Running embark demo will not work as expected - embark

I wanted to play with embark and have a taste of dapps development, so first I tried
I am working on windows 10
I installed embark, I got version 6.0.0 installed
Then tried embark demo and embark run as indicated in guide, the issue I got no no dashboard, and http://localhost:8000 doesn't open anything. I think, there is something missing.
This is what I got in command line when running embark run:
run embark info invoked
embark info located
embark info Switching from embark#6.0.0 to embark#6.0.0
pid 13552 listening on
loaded plugins: embark-ipfs, embark-swarm, embark-whisper-geth,
embark-geth, embark-parity, embark-profiler, embark-graph,
embark-basic-pipeline Cockpit UI available at http://localhost:55555
Blockchain node is ready Starting Whisper node in another process HTTP
Proxy for node endpoint ws://localhost:8546 listening on
http://localhost:8555 WS Proxy for node endpoint ws://localhost:8546
listening on ws://localhost:8556
Can someone help please ?


How to tell github action that the job had done successfully?

I use github action to deploy my website to my server. The last ssh cmd is npm run start. It will output ready - started server on http://localhost:4000(Since i use Nextjs) finally but it seems that github doesn't know what did it mean and print :
2021/01/09 14:24:14 Error: command timeout
err: Run Command Timeout!
Although the website is successfully deployed, it shows that the Github action failed to execute.
So how to tell github action that the job had done successfully?
You should find a way to start the application in a daemon process of its own, rather than as a process within the SSH session. Perhaps this tool (pm2) might solve your problem? This question and answer is somewhat related.
There are definitely other ways to start your app in a daemon process, or perhaps as a service, but this might be the most straightforward for you since it's a Node tool.

dbt deps command results in "Unable to connect to registry hub"

When running dbt deps, I get back this error message:
Running with dbt=0.17.0
Error sending message, disabling tracking
Encountered an error:
Unable to connect to registry hub
What's happening here, and how can I work around it?
First of all, it's worth understanding what's going on here. It looks like you're trying to install a package from the dbt hub site ( — if you open up your packages.yml file, you'll find something like this:
- hub: package-owner/package-name
version: 0.1.0
When you run dbt deps (at a high level):
dbt sends a request to
From, a request is sent to GitHub to download the package.
The package is copied into your project
This error occurs if dbt cannot connect to the hub site after sending a network request repeatedly. First off, we recommend you retry the dbt deps command — sometimes it's just a blip in connectivity that goes away on the second try.
If the error persists, there may be a few different reasons for it: might be unavailable. This happens but is relatively rare. You can navigate to to check if this is the case. Also check the Netlify status page to see if there are any issues.
GitHub might be down — you can check this by going to the GitHub status page.
Finally, it may be that a firewall rule or antivirus software on your computer is rejecting the request. Talk to your IT team to find out if this is the case and whether that restriction can be removed.
We generally recommend using the hub syntax for packages, however if you need to work around it, you can consider using the git syntax (docs) or installing the package from a local directory (docs)

How do I build and run the code from github for NS3 in the link provided

How do I build and run the code from github for NS3 in the link provided below
it has already ns3 installation steps with mptcp
this is the Installations steps go according to it ul get to know
We have tested this code on Mac (with llvm-gcc42 and python 2.7.3-11) and several Linux distributions (e.g. Red Hat with gcc4.4.7 or Ubuntu16.4 with gcc5.4.0).
Clone the MPTCP's repository
git clone
Configure and build
CXXFLAGS="-Wall" ./waf configure build
Run a simulation
./waf --run "mptcp" is the more recent fork of which started as mkheirkhah's fork.
It should work with the latest ns-3. Compared to mkheirkhah's approach (I haven't checked if it is still valid), it tries to reuse the TCP socket code so that it can use TCP socket application. You can read more details from

Unable to start Active MQ on Linux

I am trying to get ActiveMQ server running on a RaspberryPI Debian Squeeze box and all appears to be installed correctly but when I try and start the service I am getting the following...
root#raspberrypi:/var/www/activemq/apache-activemq-5.7.0# bin/activemq
INFO: Loading '/etc/default/activemq'
INFO: Using java '/usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java'
/usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java: 1: /usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java:ELF0
4°: not found
/usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java: 2: /usr/jre1.7.0_07/bin/java: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Tasks provided by the sysv init script:
restart - stop running instance (if there is one), start new instance
console - start broker in foreground, useful for debugging purposes
status - check if activemq process is running
setup - create the specified configuration file for this init script
(see next usage section)
Configuration of this script:
The configuration of this script can be placed on /etc/default/activemq or /root/.activemqrc.
To use additional configurations for running multiple instances on the same operating system
rename or symlink script to a name matching to activemq-instance-<INSTANCENAME>.
This changes the configuration location to /etc/default/activemq-instance-<INSTANCENAME> and
$HOME/.activemqrc-instance-<INSTANCENAME>. Configuration files in /etc have higher precedence.
It looks like there is an error somewhere but I am a fairly newbie at this and don't know where to look.
Just adding an answer since,becoz as per the documentation , the command is wrong
to start activemqm, use
Navigate to [installation directory/bin] and run ./activemq start or simple bin/activemq start
if you want to see it live in a window use bin/activemq console
To stop, you have to kill the process
The default ActiveMQ "getting started" link sends u here : which is the "Getting Started Guide for ActiveMQ 4.x".
If you scroll down main documentation page, you will find this link with the proper commands :

Jenkins stops at Launching Internet Explorer

we are using Jenkins as CI in our project. We were running the CI from the command line using the following command
java -jar C:\\jenkins\\jenkins.war --httpPort=8085 --ajp13Port=8009
As the system needs to restart frequently, we change CI to start as a windows service.
Now we are facing the issues for Selenium test cases. Selenium test cases are not running after we make Jenkins as service. We are getting the following log and no more progress from that point
18:36:30,718 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.SeleniumDriverResourceHandler] Command request: getNewBrowserSession[*iexploreproxy,, ] on session null
18:36:30,718 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.BrowserSessionFactory] creating new remote session
18:36:30,796 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.BrowserSessionFactory] Allocated session 80b95d0273ac4ea4a82860c79438f071 for, launching...
18:36:30,796 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.WindowsProxyManager] Modifying registry settings...
18:36:31,781 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.InternetExplorerCustomProxyLauncher] Launching Internet Explorer...
Per hudson wiki, you should be running Hudson (or jenkins) as tasks rather than service for GUI testing. Check here. Look at the section GUI Testing in Windows
Following changes will resolve the problem
Update the selenium version.
Use *iexploreproxy or *piiexplore for IE instead of *iehta/*iexplore