wait until invisibility using page factory doesn't work [duplicate] - selenium

This question already has answers here:
How to wait for invisibility of an element through PageFactory using Selenium and Java
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have this code:
#FindBy(how = How.CLASS_NAME, using = "loading-class")
WebElement loadingAnimation;
When I try to use this line:
It throws exception:
org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for invisibility of Proxy element for: DefaultElementLocator 'By.className: loading-container' (tried for 30 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)
for some reason it works when I debug the code.
I should mention that this works also:
try {
catch (Exception e) {
How to make it work using Page Factory?

When you implement Page Object pattern and initialize your page with PageFactory Selenium offers you the capability of using custom ElementLocator. There is AjaxElementLocator that is supposed to be used for dynamic elements.
In order to apply your own logic of how to consider your element ready for use, there is a method which default implementation is
protected boolean isElementUsable(WebElement element) {
return true;
So you are free to override that one to implement your condition. In a nutshell you need to implement your custom ElementLocatorFactory which would be producing AjaxElementLocator objects with your customized isElementUsable method. Then you would initialize your page with
public class YourPage{
public YourPage(...){
PageFactory.initElements(new YourCustomLocatorFactory(...), this);
You can find here the completed example of how to wait for certain state of dynamic elements of your page objects not using ExpectedConditions utility.


Selenium click and wait

I have a registration form that register many users ,the problem in the first loop when I click on create it go too fast and didn't register the first one and resister the second ...,
so I use Thread.sleep(500);
I want to avoid using sleep
is there a way to do it
here is my code
#Given("user on registration page and create users")
public void user_on_registration_page_and_create_users() throws InterruptedException {
for(UserLoginPageData userLoginPageData:userLoginPageDataList){
logger.info("*************************************** init the driver && go to registration page http://localhost:4200/register");
logger.info("*************************************** reading line "+userLoginPageData.getRowIndex() +" from Excel file");
// Thread.sleep(500);
logger.info(userLoginPageData.getUsername()+" is registred");
You can use explicit(smart) wait.
WebDriverWait w = new WebDriverWait(driver, 5); //will wait 5 seconds most , but if element is visuble in the third second it will wait 3 sec.
read more on When to use explicit wait vs implicit wait in Selenium Webdriver?
One of the possible solutions (when you work with PageFactory) is to implement your own Locator that can be extended from AjaxElementLocator.
Say you have a form and the form has some noticeable property saying that it is ready to accept the input (this might be some button state or displaying some label, etc).
So you can initialize your page object in the way its fields will be "available" if that condition is met.
This can be achieved using your custom Locator/LocatorFactory in your PageFactory.init().
For example here is the form of two fields. The condition saying it is ready for interaction is then create button is enabled:
class MyForm {
#FindBy(id = "user")
WebElement user;
#FindBy(id = "create")
WebElement create;
public MyForm(SearchContext searchContext){
PageFactory.initElements(field -> new AjaxElementLocator(searchContext, field, 10){
protected boolean isElementUsable(WebElement element) {
return create.isEnabled();
}, this);
Unless create button is enabled any attempt to invoke fields methods would be failing and the script will fail in 10 seconds of retries.
More details about how you use the conditions with page objects you can find in this post.

WebDriverWait Selenium approach

Regarding the WebDriverWait data type, I am assuming that only one instance is needed of such data type, which means I could potentially create a wrapper and allow only one instance creation by using a singleton pattern approach.
At the present time I used thread.sleep and basically everywhere I need that function to be called I am extending from the class which probably not the best approach. Also of course I should be using WebDriverWait instead of thread. What should the approach be?
So far I created a page object with web elements and a separate service for the logic itself, so now I need also WebDriverWait in every service since it’s a necessary operation.
A cookie window that gets popped up once customer opened the page:
* acceptCookies -> clickable
* cookieBanner -> just to identify that cookie component showed up.
* PageFactory -> will initialize every WebElement variable with a reference to a corresponding element on the actual web page.
public class CookieModal {
WebDriver driver;
#FindBy(css = ".cookie-accept-all")
public WebElement acceptCookies;
public CookieModal(WebDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
Then I separated the service (actions):
public class CookieService {
private final CookieModal cookieModal;
public CookieService(WebDriver driver) {
this.cookieModal = new CookieModal(driver);
public void acceptCookies() {
This must be changed to WebDriverWait, but I also think extending from AbstractPage in every page object is not necessary. Is my structure OK and how should I initialise WebDriverWait?
public class AbstractPage {
// This is not good as thread sleep is not dynamic and you
// have to specify time yourself change to webdriver wait
private AbstractPage microsleep(Integer milliseconds) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
String error = String.format("Unable to put thread to sleep (requested %d milliseconds).", milliseconds);
throw new RuntimeException(error, e);
return this;
public AbstractPage emulateWaitingUser() {
return microsleep(800);
public AbstractPage sleep(Integer seconds) {
return microsleep(1000 * seconds);
Selenium supports integrating explicit waits into page objects. This is achieved by using a special way of how you initialize your page. In your example you are doing this:
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
which involves some basic default way. However, you can add more complexity here, but you get a more effective architecture at the same time.
You can extend the AjaxElementLocator class where you will override isElementUsable method in the way that would involve any sort of condition and waits. Then you will be initializing your page(s) with that locator through a dedicated LocatorFactory. Some example of how to use all that classes you can find here.
WebDriverWait is commonly used with the ExpectedConditions class. In that case, you cannot just wait for 800 ms. You need to wait until a condition is met. For example, wait until page title is displayed, or wait until loader icon is not visible, wait until login button is clickable, etc.
That means if you wish to instantiate a wait in an abstract method, you will need to add an unknown (and non-abstract) wait condition. You could just instantiate a general wait object and then add a condition when it is known, but it seems a bit incomplete.
Another idea that comes to my mind is declaring WebDriverWait as a field in Cookie Service class and pass it to its methods.

Not waiting so long for an element

I have a table with several rows. Some of these rows may have a specific element and others may not. For sure some will and some won't.
I find the row and have it into a WebElement. Now to see whether an element is there I do the following (assume xp = ".//someelement)
List<WebElement> eles = row.findElements(By.xpath(xp));
if (eles.size() == 0) {
// element is not there
} else {
// element is there
This is fine when the element is present. When it is not, it takes like 30 seconds or a minute to figure out that it is not there. If called often this can really slow down the test. I can do
try {
WebElement ele = row.findElement(by.xpath(xp));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// element is not there
using a more detailed Exception. This works fine too but same problem. It waits a minute or half a minute.
Is there a way to check more quickly whether an element is present or not? If it were relative to driver (driver.findElementBy()) instead of an element (row.findElementBy()) I think I might know how to do it.
This is Java.
In your first example where you have a List of Elements you are not trying to locate one element; but several (let's say a collection of rows instead of one row). The second element ele is finding (or trying to find) a specific item (let's say 1 row). Hence, ideally you should say in your comments that some elementS were not there for eles . Nevertheless, the time issue is probably down to an implicit or explicit wait. Read here for more.
I prefer the first way where you check for a collection of elements (so you can aim it at a xpath and find all the tags included (or none at all). Ideally though you should go for an explicit wait.
Here is the method for waiting, it will return true/or false based on if the element was present during the polling time (10sec for example); worth noting that if the element is found as present earlier than the 10sec limit the loop will break and will return true. Of course you can play with timeOut to achieve the desired result; don't go to fast though (like 2 sec) otherwise you are risking your test occasionally failing because the tables were not loaded yet:
public boolean waitForElement(String elementXpath, int timeOut) {
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeOut);
boolean elementPresent=wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(elementXpath)).isDisplayed());
System.out.printf("%nElement is present [T/F]..? ")+elementPresent;
catch(TimeoutException e1){e1.printStackTrace();elementPresent=false;}
return elementPresent;
I'm guessing that you are already using an explicit wait of 30sec for all of your findElement attempts hence the discrepancy.
Hope the above helps,
Best of luck!
Another option is to use WebDriverWait (explicit waits) rather than implicit ones.
This basically makes it so your tests will only wait a long time when you tell them too, otherwise they'll instantly fail if they don't find the elements you're looking for.
Adapted from slide52 of tourdedave's slideshare
// Use this class whenever you have to access the driver
// And you should only have to setDriver in a BeforeMethod when setting up.
// This method shows how to do it with a single browser
// This could be converted quite easily to threadlocals for parallel test runs
public class DriverManager {
private final WebDriver driver;
public static WebDriver getDriver() {
return driver;
public static setDriver(WebDriver driver) {
DriverManager.driver = driver;
public class WaitUntil {
public static Boolean displayed(By locator, Integer... timeout) {
try {
(timeout.length = 0 : null ? timeout[0];
} catch (TimeoutException exception) {
return false;
return true;
// add additional methods you want to wait for
// Look at the source of the ExpectedConditions class to see how to create
// your own
// e.g. presence of element
// number of results from locator changes
// element done moving
// url changes, etc.
private static void waitFor(ExpectedCondition<WebElement> condition, Integer timeout) {
timeout = timeout != null ? timeout[0] : 5; //default timeout if no value given
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeout);
Then in any class you can
By submitButtonBy = By.cssSelector(".submit);
use WaitUntil.displayed(submitButtonBy);
And it will wait for 5 seconds. If you want to wait for 10:
use WaitUntil.displayed(submitButtonBy, 10);
The nice thing about making a class with a bunch of methods like this is it's easy to add additional exceptions so you can choose to return false if there's a stale element or something else, rather than have to deal with a try catch in page classes or test classes.

Find Element with wait confusion Selenium c#

In my learning curve I have been looking at the right way to wait for an element to be loaded and you get lots of pages on google.
Got down to 2 but in my view Method2(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible) is more elegant and does what method1 is trying to achieve do you agree or is there a better way?
Method 1
public static IWebElement FindElement(this IWebDriver driver, By by, int timeoutInSeconds)
if (timeoutInSeconds > 0)
var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutInSeconds));
return wait.Until(drv => drv.FindElement(by));
return driver.FindElement(by);
Method 2
public static IWebElement FindElement(this IWebDriver driver, By by, int timeoutInSeconds)
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutInSeconds));
var element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(by));
return element;
Any suggestions or improvements also what happens if "NoFoundElement exception is thrown is it already handled or should I ignore it?
I would say yes, "Method 2" is the preferred way of doing it. Simply because if something is already implemented in WebDriver, there's no need for you to reimplement it in your testing framework.
As to your question regarding the NotFoundException: If the condition that you're waiting for isn't met after the specified timeout, the WebDriverWait will raise a WebDriverTimeoutException. Depending on the condition that you wanted to wait for, the WebDriverTimeoutException will have an inner exception with more details. If for example you use ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.Id("myid")) and the element couldn't be located at all, the inner exception will be a NoSuchElementException. If the element could be located but isn't visible after the given timeout you'll just get the WebDriverTimeoutException.
Depending on what you want to do once you're sure that the element is "there", you can also use different ExpectedConditions. If the element you're waiting for is a button and you want to click on it, you can use ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable as this will not only wait for the element to get loaded into the DOM and visible, but also wait for the element to get enabled.

Problem using Selenium to automate a postback link that is inside an ASP.NET UpdatePanel [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Selenium IDE click() timeout
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a GridView control with sorting enabled inside an UpdatePanel. I used Selenium IDE to record a test that clicks on the sort link of the table, but when I try to execute the test it get's stuck on the click command. Looking at the log I see:
[info] Executing: |click | link=Name | |
[error] Timed out after 30000ms
I haven't tried it with Selenium-RC yet, I don't know if it will be any different. I don't want Selenium to wait for anything. Any ideas of how to work around it?
when using selenium + Ajax (or the page just get refresh under certain conditions).
I usually use:
or I created the following code recently (the page uses frames).
public bool AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(string frame, Predicate<SeleniumWrapper> condition)
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime timeOutTime = currentTime.AddMinutes(6);
while (currentTime < timeOutTime)
if (condition(this))
return true;
catch (SeleniumException)
//TODO: log exception
currentTime = DateTime.Now;
return false;
public bool WaitUntilIsElementPresent(string frame, string locator)
return AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(frame, delegate(SeleniumWrapper w)
return w.IsElementPresent(locator);
public bool WaitUntilIsTextPresent(string frame, string pattern)
return AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(frame, delegate(SeleniumWrapper w)
return w.IsTextPresent(pattern);
Soon you will get to the point you will need selenium RC integrated on your development environment, for this I recommend you to read:
How can I make my Selenium tests less brittle?
It is around waiting but for specific elements that should be (or appear) on the page.