SQLite: How to select a column with whitespace without use it? - sql

So, I'm trying to do a SQL injection in a ctf application that removes all whitespace in form parameters, so I can't use it. To perform my query I used /**/ to insert whitespace and I could perform many queries using something like:
I'm injecting SQL in a SELECT query.
Now I have a problem: The column name that I need has one whitespace, something like: my column. So my query would be like:
1'/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/"my column"/**/FROM/**/table;--
But I need to remove this whitespace. I tried to use hex encoding: SELECT/**/X'hex_ecoding'/**/... but it always return the same blob structure. Is there any way to do this in SQLite?


Does array like function exist in SQL

Using SQL I would like to know if its possible to do the following:
If I have a variable that the user inputs mutiple strings into seperated by a comma for example ('aa','bbb','c','dfd'), is it possible using LIKE with a wilcard at the end of each string in stead of having the user to enter each variations in multiple macros.
So say if user was looking for employee numbers that start with ('F','E','C') is it possible without using OR statements is the question I guess am asking?
It would be similar to that of an array I guess
No, LIKE is its own operator and therefore needs separated by an OR.
You might prefer ILIKE to LIKE, as it is a case-insensitive comparison.
You can also try to use REGEXP_LIKE, which is similar to what you want, except you'll have to use regex expressions instead of 'FEC%'
That depends on your SQL dialect; I don't know Impala at all, but other SQL engines have support for regular expressions in string matches, so that you can build a query string like
SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '^[FEC].*$';
No matter what you do, you will need to build a query from your user's input. Passing through user input unprocessed into your SQL processor is a big "nope" anyways, from a "don't accidentally delete a table" point of view:

How to select values around .(dot) using sql

I am running below query in Teradata :
sel requesttext from dbc.tables
where tablename='old_employee_table'
alter table DB_NAME.employee_table,no fallback ;
I want to get below result using SQL:
Requesttext can be:
create set table DB_NAME.employee_table;
DB Name and table can occur anywhere in the result. Since .(dot) is joining them that's why i want to split with .(dot).
Basically I need sql which can result me surrounding values of .(dot)
I want DBName and Tablename in result.
I'm not a Teradata person, but this should work for both strings given so far, as long as teradata's regexp_substr() supports positive look-behind and positive look-ahead assertions (I might have the Teradata syntax wrong, so a little tweaking may be needed):
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(requesttext, '(?<= )(\w+\.\w+)(?=[,$]?)', 1, 1)
FROM dbc.tables
WHERE tablename='old_employee_table'
See the regex101 example. Hopefully it translates to Teradata easily.
The regex looks for and returns the words either side of and including the period, when preceded by a space, and followed by an optional comma or the end of the line.
You could do this with either regexp_substr() or strtok().
As Jamie Zawinski said:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
So I would go with the strtok() method. Also I'm lazy and regular expressions are hard.
Function strtok() takes three arguments:
The string being split
The delimiter to split the string
The number of the token to grab.
To get at the <database>.<table> from that string that is returned in your query, we can split by a space, grab the third token, then split that by a comma and grab the first token.
That would look like:
SELECT strtok(strtok(requestText,' ',3),',',1)
FROM dbc.tables
WHERE tablename='old_employee_table'

Store string with special characters like quotes or backslash in postgresql table

I have a string with value
'MAX DATE QUERY: SELECT iso_timestamp(MAX(time_stamp)) AS MAXTIME FROM observation WHERE offering_id = 'HOBART''
But on inserting into postgresql table i am getting error:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "HOBART".
This is probably because my string contains single quotes. I don't know my string value. Every time it keeps changing and may contain special characters like \ or something since I am reading from a file and saving into postgres database.
Please give a general solution to escape such characters.
As per the SQL standard, quotes are delimited by doubling them, ie:
insert into table (column) values ('I''m OK')
If you replace every single quote in your text with two single quotes, it will work.
Normally, a backslash escapes the following character, but literal backslashes are similarly escaped by using two backslashes"
insert into table (column) values ('Look in C:\\Temp')
You can use double dollar quotation to escape the special characters in your string.
The above query as mentioned insert into table (column) values ('I'm OK')
changes to insert into table (column) values ($$I'm OK$$).
To make the identifier unique so that it doesn't mix with the values, you can add any characters between 2 dollars such as
insert into table (column) values ($aesc6$I'm OK$aesc6$).
here $aesc6$ is the unique string identifier so that even if $$ is part of the value, it will be treated as a value and not a identifier.
You appear to be using Java and JDBC. Please read the JDBC tutorial, which describes how to use paramaterized queries to safely insert data without risking SQL injection problems.
Please read the prepared statements section of the JDBC tutorial and these simple examples in various languages including Java.
Since you're having issues with backslashes, not just 'single quotes', I'd say you're running PostgreSQL 9.0 or older, which default to standard_conforming_strings = off. In newer versions backslashes are only special if you use the PostgreSQL extension E'escape strings'. (This is why you always include your PostgreSQL version in questions).
You might also want to examine:
Why you should use prepared statements.
The PostgreSQL documentation on the lexical structure of SQL queries.
While it is possible to explicitly quote values, doing so is error-prone, slow and inefficient. You should use parameterized queries (prepared statements) to safely insert data.
In future, please include a code snippet that you're having a problem with and details of the language you're using, the PostgreSQL version, etc.
If you really must manually escape strings, you'll need to make sure that standard_conforming_strings is on and double quotes, eg don''t manually escape text; or use PostgreSQL-specific E'escape strings where you \'backslash escape\' quotes'. But really, use prepared statements, it's way easier.
Some possible approaches are:
use prepared statements
convert all special characters to their equivalent html entities.
use base64 encoding while storing the string, and base64 decoding while reading the string from the db table.
Approach 1 (prepared statements) can be combined with approaches 2 and 3.
Approach 3 (base64 encoding) converts all characters to hexadecimal characters without loosing any info. But you may not be able to do full-text search using this approach.
Literals in SQLServer start with N like this:
update table set stringField = N'/;l;sldl;'''mess'

Return sql rows where field contains ONLY non-alphanumeric characters

I need to find out how many rows in a particular field in my sql server table, contain ONLY non-alphanumeric characters.
I'm thinking it's a regular expression that I need along the lines of [^a-zA-Z0-9] but Im not sure of the exact syntax I need to return the rows if there are no valid alphanumeric chars in there.
SQL Server doesn't have regular expressions. It uses the LIKE pattern matching syntax which isn't the same.
As it happens, you are close. Just need leading+trailing wildcards and move the NOT
WHERE whatever NOT LIKE '%[a-z0-9]%'
If you have short strings you should be able to create a few LIKE patterns ('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '[^a-zA-Z0-9][^a-zA-Z0-9]', ...) to match strings of different length. Otherwise you should use CLR user defined function and a proper regular expression - Regular Expressions Make Pattern Matching And Data Extraction Easier.
This will not work correctly, e.g. abcÑxyz will pass thru this as it has a,b,c... you need to work with Collate or check each byte.

WHERE Clause Requires Like When Equals Should Work

I have a query that I think should look like this:
select *
from Requesters
The field CITIZEN_STATUS, whose data type is varchar(15), has a trailing space for this particular value. I have pasted it into Notepad++ and looked at it with a hex editor, and the final space is indeed 0x20.
For the query to work, I have to write it like this:
select *
from Requesters
where CITIZEN_STATUS like 'OS-IE%';
So, obviously, I have a workaround and the question is not urgent. But I would really like to know why the first query fails to do what I expect. Does anyone have any ideas?
I should mention I am using SQL Server 2005 and can provide more information about the configuration if needed.
In MySQL 5, this query works. However, it does not distinguish on trailing whitespace. The query matches 'OS-IE ' as well as 'OS-IE'. In SQL Server 2005 you can use a regular expression that defines the end of a line. The correct character for this is the dollar sign '$' to indicate that you do want the space. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163473.aspx