All the installation follows this website:
However, it doesn't work whenever I want to operate this line: ./darknet detect cfg/yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights data/person.jpg
And it always shows like thisenter image description here
Try this:
./darknet detect test cfg/yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights data/person.jpg
You can see more command line operations here:
I try Darknet-On-OpenCL project, can pass building,but error notify "couldn't open file: cfg/".
The project is be in
I can find the cfg/, but I do not know why could be opened.
How should I do ?
Thank you.
You should also check whether the cfg/ exists in your cfg folder or not. If no, try to create it. It should have 80 labels
The detect command is shorthand for a more general version of the command. It is equivalent to the command:
./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg
Therefore, you can add the data path in another to detect scheme by this way
The video tutorial in,_LAMBDA:_Generating_Documentation;_Latex_Attributes suggests that we should use kompile lambda --pdf, but when I run it I got the following error:
[Error] Critical: Unknown option: --pdf (Unknown option: --pdf)
The kdoc --help option also result in a Command 'kdoc' not found error.
How do I correctly use this option to generate the formatted K definition?
The kdoc functionality (and --pdf) has not worked for quite some time.
If you want LaTeX ASTs output for given individual terms, you can use --output latex for any of kast, krun, or kprove. Unfortunately this does not work for entire definitions yet, and will not auto-format for you (it only outputs an AST, you'll still need to tell LaTeX how to render the nodes in said AST).
Need help to try adding new entity and train my own model with spacy named entity recognition. I wanted first to try the example already done here:
but i'am getting this error : error: unrecognized arguments: -f /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/kernel-c46f384e-5989-4902-a775-7618ffadd54e.json
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.
SystemExit: 2
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/IPython/core/ UserWarning: To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.
warn("To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.", stacklevel=1)
Tried to look into all related questions and answers and couldn't resolve this.
Thank you for your help.
It looks like you're running the code from a Jupyter notebook, right? All spaCy examples are designed as fully standalone scripts to run from the command line. They use the Python library plac for generating the command-line interface, so you can run the script with arguments. Jupyter however seems to add another command-line option -f, which causes a conflict with the existing command-line interface.
As a solution, you could execute the script directly instead, for example:
Or, with command line arguments:
python --model en_core_web_sm --n-iter 20
Alternatively, you could also remove the #plac.annotations and and just execute the main() function directly in your notebook.
I have a probelm to use an output from a test case to use it with another test tase like input value ! did you have an idea how to do that ?
Even I have seen this issue with Ride. Sometimes ride does not save changes. Need to restart ride to see the saved changes. So, I am using ride only for development purpose and using command line to run test cases. On one window edit changes in ride and run test cases on command line.
To run single test case from command line:
python -m robot -t test_case_name test_suite_name
Hope it clears your doubt.
$ ../bin/mirah -e fib.mirah
Inference Error:
Cannot find static method fib() on DashE
DashE:1: Cannot find static method fib() on DashE
Got this while trying to run the mirah script that is grabbed from the examples folder. How can I fix this, thanks!
Ok. I should use mirahc instead of mirah. So... fixed.