Does Nuxt Auth Module use serverMiddleware or client one? - authentication

I want to understand whether nuxt-auth uses serverMiddleware and if not how can i implement one. I want to make my admin panel really secured, I have my backend secured however even if someone manages to overcome auth middleware on the frontend, which won't be that difficult(if auth Module uses client-side middlewares), I don't want nuxt to provide him/her with the layout and all pages even though I know that he/she is not going to be able to do anything because my routes on the backed require token verification and account data. If you can, please provide some info on the subject. Thanks!!!

So in short you cannot use the middleware provided by the #nuxtjs/auth plugin as a serverMiddleware, you can only use it as a normal middleware.
But that doesn't mean that it's insecure, normal middlewares actually executes both on server and client side before the page is rendered, so if you want to execute a middleware that will throw a 404 if the user isn't logged in you can do this in a normal middleware too, the serverMiddleware's capabilities are actually limited, you can't access nor the store or any client side information, because you only get (req,res, next) as parameters, and since Authentication is stored in store and cookies you can't make it work in Node.js only. This is a good example of what you can use serverMiddleware for:
If you console.log something in normal middleware you should be able to see it both in your developer console and bash where npm run dev is running, this would mean that first the server executes it and then the client side too.


Sending xAPI statement to a web application instead of LRS

I have an xAPI content made by storyline I want for the statement to be sent to a webapp instead of the LRS.
this webapp is developped using laravel, and user should be authenticated with email and password to use it.
what I did to send the statement to this app: the webapp I created an API endpoint route that use POST method. the xAPI wrapper I changed the endpoint in the configuration to the route I made in the webapp.
const conf = {
"endpoint":"here I added my api endpoint route of the webapp",
"auth":"Basic " + toBase64(""),
now whith any interaction with the content where a statement should be sent the request making cors error like in the picture down, I think this is authentication error, how can I add my authentication credentials to the xAPI wrapper?
Your non-LRS LRS is probably not handling preflight requests which are necessary for CORS handling. Most common LRSs will handle those requests appropriately since they expect to be accessed from additional origins. See
Also note that you'll likely run into issues unless you also handle state requests.
Additionally unless you are requesting the credentials from the user during runtime then hard coding the credentials into the package isn't a great idea from a security perspective.

How to use nuxt auth module with AWS Cognito ui

I am want to build an app which has a static frontend ( target: 'static' in nuxt.config.js ), and a backend using ktor. The app will need to authenticate users but I do not want to manage passwords and things myself, so I would like to integrate with AWS Cognito. Based on my understanding, I think this is the workflow I want:
User is browsing the site anonymously (no login)
They do some action which requires login or explicitly click on login button.
User gets redirected to AWS Cognito ui for login. They may register for new account, login with their existing, or login using another provider (after configuring cognito for it).
Cognito ui redirects user back to the app ui but with JWT tokens in query params (I think this is just how cognito does it)
The JWT token (s?) get stored in vuex store / nuxt auth
The token is used when making requests to the backend. As well as showing some additional components / actions if the user is authenticated and their basic info like username (part of jwt?)
I think I have cognito and the ktor backend setup correctly but I don't know how to get started for the frontend.
The nuxt auth module guide says to set up middleware, but afaik middleware is only for server side rendered apps.
I need to activate the vuex store but I don't know what to put there. Are there some specific things the auth module expects or do I just create an empty file in the directory?
How do I tell it when to redirect or read the token from query param?
How to parse the JWT token (if it doesn't automatically) and get some payload info like username from it?
Does the axios module get configured automatically to make use of this?
I found this old github issue 195 in the auth module repo, but I believe that's for when the "login form"/ui is part of the nuxt app and client is making use of the cognito api without 'redirect'.
Unfortunately everything in this stack is new for me so any help is appreciated. If there is already a project doing something similar, I look at the code and try to figure it out but right now I'm lost.
update 2020-12-31, mainly so that I can put a bounty on this soon: The live demo at seems to be doing what i'm looking for but then the github page read me shows something else Also i don't see middleware / plugins used anywhere. it's all mostly configured through nuxt config, so it only works for the auth0 custom provider?
I was having the same issue as you:
How do I tell it when to redirect or read the token from query param?
I solved this by configuring auth.redirect.callback to match the endpoint that cognito will callback with the token. I believe this will tell the middleware when to look for a new token in the query param.
auth: {
redirect: {
callback: '/signin',
strategies: {
awsCognito: {
redirectUri: "http://localhost:8080/signin",
And to answer your other questions:
The nuxt auth module guide says to set up middleware, but afaik middleware is only for server side rendered apps.
I tried this setup with ssr: false and it still works fine.
I need to activate the vuex store but I don't know what to put there. Are there some specific things the auth module expects or do I just create an empty file in the directory?
An empty index.js file is fine.
How do I tell it when to redirect or read the token from query param?
See first answer above.
How to parse the JWT token (if it doesn't automatically) and get some payload info like username from it?
From my initial testing I found that the middleware will automatically call the userInfo endpoint when user data is requested e.g. this.$
strategies: {
awsCognito: {
scheme: "oauth2",
endpoints: {
userInfo: "",
Does the axios module get configured automatically to make use of this?

Spartacus Backend OCC login endpoint change

I have a question regarding the possibility to change the backend occ endpoint for the login.
In the default behavior, an auth object is created in local storage.
I changed in the app.module the default login: '/authorizationserver/oauth/token', to a different endpoint (/ourowntestserver/oath/token/test). After the change, the backend-side works as it has before, but on the front-end side, the auth object is not available in the local storage anymore.
In the Spartacus source code I can see an OAUTH_ENDPOINT with the same endpoint '/authorizationserver/oauth/token', used in an open-id-token.service, but I am not sure if that service is responsible for actually saving the token and if I have to extend it in the storefront app along with its store(actions, effects, etc.) too.
Are there any other changes that have to be done for this to work, or am I doing something wrong? Is it possible that the issue could be still back-end related?
Any help would be appreciated. (edited)
I would start by inspecting ngrx actions in devtools. Look for LoadUserToken and LoadUserTokenSuccess and LoadUserTokenFail actions. Look at their payload if everything there looks ok. Maybe the structure of response is different than the one returned from the default hybris OAuth server. Then you might need to create your own effect and handle the response a bit different than we do this by default.
The OAUTH_ENDPOINT is not currently customizable and it is being fixed right now for the 3.0 release. It'll have new auth module structure and allow for easier replacement of OAuth server.
open-id-token.service.ts is only used with Kyma module when you also need apart from access_token the id_token from OAuth server.

Expressjs cookie-session settings not working with Passportjs

I'm trying to call my /auth/user endpoint to get the current user that's logged into my website. But because of the new Chrome update I need to somehow set 'sameSite' and 'secure'. Anyone know of how I can get around this? Am I doing something wrong with cookie-session?
The cookie gets sent by express just fine, but it doesn't come with sameSite and secure settings that I specify in the cookie-session settings (see image). I tried with express-session as well, but for some reason the sameSite and secure settings never propogate to cookie used for oauth.
Btw, the authentication works on localhost addresses, but when I deploy from frontend and backend with heroku, I encounter the issue where I need to set sameSite. Would setting up a proxy or something get around the sameSite issue?
I am working on the same issue. SameSite=None needs the cookie to be secure
Eventhough I have set "secure: true" I am still seeing the cookie not being created on Chrome, but I do see it on Edge
After 3 days trying to figure It out. I finally found a way around this issue, It's not a fix, I'm quite sure PassportJS will come with a solution for that eventually, but for now It allowed me to get the user from the authentication.
Since we are not being able to get the user from the cookie, but the information is in the server session, the way to get this information is to add to the 'server.js' a route to get the user directly from the server session:
app.get('/api/getUser', (req, res) => {
For some reason, I suppose the lack of cookie somehow, using the req.session inside of a router is returning undefined, but If used inside 'server.js' (or your server index file) It gets the session.
If you need the req.user._id or some other sensitive information for other requests, I would recommend returning a jwtToken with this information to the frontend (in res.json), then save the token directly in localStorage and pass the token in the body of your requests, is not the ideal, but It's the safer way I could think to keep the ids safe.
I hope It can help you!

React Native - Logout user when api status code is 401 ( Unauthorized )

When user login or register it will generate a token by our web server and store in user mobile. Every time an API is call, the token is required to verify by our web server to see whether the user is authorized.
Now if the token is expired, it will return status code 401. I wonder how i should handle it?
Our apps is using redux and redux action, it can be very easily doable in the reducers, but the reducers are divided up into different modules, which means i have to do it all over the place.
If you all need any info i will update my post.
This depends on what you are using to make API calls in your app. If you are using GraphQL/Apollo, for example, you can use apollo-link-error to check if the error's status code is 401 and log the user out if it is. If you are using Axios, you can either specify the same kind of thing when you create the instance, or use something like axios interceptors to do it.
If you include what you are using to make requests in your app, I can give a more specific answer as far as the actual configuration goes.