Vue updating components at the same time after push - vue.js

I am building a form in Vue
I have a component that looks as follow:
<transition name="preview-pane">
<label>{{ }}</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control"
v-on:input=" = $"
<a ref="#" class="btn btn-primary float-right" #click="$emit('copy')" role="button">{{ __('Copy') }} </a>
export default {
props: {
option: {
group: ''
index: {}
My Vue instance is as follow:
var products = new Vue({
el: '#products',
data: {
options: []
methods: {
add() {
group: ''
copy(index) {
And last my html looks as follow
v-for="(option, index) in options"
I have one button that basically takes one of the options and push it once again (copy method on the vue instance). When I run everything seems fine but then when I change the input it update the props of all the components that have been copied.
What can I do to make vue understand that each component should work separately?

Well in case someone have the same issue, I sort it out like this:
copy(index) {
var object = this.options[index]
var newObject = {}
for (const property in object) {
newObject[property] = object[property]


Update properties of component in Vue.js

I've been searching for the answer 2nd day. But still couldn't find solution.
I have the modal window template. And the main page template from where I need to update modal window size by clicking on the button (span). Shortly it's like this for HTML:
<template id="modal">
<div :class="'modal-' + size">
<template id="list">
<span #click="onDetails">
Show Details
<modal size="md" #showdetails="showdetails();" ref="modal">
And for JS:
Vue.component("modal", {
template: "#modal",
props: {
size: {
type: String,
default: ""
methods: {
onDetails() {
var List = Vue.extend({
template: "#list",
methods: {
showDetails() {
if(this.$refs.modal.size == "md") {
this.$refs.modal.size = "lg"
<additional code here>
When I'm accessing this.$refs.modal.size for read - it's OK. When I'm just changing it from showDetails - OK if only this action in the function. When I'm put something else instead of - size is not updating.
For example:
this.$refs.modal.size = "lg" - will work
this.$refs.modal.theme = "danger"; this.$refs.modal.size = "lg" - neither of them are updating
What am I doing wrong?
You need to assign the attribute value of Size by the javascript method setAttribute . Example : this.$refs.modal.setAttribute('size', 'lg')
There is a working demo below:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
showdetails() {
this.$refs.modal.setAttribute('size', 'lg')
<script src=""></script>
<div id='app'>
<button size="md" #click="showdetails" ref="modal">Click</button>

Send data from one component to another in vue

Hi I'm trying to send data from one component to another but not sure how to approach it.
I've got one component that loops through an array of items and displays them. Then I have another component that contains a form/input and this should submit the data to the array in the other component.
I'm not sure on what I should be doing to send the date to the other component any help would be great.
Component to loop through items
<div class="container-flex">
<div class="entries">
<div class="entries__header">
<div class="entries__header__title">
<div class="entries__content">
<ul class="entries__content__list">
<li v-for="entry in entries">
{{ }}
<add-entry />
import addEntry from '#/components/add-entry.vue'
export default {
name: 'entry-list',
components: {
data: function() {
return {
entries: [
name: 'Paul'
name: 'Barry'
name: 'Craig'
name: 'Zoe'
Component for adding / sending data
v-bind:class="{ 'entry-add--open': addEntryIsOpen }">
<button #click="addEntries">Add Entries</button>
export default {
name: 'add-entry',
data: function() {
return {
addEntryIsOpen: false,
newEntries: ''
methods: {
addEntries: function() {
this.newEntries = '';
openAddEntry() {
this.addEntryIsOpen = !this.addEntryIsOpen;
Sync the property between the 2:
<add-entry :entries.sync="entries"/>
Add it as a prop to the add-entry component:
props: ['entries']
Then do a shallow merge of the 2 and emit it back to the parent:
this.$emit('entries:update', [].concat(this.entries, this.newEntries))
(This was a comment but became to big :D)
Is there a way to pass in the key of name? The entry gets added but doesn't display because im looping and outputting {{ }}
That's happening probably because when you pass "complex objects" through parameters, the embed objects/collections are being seen as observable objects, even if you sync the properties, when the component is mounted, only loads first level data, in your case, the objects inside the array, this is performance friendly but sometimes a bit annoying, you have two options, the first one is to declare a computed property which returns the property passed from the parent controller, or secondly (dirty and ugly but works) is to JSON.stringify the collection passed and then JSON.parse to convert it back to an object without the observable properties.
Hope this helps you in any way.
So with help from #Ohgodwhy I managed to get it working. I'm not sure if it's the right way but it does seem to work without errors. Please add a better solution if there is one and I'll mark that as the answer.
I follow what Ohmygod said but the this.$emit('entries:update', [].concat(this.entries, this.newEntries)) didn't work. Well I never even need to add it.
This is my add-entry.vue component
v-bind:class="{ 'add-entry--open': addEntryIsOpen }">
placeholder="Add Entry"
export default {
name: 'add-entry',
props: ['entries'],
data: function() {
return {
addEntryIsOpen: false,
newEntries: ''
methods: {
addEntries: function() {
this.newEntries = '';
And my list-entries.vue component
<div class="container-flex">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="entries">
<div class="entries__header">
<div class="entries__header__title">
<p>Competition Entries</p>
<div class="entries__header__search">
class="input input--search"
<div class="entries__content">
<ul class="entries__content__list">
<li v-for="entry in filteredEntries">
{{ }}
<add-entry :entries.sync="entries"/>
import addEntry from '#/components/add-entry.vue'
import pickWinner from '#/components/pick-winner.vue'
export default {
name: 'entry-list',
components: {
data: function() {
return {
search: '',
entries: [
name: 'Geoff'
name: 'Stu'
name: 'Craig'
name: 'Mark'
name: 'Zoe'
computed: {
filteredEntries() {
if( === '') return this.entries
return this.entries.filter(entry => {

Programmatically add v-on directives to DOM elements

<span #click="showModal = $>Tag 1</span>
<span #click="showModal = $>Tag 2</span>
<span #click="showModal = $>Tag 3</span>
Clicking in any of the 3 spans will make this.showModal to have the value of each of the span content elements. But this code looks repetitive and unnecessary. I know I can create a component with v-for and have the data for the span contents somewhere else, but I want to know how to do this for very specific reasons. I'd like to have this:
<span>Tag 1</span>
<span>Tag 2</span>
<span>Tag 3</span>
And a function, e.g. in the hook mounted() of the component, that adds the v-on directive for click to each one of them.
Can you help me?
You could try something like this:
<span v-for="tag in tags" #click="showModal(tag)" v-text="tag"></span>
export default {
data() {
return {
tags: ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3']
methods: {
showModal(tag) {
console.log("Showing modal for tag:", tag)
Hope this helps!
You can add a method which is called on clicks that reads the element's HTML content.
The template:
<span #click="doStuff">Tag 1</span>
<span #click="doStuff">Tag 2</span>
<span #click="doStuff">Tag 3</span>
The method:
doStuff(e) {
this.showModal =
You could set up a method to call when the tag is clicked and pass the id of the tag that was clicked through to handle appropriately.
Assuming that you have an array of the tag text:
data: function() {
return {
tagTotal: ['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3'];
Then in the HTML section:
<span v-for="tag in tagTotal" #click="methodToCall(tag)">
{{ tag }}
Then in your mounted, methods, or created section you could add:
mounted: {
methodToCall: function(tag) {
showModal = tag;
// or 'this.showModal = tag' if showModal is a part of the componenet.
I've finally added the listeners manually with vanilla js, in order to save code:
mounted: function() {
let spans = document.querySelectorAll('span');
spans.forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('click', this.clickTag);
methods: {
clickTag(event) { this.showModal = }
It's important not using an arrow function for mounted because otherwise it won't bind the vue instance for this.
Thanks for your answers.
If direct-process Dom elements, custom directive will be one option.
Vue.config.productionTip = false
let vMyDirective = {}
vMyDirective.install = function install (_Vue) {
_Vue.directive('my-directive', {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
_Vue.set(vnode.context, binding.value.model, el.innerHTML)
}, false)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
testValues: ['label a', 'label b'],
showModal: 'nothing!!!'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<h2>showModal: {{showModal}}</h2>
<p v-for="(item, index) in testValues" v-my-directive="{'model': 'showModal'}">Test:<span>{{item}}</span></p>

Vue Multiselect: How to send console.log once selection has been made

Using Vue Multiselect, I am trying to send a console.log once I have made a selection. I thought it would work by putting it in the watch but it does not work. Where should it be placed. Please see my component below.
<label v-for="topic in topics" class="radio-inline radio-thumbnail" style="background-image: url('')">
<input type="radio" v-model="internalValue" name="topics_radio" :id="" :value="">
<span class="white-color lg-text font-regular text-center text-capitalize">{{ }}</span>
export default {
props: ['value'],
data () {
return {
internalValue: this.value,
topics: []
axios.get('/vuetopics').then(response => this.topics =;
watch: {
this.$emit('input', v);
console.log('topic has been chosen!!!');
It fires events, so you may catch them.
<multiselect ... #select="doSomething" ...>
Then add your method
methods: {
doSomething(selectedOption, id) {
Make sure you implemented vue-multiselect correctly, I don't see the component in your code.

Vuejs 2.1.10 method passed as prop not a function

I'm very new to Vuejs and JS frameworks in general, so bear with me. I'm trying to call a method that resides in my root component from a child component (2 levels deep) by passing it as a prop, but I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: this.onChange is not a function
at VueComponent._onChange (category.js:8)
at boundFn (vendor.js?okqp5g:361)
at HTMLInputElement.invoker (vendor.js?okqp5g:2179)
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track by assigning the prop to a method inside the child component, but see what you think:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function () {
return {
categories: [],
articles: []
methods: {
onChange: function () {
console.log('first one');
return function () {
console.log('second one');
The html:
<div id="app">
<sidebar :onChange=onChange :categories=categories></sidebar>
<varticles :articles=articles></varticles>
Vue.component('sidebar', {
props: ['onChange', 'categories'],
methods: {
_onChange: function () {
template: `
<div class="sidebar">
<category v-for="item in categories" :onChange="_onChange" v-bind:category="item"></category>
Vue.component('category', {
props: ['category', 'onChange'],
methods: {
_onChange: function () {
template: `
<div class="category">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<li v-for="option in category.options">
<input v-on:change="_onChange" v-bind:id="option.tid" type="checkbox" v-model="option.checked">
<label v-bind:for="option.tid">{{ }}</label>
There's got to be simpler way to do this!
I'd suggest taking a look at this A simplified version of your code is in this fiddle
When writing props in your templates declare them without Capital letters.
A prop declared as onChange in your props is equivalent to on-change in your html.
<sidebar :on-change=onChange :categories=categories></sidebar>
Also I would suggest looking at events and non parent-child communication if you want a link between components that are more than 1 level deep.