migrate data from SQL Server to dBASE [closed] - sql-server-2012

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Closed 2 years ago.
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my current app is using ASP.Net Core and using SQL Server as DBMS.
is it possible to migrate data into dBASE based application like Visual-FoxPro 9.0?
if yes then how i can do that?

Yes you could use VFP and if "you really wanted to", you could migrate data to a VFP database.
However, it is better to keep the data in MS SQL Server database and use it from VFP. It is really simple to connect to MS SQL server database and do CRUD operations there from within VFP. Basically there are 3 methods you could choose from:
Remote Views (RV)
SQL Pass Through cursors (SPT)
CursorAdapter class
CursorAdapter is the latest historically and most advanced option. You could visit my blog for a starter (https://cetinbasoz.blogspot.com/)


Can we use Oracle Database directly, without using tools [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to know is there any difference between Oracle and sql developer tools?
It depends on what you consider a 'tool.'
The database ships with a couple of command-line interfaces, SQLPlus and SQLcl. Those are both tools, they're not a part of the core database code.
You could also use web interfaces like SQL Developer Web, APEX, EM Express, or Enterprise Manager. Some of those ship with the Database, and EM Express runs out of the database, but those are kind of tools too.
You could write your own program to interact with the database, but you're going to use a JDBC driver or something that supports SQLNet...but then are those drivers, tools?
So my answer to you is, it depends on what you mean by 'tool.'
Can you use the database without SQL Developer, yes.

How to verify if two databases are identical using SQL Server Management Studio [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have two databases in two networks. I want to check one against another for to see table definition mismatches. I have database definition scripts of both databases. Is there any built-in function in SQL Server to achieve this.?
All the configurations in database servers are similar. The server version is SQL Server 12.0.2.
Update: I know there are text comparison tools, and I use beyond compare.
If you have the database definition scripts the easy way is to use diff on the UNIX (or Mac) command line, or windiff in Windows (see https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-files-winpc/does-windiff-exec-available-in-windows-10-64-bit/624fb262-7cba-49bd-b02e-74814a4d11b6?auth=1).
Otherwise you can use a database design tool. There are many available but they all cost a lot more than using diff.

VS2013 Virtual Database how to use [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Im wondering for what the SQL database project template exists. I have created one and inserted a table with some col. Now i saved that, so i want to write Into that mdf-file Form a Windows forms project. I dont know how to acces that or even if this SQL project template is ment for that sort of usage. Is this a good solution for a local database?
Sry for that kind or basic question
The database project exists so that you can store the database structure in source control, generate and deploy the database (or upgrade scripts).

Migrate 25 stored procedures on the source database from SQL server to Oracle database [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Migrate 25 stored procedures on the source database from SQL server to Oracle database, Is it possible any script will do this or Manual work is required
Manual work is certainly required. The databases don't support the same procedural languages so you're going to have to rewrite them.
SQL Servers Transact-SQL is a different language than Oracle's PL/SQL

SQL Server: What is the best way to Data Migration? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to migrate data from one database to another database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I need to verify those rows retrieved before I insert them to the destination database's tables. Which approach is reasonable for this kind of things?
I am trying to use two datasets in my VB.NET program. Is it reasonable? Can you suggest me?
Thanks in advance,
It depends on how much data you're talking about, but I'd tend to pass on .Net datasets for a migration task, as that means pulling all the data into memory. If you must do this via a .Net client program, at least use a DataReader instead. But what's even better is to keep it all in Sql Server via Sql Server Integration Services.