why Kotlin inline function params is must not be null - kotlin

inline fun <T, R> isNullObject(value: T?, notNullBlock: (T) -> R, isNullBlock: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
if (value != null) {
} else {
if(isNullBlock != null){
I tried to write some higher-order functions to facilitate development, but it is error

I think it is related to how inline functions and lambdas passed to it are inlined. The inline modifier affects both the function itself and the lambdas passed to it: all of those will be inlined into the call site. It seems Kotlin doesn't allow to use nullable lambdas.
If you want some default value for isNullBlock parameter you can use empty braces isNullBlock: () -> Unit = {}:
inline fun <T, R> isNullObject(value: T?, notNullBlock: (T) -> R, isNullBlock: () -> Unit = {}) {
if (value != null) {
} else {

There is a great post explaining how inline works from Android Developer Advocate Florina Muntenescu. Following all of the explanations it should be clear why nullable lambdas are not allowed.
In short:
Because of the inline keyword, the compiler copies the content of the inline function to the call site, avoiding creating a new Function object.
That is the performance benefit inline keyword gives us. But in order to do that compiler must be sure that you always pass in a lambda argument whether it is empty or not. When you try to make the lambda argument nullable compiler will not be able to copy the content of a null lambda to the call site. Similarly, you cannot execute compare operations like != null or use ? to unwrap the optional lambda that should be inlined because when compiled there will be no lamda/function objects. More explanation below.
Example (long explanation)
In my examples your function is updated and takes empty lambda as default arguments for isNullBlock:
inline fun <T, R> isNullObject(value: T?, notNullBlock: (T) -> R, isNullBlock: (() -> Unit) = {}) {
if (value != null) {
} else {
Here is usage of not inlined version of your isNullObject function decompiled to Java.
Kotlin code
class Test {
init {
isNullObject(null as? Int,
println("notNullBlock called")
{ println("isNullBlock called") })
println("notNullBlock called")
{ println("isNullBlock called") })
Decompiled Java code
public final class Test {
public Test() {
TestKt.isNullObject((Integer)null, (Function1)null.INSTANCE, (Function0)null.INSTANCE);
TestKt.isNullObject(0, (Function1)null.INSTANCE, (Function0)null.INSTANCE);
As you can see nothing too unusual happens (though, it is hard to understand what null.INSTANCE is). Your isNullObject function called with three arguments passed as defined in Kotlin.
Here is how your inlined function will decompile using the same Kotlin code.
public final class Test {
public Test() {
Object value$iv = (Integer)null;
int $i$f$isNullObject = false;
int var3 = false;
String var4 = "isNullBlock called";
boolean var5 = false;
int value$iv = false;
$i$f$isNullObject = false;
int var8 = false;
String var9 = "notNullBlock called";
boolean var6 = false;
For the first function call, we immediately get if (value != null) statement resolved as false and notNullBlock passed in is not even ended up in the final code. At runtime, there will be no need to check each time if the value is null or not. Because the isNullObject is inlined with its lambdas there is no Function objects generated for lambda arguments. It means there is nothing to check for nullability. Also, this is the reason why you cannot hold a reference to the lambda/function arguments of the inlined function.
Object value$iv = (Integer)null;
int $i$f$isNullObject = false;
int var3 = false;
String var4 = "isNullBlock called";
boolean var5 = false;
But inlining works only if compiler is able to get values of given arguments at compile time. If instead of isNullObject(null as? Int, ...) and isNullObject(0, ...) the first argument was a function call - inlining would give no benefit!
When compiler cannot resolve if statement
A function added - getValue(). Returns optional Int. The compiler does not know the result of getValue() call ahead of time as it can be calculated only at runtime. Thus inlining does only one thing - copies full content of the isNullObject into Test class constructor and does it twice, for each function call. There is a benefit still - we get rid of 4 Functions instances created at runtime to hold the content of each lambda argument.
class Test {
init {
println("notNullBlock called")
{ println("isNullBlock called") })
println("notNullBlock called")
{ println("isNullBlock called") })
fun getValue(): Int? {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() % 2 == 0L) {
return 0
} else {
return null
Decompiled Java
public Test() {
Object value$iv = this.getValue();
int $i$f$isNullObject = false;
int it;
boolean var4;
String var5;
boolean var6;
boolean var7;
String var8;
boolean var9;
if (value$iv != null) {
it = ((Number)value$iv).intValue();
var4 = false;
var5 = "notNullBlock called";
var6 = false;
} else {
var7 = false;
var8 = "isNullBlock called";
var9 = false;
value$iv = this.getValue();
$i$f$isNullObject = false;
if (value$iv != null) {
it = ((Number)value$iv).intValue();
var4 = false;
var5 = "notNullBlock called";
var6 = false;
} else {
var7 = false;
var8 = "isNullBlock called";
var9 = false;


incrementing hash map count in Kotlin

I have the function below. However, when I pass a string to it, I get the following error:
error: operator call corresponds to a dot-qualified call 'charCountMap.get(c).plus(1)' which is not allowed on a nullable receiver 'charCountMap.get(c)'. charCountMap.put(c, charCountMap.get(c) + 1)
private fun characterCount(inputString:String) {
val charCountMap = HashMap<Char, Int>()
val strArray = inputString.toCharArray()
for (c in strArray)
if (charCountMap.containsKey(c))
charCountMap.put(c, charCountMap.get(c) + 1)
charCountMap.put(c, 1)
The Kotlin Standard Library has groupingBy and eachCount for this purpose, you don't need to do any of this manually:
private fun characterCount(inputString:String) {
val charCountMap : Map<Char, Int> = inputString.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
Note that I put the type on charCountMap for clarity, but it can be left off and inferred.
There is nice compute method in HashMap for this:
private fun characterCount(inputString:String) = hashMapOf<Char, Int>().also { charCountMap ->
inputString.forEach { charCountMap.compute(it) { _, v -> if (v == null) 1 else v + 1 } }
Both the other answers are correct. Todd's answer is right, you don't need to write a function for this. Just use the standard library. And if you are going to write a function that updates maps, Михаил Нафталь's suggestion to use compute() to handle updating existing values is also good.
However, if you're just doing this an an exercise, here are three suggestions to fix/improve your algorithm:
Instead of get(), use getValue(), which does not return null. It will raise an exception if the element does not exist, but you already checked for that.
Use the [] operator instead of put() (no need to, it's just nicer syntax).
You don't need to call toCharArray() because Strings are already iterable.
if (charCountMap.containsKey(c))
charCountMap[c] = charCountMap.getValue(c) + 1
charCountMap[c] = 1
Rewriting the whole thing using standard formatting:
fun characterCount(inputString: String): Map<Char, Int> {
val charCountMap = mutableMapOf<Char, Int>()
for (c in inputString) {
if (charCountMap.containsKey(c)) {
charCountMap[c] = charCountMap.getValue(c) + 1
} else {
charCountMap[c] = 1
return charCountMap

Reified inline function for arrays

Is it possible in Kotlin to write an inline function with reified type which can return different kinds of Arrays? I think about something like this:
inline fun <reified E> getArray(key: String, defValue: Array<E>): Array<E>? {
return when(defValue) {
is Array<Int> -> // ...
is Array<String?> -> // ...
else // ...
And I would like to call it like this:
fun intArray(size: Int): Array<Int> = Array(size) {i -> 0}
fun stringArray(size: Int): Array<String?> = Array(size) {i -> null}
val strings: Array<Int> = getArray(KEY_INTS, intArray(0))
val strings: Array<String> = getArray(KEY_STRINGS, stringArray(0))
But with that I get the error:
Cannot find check for instance of erased type
Explicitly answering question - You can use it by checking the E class:
inline fun <reified E: Any> getArrayInline(key: String, defValue: Array<E>): Array<E>? {
return when(E::class) {
Int::class -> arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
String::class -> arrayOf("a", "b", "c")
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class: ${E::class.qualifiedName}")
} as Array<E>
But I discourage using it since:
It's not type safe - you have to perform unsafe cast on the result and it can be called for any array type even if it's not included in the when cases
it's inline - so this entire block of code is copied into bytecode whenever you use the method (see below)
type checking is done at runtime, so it hurts performance
What happens when you use it? Let's check this example:
fun testArrayInline(){
val test = getArrayInline("key", emptyArray<Int>())
val test2 = getArrayInline("key2", emptyArray<String>())
Simple right? But once you look into generated bytecode it's not so good. For readablity this is Kotlin bytecode decompiled back into Java:
public static final void testArrayInline() {
String var1 = "key";
Object[] defValue$iv = new Integer[0];
KClass var3 = Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(Integer.class);
Object var10000;
if (Intrinsics.areEqual(var3, Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(Integer.TYPE))) {
var10000 = new Integer[]{1, 2, 3};
} else {
if (!Intrinsics.areEqual(var3, Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(String.class))) {
throw (Throwable)(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class: " + Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(Integer.class).getQualifiedName()));
var10000 = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"};
Integer[] test = (Integer[])((Object[])var10000);
String var7 = "key2";
Object[] defValue$iv = new String[0];
KClass var4 = Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(String.class);
if (Intrinsics.areEqual(var4, Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(Integer.TYPE))) {
var10000 = new Integer[]{1, 2, 3};
} else {
if (!Intrinsics.areEqual(var4, Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(String.class))) {
throw (Throwable)(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class: " + Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(String.class).getQualifiedName()));
var10000 = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"};
String[] test2 = (String[])((Object[])var10000);
It's pretty huge considering that function was called only twice with 2 cases in the "when" block. And it doesn't even do anything useful - you can already see the result of if cases.
Correct way to do it - declare each type as separate non-inline functions:
fun getArray(key: String, defValue: Array<Int>) : Array<Int>{
return arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
fun getArray(key: String, defValue: Array<String>) : Array<String>{
return arrayOf("a", "b", "c")
You have to write slightly more code, but it does not have any of 3 issues I mentioned above.
You get very clean bytecode that way as well (small size, high performance), this is decompiled bytecode of same example as before but using non-inline functions:
public static final void testArray() {
String var3 = "key";
Integer[] var4 = new Integer[0];
getArray(var3, var4);
var3 = "key2";
String[] var5 = new String[0];
getArray(var3, var5);

Kotlin general setter function

I am new to kotlin. I wonder if this is possible
I wish to create a function that will change the value of the properties of the object and return the object itself. The main benefit is that I can chain this setter.
class Person {
var name:String? = null
var age:Int? = null
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
try {
// the line below caused error
this[propName] = value
} catch(e:Exception){
var person = Person(null,null)
.setter(name, "Baby")
.setter(age, 20)
But I get error "unknown references"
This question is marked as duplicate, however the possible duplicate question specifically want to change the property of "name", but I wish to change anyProperty that is pass from the function to object. Can't seem to connect the dot between two questions. #Moira Kindly provide answer that explain it. thankyou
Why not just simplify your answer to
fun setter(propName: String, value: Any): Person {
val property = this::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == propName }
when (property) {
is KMutableProperty<*> ->
property.setter.call(this, value)
null ->
// no such property
else ->
// immutable property
Java reflection isn't needed, its only effect is to stop non-trivial properties from being supported.
Also, if you call it operator fun set instead of fun setter, the
this[propName] = value
syntax can be used to call it.
After googling around, I think I can provide an answer, but relying on java instead of kotlin purely. It will be great if someone can provide a better answer in kotlin.
class Person(
var name: String,
val age: Int
fun setter(propName: String, value: Any): Person{
var isFieldExistAndNotFinal = false
val field = this.javaClass.getDeclaredField(propName)
val isFieldFinal = (field.getModifiers() and java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL == java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL)
if(!isFieldFinal) {
// not final
isFieldExistAndNotFinal = true
// final variable cannot be changed
else throw ( Exception("field '$propName' is constant, in ${this.toString()}"))
} catch (e: Exception) {
// object does not have property
println("$e in ${this.toString()}")
val property = this::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == propName }
if (property is KMutableProperty<*>) {
property.setter.call(this, value)
return this;
usage like this
.setter(propName = "age", value = 30.00)
.setter(propName = "asdf", value = "asdf")
.setter(propName = "name", value = "A Vidy")
You have error because when you do this[propName] = value you are trying to use this as a list, but it is not a list, it is a Person and it doesn't overload the [] operator.
What you can do is to add a check for the property that is setted:
class Person {
privavar name:String? = null
var age:Int? = null
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
if (propName == "name" && value is String?) {
it.name = value as String?
} else if (propName == "age" && value is Int?) {
it.age = value as Int?
} else {
// handle unknown property or value has incorrect type
Another more dynamic solution without reflection:
class Person {
private var fields: Map<String, Any?> = HashMap()
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
it.fields[propName] = value;
fun getName() = fields["name"]
If you want to get rid of the getters as well then you need to use reflection.

How would I write this in idiomatic Kotlin?

I have some code:
private fun getTouchX(): Int {
arguments ?: return centerX()
return if (arguments.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X)) {
} else {
private fun centerX() = (views.rootView?.width ?: 0) / 2
and I want to shorten it.
in the function getTouchX, there are two return conditions duplicated. (which is centerX)
I tried to do this:
private fun getTouchX(): Int {
if (arguments == null || !arguments.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X)) {
return centerX()
return arguments.getInt(KEY_DOWN_X)
However, it looks more like Java than Kotlin.
How could I go about writing this in idiomatic Kotlin?
I'm not sure where arguments is coming from, but a cleaner solution would be
private fun getTouchX(): Int =
if(arguments?.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X) == true) {
} else {
The if only calls containsKey if arguments is non-null, otherwise the left side of == resolves to null. null != true, so it will return centerX() from else.
Similarly if arguments is non-null, then the result of containsKey will be used to resolve.
And now that there's only one expression, can use body expression format.
I'd probably go with an expression function with a when expression:
private fun getTouchX() = when {
arguments == null || !arguments.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X) -> centerX()
else -> arguments.getInt(KEY_DOWN_X)
You could also consider declaring touchX as a private val:
private val touchX: Int
get() = when {
arguments == null || !arguments.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X) -> centerX()
else -> arguments.getInt(KEY_DOWN_X)
Looking at just the plain Kotlin code, my suggestion would be:
private fun getTouchX() =
arguments?.let {
if (!it.containsKey(KEY_DOWN_X))
return#let null
} ?: centerX()
But if arguments is a descendent of an Android BaseBundle, you might further compress this to:
private fun getTouchX() = arguments?.getInt(KEY_DOWN_X, centerX()) ?: centerX()
Note: As the method signature suspiciously looks like reading a property, you might consider turning it into a read-only property.

Kotlin: how to pass an object function as parameter to another?

I am trying to learn functional Kotlin and have written this test code:
import java.util.*
data class BorrowerX(val name: String, val maxBooks: Int) {
companion object {
fun getName(br: BorrowerX): String = br.name
fun findBorrowerX(n: String, brs: ArrayList<BorrowerX>): BorrowerX? {
val coll: List<BorrowerX> = brs.filter { BorrowerX.getName(it) == n }
if (coll.isEmpty()) {
return null
} else return coll.first()
fun findBorrowerX2(n: String, brs: ArrayList<BorrowerX>, f: (BorrowerX) -> String): BorrowerX? {
val coll: List<BorrowerX> = brs.filter { f(it) == n }
if (coll.isEmpty()) {
return null
} else return coll.first()
In the REPL I can successfully call "findBorrowerX":
import BorrowerX
val br1 = BorrowerX(name = "Borrower1", maxBooks = 1)
val br2 = BorrowerX(name = "Borrower2", maxBooks = 2)
val br3 = BorrowerX(name = "Borrower3", maxBooks = 3)
val brs1 = arrayListOf(br1, br2, br3)
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX("Borrower1", brs1)
BorrowerX(name=Borrower1, maxBooks=1)
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX("Borrower-Bad", brs1)
But how do I make the call to "findBorrowerX2":
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower1", brs1, BorrowerX.getName(???))
And pass the iterated BorrowerX to getName??
This looks related, but I'm not sure:
Kotlin: how to pass a function as parameter to another?
Thank you in advance for your help with this!
Here is the equivalent Scala code for what I want to do:
def findBorrowerX2(n: String, brs: List[BorrowerX], f: BorrowerX => String): BorrowerX = {
val coll: List[BorrowerX] = brs.filter(f(_) == n)
if (coll.isEmpty) {
} else {
scala> BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower3", brs1, BorrowerX.getName(_))
res1: BorrowerX = BorrowerX(Borrower3,3)
scala> BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower33", brs1, BorrowerX.getName(_))
res2: BorrowerX = null
Perhaps this is not possible in Kotlin?
You can use :: operator to get a function reference:
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower1", brs1, BorrowerX.Companion::getName)
Here BorrowerX.Companion::getName is a reference to the function getName declared in the companion object (named Companion) of the class BorrowerX. It has the type KFunction1<BorrowerX, String> which is a subtype of the required functional parameter type (BorrowerX) -> String.
It's worth noting that you can use :: operator to get a property reference too:
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower1", brs1, BorrowerX::name)
BorrowerX::name has the type KProperty1<BorrowerX, String> which also is a subtype of (BorrowerX) -> String. When invoked with the specified BorrowerX instance it returns the value of its name property.
As stated in the documentation on lambdas:
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower-Bad", brs1, { it.name })
or when the lambda is the last parameter of the method:
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower-Bad", brs1) { it.name }
Stating types and parameter names explicitly often improves readability:
BorrowerX.findBorrowerX2("Borrower-Bad", brs1) { borrower:BorrowerX -> borrower.name }