Applyed animation moves view to the top of screen - android-animation

To see my humidityImageView I need to scroll down a little bit.
When I apply this animation:
ObjectAnimator objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(humidityImageView, View.Y,40);
it starts fromt the top of the screen, but not from the position of the humidityImageView in my ConstraintLayout.
How to make animation starts from the initial view position?

All I needed is replace View.Y to View.TRANSLATION_Y


react-native-bottom-sheet scroll not working when scrolling bottom to top

react-native-bottom-sheet is not scrolling bottom to top in the below scenario.
Scroll to the bottom
Close the bottom sheet to the start position
Try to scroll from bottom to top
Please see the video
My code is as follows
snapPoints={[200, 500]}>
<BottomSheetScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.bottomSheetContentContainer}>
// components to render inside the bottom sheet

set different animation while push different view to navigation view in sencha touch

I want to set different types of animation for each view that I push to the navigation view.
I had applied animation in the layout of the navigation view but it was applied to all the views of the navigation view.
Here I am adding my view like this and want to set animation here on a particular view.
xtype: 'rightPanel',
Tyr this One..
Ext.getCmp('Your Navigation View').getLayout().setAnimation('Which ever animation You want');
Following are some animation types.
cube *
flip *
swipe *
Hope this help . .
Happy Coding
You can change the animation of the navigation view each time before pushing the new view.

Sencha Touch: After scrolling a panel using a button tap it back to initial position again when scroll end

I am trying to scroll a panel using button tap, and the panel is scrolling as I want. But my problem is that,
After scroll end it back again to its initial position, doesn't stick to its new position.
Why this behavior and how can I get leave from this?
Code I used (working just fine)
var container = this.getDealdetails();
container.getScrollable().getScroller().scrollTo(x , y, true);
The scrollable container will scroll back if the scroll to position is greater than the height of the container.
This is best demonstrated with an example. Run this fiddle:
Make your browser window smaller in height and note how it behaves. Hope this makes sense.
var panel= Ext.getCmp('iObserveCreateRecords');
panel.getScrollable().getScroller().scrollTo(0, 0, true);
//iObserveCreateRecords is panel id

Fullscreen Panel overlay in Sencha Touch 1

I am trying to slide a Panel from the bottom, so that it covers the entire viewport, like the Bookmarks panel in iOS Safari. This is similar to the ActionSheet, but fulscreen, and without the dark frame around it.
this.advSearch = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({xtype: 'advanced_search', itemId: 'pnlAdvancedSearch'});
this.advSearch.autoRender = true;{type: 'slide', direction: 'up'});
This sort of works, but the new panel doesn't fill the whole screen, and parts of it appear behind the background panel. I've tried various layouts, including fit, vbox, with varying degrees of ugliness, but the root problem seems to be that the panel doesn't know how tall it needs to be. Maybe because it doesn't have a container?
Any suggestions? Is this even the right approach, or should I try to hack the ActionSheet to expand to fullscreen, and show without the border?
Because your panel is floating (or I presume it is), you will need to give the panel a fixed height in Sencha Touch 1. You are very restricted in that respect. This following code should work:
var sheet = new Ext.Sheet({
html: 'hello',
style: 'color:#fff',
height: window.innerHeight,
stretchX: true
// replace this show with your animation;
As you can see, I give it a fixed height of the window and then stretch it on the X axis (y doesn't work).

How to add and delete a view in UIscrollview at runtime?

My project needs to add and delete a uiwebview to uiscrollview at runtime. Means, when we scroll it horizontally (left or right) when paging is enabled, then a new view get added to the uiscrollview and it traverse to it.
Is it possible to detect the left or right scrolling in uiscrollview?
Plz tell me the best possible solution, sample code or any tutorial.
Thanks in advance
In such cases, we should have paging enabled in our scroll view.
Lets say you have scroll view of size 320x480, and it is supposed to show 10 pages, where size of each page is 320x480, making content size of scroll view as 320*10 x 480.
The best way to determine the current page is by using the content offset value of the scroll view.
So, in the beginning, when scrollview is showing 1st page, its content offset would be x=0, y=0.
For 2nd page x=320, y=0.
Thus we can get the current page value by dividing the contentOffset.x by page-width.
Thus, 0/320 = 0, means 1st page. 320/320 = 1, means 2nd page, and so on.
Thus, if we have current page value with us, we can determine in which direction the scroll view is moving, as follows:
-(void) scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
int currentPageOffset = currentPage * PAGE_WIDTH;
if (self.pageScrollView.contentOffset.x >= currentPageOffset + PAGE_WIDTH) {
// Scroll in right direction. Reached the next page offset.
// Settings for loading the next page.
currentPage = self.pageScrollView.contentOffset.x/PAGE_WIDTH;
}else if (self.pageScrollView.contentOffset.x <= currentPageOffset - PAGE_WIDTH) {
// Scroll in left direction. Reached the previous page offset.
// Setting for loading the previous page.
currentPage = self.pageScrollView.contentOffset.x/PAGE_WIDTH;