Why does the author wrap tasksRepository.refreshTasks() with viewModelScope.launch? - kotlin

The following code is from the project.
The function of tasksRepository.refreshTasks() is to insert data from remote server to local DB, it's a time consuming operation.
In class TasksViewModel, asksRepository.refreshTasks() is wrapped with viewModelScope.launch{}, it means launch and careless.
1: How can I guarantee tasksRepository.observeTasks().distinctUntilChanged().switchMap { filterTasks(it) } to return the latest result?
2: I don't know how distinctUntilChanged() work, will it keep listening to return the latest result in whole Lifecycle ?
3: What's happened if I use tasksRepository.observeTasks().switchMap { filterTasks(it) } instead of tasksRepository.observeTasks().distinctUntilChanged().switchMap { filterTasks(it) }
class TasksViewModel(..) : ViewModel() {
private val _items: LiveData<List<Task>> = _forceUpdate.switchMap { forceUpdate ->
if (forceUpdate) {
_dataLoading.value = true
viewModelScope.launch {
_dataLoading.value = false
tasksRepository.observeTasks().distinctUntilChanged().switchMap { filterTasks(it) }
class DefaultTasksRepository(...) : TasksRepository {
override suspend fun refreshTask(taskId: String) {
private suspend fun updateTasksFromRemoteDataSource() {
val remoteTasks = tasksRemoteDataSource.getTasks()
if (remoteTasks is Success) {
remoteTasks.data.forEach { task ->
} else if (remoteTasks is Result.Error) {
throw remoteTasks.exception
override fun observeTasks(): LiveData<Result<List<Task>>> {
return tasksLocalDataSource.observeTasks()

switchMap - The returned LiveData delegates to the most recent LiveData created by calling switchMapFunction with the most recent value set to source, without changing the reference. Doc
Yes, it'll keep listening to return the latest result in whole Lifecycle. distinctUntilChanged creates a new LiveData object that does not emit a value until the source LiveData value has been changed. The value is considered changed if equals() yields false.
Yes you can use that too but it'll keep emitting the values even the values are the same as the last emitted value.
e.g. first emitted value is ["aman","bansal"] and the second is the same ["aman","bansal"] which you don't want to emit since the values are same. So you use distinctUntilChanged to make sure it won't emit the same value until changed.
I hope this helped.


Kotlin flows SharedFlow not received in collectInLifeCycle inside Fragment

I am observing inside a fragment the events of a sharedflow such as this:
myEvent.collectInLifeCycle(viewLifecycleOwner) { event ->
when (state) {
//check the event. The event emited form onStart is never reached here :(
Whereas in the viewmodel I have
private val _myEvent = MutableSharedFlow<MyEvent>()
val myEvent: SharedFlow<MyEvent> = _myEvent
fun loadData() =
viewModelScope.launch {
.safePrepare(onGenericError = { _event.emit(Event.Error(null)) })
.onStart { _event.emit(Event.Loading) }
.onEach { result ->
result.onSuccess { response ->
So the problem is that only the Event.Something is the one being properly collected from the fragment, whereas _event.emit(Event.Loading) is not being collected... If I debug it goes to the onStart, but it is never called in the fragment.
Your SharedFlow needs to have a replay so that collectors always get at least the most recent value. Otherwise, if you emit to the Flow before the collector is registered, it will never see anything emitted. Do this:
private val _myEvent = MutableSharedFlow<MyEvent>(replay = 1)
Personally, unless I'm missing some detail here that would change my mind, I would simplify all your code to avoid having to manually call loadData(). Something like this but I'm guessing a bit because I don't know all your types and functions.
val myEvent: SharedFlow<MyEvent> = flow {
.transform { result ->
result.onSuccess { response ->
.catch { error -> emit(Event.Error(null)) }
}.shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Lazily, replay = 1)

Suspending until StateFlow reaches one of the desired states and returning the result

Consider a sealed class State.
sealed class State {
object Unknown : State()
object Loading : State()
object Success : State()
data class Failure(val exception: Exception)
I have a stateflow where consumers can actively listen to the state updates.
val state:State = MutableStateFlow(State.Unknown)
Now, I also want to have a simple suspend method which waits till the state reaches either Success or Failure, so consumers who just need the result once need not be aware of the stateflow.
How to achieve this?
Although you already came up with a working solution, you might want to make use of the built-in Flow.first { ... } operator for simplicity.
suspend fun waitForResult(): State {
val resultStates = setOf(State.Success::class, State.Failure::class)
return state.first { it::class in resultStates }
I was able to come up with the following extension function which looks to be working fine.
suspend fun waitForResult(): State {
val resultStates = setOf(State.Success::class, State.Failure::class)
return state.waitForStates(resultStates)
suspend fun <T : Any> StateFlow<T>.waitForStates(states: Set<KClass<out T>>): T = coroutineScope {
var currentValue = value
// not needed for correctness, just an optimisation
if (currentValue::class in states) {
return currentValue
coroutineScope {
collect {
if (it::class in states) {
currentValue = it
return currentValue

Why does my Kotlin Flow onCompletion never run?

So I have a flow where I need it to emit a value from cache, but at the end it will make an API call to pull values in case there was nothing in cache (or refresh the value it has). I am trying this
override val data: Flow<List<Data>> = dataDao.getAllCachedData()
.onCompletion {
coroutineScope {
launch {
.map { entities ->
.map { it.toData() }
.filter { it !is Data.Unknown }
.catch { emitRepositoryError(it) }
So the idea is that we emit the cache, and then make an API call to fetch new data regardless of the original mapping. But I do not want it blocking. For example, if we use this flow, I do not ever want the calling function to be blocked by the onCompletion.
I think the problem is that the onCompletion never runs. I set some breakpoints/logs and it never runs at all, even outside of the coroutineScope.
I don't quite understand the work you are doing but I think when you are collecting flow on a certain scope. You end the scope that flow will be put into onCompletion
var job : Job? = null
fun scan() {
job = viewModelScope.launch {
bigfileManager.bigFile.collect {
if (it is ResultOrProgress.Result) {
_bigFiles.value = it.result ?: emptyList()
} else {
_updateProgress.value = (it as ResultOrProgress.Progress).progress ?: 0
fun endScreen(){

Change source Flow for LiveData

I try to to use Flow instead of LiveData in repos.
In viewModel:
val state: LiveData<StateModel> = stateRepo
.catch {}
override fun getStateFlow(currencyCode: String): Flow<StateModel> {
return serieDao.getStateFlow(currencyCode).map {with(stateMapper) { it.fromEntityToDomain() } }
It works fine if currCode if always the same during viewModel's lifetime, for example euro
but what to do if currCode is changed to dollar?
How to make state to show a Flow for another param?
You need to switchMap your repository call.
I imagine you could dosomething like this:
class SomeViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val currencyFlow = MutableStateFlow("euro");
val state = currencyFlow.switchMap { currentCurrency ->
// In case they return different types
when (currentCurrency) {
// Assuming all of these database calls return a Flow
"euro" -> someDao.euroCall()
"dollar" -> someDao.dollarCall()
else -> someDao.elseCall()
// OR in your case just call
serieDao.getStateFlow(currencyCode).map {
with(stateMapper) { it.fromEntityToDomain() }
.asLiveData(Dispatchers.IO); //Runs on IO coroutines
fun setCurrency(newCurrency: String) {
// Whenever the currency changes, then the state will emit
// a new value and call the database with the new operation
// based on the neww currency you have selected
currencyFlow.value = newCurrency

MutableStateFlow is not emitting values after 1st emit kotlin coroutine

This is my FirebaseOTPVerificationOperation class, where my MutableStateFlow properties are defined, and values are changed,
class FirebaseOTPVerificationOperation #Inject constructor(
private val activity: Activity,
val logger: Logger
) {
private val _phoneAuthComplete = MutableStateFlow<PhoneAuthCredential?>(null)
val phoneAuthComplete: StateFlow<PhoneAuthCredential?>
get() = _phoneAuthComplete
private val _phoneVerificationFailed = MutableStateFlow<String>("")
val phoneVerificationFailed: StateFlow<String>
get() = _phoneVerificationFailed
private val _phoneCodeSent = MutableStateFlow<Boolean?>(null)
val phoneCodeSent: StateFlow<Boolean?>
get() = _phoneCodeSent
private val _phoneVerificationSuccess = MutableStateFlow<Boolean?>(null)
val phoneVerificationSuccess: StateFlow<Boolean?>
get() = _phoneVerificationSuccess
fun resendPhoneVerificationCode(phoneNumber: String) {
_phoneVerificationFailed.value = "ERROR_RESEND"
This is my viewmodal, from where i am listening the changes in stateflow properties, as follows,
class OTPVerificationViewModal #AssistedInject constructor(
private val coroutinesDispatcherProvider: AppCoroutineDispatchers,
private val firebasePhoneVerificationListener: FirebaseOTPVerificationOperation,
#Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {
interface Factory {
fun create(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): OTPVerificationViewModal
val phoneAuthComplete = viewModelScope.launch {
firebasePhoneVerificationListener.phoneAuthComplete.filter {
Log.e("1","filter auth $it")
}.collect {
Log.e("2","complete auth $it")
val phoneVerificationFailed = viewModelScope.launch {
firebasePhoneVerificationListener.phoneVerificationFailed.filter {
Log.e("3","filter failed $it")
}.collect {
Log.e("4","collect failed $it")
val phoneCodeSent = viewModelScope.launch {
firebasePhoneVerificationListener.phoneCodeSent.filter {
Log.e("5","filter code $it")
}.collect {
Log.e("6","collect code $it")
val phoneVerificationSuccess = viewModelScope.launch {
firebasePhoneVerificationListener.phoneVerificationSuccess.filter {
Log.e("7","filter success $it")
}.collect {
Log.e("8","collect success $it")
init {
private fun secondCall() {
viewModelScope.launch(coroutinesDispatcherProvider.io) {
fun resendVerificationCode() {
viewModelScope.launch(coroutinesDispatcherProvider.io) {
private fun getNumber() =
The issue is that
is fired in viewmodal for first call of,
init {
but for second call of:
init {
firebasePhoneVerificationListener.phoneVerificationFailed is not fired in viewmodal, I don't know why it happened, any reason or explanation will be very appericated.
Current Output:
filter auth null
filter failed
filter code null
filter success null
filter failed ERROR_RESEND
collect failed ERROR_RESEND
Expected Output:
filter auth null
filter failed
filter code null
filter success null
filter failed ERROR_RESEND
collect failed ERROR_RESEND
filter failed ERROR_RESEND
collect failed ERROR_RESEND
Pankaj's answer is correct, StateFlow won't emit the same value twice. As the documentation suggests:
Values in state flow are conflated using Any.equals comparison in a similar way to distinctUntilChanged operator. It is used to conflate incoming updates to value in MutableStateFlow and to suppress emission of the values to collectors when new value is equal to the previously emitted one.
Therefore, to resolve this issue you can create a wrapping class and override the equals (and hashCode) method to return false even if the classes are in fact the same:
sealed class VerificationError {
object Resend: VerificationError()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return false
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return Random.nextInt()
StateFlow is SharedFlow:
Described in more detail in my article: https://veldan1202.medium.com/kotlin-setup-sharedflow-31debf613b91
val shared = MutableSharedFlow(
replay = 1,
onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST,
The value emitted by state flow is conflated and doesn't emit the same consecutive result twice, you can think as if a condition check is validating the old emitted value is not equal to the newly emitted value.
Current Output:
filter auth null
filter failed
filter code null
filter success null
filter failed ERROR_RESEND
collect failed ERROR_RESEND
(filter failed ERROR_RESEND
collect failed ERROR_RESEND) This being the same old value which was emitted so you will not see them getting emitted.
Use a Channel: this does emit after sending the same value twice.
Add this to your ViewModel
val _intent = Channel<Intent>(Channel.CONFLATED)
Put values using send / trySend
observe as flow
_intent.consumeAsFlow().collect { //do something }
I think I have some more in-depth understanding of this issue. The first thing to be sure is that for StateFlow, it is not recommended to use variable collection types (such as MutableList, etc.). Because MutableList is not thread safe. If there are multiple references in the core code, it may cause the program to crash.
Before, the method I used was to wrap the class and override the equals method. However, I think this solution is not the safest method. The safest way is for deep copy, Kotlin provides toMutableList() and toList() methods are both deep copy. The emit method judges whether there is a change depends on whether the result of equals() is equal.
The reason I have this problem is that the data type using emit() is: SparseArray<MutableList>. StateFlow calls the equals method for SparseArray. When MutableList changes, the result of equals does not change at this time (even if the equals and hashcode methods of MutableList change).
Finally, I changed the type to SparseArray<List>. Although the performance loss caused by adding and deleting data, this also solves the problem fundamentally.
As mentioned above, LiveData emits data every time, while StateFlow emits only different values. tryEmit() doesn't work. In my case I found two solutions.
If you have String data, you can emit again this way:
private fun emitNewValue() {
subscriber.value += " "
For another class you can use this (or create an extension function):
private fun <T> emitNewValue(value: T) {
if (subscriber.value == value) {
subscriber.value = null
subscriber.value = value
But it's a bad and buggy way (values are emitted twice additionally).
Try to find all subscribers that change their values. It can be not evident. For instance, focus change listener, Switch (checkbox). When you toggle Switch, a text can also change, so you should subscribe to this listener. The same way when you focus other view, an error text can change.
Use wrapper object with any unique id, for example:
class ViewModel {
private val _listFlow = MutableStateFlow(ListData(emptyList()))
val listFlow: StateFlow<ListData> get() = _listFlow
fun update(list:List<String>){
_listFlow.value = ListData(list)
data class ListData constructor(
val list: List<String>,
private val id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID(),//added unique id
I had a similar problem after merging the streams.
The emit() function will not be executed if == is used to determine equality.
The way to solve the problem: You can wrap a layer and rewrite the hashCode() and equals() methods. The equals() method directly returns false.
This solution works in my code. The stream after the combine has also changed.
Pankaj's answer is correct, StateFlow will not emit the same value twice.
Before wrapping, the result of == is still true even if the content is different.
You could make _phoneVerificationFailed nullable and send null between the two calls!