How to create whole solution from published files of an core 3.1 project? -

I lost one week of development because of not committing my code. I work on a personal project and I lost my code I only have the published version of my core 3.1 project. and my code is not obfuscated.
I use DotPeek to open my main dll and I get controllers but there are no views in there ? I wonder to know, is there any way for me to create a solution like I had without creating views by my hand?
Is it possible to completely regenerate Visual Studio solution folder for this project from Published files?


VS 2019 Custom ASP.NET Core project templates

I'm trying to figure out how (or even if) I can create a custom Visual Studio project template that hooks into the existing ASP.NET Core Web Application template available in Visual Studio 2019?
What I want to do is something similar to madskristensens ASP.NET Core Template Pack (GitHub source code). However instead of VS 2017 I want to do this for VS 2019's revamped "New Project Dialog" window. So imagine adding an additional ASP.NET Core web application template in the place highlighted below.
I am able to create new project templates (both for Visual Studio and for dotnet new) but nothing has worked thus far. Has anyone been able to extend VS 2019 in this way, or was this taken away after VS 2017?
After doing some more investigation between both VS 2017 and 2019 (Community) I was able to successfully figure this out! Man oh man do we need some docs on this because this felt like a doozy!
I was able to use the ASP.NET Core Template pack as a building block for putting something together. For those who don't know, the extensions are designed to add templates to Visual Studio using .nupkg file(s) embedded in the extension. The use of the .nupkg files is similar to how dotnet new works with custom templates. I've got a working prototype on GitHub that supports both Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.
Now if you're like me, you may look at either madskristensens or my project and ask "How in the heck does this work!?" Great question! Here are the details I have the time to fill out right now:
Build out a custom template (or templates) and place them into *.nupkg file(s)
In my sample, my SampleTemplates project contains three different project templates. I generate the .nupkg with dotnet pack
A file is required in the .template.config/ folder so that the ASP.NET Web Application wizard can display the template.
At least 1 or more other requirements need to be fulfilled to be displayed in the ASP.NET Web Application wizard, but I haven't yet figured those out, as adding the file to a console app template doesn't cause it to appear. I want to try and figure this out, although I'd love help if anyone already knows!
The template.json needs a Framework symbol to define the list of .NET Core framework targets that are supported by the template.
In doing some testing, it didn't look like the Framework symbol didn't substitute into the .csproj, so that is why my example also includes a TargetFrameworkOverride symbol that the Framework symbol replaces.
Place the .nupkg file(s) into the root of a VSIX extension project and make sure to set the "Include in VSIX" flag to True. I emphasize root because originally I had the NuGet package landing in a build\ folder in my extension and my templates weren't being picked up.
I'll try to put together a README in my example project to provide a better outline of all of the details required to accomplish this. Fingers crossed this helps someone out (or at least help me out in the future when I inevitably forget how I accomplished this)!
As of September 2nd, 2020, the Visual Studio team released an experimental feature to include dotnet new templates within Visual Studio. I have done some exceptionally minimal testing with it, and it does appear to work, but it's not perfect. For example, I created a dotnet new template that scaffolds multiple .csproj files and .sln file, and the output didn't quite match my solution.
This is the Visual Studio blog post describing the announcement:

Reference third-party class libraries

I am working with .Net Core 1.0 (running under the .Net Framework 4.6.1, non-portable).
I need to include some DLLs that are from a locally-built GitHub project. When I build those projects, and then attempt to "Add Reference" to the resulting DLLs, I get a message saying I can't add them to a Core project directly.
After more research, I found a lot of information regarding "private" NuGet packages. However, those seem overly complex / overly engineered.
Is there any way I can do the following:
Without having to go through the headache of creating a private NuGet repository, can I just "add reference" to the built assemblies that are sitting in the bin folder of the NuGet projects I pulled?
I really don't want to have to build a local-only NuGet package. Mostly because I've already wasted too much time on this issue, and because I read this entire concept is about to be scrapped and turned into something else (sounds familiar by now)... such as the Roslyn-based build system on GitHub.
My current state:
Visual Studio Professional 2015
.Net Core 1.0.1
.Net Core 1.0.1 Tooling Preview 2
No, as for now you have to create a nuget package before and restore it via Nuget. You can use a simple folder as NuGet source, so if you put your compiled NuGet package in C:\packages, you can add this as a source to NuGet (while in the NuGet UI, click the settings Icon and add the folder as new source).
This may change with the next release of ASP.NET Core (1.1), as the .NET/ASP.NET Core team is working to move from *.xproj to *.csproj files.
One of the reasons why you need to use nuget is because it can contain multiple targets and project.json allows you to target multiple platforms (i.e. net452 and netcoreapp1.0).

How can I debug the source code of .Net Core or the Base class libraries (coreFx)?

I am using .NET Core 1.0 and Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 to make a simple Asp.Net Core MVC website.
How can I debug my application and "Step Into" the .NET Core source code that is available on GitHub?
Specifically, I am trying to troubleshoot one issue with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Facebook 1.0.0 assembly that I fetched from NuGet.
I wrote this article more than 1 year ago so it's a bit out of date but the idea is still the same:
You sync to the correct tag from GitHub. In your case, you probably want to sync to tag 1.0.0
Build that repository by running build.cmd or
Add the src folder path to your app's global.json file. For example, if you cloned Security in D:\Security, then you add D:/Security/src to global.json in the projects property.
Rebuild everything and it should work.
PS: If you use VS and don't see immediately the new code, try restarting it. It's a known issue that sometimes it doesn't pick up the changes to global.json
Update to fit new VS 2017
In Visual Studio 2017 15.3.5 and later
We can use SourceLink support for debugging .NET Core and ASP.NET Core sources.
To enable source link support just Disable Enable Just My Code and and Enable Enable Source Link Support.
Then Enable Microsoft symbol servers.
Victors answers works well with vs 2015.For some one who is looking for a solution with vs 2017,
In vs 2017 there is no global.json availble.So instead of adding folder path in global.json a project reference has to be added and rebuild.
All the others mentioned in Victors article works same as with 2015.
It is important that the git hub tag and the nuget package matches have the same versions.
Also make sure that on a solution level, you have your project "configration", set to debug. See screenshot. .
(For the solution properties to show up, right click on the .sln in the solution explorer.)
If you have debugged an app before with the previous version of .NET, delete the %TEMP%/SymbolCache directory as it can have old PDBs that are out of date. Per Debug .NET and ASP.NET Core source code

Minifying and Including js and css files on Azure Project

I'm using YUI Compressor as a MsBuild Task on my Azure project. It works well on locally but when I try to publish it I cannot insert minified packages to my azure application package. Although I have tried a lot of things about package modifying on my .csproj file I couldn't work it out. How can I do this?
My project is not a MVC or Webforms application. Just HTML and Javascript inside of an ASP.NET project. My problem is not minification. It is just placing minified external files in Azure Package when publishing it but if there is any other method that solves this azure problem, I can change YUI Compressor with ajaxmin or google closure... doesn't matter.
I don't think modifying the service package is supported (you are also modifying the manifest). That's why I would look at it from an other perspective. I'm assuming you have such a setup:
Empty ASP.NET Project
Now, after you compile (and the MSBuild task runs) you'll have something like this:
Empty ASP.NET Project
App.min.js (not included in the project, but available on the file system)
Now, buy simply including the App.min.js file in the project, it will be included in the service package when packaging or publishing your application. And besides that, the MSBuild tasks runs each time you compile, meaning the file will be updated before each time the application is packaged.
As you haven't specified about about whether it is WebForms or MVC, I would like to point out the out of the box support for the bundling and minification in MVC4. Scott Gu has explained it the MVC4 preview demo.
You can also tweek it to work a way for that in MVC3 too. Once this is achieved, you can achieve that in Azure as well.
Additional Articles :
ASP.NET MVC4 bundling in ASP.NET MVC3
New in ASP.NET MVC4: Bundling and Minification

Web site to dll

I need to compile my web site, is it possible without converting to a web project first?
I think he wants to "protect" his code for any deployment.
If this is a .Net project you can try hide some code using codebehind components in ASP.NET.
Here is an small tutorial about it:
For older projects you may have to build a cgi binary application, but as already mentioned here, add some more details to specify your problem.
I think you want a VS Web Deployment project. This exists as a separate project in your solution but can compile and copy the existing web project to a different directory.
There's a reasonable write-up of it on this blog with step-by-step instructions. You'll need to download and install the new project type separately though (2008, 2010)