How to hide bottom tab navigation in login screen? - react-native

I want to hide the bottom tab bar in login page and show it to the other screens how can i achieve this?
right now there's bottom tab bar at the login screen i want to remove it and show it once i signed in. if anyone knows how to this please help. i got some idea from this answer React Native: How to hide bottom bar before login and show it once the user is logged in? but I have no idea how to check weather the user is signed in or not ! how can i pass it from my login screen to app.js?
this is my app.js
import { createStackNavigator } from "react-navigation-stack";
import { createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator} from "react-navigation";
import LoginScreen from './src/screens/login';
import Orders from './src/screens/home';
import TransactionScreen from './src/screens/transactionScreen';
import Logout from './src/screens/footer';
import { Icon } from "react-native-elements";
import * as React from "react";
import { View, Image, Text, ActivityIndicator ,SafeAreaView,StatusBar,Alert} from "react-native";
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from 'react-navigation-tabs';
import AsyncStorage from "#react-native-community/async-storage";
// const Apps = createStackNavigator({
// LoginScreen: { screen: LoginScreen },
// Home :{
// screen:Home
// },
// TransactionScreen:{
// screen:TransactionScreen,
// navigationOptions: {
// headerTitle: "Transactions",
// headerStyle: {
// backgroundColor: "white",
// },
// headerTintColor: "black",
// },
// }
// });
// const App = createAppContainer(Apps);
// export default App;
class IconWithBadge extends React.Component {
render() {
const { name, badgeCount, color, size,type } = this.props;
return (
<View style={{ width: 24, height: 24 }}>
<Icon name={name} size={size} type={type} color={color} />
const getTabBarIcon = (navigation, focused, tintColor) => {
const { routeName } = navigation.state;
let IconComponent = Icon;
let iconName;
let type =null;
if (routeName === "Orders") {
iconName = `kitchen`;
} else if (routeName === "Transactions") {
iconName = `account-balance`;
} else if (routeName === "Logout") {
iconName = `settings`;
// You can return any component that you like here!
return <IconWithBadge name={iconName} type={type} color={tintColor} />;
const AuthStack = createStackNavigator({
LoginScreen: { screen: LoginScreen },
const RootStack = createBottomTabNavigator(
Orders: { screen: Orders },
Transactions: { screen: TransactionScreen },
Logout: {
screen: Logout,
navigationOptions:({navigation}) => ({
tabBarOnPress:(scene, jumpToIndex) => {
return Alert.alert(
"Confirmation Required",
'Do you want to logout?',
{text:"Yes", onPress: ()=>{AsyncStorage.clear(); navigation.navigate('Auth')}},
defaultNavigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ focused, tintColor }) =>
getTabBarIcon(navigation, focused, tintColor),
tabBarOptions: {
// initialRouteName: "FirstScreen",
activeTintColor: "yellow",
activeBackgroundColor: "#023333",
inactiveTintColor: "white",
inactiveBackgroundColor: "#023333",
upperCaseLabel: true,
showIcon: true,
barStyle: { backgroundColor: "#fff" },
lazy: false,
class AuthLoadingScreen extends React.Component{
_loadData = async() =>{
const isLoggedIn = await AsyncStorage.getItem('isLoggedIn');
this.props.navigation.navigate(isLoggedIn !== '1'? 'Auth' : 'App');
<SafeAreaView style={{flex:1,justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
<StatusBar barStyle="dark-content"/>
export default createAppContainer(createSwitchNavigator(
AuthLoading: AuthLoadingScreen,

Looks like you're using navigation-stack and navigation-tabs.
For that I have a solution. then make a structure like this.
import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '#react-navigation/bottom-tabs';
import {createStackNavigator} from '#react-navigation/stack';
if you want to display bottom navigation. create a tab screen function like this.
function HomeTabs() {
return (
<Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
<Tab.Screen name="Feed" component={Feed} />
<Tab.Screen name="Notifications" component={Notifications} />
then call in navigation container.
After re-organizing the navigation structure, now if we navigate to the Login or Signup screens, the tab bar won't be visible over the screen anymore.
ref :


Conditional navigation inside Tabs

i want to show a screen depending on a state.
So when I click on the bottom left tab, if there is a valid user, I want to be redirected to the UserProfile-screen, else redirect to the LoginScreen.
The react-native navigation confuses me, i just cant see whats wrong.
So in LoginRoutes.tsx I just try to change this behaviour by using true / false
Thanks in Advance.
What I have so far:
export const BottomTabNavigator = () => {
const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
return (
tabBarShowLabel: true,
tabBarStyle: {
backgroundColor: "#292929",
tabBarInactiveTintColor: "#919191",
tabBarInactiveBackgroundColor: "#292929",
tabBarActiveTintColor: Colors[colorScheme].text,
headerShown: false,
options={{ title: "Login", headerShown: false}}
options={{ headerShown: false,title:"test" }}
import * as React from "react";
import { ActivityIndicator, View, Text } from "react-native";
import AsyncStorage from "#react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
import { createStackNavigator } from "#react-navigation/stack";
import NavigationContainer from "./UserProfileStack";
import LoginScreen from "../Screens/LoginScreen";
import UserProfile from "../components/UserProfile";
import Colors from "../constants/Colors";
import { UserProfileInfo } from "../constants/Types";
function LoginRoutes({ navigation }: { navigation: any }) {
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(null);
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
React.useEffect(() => {
// check if the user is logged in or not
.then((userString) => {
if (userString) {
} else {
console.log("not logged in, showing LoginPage");
.catch((err) => {
}, []);
if (loading) {
return (
height: "100%",
justifyContent: "center",
backgroundColor: Colors.dark.background,
style={{ backgroundColor: Colors.dark.background }}
color: Colors.dark.text,
marginTop: 10,
alignSelf: "center",
retrieving userdata...
return (
{true ? (
<Stack.Screen name="LoginScreen" component={LoginScreen} />
) : (
<Stack.Screen name="UserProfile" component={UserProfile} />
export default LoginRoutes;
The stackNavigator:
import { createStackNavigator } from "react-navigation-stack";
import { createAppContainer } from "react-navigation";
import LoginScreen from "../Screens/LoginScreen";
import UserProfile from "../components/UserProfile";
import { UserProfileInfo } from "../constants/Types";
import { StackNavigationProp } from '#react-navigation/stack';
export type UserProfileStackParams = {
LoginScreen: undefined,
UserProfile: { profileInfo: UserProfileInfo };
const screens = {
LoginScreen: {
screen: LoginScreen,
navigationOptions: {headerShown: false,gestureEnabled:false},
UserProfile: {
screen: UserProfile,
navigationOptions: {headerShown: false,gestureEnabled:false},
// home stack navigator screens
const UserProfileStack = createStackNavigator(screens);
export default createAppContainer(UserProfileStack);
type Props = {
navigation: StackNavigationProp<UserProfileStackParams, "UserProfile">
loggedInUser: {}
const DATA = [
// contains valid data
export const UserProfile: React.FC<Props> = ({ navigation}) => {
const [steamID, setSteamID] = React.useState({ id: null, watchLists: null });
const [profileInfo, setProfileInfo] = React.useState<UserProfileInfo>(null);
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);
React.useEffect(() => {
// check if the user is logged in or not
.then((userString) => {
if (userString) {
console.log("logged in.");
fetchUserProfile( => {
} else {
console.log("not logged in, showing LoginPage");
.catch((err) => {
}, []);
return (
onPress={() => {
export default UserProfile;
Inside the BottomTabNavigator you can check if the user is logged in. You can get the user in the same way you're getting it in UserProfile.tsx file.
export const BottomTabNavigator = () => {
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
// check for user
}, []);
return (
screenOptions={{ ... }}
component={user ? UserScreen : LoginScreen}
Alternatively, you can look into getting the user through Context Provider so that you don't have to check the storage every time you want to see if the user is logged in.
Read more about that here:
How To Manage User State with React Context
React Context

create a navigator does not take an argument

I am trying to create Bottom Navigation in React Native project. But I am getting the following error.
Error: Creating a navigator doesn't take an argument. Maybe you are trying to use React Navigation 4 API with React Navigation 5?
import React from 'react';
import { createMaterialBottomTabNavigator } from '#react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs';
import { createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';
import { Icon } from 'react-native-vector-icons';
import Accounts from './src/components/Accounts';
.... importing other screens here...
const Tab = createMaterialBottomTabNavigator(
Accounts: {
screen: Accounts,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => {
<Icon name={'ios-home'} size={25} style={[{ color: tintColor }]} />
Categories: { screen: Categories },
Transactions: { screen: Transactions },
Budget: { screen: Budget },
Overview: { screen: Overview }
initialRouteName: 'Accounts',
activeColor: '#f0edf6',
inactiveColor: '#3e2465',
barStyle: { backgroundColor: '#694fad' }
export default createAppContainer(Tab)
import React from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import App from './App';
import { name as appName } from './app.json';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import rootReducer from './src/redux/reducers/rootReducer'
const store = createStore(rootReducer)
const Root = () => (
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => Root);
I want Bottom Navigation with 5 tabs. What is the mistake in my coding?
in v5 creating navigators changed, createMaterialBottomTabNavigator function does not any parameters, u have to use this structure
import { NavigationContainer } from '#react-navigation/native';
import { createMaterialBottomTabNavigator } from '#react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs';
const Tab = createMaterialBottomTabNavigator();
function MyTabs() {
return (
screenOptions={({ route }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color, size }) => {
let iconName;
if ( === 'Home') {
iconName = focused
? 'ios-information-circle'
: 'ios-information-circle-outline';
} else if ( === 'Settings') {
iconName = focused ? 'ios-list-box' : 'ios-list';
// You can return any component that you like here!
return <Ionicons name={iconName} size={size} color={color} />;
activeTintColor: 'tomato',
inactiveTintColor: 'gray',
<Tab.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Tab.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsScreen} />
go here for more details
You are using v4 react-navigation and for createMaterialBottomTabNavigator you are using higher version

React Navigation - undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.navigation.navigate')

I am following this tutorial to implement a switch navigator for user authentication:
However, this.navigation.navigate appears to undefined when I try to navigate to the next screen.
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.props.navigation.navigate')
I am using expo for my app, and I've already looked at the solutions posted to a similar question at React Native - navigation issue "undefined is not an object (this.props.navigation.navigate)" to no avail.
import * as React from 'react';
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from 'react-navigation-tabs';
import profile from './app/screens/profile.js'
import home from './app/screens/home.js'
import createCompetition from './app/screens/create.js'
import explore from './app/screens/explore.js'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
import login from './app/screens/login.js';
import { f } from './config/config.js';
import { ActivityIndicator, AsyncStorage, Button, StatusBar, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation-stack';
import { createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
* Tab Stack is the Bottom Navigator for the different pages
const TabStack = createBottomTabNavigator(
Home: {
screen: home,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="home" size={25} style={{ color: tintColor }} />
Explore: {
screen: explore,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="search" size={25} style={{ color: tintColor }} />
Profile: {
screen: profile,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="person" size={25} style={{ color: tintColor }} />
Create: {
screen: createCompetition,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="add" size={25} style={{ color: tintColor }} />
tabBarOptions: {
showIcon: true,
showLabel: false,
activeTintColor: 'black',
style: { backgroundColor: 'white', }
* Loading Screen during authorization process
class AuthLoadingScreen extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// Fetch the token from storage then navigate to our appropriate place
_bootstrapAsync = async () => {
f.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) { //checks if user is signed in or out
this.props.navigation.navigate(user ? 'App' : 'Auth');
// Render any loading content that you like here
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<ActivityIndicator />
<StatusBar barStyle="default" />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
const AppStack = createStackNavigator({ Home: TabStack });
const AuthStack = createStackNavigator({ Login: login });
const RootStack = createSwitchNavigator(
AuthLoading: AuthLoadingScreen,
App: AppStack,
Auth: AuthStack,
initialRouteName: 'AuthLoading',
const App = createAppContainer(RootStack);
export default App;
You are not giving access to this to your _bootstrapAsync function and your onAuthStateChanged callback. Just pass the callback inside of it using arrow function, as it autobinds the current function to the current app this
_bootstrapAsync = async () => {
f.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => { //checks if user is signed in or out
this.props.navigation.navigate(user ? 'App' : 'Auth');
The problem is with function keyword, which doesnt bind this keyword. Better replace it with ES6 arrow functions which implictly binds this to the inner scope :
f.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => { //checks if user is signed in or out
this.props.navigation.navigate(user ? 'App' : 'Auth');
Hope it helps .feel free for doubts

Hide bottom tab naivgation

I have a bottom tab bar that locates in app.js. And I have the class where I want to hide the bottom bar. In page home.js I have 2 classes. 1st one is main (is the list of articles), the second one is for button page navigation (in this class I display articles). How I can hide bottom tab navigation in the second page (where articles are displayed). I have tried tabBarVisible: false, but this does not work. Help me, please.
// app.js
const TabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator({
<Icon name="ios-home" color={tintColor} size={24} />
<Icon name="ios-school" color={tintColor} size={24} />
<Icon name="ios-document" color={tintColor} size={24} />
elevation: 5
export default createAppContainer(TabNavigator);
// home.js
import React from 'react';
import { Font } from 'expo';
import { Button, View, Text, SafeAreaView, ActivityIndicator, ListView, StyleSheet, Image, Dimensions,
ScrollView } from 'react-native';
import { createStackNavigator, createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation'; // Version can be specified in package.json
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'
import Courses from './Courses'
class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = {
title: 'Home',
const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.MainContainer}>
renderRow={rowData => (
onPress={() => {
/* 1. Navigate to the Details route with params */
this.props.navigation.navigate("Articles", {
otherParam: rowData.article_title,
class ArticleScreen extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation, navigationOptions }) => {
const { params } = navigation.state;
return {
title: params ? params.otherParam : '',
render() {
const { params } = this.props.navigation.state;
const article_title = params ? params.otherParam : '';
return (
const RootStack = createStackNavigator(
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
Courses: {
screen: Courses,
navigationOptions: {
header: null,
Articles: {
screen: ArticleScreen,
initialRouteName: 'Home',
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(RootStack);
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return <AppContainer />;
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(RootStack);
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return <AppContainer />;
You have to make StackNavigator as main Navigator and TabBar as a sub navigator:
const TabBar = createBottomTabNavigator(RouteConfigs, TabNavigatorConfig);
const MainNavigator = createStackNavigator(
WelcomeScene: { screen:Scenes.WelcomeScene },
HomeScene: { screen: HomeScene }
Using this when you go the second screen Tabbar will hide automatically.
Can you try this?
class ArticleScreen extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
title: params ? params.otherParam : '',
tabBarVisible: false
How about something like this. Create Tab navigator and pass it down to Stack navigator as one of the screen, when you navigate to the Articles, it will hide the tab bar...
const TabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator({
Home: {
screen: Home,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Главная',
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="ios-home" color={tintColor} size={24} />
Courses: {
screen: Courses,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Courses',
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="ios-school" color={tintColor} size={24} />
Editor: {
screen: Editor,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarLabel: 'Editor',
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (
<Icon name="ios-document" color={tintColor} size={24} />
}, {
tabBarOptions: {
activeTintColor: '#db0202',
inactiveTintColor: 'grey',
style: {
fontSize: 3,
height: 45,
backgroundColor: 'white',
borderTopWidth: 0,
elevation: 5,
const stackNavigator = createStackNavigator({
Home: {
screen: TabNavigator,
navigationOptions: {
header: null,
Articles: {
screen: ArticleScreen,
// add screens here which you want to hide the tab bar
export default createAppContainer(stackNavigator);

react Navigation 3.x open drawer from header button?

I want to create a header on top with title for each screen and button on the right to open the drawer in react navigation 3.x
In the code below the header does not show.
//Updated with Current code
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-navigation';
import MyHomeScreen from './components/HomeScreen';
import MyNotificationsScreen from './components/ProfileScreen';
const MyDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
Home: {
screen: MyHomeScreen
Notifications: {
screen: MyNotificationsScreen
initialRouteName: 'Home',
navigationOptions: navigationOptionsHeader
const navigationOptionsHeader = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
headerTitle: 'MY Home',
headerRight: (
onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer()}
const AppContainer = createAppContainer(MyDrawerNavigator);
class App extends Component {
render() {
return <AppContainer />;
export default App;
Use this inside your screen class
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
return {
title: 'Home',
headerLeft: (
< Icon name="menu" size={30} style={{marginStart:10}} backgroundColor="#000000" onPress={() => navigation.openDrawer()} > < /Icon>
try this
const MyDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
Home: {
screen: MyHomeScreen
Notifications: {
screen: MyNotificationsScreen
initialRouteName: 'Home'
navigationOptions: navigationOptionsHeader,
const navigationOptionsHeader=({navigation})=>{
return {
headerRight: (
onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer();
you can also add other stuffs in header like this
const navigationOptionsHeader=({navigation})=>{
return {
headerRight: (
onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer();
headerLeft : <headerLeft/>,
title: //Header Title
headerStyle: { backgroundColor: '#161616', height:48, },
headerTitleStyle:{ color:'#cd9bf0', fontWeight: '400', alignSe
The navigationoptions had been renamed as defaultNavigationOptions in v3.
Please refer the documentation from
For React Navigation 5
Use the prop options as a function:
name="screen name"
options={({ navigation }) => ({
headerRight: (props) => {
return <Button onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer() }} />
For react navigation 5.x
headerLeft: () => (
onPress={() => navigation.toggleDrawer()}