plane).
What could be the source of this problem?
Unfortunately you can't "just" render 3D content inside the scene, as the scene graph will compress your Z values to make them honour proper stacking of the items.
If you have a 3D object, you may want to use QQuickFramebufferObject instead (see also this blog post).

How to build a smart bezier curve?

Demo Image :
I want to build a smart bezier curve like this. There are 100 targets (grid) in the map. I know the source point (Rocket), and the target point (Grid). How to calculate two control points to build a beautiful bezier curve which can not across the blue map?
Find curve bounding box and then check if it is contained in blue map rectangle. If it will be outside move control points respectively.
Assuming that you are using cubic Bezier curve (4 control points) for first try You might set some default coordinates of curve control points:
I do not know what language/libraries You are using but it might have Rectangle.Contains(Bezier.BoundingBox) function which might make things easier.

blender export / one sided polygons

I'm really new to 3d modeling, blender, etc.
I created a model with blender (a room). Now I exported it (as .obj) so that I can import it to CopperCube (a tool to create 3d scences).
The problem is, that the walls are only visible from outside. Take a look into the pictures:
I asked the forum of CopperCube and they said that there are only one-side polygons (or flipped). Is there a way to change this? Sorry, but I am a total beginner with this...
Here's the answer of the CopperCube forum:
I don't know blender, but are there any options you can change for exporting? It looks like your model just has one sided polygons, or the normals are flipped for some of them.
Make sure you have the normals checkbox checked in OBJ export options (at the left side, it's off by default):
You will need to model your room to have slim cubes instead of planes whenever they should be visible from both sides.
You can display the normals in Blender in edit mode. In Properties (N) scroll down to Mesh Display and check the type of normals you want to see and their length.
To recalculate the normals or flip their direction go to the Tool Shelf (T) in the Normals section.

Simple algorithm for tracking a rectangular blob

I have created an experimental fast rectangular object tracking system; it will be used for headtracking and controllling objects in 3D engine (Ogre3D).
For now I am able to show to the webcam any kind of bright colored rectangle (text markers are good objects) and system registers basic properties of this object (hue/value/lightness and initial width and height in 0 degrees rotation).
After I have registered the trackable object, I do some simple frame processing to create grayscale probabilty map.
So now I have 2 known things:
1) 4 corners for the last object position (it's always a rectangle but it may be rotated)
2) a pretty rectangular (but still far from perfect) blob which is the brightest in the frame. I can get coordinates of any point of the blob without problems, point detection is stable enough.
I can find a bounding rectangle of the object without problems, but I have a problem with detecting the object corners themselves.
I need the simplest possible (quick&dirty would be great) algorithm to scan the image starting with some known coordinates (a point inside the blob) and detect new 4 x,y coordinates of a "blobish" rectangle corners (not corners of a bounding box but corners of the rectangular blob itself).
Ready-to-use C++ function would be awesome, but somehow google doesn't like me today :(
I think that it would be overkill to use some complicated function form OpenCV library just to extract 4 points of a single rectanglular blob. But if you know a quick and efficient way how to do it using OpenCV (it must be real-time and light on CPU because I'll run the 3D engine at the same time) then I would be really grateful.
You can apply Hough transform on segmented image to detect lines. Using detected lines you can calculate their intersection to find the corner coordinates of the blob.