ImportXML google sheet for shipment package tracking - api

I want to track each FEDEX, DHL and UPS shipment status directly from google sheets. I am using importxml function:
=IMPORTXML(""&C2&"&locale=en_US&cntry_code=us","//h1/div[#class="redesignSnapshotTVC snapshotController_addr_label dest"]/title")
However it shows error.
Attaching my sheet link for this:
Please tell what is best way to do it. I am from non tech background.
Thanks so much for help!

Common issue. You're trying to import html that is generated after loading. That means we have to look for how the data you want is generated.
Data source
Upon inspection of the site, I found that it was making an XHR to the URL, and that it was doing so via POST with a long payload. The response was in JSON format. Of note, there is the scanEventList entry.
"scanEventList": [{
"date": "2020-07-15",
"time": "13:15:00",
"gmtOffset": "-07:00",
"status": "Delivery exception",
"statusCD": "DE",
"scanLocation": "SAN BERNARDINO, CA",
"scanDetails": "Future delivery requested",
"scanDetailsHtml": "",
"rtrnShprTrkNbr": "",
"statusExceptionCode": "17",
"isClearanceDelay": false,
"isDelivered": false,
"isDelException": true,
"isException": true
First, get the ImportJSON script from GitHub, and add it into your sheet's scripts (Tools > Script Editor). It's not the most amazing thing, but it will at least give us ImportJSONViaPost() to get the data we want:
URL for the tracker
The POST payload. Cell A2 Holds your tracking number.
Leave empty
Query - Lets us select the data that we want. In this example, I chose to select the carrier description and the entire scanEventList entry, but you can specify particular elements of that as well.
"noHeaders" means just the data.
Just using the JSON import gives us an entry for each element of scanEventList, but the first is the most recent, so, we use INDEX to retrieve the first entry, which should contain what you need.
For additional help on the ImportJSON package, see here.


Where do I enter moment.js code so a DataTables column appears in my chosen format?

I want to make data like 2022/12/15 (imported from Google Sheets at the moment of page load) display as "Dec 15" in one column, and as "Thu" in another column.
I found the format codes:
moment().format("MMM d"); // "Dec 15" and
moment().format("ddd"); // "Thu".
I read and, but could not find:
Where do I enter that code?
Can I skip entering that code, and instead just enter this?:
$(document).ready(function () {
columnDefs: [
targets: 4,
render: DataTable.render.datetime('MMM d'),
Perhaps I should separate my questions into different posted questions, but I imagine it will be more helpful for future readers to find the combined challenges asked and answered in a single thread.
I'm using the WordPress plugin "Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer", which is built on DataTables.
[Edit: I realized I should not paste that code into inline_gdocs_viewer.php, and intended to paste it into igsv-datatables.js. I could not however figure out where to paste within that file. What should I look for to know where to insert it? (The author of that plugin publicly announced that no more support will be given.) Should I post the contents of the js file somewhere so you can see it?]
[Edit 2: Would entering that code make column 5 always displayed in MMM d format, even if I want column 5 to be displayed in a different format? Shouldn't specifying what format to apply to which column happen when I create a page / post and use the shortcode to embed the spreadsheet?]
(I read the plugin's documentation and I read DataTables documentation.)
If my table doesn't have a name, what do I use instead of #example? Do I need to name my table? If so, how? (I tried to find the answer at, for example,
The source for the longer code came from a live example where the dates were in column 5, but the code says "targets:4". To apply the code to column 3 (for example), should I enter targets:2? I read, but bizarrely that didn't address this basic question.
If you're wondering if I upgraded DataTables from the old version that comes with Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer, yes I did.
If you're wondering if I got the script array to call moment.js, I might have. Into the scripts array I added
'moment' => array(
'src' => plugins_url('moment.min.js', __FIL__),
'deps' => array( 'moment' )
I'm not sure about the "deps" part. Does it mean dependencies? Was I right to use "moment" twice in that code?
If you only know a possible answer to one of these questions, that's better than nothing, so please do share what you can.
I know the Moment team recommends you choose a different library than Moment for new projects, but DataTables to this day recommends Moment for sorting by Day of the week or sorting by Date.
Using moment.js 2.29.2 and DataTables 1.13.1.
What I tried, and what I expected:
I read the documentation for all the programs, and I read forum discussions for all the programs, and I studied examples, expecting to find where to enter the code, but nowhere could I find what to do with it. It was always assumed that that part was already known.

GA4 ecommerce items Array do not show up in debug mode

GA4 ecommerce items Array do not show up in debug mode
i am using the GTM, i am sure i passed the Array for items (using Datalayer or CJS), but GA4 does not recognized it , what i see is missing the items tab in debug mode, i don't know how that could be show up , am i doing something wrong? anyone has the same experience?
Looks like the event name is incorrect here -> View_Items.
Make sure that the event name exactly matches view_item
(stylized as snake_case).
As GA4 only allows ecommerce data collection with a set of pre-defined
event names.
Update :
I saw this checkbox is being checked
As you already set the value currency items in the event parameter. You can uncheck this setting.
I think you can follow Google's document about it
items: [
item_id: "SKU_12345",
item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
currency: "USD",
discount: 2.22,
index: 0,
item_brand: "Google",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Adult",
item_category3: "Shirts",
item_category4: "Crew",
item_category5: "Short sleeve",
item_list_id: "related_products",
item_list_name: "Related Products",
item_variant: "green",
location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
price: 9.99,
quantity: 1
Make items array only contain 1 item
Google has a list of recommended events suggesting that the items are automatically collected. If your custom event name doesn't match the listed event, GA4 won't take the items data.
Note that even though you can use the GTM preview mode to check whether the data is correctly constructed, the shown data won't necessarily send to GA4.
The reason is that GTM only forwards the requested data instead of sending it to GA4 directly. To see this behavior, you may have a look at the dev tool such as Chrome dev tool. You can examine the forwarded request's payload in the network tab (search /collect.*/). If it's the recommended event, in payload, there's pr1, pr2, etc., representing your items' array data; otherwise, you'll see nothing, and thus the data won't show up in the GA4 debugging mode.
Do you use the same GTM data layer which initially track for GA Universal events ? If yes, then this may be the cause why the items array did not show on debug view since I found this issue also.
The solution is to create the new GTM Container, and name the data layer differently like 'datalayer2' to differentiate those data layers and set up your config again with 'datalayer2'
for instance, datalayer2.push(
event : view_promotion

Shopware 6 Store-API set newsletter recipient tags

I'm trying to add a newsletter recipient through store-api, which works. But when I try to add a tag inside the request, it fails. The documentation states that it is possible to add a tag as a string to the request, see here
My request looks like the following:
POST /store-api/newsletter/subscribe
I also tried to make the tags value an array, but this doesn't work either...
So my question is: how do I add a tag to the newsletter recipient through the store api?
As of Version this seems not possible.
I tried the same request as you, as well as
all does not work.
Also the doc block for tags is wrong (it says "zip code" instead of a useful description).
In addition I tried to assign existing tags - this is what works via the admin API:
"tags": [
"id": "80df380188364f3c9bbaaa4d6b993dbd"
"id": "108428f0a37c4d11a66976adc5337c23"
Which still returns
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "Expected data to be array.",
Also looking at the code there currently seems no handling of the tags. As far as I understand it, the tags would needed to be created on the fly
A possible fix would be the following code:
if (isset($data['tags']) { // inserted that lines
$data['tags'] = $data['tags']->all();
} // end inserted lines
$data = $this->completeData($data, $context);
Using that line, the last mentioned request works (you could then use the IDs of existing newsletter recipient tags).
Of course in this case the API docs have to be adapted.
In my opinion, this seems a flaw in the current Store API implementation.
I would suggest to create an issue on the Shopware 6 issue tracker.

Retrieving image files from referenced items in filtered items

Being new to REST APIs (and APIs in general), I ran into some problems while trying to retrieve some Podio data using the Klipfolio web service, where I want to setup a simple dashboard with a list containing a name field from collected Podio and a image field from a reference field from the collected items.
So far I was led in the direction of 'bundling' and 'nesting', but I am not quite sure if this is the way forward.
In order to retrieve the filtered items, I have used the following POST method:
POST /item/app/11821547/filter/
"from": -1mr,
"to": -0mr
And then, from the items I here retrieve, I want to GET the referenced items, for instance using:
GET /reference/{ref_type}/{ref_id}
And finally, I want to get the image URL from the respective field in these referenced items, for instance using:
GET /item/{item_id}/value/{field_id}
Any help is much appreciated!!
To accomplish this you only need to use one API call to the Podio filter items endpoint in which you wrote above; POST /item/app/11821547/filter/.
In your POST body, you can filter down your results with the created to and from dates. For example, if you only want the items for the past month, you can use Klipfolio's date parameters. Your POST body will look like this:
"filters": {
"created_on": {
"from": "{date.addMonths(-1).format()}",
"to": "{}"
This will return an API reponse of all items that were created within the past month. From here you can build a klip and manipulate the JSON with xpath expressions to extract the image urls and names. All this information will be within the #item/fields array in your API response. You'll have to determine which field ID is used for the name and image url field. These are unique to each account.
An example of xpath to extract these values would be like so:
Where id_number is the exact id number for the field.
If you are unfamiliar with xpath expressions within Klipfolio, here is a document that walks through this.

Which fields are required to create an event through Social Tables API

I have the following questions that I was not clear on from the API documentation:
Which fields are required to create an event?
What does "Invalid field: 0" mean? (this was an error message received when trying to create an event)
The sample body includes "spaces" as string -- is this the space name or ID?
Is this required? If yes, to create a space I need an event ID but to create an event do I need a space?
Hey thanks for using our API. It looks like the developer docs on our portal got kind of mangled. We'll be working on fixing that soon.
In the meantime, let me try to help.
So, the actual required fields for that endpoint are very minimal, here is a small sample post I made for a room here at Social Tables:
"name": "Dan's Office Party",
"category": "Other",
"spaces": [
"name": "st test"
The key thing here is that spaces is an array, with at least a name property attached.
The error message you referred to is a failing validation check on the type of one of the fields you submitted.
You do need a space to create an event, but as you can see, only the name is absolutely required. However, if you want to do any diagramming with that event, you'll probably want to attach a venue_id with one of our floorplan IDs in addition to the name property.
I have created an issue to update the mangled doc located at!/Events/post_4_0_legacyvm3_teams_team_events and will comment here when it is updated.