How to Destructue a Pair object into two variables in Kotlin - kotlin

I have a function that returns Pair:
fun createTuple(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
return Pair(a, b)
I want to initialize variables a and b using this function and then reassign them inside loop:
var (a, b) = createTuple(0, 0)
for (i in 1..10) {
createTuple(i, -i).let{
a = it.first
b = it.second
println("a=$a; b=$b")
Using let seems awkward. Is there a better way to unwrap Pair inside loop?
The following lines do not compile:
(a, b) = createTuple(i, -i)
a, b = createTuple(i, -i)

var (a, b) = createPair(0, 0) compiles fine for me.
Your problem probably is using createTuple(i, -i) instead of createPair(i, -i).


How to destructure Kotlin nested pairs with forEach

I need to destructure Kotlin nested pairs. How can I do this simply without using pair.first/pair.second?
val chars = listOf('A', 'B', 'C')
val ints = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val booleans = listOf(true, false, false)
val cib: List<Pair<Pair<Char, Int>, Boolean>> =
cib.forEach { ((c, i), b) -> // compile error
println("$c $i $b")
Not sure if there really is a way of desctructuring a Pair<Pair<*,*>> straight away, but you could do this:
cib.forEach { (pair, b) ->
val (c, i) = pair
//do stuff with c, i, b

How can I read an int to use in a for loop?

How can I read an integer value from the user to use in the range of a for loop?
fun main() {
var n = readLine()
for (i in 1..n) {
var (a, b) = readLine()!!.split(' ')
println(a.toInt() + b.toInt())
You can use the String.toInt() function to achieve this (the same thing that you doing in later lines).
Like this:
fun main() {
val n = readLine()!!.toInt()
for (i in 1..n) {
val (a, b) = readLine()!!.split(' ')
println(a.toInt() + b.toInt())
Also, you can replace your vars with vals since they are not changed anywhere.

Assign 2 vals in class init block using function which returns Pair

Given a class like this:
class Test {
val A: Car
val B: Truck
init {
(A, B) = returnCarAndTruck()
fun returnCarAndTruck() = Pair(Car(), Truck())
I want to intialize the vals for A and B using a function which returns a pair but it doesn't seem to work unless I define the vals inside the init block. This means I no longer have reference to them correct? Is it possible to intialize these 2 with a Pair?
The best we have for what you're looking for is the following:
class Test {
val A: Car
val B: Truck
init {
val (a, b) = returnCarAndTruck()
A = a
B = b
fun returnCarAndTruck() = Pair(Car(), Truck())

Method returns tuples in Kotlin

I don't see any examples of how to use tuples in Kotlin.
The errors i get on the first line (method definition) is "unresolved reference: a" and "expecting member declaration" for Int...
private fun playingAround : Pair<out a: Int, out b: Int> {
if(b != 0) {
b = a
a = a * 2
} else {
b = a
a = a * 3
return Pair(a, b)
About the logic: b is 0 in the beginning and a has a random value.
From the second call on, we go into the else logic.
i don't feel the official doc is enough: I did try also without the ":" after the method name like the official doc seems to imply
-same problem
You are using incorrect syntax. It should be something like this:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
val x: Int
val y: Int
if (b != 0) {
y = a
x = a * 2
} else {
y = a
x = a * 3
return Pair(x, y)
Note that a and b are method parameter values which cannot be reassigned, so you need variables x and y to store the result.
You can write this with much shorter syntax though:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int) = if (b != 0) Pair(a * 2, a) else Pair(a * 3, a)
Please have a look at the functions chapter of the kotlin reference and/or play around with the Kotlin koans to get familiar with Kotlin (or if, by any means, reading grammar is your favorite, have a look at the function declaration grammar instead; if you do not get what's written there, no problem. Start with the tutorials/reference instead).
One of the solutions could look like this:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int) = b.let {
if (it != 0) a * 2
else a * 3
} to a
or if you meant, that you actually want to pass a pair, then maybe the following is better:
private fun playingAround(givenPair: Pair<Int, Int>) = givenPair.let { (a, b) ->
b.let {
if (it != 0) a * 2
else a * 3
} to a
It's hard to really know what you wanted to accomplish as you didn't really specify what that is.
Extension function instead? For completeness:
private fun Pair<Int, Int>.playingAround() = let { (a, b) ->
b.let {
if (it != 0) a * 2
else a * 3
} to a
and of course: you do not need to use let, nor to use to, nor to use destructuring declarations, etc. There are just some of many possible solutions.
You can rewrite your code as the following:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int) : Pair<Int, Int> {
val tempA: Int
val tempB: Int
if(b != 0) {
tempB = a
tempA = a * 2
} else {
tempB = a
tempA = a * 3
return Pair(tempA, tempB)
And using Destructuring Declarations you can write the following:
val (a, b) = playingAround(1, 2)
Your function syntax is not correct. I suggest to study the documentation first.
To make this a bit more Kotlin-idiomatic, use if as an expression:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> =
if (b != 0) {
Pair(a * 2, a)
} else {
Pair(a * 3, a)

Swap Function in Kotlin

is there any better way to write generic swap function in kotlin other than java way described in How to write a basic swap function in Java.
Is there any kotlin language feature which can make generic swap function more concise and intuitive?
No need a swap function in Kotlin at all. you can use the existing also function, for example:
var a = 1
var b = 2
a = b.also { b = a }
println(a) // print 2
println(b) // print 1
If you want to write some really scary code, you could have a function like this:
inline operator fun <T> T.invoke(dummy: () -> Unit): T {
return this
That would allow you to write code like this
a = b { b = a }
Note that I do NOT recommend this. Just showing it's possible.
Edit: Thanks to #hotkey for his comment
I believe the code for swapping two variables is simple enough - not to try simplifying it any further.
The most elegant form of implementation IMHO is:
var a = 1
var b = 2
run { val temp = a; a = b; b = temp }
println(a) // print 2
println(b) // print 1
The intent is loud and clear. nobody would misunderstand this.
temp will not remain in the scope.
Kotlin encourages the use of immutable data when possible (such as using val instead of var). This greatly reduces the change for subtle bugs, since it's possible to reason more soundly about code if values don't change.
Swapping two values is very much the opposite of immutable data: Did I mean the value of a before or after the swap?
Consider rewriting your code in the following immutable way:
val a = 1
val b = 2
val (a2, b2) = b to a
This works by making use of destructuring declarations, along with the built-in to extension function that creates a Pair.
That is a good usage for with:
var a = 1
var b = 2
with(a) {
a = b
b = this
println(a) // 2
println(b) // 1
Very simple, fast and elegant solution:
var a = 1
var b = 2
val (b0, a0) = a swap b
a = a0
b = b0
infix fun <A> A.swap(second: A): Pair<A, A> = second to this
prefer a=b.apply {b=a} for swapping the elements.
If we want to perform some operation on the variable inside the lambda, then go for
a = b.also {someFun(it)}
If you're swapping array values in place, from a code readability perspective, it was helpful for me to add an extension function swapInPlace
fun <T> Array<T>.swapInPlace(i1: Int, i2: Int){
this[i1] = this[i2].also{ this[i2] = this[i1] }
fun main(){
val numbers = arrayOf(2, 1)
//This is easier for me to read...
numbers.swapInPlace(0, 1)
//Compared to this
numbers[0] = numbers[1].also{ numbers[1] = numbers[0] }
I have something interesting for all:
Why just numbers. We can swap anything with a generic class and a generic function
class Mutable<T>(var value: T) {
override fun toString() = value.toString()
infix fun swapWith(other: Mutable<T>) {
value = other.value.also { other.value = value }
fun <T> swap(num1: Mutable<T>, num2: Mutable<T>) {
num1.value = num2.value.also { num2.value = num1.value }
fun main() {
val num1 = Mutable(4)
val num2 = Mutable(6)
println("Before Swapping:-\n\tNumber#1 is: $num1\n\tNumber#2 is: $num2\n")
//calling way of class method is not like usual swap function
//num1 swapWith num2
//calling the actual swap function.
swap(num1, num2)
println("After Swapping:-\n\tNumber#1 is: $num1\n\tNumber#2 is: $num2\n")
class Mutable is a generic class here which can contain any type of data into it.
I overridden toString() method to directly accessing the value attribute by just calling the object.
fun swap is a true swap function for kotlin that gives you the call by reference's demo too.
operator swapWith also works as swap function, which is a part of Mutable class. I have commented that part because the calling way for the operator is not like the way we are used to with.
Before Swapping:-
Number#1 is: 4
Number#2 is: 6
After Swapping:-
Number#1 is: 6
Number#2 is: 4
I have different approach.
You can keep your two values in a Pair. Then you can do this:
fun <T> swap(pair: Pair<T, T>): Pair<T, T> {
return Pair(pair.second, pair.first)
and you use it like this:
var pairOfInts = Pair(1, 2)
println("first: ${pairOfInts.first}") // prints 1
println("second: ${pairOfInts.second}") // prints 2
pairOfInts = swap(pairOfInts)
println("first: ${pairOfInts.first}") //prints 2
println("second: ${pairOfInts.second}") //prints 1
In order to use Kotlin List you could create this kind of extension. It returns a copy of this list with elements at indices a and b swapped.
fun <T> List<T>.swap(a: Int, b: Int): List<T> = this
.also {
it[a] = this[b]
it[b] = this[a]
If you use an array, you can use this:
fun <T> Array<T>.swap(i: Int, j: Int) {
with(this[i]) {
this#swap[i] = this#swap[j]
this#swap[j] = this