Can we use SDKs directly in Suitelet? - amazon-s3

Implementing a requirement to store images in AWS bucket instead of NetSuite. Since the bucket is private, I have to upload and generate the URL in backend/suitelet.
I tried to include AWS SDK into Suitelet by defining, but that doesn't work.
I want to get to know whether can we use/include SDKs inside Suitelet?
How can I implement a solution for this without using any third party solutions?

How are permissions for the links managed? Can you make them publicly viewable? Remember unless the links you generate are timestamped anyone with the link can get to the image.
In terms of uploading the images check out
If you need to keep have each image have a magic link you could use a Heroku app or an AWS lambda. The app would check a hash based on link parameters and proxy the image if the hash is valid. If your images are supposed to be private to a customer this would be the way to go.
If you are using the images generally on a website then just make the bucket publicly readable and use the API to upload.


How to store images for mobile development

I decided to use back4app for easily creating my backend and for having a built in hosting solution.
I'm quite a newbie with this tool so my question will seem "simple":
I was wondering how will I store the images of my mobile application. As far as I know they use AWS so I thought the service would provide like an interface to upload some images to a S3 bucket...
Should I create a personal bucket or does the service offer that kind of feature ?
The idea is to store then the absolute url of the image in my model. For example each Class has a cover field of type string.
you're right, Back4App use AWS.
Back4App prepared the Backend for you, for example, if you try to save a file direct at your Parse Dashboard, you will can access the image and you already have a absolute URL.You can configure the column with a type File, like below:
Add a column with the File type
After upload a file, you will can access click at the box :)
After that upload the file

Can the uploadcare widget be used without the uploadcare service?

Can uploadcare-widget be used without using the upload care service?
The goal:
Use the widget (specifically to allow users to upload files from their google drive/dropbox accounts).
Instead of using upload care's backend, use your own backend, i.e. node.js/aws s3.
Yes, it can. It's open source!
Although you will have to either replicate or get rid of functionality that relies on Uploadcare infrastructure:
uploads (this is the easiest part)
fetching files from social networks and cloud storage services
image preview and cropping that relies on Uploadcare CDN
So unless you're moving enormous amounts of files, most cost efficient way is to use Uploadcare as it is. BTW, you can use your own S3 storage and even upload directly to your S3 buckets.

Meteor Amazon S3 image upload with thumbnails

I'm using Meteor and would like to create a form with an image upload field that saves the uploaded file to an Amazon S3 bucket in its original size as well as multiple thumbnails sizes defined (passed) via the code.
So far I'm using the lepozepo:s3 package which works great but doesn't seem to allow options for generating additional thumbnails.
Given I can upload the original files onto S3 I'm considering looking into a service on Amazon that can generate the desired thumbnails and then notify my Meteor app. But I'm not sure how to achieve that.
Can anyone point me in the right direction or share some insight into the best approach for this?
PS: I want to avoid using is possible.
Seems I was following the wrong path. CollectionFS has everything I need and more. I now have this working with plenty of scope to do more later. This is one brilliant collection of packages with clear guides on respective Github pages.
Here are the packages I ended up usings:
cfs:standard-packages - base
cfs:gridfs - required for some reason, not sure why
cfs:graphicsmagick - thumbnailing/cropping
cfs:s3 - S3 upload
Code sample →
CollectionFS is now deprecated, but there are other options:
Only upload, without S3 integration*:
Use the jQuery-File-Upload (which is great), it generates thumbs, has size and format validation, etc. Using basically these two packages together:
You can use other package for S3 integration.
Upload + Integration with S3:
Good, but if you need to generate thumbs for example you will need to integrate with other package or do it yourself. I not tested, but I got this suggestion:
Upload only, but with examples of how to generate thumbs or integrate with S3 / DropBox / GridFS /:
Rich documentation and does well which proposes: Upload images.
Use that adapt best to your needs.
look at blueimp's "jquery file upload" for client and image server resizing. On client you have a bit limited possibilities quality wise, on server you can use full power of imagemagick. Or look at my blog post on for file uploads for meteor in general.
cfs:gridfs - required for some reason, not sure why
Meteor using gridfs to store file chunks inside mongo database. In case of s3 it's for temporary storage.

Hidden video URL on video.js

I wanna hidden my URL video's hosted on Amazon S3 to prevent people download them.
I saw another strategy (Amazon Bucket Policies) but I think it's too complex for this case.
Is possible hidden that one?
What do you suggest for this problem?
Instead of the video tag in the beginning, you could have a data tag with just an id. You could then reference in this id, compare it in the javascript and inject the appropriate video url. As previously stated, there's no true way to protect it. With my method, people can still use fiddler to see where it's being referenced in. They can also use the browser's dev tools.

Upload and share image on Google+

I can't seem to find any documentation or reference on upload and sharing images on Google+.
Is this action current supported in google+?
Their moment sharing seems to accept thumbnail url, but I don't want to keep the image hosted on my site once it is created and shared by visitor.
You have a few different options, but I'm not sure any of them are really what you're looking for.
Google+ doesn't really allow outside apps to upload and share something automatically.
As you've observed, the closest you can get is generating a Moment for them to share. And while there are similarities to Instant Upload, it isn't identical. You could probably use a data url to encode and store the image as part of the moment, but I haven't tested this.
Another alternative is to use the Google Drive API to store the image in their Drive space, permit the image to be read publicly, get a link for it, and use this link as the thumbnail URL. Similarly, you might be able to use the Picasa Web Albums Data API to store the image. Both have good, but different, integration with Google+. The former is more modern, while the latter has more features that are tailored for images.