How to find float rounding errors in SQL server - sql

I've narrowed down a data issue on a legacy SQL Server 2008 database.
The column is a 'float'. SSMS shows four of the records as '0.04445' but when i query for all records that match the first value, only 3 of the four are returned. The last record is somehow different, i suspect it is off by 0.0000000001 or something and the SMSS GUI is rounding it for display(?). Using the '<' operator has similar results ('where my_column < 0.04445' returns three of the four) This is causing some catastrophic calculation errors in the calling app.
I tried casting it to a decimal ('SELECT CAST(my_column as DECIMAL(38,20)) FROM...') but all four records just come back 0.044450000000000000000000000000
I suspect that there are many other similar errors in this same column, as the data has been entered in various ways over the years.
Is there any way to see this column in its full value/precision/mantissa, rather than the rounded value?
I can't change the schema or the app.
Update - using the 'Edit Top 200 Rows' feature, I can see that about three quarters of them are 0.044449999999999996 and the other quarter are ecxactly 0.04445. But I can't get it to display that level of accuracy in a regular query result

You can use CONVERT(VARBINARY(8), my_column) to the number in its original form. What you get should be 0x3FA6C226809D4952 or 0x3FA6C226809D4951. And what number that really is? 3FA6C226809D4951 is binary
0 01111111010 0110110000100010011010000000100111010100100101010001
0 => number is positive
01111111010 => 1018-1023 = -5 is exponent (so we get 2^-5)
1.0110110000100010011010000000100111010100100101010001 => 6405920109971793*2^-52
so the 0x3FA6C226809D4951 is exactly 6405920109971793*2^-57, which is 0.044449999999999996458388551445750636048614978790283203125
and 0x3FA6C226809D4952 is exactly 6405920109971794*2^-57, which is 0.04445000000000000339728245535297901369631290435791015625

So, your question is really about SSMS, not about your application or SQL Server itself, right? You want to see the actual float values in SSMS without rounding, right?
By design SSMS rounds float during display. For example, see this answer.
But, you can see the actual value that is stored in the column if you convert it to a string explicitly using CONVERT function.
float and real styles
For a float or real expression, style can have
one of the values shown in the following table. Other values are
processed as 0.
0 (default) A maximum of 6 digits. Use in scientific notation, when appropriate.
1 Always 8 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
2 Always 16 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
3 Always 17 digits. Use for lossless conversion.
With this style, every distinct float or real value is guaranteed to
convert to a distinct character string.
It looks like style 3 is just what you need:
convert(varchar(30), my_column, 3)
Here is my test:
DECLARE #v1 float = 0.044449999999999996e0;
DECLARE #v2 float = 0.044445e0;
SELECT #v1, #v2, convert(varchar(30), #v1, 3), convert(varchar(30), #v2, 3)
Result that I see in SSMS:
| (No column name) | (No column name) | (No column name) | (No column name) |
| 0.04445 | 0.044445 | 4.4449999999999996e-002 | 4.4444999999999998e-002 |


Using decimal in a SQL query

I have a column Amount defined in my SQL Server database as varchar(20), null.
It has values like this:
If the user in the client app enters 2 for search, then I need to pull all records from the db except value 1.56867.
So search results should yield:
I tried using this in my SQL query but it's still returning value 1.56867.
CONVERT(decimal, myTable.Amout) = CONVERT(decimal, 2)
Can you advise?
You should really consider fixing your data model, and store numbers as numbers rather than strings.
That said, you need to specify a scale and a precision for the decimal, otherwise i defaults to decimal(38, 0) , which results in the decimal part being truncated. Something like:
convert(decimal(20, 5), myTable.Amout) = 2
This gives you 20 digits max, including 5 decimal digits. There is no need to explictly convert the right operand here (that's a literal number already).
If your column may contain values that are not convertible to numbers, you can use try_convert() instead of convert() to avoid errors.
The problem is that when converting the string '1.56867' to decimal, SQL server assumes you want 0 decimal places (as pointed out by #GMB), and rounds the value to the nearest integer (2).
select convert(decimal,'1.56867');
Also, since your column is defined to hold character data, you should use the try_cast() function to avoid Error converting data type varchar to numeric. errors that would otherwise occur if non-numeric data is present in the column.
select *
from (values
,('non-numeric value')
) myTable(Amount)
where try_cast(Amount as decimal(38,19)) = 2
(3 rows affected)

SELECT vs UPDATE, Unexpected rounding when using ABS function

Attached is a code sample to run in SQL. This seems like unexpected behavior for SQL Server. What should happen is to remove the negative from the number but when using the same function under the update command it does the absolute value and also rounds the number. Why is this?
DECLARE #TEST TABLE (TEST varchar(2048));
INSERT INTO #TEST VALUES (' -29972.95');
Below are the results of that code.
This seems more a "feature" of the CONVERT function than anything to do with SELECT or UPDATE (only reason it is different is because the UPDATE implicitly converts the FLOAT(8) returned by ABS(...) back into VARCHAR).
The compute scalar in the update plan contains the expression
[Expr1003] = Scalar Operator(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(varchar(2048),
,0) /*<-- style used for convert from float*/
Value - Output
0 (default) - A maximum of 6 digits. Use in scientific notation, when appropriate.
1 - Always 8 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
2 - Always 16 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
From MSDN:
This can be seen in the example below:
[# Digits],
FROM (SELECT '6 digits', ABS('9972.95') UNION ALL SELECT '7 digits', ABS('29972.95')) T ([# Digits], N)
This returns the following results:
-------- ----------------- -------------------- --------------------
6 digits 9972.95 9972.95 9972.95
7 digits 29973 29973 29972.95
This proves the UPDATE was using CONVERT(VARCHAR, ABS(...)) effectively with the default style of "0". This limited the FLOAT from the ABS to 6 digits. Taking 1 character away so it does not overflow the implicit conversion, you retain the actual values in this scenario.
Taking this back to the OP:
The ABS function in this case is returning a FLOAT(8) in the example.
The UPDATE then caused an implicit conversion that was effectively `CONVERT(VARCHAR(2048), ABS(...), 0), which then overflowed the max digits of the default style.
To get around this behavior (if this is related to a practical issue), you need to specify the style of 1 or 2 (or even 3 to get 17 digits) to avoid this truncation (but be sure to handle the scientific notation used since it is now always returned in this case)
(some preliminary testing deleted for brevity)
It definitely has to do with silent truncating during INSERT/UPDATEs.
If you change the value insertion to this:
You immediately get the same rounding/truncation without doing an UPDATE.
Meanwhile, SELECT ABS(' -29972.95') produces expected results.
Further testing supports the theory of an implicit float conversion, and indicates that the culprit lies with the conversion back to varchar:
DECLARE #Flt float = ' -29972.95'
SELECT CAST(#Flt AS varchar(2048))
Probably final edit:
I was sniffing up the same tree as Martin. I found this.
Which made me try this:
DECLARE #Flt float = ' -29972.95'
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(2048),#Flt,128)
Which produced this:
So I'm gonna call this kinda documented since the 128 style is a legacy style that is deprecated and may go away in a future release. But none of the currently documented styles produce the same result. Very interesting.
ABS() is supposed to operate on numeric values and varchar input is converted to float. Most likely explanation for this behavior is that float has highest precedence among all numeric data types such as decimal, int, bit.
Your SELECT statement simply returns the float result. However the UPDATE statement implicitly converts the float back to varchar producing unexpected results:
ABS(test) AS test_abs,
CAST(ABS(test) AS VARCHAR(100)) AS test_abs_str
) AS test(test)
test | test_abs | test_abs_str
-29972.95 | 29972.95 | 29973
-29972.94 | 29972.94 | 29972.9
-29972.9 | 29972.9 | 29972.9
I would suggest that you use explicit conversion and exact numeric datatype to avoid this and other potential problems with implicit conversions / floats:
ABS(CAST(test AS DECIMAL(18, 2))) AS test_abs,
CAST(ABS(CAST(test AS DECIMAL(18, 2))) AS VARCHAR(100)) AS test_abs_str
) AS test(test)
test | test_abs | test_abs_str
-29972.95 | 29972.95 | 29972.95
-29972.94 | 29972.94 | 29972.94
-29972.9 | 29972.90 | 29972.90
ABS is a mathematical function, that means is designed to work with numeric values, you cannot expect a proper behavior of the function when using other data types like in this case VARCHAR, I suggest first to do the required CAST to a numeric data type before applying the ABS function as follows:
After this your query will output
This does not solve how it is posible that ABS works fine when selecting and not when updating a value, maybe it is a bug on sqlserver but also it is a really bad practice to avoid casting to proper data types required by functions. Maybe an implicit cast occurs when a SELECT clause is performed but ignored on UPDATE because microsoft is expecting you to do the right thing.

SQL query not providing range for nvarchar

What I am trying to do is get a range of cube numbers within our building. The issue being the the cube number data type is nvarchar. I know its what messing me up but I have no control over the DB also all of our cube numbers are prefaced with a couple of chars such as AA-1 through AA-255 (thus the nvarchar). My question is this why does the below work:
CubeNumber like 'AA-[1-9]'
The above will give me the PCNames for AA-1 through AA-9 but when I do the following:
where CubeNumber like 'AA-[1-20]'
it gives me AA-1 and AA-2. I see the 1 and 2 there, I get its not seeing it as a 20. So is it possible to get that range to work, or any range beside 1-9 to work with that syntax?
Regex is a string comparison and therefore will will look for specific strings. Your pattern of 'AA-[1-20]' is looking for anything that starts with AA- and then numbers 1 through 2, or 0. The correct way would be to do 'AA-[0-9]*'
If your cubes always start with AA-, you could also do a replace and then cast to convert the cube numbers to actual numbers and then do a BETWEEN query.
CAST(REPLACE(CubeNumber,'AA-','') as INT) BETWEEN 1 AND 20;

SQL server 'like' against a float field produces inconsistent results

I am using LIKE to return matching numeric results against a float field. It seems that once there are more than 4 digits to the left of the decimal, values that match my search item on the right side of the decimal are not returned. Here's an example illustrating the situation:
CREATE TABLE number_like_test (
INSERT INTO number_like_test (num) VALUES (1234.56)
INSERT INTO number_like_test (num) VALUES (3457.68)
INSERT INTO number_like_test (num) VALUES (13457.68)
INSERT INTO number_like_test (num) VALUES (1234.76)
INSERT INTO number_like_test (num) VALUES (23456.78)
SELECT num FROM number_like_test
WHERE num LIKE '%68%'
That query does not return the record with the value of 12357.68, but it does return the record with the value of 3457.68. Also running the query with 78 instead of 68 does not return the 23456.78 record, but using 76 returns the 1234.76 record.
So to get to the question: why having a larger number causes these results to change? How can I change my query to get the expected results?
The like operator requires a string as a left-hand value. According to the documentation, a conversion from float to varchar can use several styles:
Value Output
0 (default) A maximum of 6 digits. Use in scientific notation, when appropriate.
1 Always 8 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
2 Always 16 digits. Always use in scientific notation.
The default style will work fine for the six digits in 3457.68, but not for the seven digits in 13457.68. To use 16 digits instead of 6, you could use convert and specify style 2. Style 2 represents a number like 3.457680000000000e+003. But that wouldn't work for the first two digits, and you get an unexpected +003 exponent for free.
The best approach is probably a conversion from float to decimal. That conversion allows you to specify the scale and precision. Using scale 20 and precision 10, the float is represented as 3457.6800000000:
where convert(decimal(20,10), num) like '%68%'
When you are comparing number with LIKE it is implicitly converted to string and then matched
The problem here is that float number is not precise and when it is converted you can get
13457.679999999999999 instead of 13457.68
So to avid this explicitly format number in appropriate format(not sure how to do this in sql server, but it will be something like)
SELECT num FROM number_like_test
WHERE Format("0.##",num) LIKE '%68%'
The conversion to string is rounding your values. Both CONVERT and CAST have the same behavior.
SELECT cast(num as nvarchar(50)) as s
FROM number_like_test
SELECT convert(nvarchar(50), num) as s
FROM number_like_test
provide the results:
You'll have to use the STR function and correct format parameters to try to get your results. For example,
SELECT STR(num, 10, 2) as s
FROM number_like_test
Pretty well solved already, but you only need to CAST once, not twice like the other answer suggests, LIKE takes care of the string conversion:
FROM number_like_test
WHERE CAST(num AS DECIMAL(12,6)) LIKE '%68%'
And here's a SQL Fiddle showing the rounding behavior: SQL Fiddle
It's probably because a FLOAT data type represents a floating point number which is an approximation of the number and should not be relied on for exact comparisons.
If you need to do a search that includes the float value you would need to either store it in a decimal data type (which will hold the exact number) or convert it to a varchar using something like the STR() function

How do I count decimal places in SQL?

I have a column X which is full of floats with decimals places ranging from 0 (no decimals) to 6 (maximum). I can count on the fact that there are no floats with greater than 6 decimal places. Given that, how do I make a new column such that it tells me how many digits come after the decimal?
I have seen some threads suggesting that I use CAST to convert the float to a string, then parse the string to count the length of the string that comes after the decimal. Is this the best way to go?
You can use something like this:
declare #v sql_variant
set #v=0.1242311
select SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(#v, 'Scale') as Scale
This will return 7.
I tried to make the above query work with a float column but couldn't get it working as expected. It only works with a sql_variant column as you can see here:!6/5c62c/2
So, I proceeded to find another way and building upon this answer, I got this:
SELECT value,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), value, 128)
) AS float
) AS bigint
) as Decimals
FROM Numbers
Here's a SQL Fiddle to test this out:!6/23d4f/29
To account for that little quirk, here's a modified version that will handle the case when the float value has no decimal part:
SELECT value,
Decimals = CASE Charindex('.', value)
Len (
Reverse(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), value, 128)) AS FLOAT
FROM numbers
Here's the accompanying SQL Fiddle:!6/10d54/11
This thread is also using CAST, but I found the answer interesting:
SELECT TOP 1000000 #Places = FLOOR(LOG10(REVERSE(ABS(SomeNumber)+1)))+1
FROM dbo.BigTest
and in ORACLE:
SELECT FLOOR(LOG(10,REVERSE(CAST(ABS(.56544)+1 as varchar(50))))) + 1 from DUAL
A float is just representing a real number. There is no meaning to the number of decimal places of a real number. In particular the real number 3 can have six decimal places, 3.000000, it's just that all the decimal places are zero.
You may have a display conversion which is not showing the right most zero values in the decimal.
Note also that the reason there is a maximum of 6 decimal places is that the seventh is imprecise, so the display conversion will not commit to a seventh decimal place value.
Also note that floats are stored in binary, and they actually have binary places to the right of a binary point. The decimal display is an approximation of the binary rational in the float storage which is in turn an approximation of a real number.
So the point is, there really is no sense of how many decimal places a float value has. If you do the conversion to a string (say using the CAST) you could count the decimal places. That really would be the best approach for what you are trying to do.
I answered this before, but I can tell from the comments that it's a little unclear. Over time I found a better way to express this.
Consider pi as
(a) 3.141592653590
This shows pi as 11 decimal places. However this was rounded to 12 decimal places, as pi, to 14 digits is
(b) 3.1415926535897932
A computer or database stores values in binary. For a single precision float, pi would be stored as
(c) 3.141592739105224609375
This is actually rounded up to the closest value that a single precision can store, just as we rounded in (a). The next lowest number a single precision can store is
(d) 3.141592502593994140625
So, when you are trying to count the number of decimal places, you are trying to find how many decimal places, after which all remaining decimals would be zero. However, since the number may need to be rounded to store it, it does not represent the correct value.
Numbers also introduce rounding error as mathematical operations are done, including converting from decimal to binary when inputting the number, and converting from binary to decimal when displaying the value.
You cannot reliably find the number of decimal places a number in a database has, because it is approximated to round it to store in a limited amount of storage. The difference between the real value, or even the exact binary value in the database will be rounded to represent it in decimal. There could always be more decimal digits which are missing from rounding, so you don't know when the zeros would have no more non-zero digits following it.
Solution for Oracle but you got the idea. trunc() removes decimal part in Oracle.
select *
from your_table
where (your_field*1000000 - trunc(your_field*1000000)) <> 0;
The idea of the query: Will there be any decimals left after you multiply by 1 000 000.
Another way I found is
SELECT 1.110000 , LEN(PARSENAME(Cast(1.110000 as float),1)) AS Count_AFTER_DECIMAL
I've noticed that Kshitij Manvelikar's answer has a bug. If there are no decimal places, instead of returning 0, it returns the total number of characters in the number.
So improving upon it:
Case When (SomeNumber = Cast(SomeNumber As Integer)) Then 0 Else LEN(PARSENAME(Cast(SomeNumber as float),1)) End
Here's another Oracle example. As I always warn non-Oracle users before they start screaming at me and downvoting etc... the SUBSTRING and INSTRING are ANSI SQL standard functions and can be used in any SQL. The Dual table can be replaced with any other table or created. Here's the link to SQL SERVER blog whre i copied dual table code from:
The length after dot or decimal place is returned by this query.
The str can be converted to_number(str) if required. You can also get the length of the string before dot-decimal place - change code to LENGTH(SUBSTR(str, 1, dot_pos))-1 and remove +1 in INSTR part:
SELECT str, LENGTH(SUBSTR(str, dot_pos)) str_length_after_dot FROM
SELECT '000.000789' as str
, INSTR('000.000789', '.')+1 dot_pos
FROM dual
000.000789 6
You already have answers and examples about casting etc...
This question asks of regular SQL, but I needed a solution for SQLite. SQLite has neither a log10 function, nor a reverse string function builtin, so most of the answers here don't work. My solution is similar to Art's answer, and as a matter of fact, similar to what phan describes in the question body. It works by converting the floating point value (in SQLite, a "REAL" value) to text, and then counting the caracters after a decimal point.
For a column named "Column" from a table named "Table", the following query will produce a the count of each row's decimal places:
cast(Column as text),
instr(cast(Column as text), '.')+1
) as "Column-precision" from "Table";
The code will cast the column as text, then get the index of a period (.) in the text, and fetch the substring from that point on to the end of the text. Then, it calculates the length of the result.
Remember to limit 100 if you don't want it to run for the entire table!
It's not a perfect solution; for example, it considers "10.0" as having 1 decimal place, even if it's only a 0. However, this is actually what I needed, so it wasn't a concern to me.
Hopefully this is useful to someone :)
Probably doesn't work well for floats, but I used this approach as a quick and dirty way to find number of significant decimal places in a decimal type in SQL Server. Last parameter of round function if not 0 indicates to truncate rather than round.
WHEN col = round(col, 1, 1) THEN 1
WHEN col = round(col, 2, 1) THEN 2
WHEN col = round(col, 3, 1) THEN 3