Vue, wait data is assign to run a function - vue.js

I have a method in my Vue instance that do the following:
submitForm(confirmation) {
//set price confirmation
this.price_confirmation = confirmation
var form = this.getForm()
Price confirmation is the v-model of an input.
Then the method getForm serialize (with jquery) the form. The thing is that my form is being serialized before this.price_confirmation = confirmation is run.
How can I run this.getForm() after Vue assign the data?

You probably need to use the nextTick method to wait until the next update cycle:
submitForm(confirmation) {
//set price confirmation
this.price_confirmation = confirmation
this.$nextTick(() => {
var form = this.getForm();

From what you've shared, it's not clear how the confirmation is set in your component and at what point the submitForm is called. submitForm method seems to be correct, and should work correctly (i.e. this.getForm() is called after this.price_confirmation is set). What you could do is, look where the confirmation variable is set and add an async function to it. e.g:
async confirmation() {
await getConfirmations();
If you need more help please share the relevant code from your component.


backbone view in router lost after creation

When I try to associate my router's public variable this.currentView to a newly created view, the view gets lost, the public variable is null instead of containing the newly created view.
var self=this;
var watchListsCollection = new WatchlistCollection;
watchListsCollection.url = "watchlists";
user.fetch().done(function() {
watchListsCollection.fetch().done(function () {
loggedUser.fetch().done(function () {
self.currentView = new UserView(user, watchListsCollection,loggedUser);
alert(this.currentView); //null
The fetch() calls you do are firing asynchronous AJAX requests, meaning the code in your done handlers are not going to be executed untill the server calls return. Once you've executed user.fetch() the browser will fire off a request and then continue running your program and alert this.currentView without waiting for the requests to finish.
The sequence of events is basically going to be
call user.fetch()
alert this.currentView
call watchListsCollection.fetch()
call loggedUser.fetch()
set the value of self.currentView
You will not be able to see the value of your currentView before the last server request have completed.
If you change your code to
var self=this;
var watchListsCollection = new WatchlistCollection;
watchListsCollection.url = "watchlists";
user.fetch().done(function() {
watchListsCollection.fetch().done(function () {
loggedUser.fetch().done(function () {
self.currentView = new UserView(user, watchListsCollection,loggedUser);
function alertCurrentView() {
You should see the correct value displayed. Now, depending on what you intend to use your this.currentView for that might or might not let you fix whatever issue you have, but there's no way you're not going to have to wait for all the requests to complete before it's available. If you need to do something with it straight away you should create your UserView immediately and move the fetch() calls into that view's initialize().
fetch() is asynchronous, but you check your variable right after you've started your task. Probably these tasks, as they supposed to be just reads, should be run in parallel. And forget making a copy of this, try _.bind instead according to the Airbnb styleguide:
var tasks = [];
Promise.all(tasks).then(_.bind(function() {
this.currentView = new UserView(user, watchListsCollection, loggedUser);
}, this));
or using ES6 generators:
function* () {
var tasks = [];
yield Promise.all(tasks);
this.currentView = new UserView(user, watchListsCollection, loggedUser);

Mithriljs does not update DOM on change in data

I read somewhere, the DOM is updated every time an event occurs and there is changes in data which are bound to DOM. So I wished to learn more about it. I tried the code below but the DOM is not updated when data in textarea changes but its updated whenever I click or press tab key.
var app = {
controller: function () {
var self = this;
this.model = {};
this.model.errors = [];
this.break_data = function (value) {
self.model.errors = value.split(' ');
view: function (ctrl) {
return m('.content', [
m('textarea', {onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.break_data)}), (error) {
return m('.error', error);
m.mount(document.getElementById('app'), app);
I even tried m.startComputaion(), m.stopComputation() and m.redraw() non of them works.
The redrawing timing is described here:
As for your example, the problem is not Mithril but the event. You need to use oninput instead of onchange to look for immediate changes. As the Mozilla docs for the "change" event states:
The change event is fired for input, select, and textarea
elements when a change to the element's value is committed by the
user. Unlike the input event, the change event is not necessarily
fired for each change to an element's value.
Here's a fiddle with your code that uses oninput:
Note that you don't need m.redraw in the event handler anymore now when the correct event is used, since Mithril redraws automatically after every event defined in a call to m().

Backbone: how to test preventDefault to be called without testing directly the callback

Let's say we have a simple Backbone View, like this:
class MyView extends Backbone.View
'click .save': 'onSave'
onSave: (event) ->
# do something interesting
I want to test that event.preventDefault() gets called when I click on my element with the .save class.
I could test the implementation of my callback function, pretty much like this (Mocha + Sinon.js):
it 'prevents default submission', ->
I don't think it's working but this is only to get the idea; writing the proper code, this works. My problem here is that this way I'm testing the implementation and not the functionality.
So, my question really is: how can I verify , supposing to trigger a click event on my .save element?
it 'prevents default submission', ->
# assertion here ??
Thanks as always :)
Try adding a listener on the view's $el, then triggering click on .save, then verify the event hasn't bubbled up to the view's element.
var view = new MyView();
var called = false;
function callback() { called = true; }
// Attach a listener on the view's element
view.$el.on('click', callback);
// Test
// Verify
So you want to test that preventDefault is called when a click event is generated, correct?
Couldn't you do something like (in JavaScript. I'll leave the CoffeeScript as an exercise ;)):
var preventDefaultSpy;
before(function() {
preventDefaultSpy = sinon.spy(Event.prototype, 'preventDefault');
after(function() {
it('should call "preventDefault"', function() {
You might want to call preventDefaultSpy.reset() just before creating the click event so the call count is not affected by other things going on.
I haven't tested it, but I believe it would work.
edit: in other words, since my answer is not that different from a part of your question: I think your first approach is ok. By spying on Event.prototype you don't call myView so it's acting more as a black box, which might alleviate some of your concerns.

Testing model binding in Backbone JS with Jasmine

I have a view that contains a model. The view listens for an event from the model and will perform an action once the event is triggered. Below is my code
window.Category = Backbone.Model.extend({})
window.notesDialog = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.model.bind("notesFetched", this.showNotes, this);
showNotes: function(notes) {
//do stuffs here
I want to test this using Jasmine and below is my test (which doesn't work)
it("should show notes", function() {
var category = new Category;
var notes_dialog = new NotesDialog({model: category})
spyOn(notes_dialog, "showNotes");
category.trigger("notesFetched", "[]");
Does anyone know why the above test doesn't work? The error I get is "Expected spy showNotes to have been called with [ '[]' ] but it was never called."
I was doing something similar where I had a view, but I couldn't get the spy to work properly unless I added it to the prototype, and before I created the instance of the view.
Here's what eventually worked for me:
view = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.collection.bind("change", this.onChange, this);
onChange: function(){
describe("Test Event", function(){
it("Should spy on change event", function(){
var spy = spyOn(view.prototype, 'onChange').andCallThrough()
var v = new view( {collection: some_collection });
// Trigger the change event
I would test initially with the toHaveBeenCalled() expectation and change to the toHaveBeenCalledWith() after you get that working...
Update 5/6/2013: Changed update() to set()
Try to amend your existing test code as follows:
it("should show notes", function() {
var category = new Category;
spyOn(NotesDialog.prototype, "showNotes");
var notes_dialog = new NotesDialog({model: category})
category.trigger("notesFetched", "[]");
In your original code, the instance of the method you are calling is one defined in the bind closure, whereas the one you are spying on is in the notes_dialog instance. By moving the spy to the prototype, you are replacing it before the bind takes place, and therefore the bind closure encapsulates the spy, not the original method.
Using a spy means to replace the function you spying on. So in your case you replace the bind function with the spy, so the internal logic of the original spy will not call anymore. And thats the right way to go cause you dont wanna test that Backbones bind is work but that you have called bind with the specific paramaters "notesFetched", this.showNotes, this.
So how to test this. As you know every spy has the toHaveBeenCalledWith(arguments) method. In your case it should looks like this:
expect(category.bind).toHaveBeenCalledWith("notesFetched", category. showNotes, showNotes)
So how to test that trigger the "notesFetched" on the model will call your showNotes function.
Every spy saves the all parameters he was called with. You can access the last one with mostRecentCall.args.
category.bind.mostRecentCall.args[1].call(category.bind.mostRecentCall.args[2], "[]");
mostRecentCall.args[1] is the the second argument in your bind call (this.showNotes). mostRecentCall.args[2] is the the third argument in your bind call (this).
As we have test that bind was called with your public method showNotes, you can also call the your public method showNotes directly, but sometimes the passed arguments can access from outside so you will use the shown way.
Your code looks fine, except do you have the test wrapped in a describe function, as well as an it function?
describe("show notes", function(){
it("should show notes", function(){
// ... everything you already have here
Total guess at this point, but since you're not showing the describe function that's all I can think it would be. You must have a describe block for the tests to work, if you don't have one.
You are pretty close ;)
spyOn replaces the function with your spy and returns you the spy.
So if you do:
var dialog_spy = spyOn(notes_dialog, "showNotes");
category.trigger("notesFetched", "[]");
should work just fine!

dojo - programmatic way to show invalid message

dojo newbie - giving it a shot.
After submitting a form, If an error is returned from the server I would like to show that message on the dijit.form.ValidationTextBox
var user_email = dijit.byId("login_user_email");
user_email.set("invalidMessage", data["result"]["user_email"]);
//need to force show the tooltip but how???
Any help much appreciated.
See it in action at jsFiddle.
Just show tooltip:
var textBox = bijit.byId("validationTextBox");
Temporarily switch textBox validator, force validation, restore the original validator:
var originalValidator = textBox.validator;
textBox.validator = function() {return false;}
textBox.validator = originalValidator;
Or do both at once.
I think you can show the tooltip via myVTB.displayMessage('this is coming from back end validation'); method
you need to do the validation in the validator-method. like here
you also need to focus the widget to show up the message! dijit.byId("whatever").focus()
#arber solution is the best when using the new dojo. Just remember to set the focus to the TextBox before calling the "displayMessage" method.
I am using dojo 1.10 which works create as follows:
function showCustomMessage(textBox, message){
textBox.set("state", "Error");
Dojo reference guid for ValidationTextBox:
I know this question is ancient, but hopefully this'll help someone. Yes, you should use validators, but if you have a reason not to, this will display the message and invalidate the field:
function(textbox, state /*"Error", "Incomplete", ""*/, message) {
textbox.set("state", state);
textbox.set("message", message);
You can call directly the "private" function:
textBox._set('state', 'Error');
You get the same result as #phusick suggested but with less code and arguably in a more direct and clean way.
_set is available to ValidationTextBox as declared on its base class dijit/_WidgetBase.
Live demo:
dojo.ready(function() {
var textBox = dijit.byId("validationTextBox");
dojo.connect(dijit.byId("tooltipBtn"), "onClick", function() {
textBox.get('tooltipPosition'), !textBox.isLeftToRight()
dojo.connect(dijit.byId("validatorBtn"), "onClick", function() {
// call the internal function which set the widget as in error state
textBox._set('state', 'Error');
code not necessary
var originalValidator = textBox.validator;
textBox.validator = function() {return false;}
textBox.validator = originalValidator;