Laravel 6 verify email leaving database field null - laravel-6

I have setup my own custom notification for reaching out to my users to verify their email. They don't get their verification email at registration. They register, I call them and screen them, then approve their registration. After I approve them, they get a verification email. All this is working great. However, when the user clicks their verification link in their email, it takes them to the login page but in the database, the email_verified_at column never updates with a time stamp. I've followed multiple tutorials and can't figure out for the life of me why this is happening.
This is my notification function in my controller that I'm using for the screening process:
public function toMail($notifiable)
if (static::$toMailCallback) {
return call_user_func(static::$toMailCallback, $notifiable);
return (new MailMessage)
->subject(Lang::get('Verify Email Address'))
->line(Lang::get('Please verify email.'))
Lang::get('Verify Email Address'),
->line(Lang::get('If you did not create an account, no further action is required.'));
and here is my verification controller:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('throttle:6,1')->only('verify', 'resend');
When I hover over the link in mailtrap, it has a valid URL and, as stated, redirects to the login screen.
I can supply any other code requested, I just didn't want to paste 5 files worth of code here if it wasn't necessary as all the other functionality seems to be working fine. If anyone can help me figure out why this is happening, it would be greatly appreciated.


Teams Email of connected user into message extension teams, message extension continue after login

I've one trouble with my teams custom app. I'm making a custom app that return sign-in action to unlogged user when he try to use a search message extension. Now, my problem is:
How can I resume the query after the user logged?
I return to the user an auth composeExtension type that point to one route of my spa. The user make authentication and correctly return the accesstoken, but then it doesn't continue the search. I've already try call :
microsoftTeams.authentication.notifySuccess({ accesToken: oResponse.accessToken })
but it only close the opened popUp.
Please, help me. Thanks.

Calling a controller method (from an external email link) that does not return a View, but simply exits

I have an MVC 4 Razor intranet app using Windows credentials where a new user must register (existing users are automatically redirected to the main user page). This generates an approval request email to the admin and returns a view with an Exit button simply saying your application has been submitted. The user then closes the app.
The email is in HTML and presents the user's entered data and has Approved or Declined selections. It then has a button to invoke code to insert the user into the Members table (if accepted) and return an email to the user with the decision.
Since some time may transpire between the app mailing the admin and the admin making the decision, the session will originally terminate. I need to have the email invoke a method to persist the new user, email the decision, and then simply exit. It will not involve the browser in any way, so no Views are involved. I could write this as a background console app, but that would involve duplicating a lot of code in the MVC app - with referential integrity issues on bug fixes or updates.
How can I write a method in the Controller that can be invoked by a link in the email as if from a browser that does the work and then exits without returning anything to a browser?
If I make the method an ActionResult method and return new EmptyResult() or return(null) I assume it will try to return an empty page to nowhere.
Can I alternatively construct a method in my Controller, where it has access to all of the support code, like?
public void EnrollMember(Member member, bool decision)
if (decision == true)
// insert new user into Members table
// generate accepted email
// generate declined email
and then just link to it the same way I link to Index(), /MyController/EnrollMember(...)?
There is no main() in the app since it is an ASP.NET MVC app, and I don't know how to terminate the app from within a Controller method without trying to return something, instead of from a View in the browser.
I'm a long-time programmer, but a .NET newbie so this probably has a simple answer.
The "view" is just the response. You don't necessarily have to return a view, but you must return a response. There's no way around that. If the link opens in a browser, then something will be displayed, regardless. Even if you were to just return an empty ContentResult, at least a blank page will be displayed in the browser.
To achieve something akin to what you're looking for, your best bet would be to return an HTML document with just a simple bit of JavaScript that will act to close the window:

symfony 2 how to display the error after login with custom authentication handler

I have created an authentication handler and everything is working fine when the user authenticates with success...but when there is a failure I don't know how to return the failure error to my form and display it.
public function onAuthenticationFailure(Request $request, AuthenticationException $exception)
How should my function look like because I do not know how to pass $exception and redirect back to my form.
You probably want to display a message to the user.
You can display a flash message and redirect the user.
$request->getSession()->setFlash('error', $exception->getMessage());
If you look at the FosUserBundle they display a message direcly in the template
Hope it's helpful
Best regard

In yii how to create confirmation link

In yii, i am creating a project. I want to create link in yii such that it will get send to user by email and when user will click link,actionCheck will get called in which this user's id will get retrieved. and password reset page will get render to him for inserting new password. I also want to pass confirmation random key generated along with link,So that i can retrieve that user's id, So how to create this link?
i had generated it as-
where $key is a randomly generate one.
When i am passing this link to email and clicking it,Its giving an error as-
"Error 403 You are not authorized to perform this action."
Please help me.
In your User controller you can see
public function accessRules()
{ ... }
add your actionCheck() there, with appropriate access rules something similar to below

Facebook Connect: User has logged in and given permissions, now what?

So i've been trying to get FB Connect working on my site, simply for login and authentication, using the Javascript SDK and following the code at:
So the button appears, i click it, a dialog pops up, i click that, presumably my site now has permission to know who i am...
Then what? The guide goes on to saying all the stuff I can access through the Facebook API, all the cool things about permissions, but presumably i need the user's ID or access token or something to get at this stuff. How is that given to me? left as a attribute on one of the elements? Left in a Javascript variable somewhere? Given as an argument to some callback? Thrown high into the heavens for me to receive via satellite downlink?
This is probably incredibly simple, but for the life of me i have not been able to figure it out. Facebook's tutorials have failed me, and so has Google. I want to get this in the Javascript, so I can immediately fill in form-data using the user's Facebook name, put a picture, etc. etc., and presumably send this all back to the server so the server can validate with Facebook that the data is real.
I'm assuming you're using the Login button?
If you simply want form info, check out the registration plugin -
However, to answer your question, make an API call to /me. For example:
FB.api('/me', function(user) {
if(user != null) {
// The user object now contains info about the logged in user
You should subscribe to the auth.login event and wrap the above API call in the successful response, i.e.:
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function() {
// JS to run if when the user logs in, for example, the code snippet above