CmakeLists.txt file in Terminator Emulator - cmake

I am trying to use Visual Studio for my .cpp programs and Terminator to simulate in Ubuntu. I have a little knowledge of CmakeLists.txt but never used it before. I want to simulate the 3D point cloud in terminator but I'm stuck. How to set PCL_DIR and give it full path? The file is stored in -
Earlier I was getting this error -
CMakeLists Directory Changed
Getting CmakeLists.txt Error
I'm new to Ubuntu and importing CMake files in Terminator. It would be good if I get some references on how to proceed. Thank you :)


Missing dll files error in Objective-C programs

I am a beginner in Objective-C language. I have downloaded and installed GNUstep msys and GNUstep core and installed them in order, as mentioned in the downloads page of GNUstep.
But, I think that the installation isn't correct, because whenever I try to compile an Objective-C source file, it shows fatal error Foundation/Foundation.h file not found. Means, due to some reasons, the path to the header files isn't valid.
Although I am now successfully able to compile the source file with the -I and -L options, I faced another problem. After compilation, when I run the compiled exe file, it shows an error that many dll files are missing, such as objc-4.dll, gnustep-base-1_24.dll to name a few of them. But, I found all of these files present under the /GNUstep/System/Tools folder. When I copied these dll files to my main working (home) directory, it runs successfully without any errors.
Why is this happening? All the tutorials I found on the internet shows very simply the compiling and running of Objective-C programs in Windows without changing so many things. Am I missing something? I have searched many times in StackOverflow and also on the internet, but none of those solved this problem. Please help me and thanks in advance.
P.S. - I have installed GNUstep in the default C:/GNUstep/ folder and included the C:/GNUstep/bin/ and C:/GNUstep/msys/1.0/bin/ folders in the PATH environment variable.
I noticed that there are more than one gcc.exe files present on my system for three different programming language compilers and their parent folders are included in the PATH environment variable. So, the gcc command conflicted with those three executables and therefore, the path to the dll files become invalid.
So, I had to move the GNUstep's bin directory to the top of the PATH environment variable to ensure that the GNUstep's gcc executable is used. And now, everything works like a charm.

Locate data in out-of-source cmake build without need of copy

I'm porting my game engine to linux and don't know how to locate my data without copying it. Before the data was in myproject/bin together with the produced exectuable.
With cmake default structure, the binaries go under myproject/build/source/launcher/release/launcher.exe separated from the data. I can locate it with visual studio, setting the working directory to the same path(myproject/data). But I would like a general solution directly from cmake. Mosts answers I've read copy the data to each build or generate a path variable pointing to the data. There's to much data to have duplicates for debug/release and it just doesn't feel right to copy it.
What is the best option here? What is most common in game development?
You could try, with Visual Studio/Windows it will create a .user file(vs debug info) and a batch file that you can set the command, command line args, path to dlls, working directory and any other environment variables you need.
On linux it will produce a shell script with the same info.

How to use ZeroBrane Studio IDE debugger when lua is compiled as c++

I have compiled Lua 5.3 as a 32 bit c++ DLL and exe. The DLL contains all the lua code except for lua.cpp and luac.cpp. The exe compiles lua.cpp and uses the DLL to run the lua interpreter. This works fine when running on its own from the command line. I wish to be able to run from the IDE using this DLL and exe.
If I replace /ZeroBraneStudio/bin/lua53.dll and lua53.exe with my own versions, I can run scripts (clicking the two green arrows). However, debugging does not work, giving the following error:
The procedure entry point luaL_addlstring could not be located in the dynamic link library lua53.dll.
I can see that this is happening because the debugger is making use of luasocket. \ZeroBraneStudio\bin\clibs53\socket\core.dll is dependent on lua53.dll, and is expecting it to contain lua compiled as c.
So, what is the correct solution to this - is it to compile luasocket as c++ as well?
(And, if so, does anybody have instructions/guidance for doing so? I have been unable to find anything on this.)
I'm not sure how exactly the DLL was compiled, but the error message likely indicates that the luaL_addlstring and other functions are not exported by it. If the symbols are exported correctly, you should be able to load luasocket and get the debugging working. See this thread for the related discussion.
Also, you don't need to replace lua53 library and executable, as you can configure the IDE to use your own copy of it using path.lua53 configuration setting as described in the documentation.
Okay, I was able to get it working. The solution was to compile luasocket as c++. I won't give full instructions on how to do this here, but some points to hopefully help anybody else with the same issue:
Got luasocket from here:
Renamed all *.c files to *.cpp
Renamed Lua52.props to Lua.props (I am using lua 5.3 but seems like it is compatible?)
Placed lua headers and lib in appropriate folders
Opened solution in Visual Studio 2012
Fixed up minor issues with project files, like the renaming of the files.
Added 'extern "C"' to declaration of luaopen_socket_core and luaopen_mime_core functions (necessary for lua to be able to load libraries).
Built solution
Copied new dlls into clibs53/socket and clibs53/mime folders.
I used Dependency Walker to help with this. If anybody wants further details in the future please leave a comment.


VTK_DIR-NOTFOUND is returned when using CMake. I am using CMake GUI and, as other path errors, I can point then to proper path. However, for VTK doesn't work. I am pointing to directory where VTConfig.cmake file and others are. Also tried with all of other VTK dirs but without any sucess. I am using Visual Studio 12 2013 Win 64 configuration for generation but tried with 2010 too.
pointing to path manually,
The first thing I would check is what is the actual find_package() command being invoked where the error occurs? Perhaps that call is something a bit unusual or explicitly has the MODULE keyword (this would prevent the VTKConfig.cmake file from being found).
If that looks okay, check to see if something is modifying the VTK_DIR variable. Insert the following near the top of your top-most CMakeLists.txt file:
This should tell you what, if anything, is modifying it in ways you didn't expect.
Assuming VTK_DIR is not actually being changed, the next thing you could try is setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the directory containing the VTKConfig.cmake file (you can add this in the CMake GUI if it isn't there already). Maybe also try variable_watch(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) too just in case something is modifying that internally in unexpected was as well.
If that still doesn't reveal anything, then it would seem likely that there is something wrong with either your CMake or VTK installation. Perhaps try an earlier CMake version and see if you get any different behaviour.
Although the currently accepted answer is a good way of debugging, it looks like you're building Point Cloud Library (PCL) with the binaries from unancyowen. In which case I suggest ensuring your system environment variables are setup correctly which will automate the process you are currently going through and facilitate the job of the find_package() methods.
Assuming you installed everything in the same directory (i.e. where you have already linked to FLANN and Eigen) the following default PCL 3rd Party Libraries should be added to Path:
C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\FLANN\bin
C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\VTK\bin
C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\Eigen
C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\Boost
Then Qt, OpenNI etc. which are installed separately.
And you can also add:
BOOST_INCLUDEDIR : C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\Boost\include\boost-X_XX\boost (Replace X_XX with your version number)
BOOST_LIBRARYDIR : C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\Boost\lib
BOOST_ROOT : C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\Boost
EIGEN_ROOT : C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2\3rdParty\Eigen
In the field where it is showing that
You can either copy paste the location or type in, or just browse for the file called VTKConfig.cmake. Generally found inside the build folder of VTK. This is how it solved in my case. Have a try!!

How to build yaml-cpp with CMake on Windows?

I can be a real dummy when it comes to following instructions sometimes, pardon me. I'm in a bit of a hurry to get YAML files working with my program. I have downloaded the YAML files from the official site, I have downloaded an installed the latest CMake. What do i do now? I don't understand DLL creation nor the issues that there seem to be.
When I open CMake I put in the path to the extracted yaml-cpp-0.2.7 folder with the yaml-cpp.pc.cmake file and I set up the build path. Is there anything else I should do here? I get this error:
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to ""Visual Studio 9 2008"". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:C:/path/yaml-cpp-0.2.7/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeCCompiler.cmake
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:C:/path/yaml-cpp-0.2.7/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake
Also once i'm done with this what should I do next to be able to launch the example code from the site? Which configuration should I use to be able to launch the file on VS Express 2010? I'm stuck, I can't find answers anywhere.
I have made a mistake here, i tried to get the CMake file going on a computer which didn't have the IDE installed, i installed VC++ 2010 and it works now.
I loaded the yaml-cpp solution into VC++ 2010, bulit it, linked everything and it works fine now.