how to get date different in postgres using date_part option - sql

How to get date time difference in PostgreSQL
I am using below syntax
select id, A_column,B_column,
(SELECT count(*) AS count_days_no_weekend
FROM generate_series(B_column ::timestamp , A_column ::timestamp, interval '1 day') the_day
WHERE extract('ISODOW' FROM the_day) < 5) * 24 + DATE_PART('hour', B_column::timestamp-A_column ::timestamp ) as hrs
FROM table req where id='123';
If A_column=2020-05-20 00:00:00 and B_column=2020-05-15 00:00:00 I want to get 72(in hours).
Is there any possibility to skip weekends(Saturday and Sunday) in first one, it means to get the result as 72 hours(exclude weekend hours)
i am getting 0
But i need to get 72 hours
And if If A_column=2020-08-15 12:00:00 and B_column=2020-08-15 00:00:00 I want to get 12(in hours).

One option uses a lateral join and generate_series() to enumerate each and every hour between the two timestamps, while filtering out week-ends:
select t.a_column, t.b_column, h.count_hours_no_weekend
from mytable t
cross join lateral (
select count(*) count_hours_no_weekend
from generate_series(t.b_column::timestamp, t.a_column::timestamp, interval '1 hour') s(col)
where extract('isodow' from s.col) < 5
) h
where id = 123

I would attack this by calculating the weekend hours to let the database deal with daylight savings time. I would then subtract the intervening weekend hours from the difference between the two date values.
with weekend_days as (
select *, date_part('isodow', ddate) as dow
from table1
cross join lateral
date_trunc('day', b_column),
date_trunc('day', a_column),
interval '1 day') as gs(ddate)
where date_part('isodow', ddate) in (6, 7)
), weekend_time as (
select id,
least(ddate + interval '1 day', a_column) -
greatest(ddate, b_column)
) as we_ival
from weekend_days
group by id
a_column - b_column as raw_difference,
coalesce(we_ival, interval '0') as adjustment,
a_column - b_column -
coalesce(we_ival, interval '0') as adj_difference
from weekend_time w
left join table1 t on =;
Working fiddle.


create table with dates - sql

I have a query that can create a table with dates like below:
with digit as (
select 0 as d union all
select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all
select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all
select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9
seq as (
select a.d + (10 * b.d) + (100 * c.d) + (1000 * d.d) as num
from digit a
cross join
digit b
cross join
digit c
cross join
digit d
order by 1
select (last_day(sysdate)::date - seq.num)::date as "Date"
from seq;
How could this be changed to generate only dates
WITH dates AS (
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) AS first_day_of_month,
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month -1 day' AS last_day_of_month
generate_series(first_day_of_month, last_day_of_month, interval '1 day')::date
FROM dates
date_trunc() truncates a type date (or timestamp) to a certain date part. date_trunc('month', ...) removes all parts but year and month. All other parts are set to their lowest possible values. So, the day part is set to 1. That's why you get the first day of month with this.
adding a month returns the first of the next month, subtracting a day from this results in the last day of the current month.
Finally you can generate a date series with start and end date using the generate_series() function
Edit: Redshift does not support generate_series() with type date and timestamp but with integer. So, we need to create an integer series instead and adding the results to the first of the month:
WITH dates AS (
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) AS first_day_of_month,
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) + interval '1 month -1 day' AS last_day_of_month
first_day_of_month::date + gs
date_part('day', first_day_of_month)::int - 1,
date_part('day', last_day_of_month)::int - 1
) as gs
This answers the original version of the question.
You would use generate_series():
select gs.dte
from generate_series(date_trunc('month', now()::date),
date_trunc('month', now()::date) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day',
interval '1 day'
) gs(dte);
Here is a db<>fiddle.

Speed up query where results with count(*) = 0 are included

I have a table squitters with, amongst others, a column parsed_time. I want to know the number of records per hour for the last two days and used this query:
SELECT date_trunc('hour', parsed_time) AS hour , count(*)
FROM squitters
WHERE parsed_time > date_trunc('hour', now()) - interval '2 day'
This works, but hours with zero records do not appear in the result. I want to have hours
with zero records also in the result with a count equal to zero, so I wrote this query using the generate_series function:
SELECT bins.hour, count(squitters.parsed_time)
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('hour', now() - interval '2 day'), now(), '1 hour') bins(hour)
LEFT OUTER JOIN squitters ON bins.hour = date_trunc('hours', squitters.parsed_time)
GROUP BY bins.hour
ORDER BY bins.hour DESC;
This works, in the results are hour-bins with counts equal to zero, but is considerably slower.
How can I have the speed of the first query with the count=zero results of the second query?
(btw. there is an index on parsed_time)
You could try and change the join condition so no date function is applied on column parsed_time:
SELECT b.hour, COUNT(s.parsed_time) cnt
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('hour', now() - interval '2 day'), now(), '1 hour') b(hour)
LEFT OUTER JOIN squitters s
ON s.parsed_time >= b.hour
AND s.parsed_time < b.hours + interval '1 hour'
GROUP BY b.hour
Alternatively, you could also try using a correlated subquery (or a lateral join) instead of a left join - this avoids the need for outer aggregation:
FROM squitters s
WHERE s.parsed_time >= b.hour AND s.parsed_time < b.hours + interval '1 hour'
) cnt
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('hour', now() - interval '2 day'), now(), '1 hour') b(hour)
ORDER BY b.hour desc
You could take advantage of Common Table Expressions to divide your problem into small chunks:
WITH cte AS (
--First query your table
SELECT date_trunc('hour', parsed_time) AS sq_hour , count(*)
FROM squitters
WHERE parsed_time > date_trunc('hour', now()) - interval '2 day'
), series AS (
--Create the series without the data returned from 1st query
generate_series(date_trunc('hour', now() - interval '2 day'), now(), '1 hour') bins(series_hour)
series_hour not in (SELECT sq_hour FROM cte)
--Union the result
SELECT * FROM series

PostgreSQL generate_series with WHERE clause

I'm having an issue generating a series of dates and then returning the COUNT of rows matching that each date in the series.
SELECT generate_series(current_date - interval '30 days', current_date, '1 day':: interval) AS i, COUNT(*)
FROM download
WHERE product_uuid = 'someUUID'
AND created_at = i
GROUP BY created_at::date
ORDER BY created_at::date ASC
I want the output to be the number of rows that match the current date in the series.
05-05-2018, 35
05-06-2018, 23
05-07-2018, 0
05-08-2018, 10
The schema has the following columns: id, product_uuid, created_at. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can add more detail if needed.
Put the table generating function in the from and use a join:
SELECT g.dte, COUNT(d.product_uuid)
FROM generate_series(current_date - interval '30 days', current_date, '1 day':: interval
) gs(dte) left join
download d
on d.product_uuid = 'someUUID' AND
d.created_at::date = g.dte
GROUP BY g.dte
ORDER BY g.dte;

how to insert non-grouped data

Inspired by this great answer I wrote the following query that returns the AVG calculated according 5-minutes intervals for the last year.
What I would like to have is all the 5-minutes intervals and, in case, set to null if no rows fit into a particular timespan.
with intervals as (select
(select min("timestamp") from public.hst_energy_d) + n AS start_timestamp,
(select min("timestamp") from public.hst_energy_d) + n + 299 AS end_timestamp
from generate_series(extract(epoch from now())::BIGINT - 10596096000, extract(epoch from now())::BIGINT, 300) n)
(SELECT AVG(meas."Al1") as "avg", islots.start_timestamp AS "timestamp"
FROM public.hst_energy_d meas
RIGHT OUTER JOIN intervals islots
on meas.timestamp >= islots.start_timestamp and meas.timestamp <= islots.end_timestamp
meas.idinstrum = 4
meas.id_device = 122
meas.timestamp > extract(epoch from now()) - 10596096000
GROUP BY islots.start_timestamp, islots.end_timestamp
ORDER BY timestamp);
I think I see what you're trying to do, and I wonder if using interval '5 minutes' liberally would't be a better and easier to follow approach:
with times as ( -- find the first date in the dataset, up to today
date_trunc ('minutes', min("timestamp")) -
mod (extract ('minutes' from min("timestamp"))::int, 5) * interval '1 minute' as bt,
date_trunc ('minutes', current_timestamp) -
mod (extract ('minutes' from current_timestamp)::int, 5) * interval '1 minute' as et
from hst_energy_d
idinstrum = 4 and
id_device = 122
), -- generate every possible range between these dates
ranges as (
generate_series(bt, et, interval '5 minutes') as range_start
from times
), -- normalize your data to which 5-minut interval it belongs to
rounded_hst as (
date_trunc ('minutes', "timestamp") -
mod (extract ('minutes' from "timestamp")::int, 5) * interval '1 minute' as round_time,
from hst_energy_d
idinstrum = 4 and
id_device = 122
r.range_start, r.range_start + interval '5 minutes' as range_end,
avg (hd."Al1")
ranges r
left join rounded_hst hd on
r.range_start = hd.round_time
group by
order by
By the way, the discerning eye may wonder why bother with the CTE rounded_hst and why not just use a "between" in the join. From everything I've tested and observed, the database will explode out all possibilities and then test the between condition in what amounts to a where clause -- a filtered cartesian. For this many intervals, that's guaranteed to be a killer.
The truncation of each data to the nearest five-minutes allows for a standard SQL join. I encourage you to test both, and I think you'll see what I mean.
-- EDIT 11/17/2016 --
Solution from OP that takes into account the times are numbers, not dates:
with times as ( -- find the first date in the dataset, up to today
date_trunc('minutes', to_timestamp(min("timestamp"))::timestamp) -
mod(extract ('minutes' from to_timestamp(min("timestamp"))::timestamp)::int, 5) * interval '1 minute' as bt,
date_trunc('minutes', current_timestamp::timestamp) -
mod(extract ('minutes' from (current_timestamp)::timestamp)::int, 5) * interval '1 minute' as et
from hst_energy_d
idinstrum = 4 and
id_device = 122
), -- generate every possible range between these dates
ranges as (
generate_series(bt, et, interval '5 minutes') as range_start
from times
), -- normalize your data to which 5-minute interval it belongs to
rounded_hst as (
date_trunc ('minutes', to_timestamp("timestamp")::timestamp)::timestamp -
mod (extract ('minutes' from (to_timestamp("timestamp")::timestamp))::int, 5) * interval '1 minute' as round_time,
from hst_energy_d
idinstrum = 4 and
id_device = 122
extract('epoch' from r.range_start)::bigint, extract('epoch' from r.range_start + interval '5 minutes')::bigint as range_end,
avg (hd."Al1")
ranges r
left join rounded_hst hd on
r.range_start = hd.round_time
group by
order by
I think this post will be suitable for you
Group DateTime into 5,15,30 and 60 minute intervals
This is a way of grouping dates, I'll recommend to build a scalar function.

update table with dates with month

There's a table dates_calendar:
id | date
13 | 2016-10-23 00:00:00
14 | 2016-10-24 00:00:00
I need to update this table and insert dates until the next month counting from the last date in the table. E.g. last date is 2016-10-24 00:00:00 - I need to insert dates till 2016-10-31. After that (the last date now is 2016-10-31) next statement call should insert dates till 2016-11-30 and so on.
Example of my SQL code, but it inserts 30 days all the time.
INSERT INTO dates_calendar (date)
(SELECT date FROM dates_calendar ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) + interval '1 day',
(SELECT date FROM dates_calendar ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) + interval '1 month',
'1 day'
I'm using PostgreSQL. As well would be fine to get rid of a duplicated SELECT statement of the last date.
insert into dates_calendar (date)
select dates::date
from (
select max(date)::date+ 1 next_day, '1day'::interval one_day, '1month'::interval one_month
from dates_calendar
) s,
date_trunc('month', next_day)+ one_month- one_day,
one_day) dates;
To calculate the first and last date you need to insert you can use this query:
select max(date) + interval '1' day as first_day,
date_trunc('month', max(date) + interval '1' month) - interval '1' day as last_day
from dates_calendar
The expression date_trunc('month', max(date) + interval '1' month) calculates the start date of the next month. Subtracting one day from that will give you the last day of that month.
This can then be used to generate the list of dates:
with from_to (first_day, last_day) as (
select max(date) + interval '1' day,
date_trunc('month', max(date) + interval '1' month) - interval '1' day
from dates_calendar
select dt
from generate_series( (select first_day from from_to), (select last_day from from_to), interval '1' day) as t(dt);
And finally this can be used to insert the generated rows into the table:
with from_to (first_day, last_day) as (
select max(date) + interval '1' day,
date_trunc('month', max(date) + interval '1' month) - interval '1' day
from dates_calendar
insert into dates_calendar (date)
select dt
from generate_series( (select first_day from from_to), (select last_day from from_to), interval '1' day) as t(dt);
with max_date (d) as (select max(date)::date from dates_calendar)
insert into dates_calendar (date)
select d
from generate_series (
(select d from max_date) + 1,
(select date_trunc('month', d + interval '1 month')::date - 1 from max_date),
'1 day'
) g(d)