Does it really happen that an 3D object imported into Assimp has multiple meshes? - mesh

In Assimp API aiNode can be linked with multiple meshes.
for (int i = 0; i < node->mNumMeshes; ++i)
auto j = node->mMeshes[i];
aiMesh *mesh = scene->mMeshes[j];
I unsuccessfully tried to create such file (FBX/OBJ/DAE) for testing purposes.
Can you please provide example of such file where some object linked with multiple meshes.
Is it ever possible for FBX/OBJ/DAE or this feature implemented for other 3D formats?
For example in Blender there no possibility (as far as I know) to put multiple meshes into one object.

You can use our test data, this file could be interesting for you I guess Testmodel.
In Assimp we are using multiple meshes to manage different materials and animations. At this moment each mesh has one material assigned. Other topics are skeletal-based animations: we are modeling the skeleton via instances of scene-nodes. And each node has a dedicated mesh assigned to it.


How to add a point to an AutoCAD drawing using the command line

I work in the field of GIS and I am working with contours, point heights and other datasets which have elevation related information.
In a GIS software (for example QGIS), I can extract the geometry attributes of a line, polygon or a set of points. Consequently, I can also write the set of points and their geometrical attributes to a text file through Python scripting.
There a person who does not use QGIS and is specifically unaware of GIS based techniques. Consequently, the files that I generate using QGIS are completely useless to him. Further, he also works on a Mac OS based computer and therefore the GIS based Autocad is also not available with him.
Therefore, the question how can I provide a set of points with their coordinates, or a polygon with points to AutoCAD via a command line. For example, do we have a command or set of commands like
SET ORIGIN TO 50000,5000
ADD POINT 51000, 51000
In AutoCAD he may use command SCRIPT.
You crerate .scr text file.
Example file with coordinates You can find here

How do I configure geofencing?

do you guys know how to configure geofencing in Toloka? I know that there are templates for such spatial tasks but I need some tips on the configuration itself. Thanks!
Everyone who creates a task can flexibly customize the template, write their own js code, and set up the photo and coordinate verification process in their own way. You can use a typical template for field tasks as a basis.
You need to add the following parameters to file-img (
Image data must contain coordinates. requiredCoordinates=true — Coordinates are mandatory.
compress=false — Render the image without changes or compression (because your instructions require "Resolution of at least 6 megapixels (3000x2000 pix or similar)".
You can also add your own js code which will check, for example, the distance between the performer and your location.

Is it possible to create a shapekey in Blender which has in-between targets, like in Maya?

I have been exploring Maya's blendshapes for the past weeks, and it has one very interesting feature called in-between targets. It basically allows one blendshape to include intermediate states between the two basic targets (modified and original objects). I created a couple and tried to export in FBX to use them in Blender, and I get an error message. This error does not occur when I import a FBX file without in-between targets in the blendshapes. Also, I wasn't able to find a pure Blender solution to create Shapekeys with in-between targets, which got me wondering if it is even possible.
Any help is appreciated.
Blender only provides support for one vector per vertex per shapekey so the in-between targets will not be able to be imported directly. I would suggest you report this as a bug, while I don't expect in-between shapekeys to be added any time soon, the fbx importer should be fixed to not break on these files.
One thing you could to try is to see if you can export the shapekeys to an mdd or pc2 file. Blender has a mesh cache modifier that can be used for these files. From 2.78 a new option to try is exporting to an alembic archive as outlined here
While blender doesn't support in-between shapekeys, you can create a comparable result using drivers. A single control can be made that can enable a series of shapekeys one after the other.

Using DigitalMicrograph calibrations in scripts

I am trying to use rotations and calibrations between different microscope coordinate systems (e.g. beam tilt, stage shift, CCD image/diffraction pattern) in DigitalMicrograph by using the calibrations present in the "Microscope Data.gtg" file. To do this I load the file and pull out the different calibrations. Is there an easier way to access individual calibrations?
To determine the orientation of the stage the script needs to know at what Magnification the Stage calibration was performed. In old versions of DigitalMicrograph there was a global tag called "Calibrations:Stage Calibration:Acquisition Magnification". However I could not find this tag in GMS2.1.
There have been changes in the code regarding calibrations between GMS 1 and GMS 2 which indeed are as you've described.
There is no easy access to the required information via the scripting language.
However, the solution you have described is indeed the best workaround.

What are the specifications for a Wavefront .obj file?

I want to write a parser for Blender's .obj file. The file format seems self explanatory, but also it seems to be missing some data. For example, a simple cube (the default Blender cube) has 8 lines of vertexes, but I was expecting to see 36 lines (12 triangles to form a cube).
I think the confusion, at lease for me, stems from the way cubes are created in direct3d. Direct3d requires 36 vertexes to form a cube. So I am thinking that I need to infer the other 28 vertexes. This type of guessing could cause issues later on when trying to parse vertexes for more complex shapes. So, I thought if I could find the official specs on the file format it might provide me with some insight into how to interpret the data.
It seems that someone else had asked the same question before: How to get proper number of vertices in OBJ file from DCC tools such as Blender for use in OpenGL ES?
but it didn't have any useful information for me.
OBJ Spec
MTL Spec (you'll probably want this too at some point)
FYI OBJ is in no way related to Blender, it's just a common file format for simple models.