How do I etl big data between 2 SQL Server? - sql

My primary datasource get 50M records per day. I need view record max delay about 5 minutes.
How I have best way to transfer data from primary SQL Server datasource to report SQL Server datasource.
At this time, I user merge join every 30seconds. But it seems effect to primary datasource performance.

The most common approach to minimize the load on your source server is to do periodic extracts using a timestamp, i.e. a simple SELECT ... WHERE timestamp > previous-max-timestamp-extracted.
The source table(s) need to provide a column that allows you to filter on un-extracted records. If that's completely impossible, you might extract e.g. the last hour's data into staging tables, and deduplicate with previously extracted records.
Yes, you could use CDC, but that's often more involved, and usually adds some restrictions.
Cheers, Kristian


How to make 2 remote tables in sync along with determination of Delta records

We have 10 tables on vendor system and same 10 tables on our DB side along with 10 _HISTORIC tables i.e. for each table in order to capture updated/new records.
We are reading the main tables from Vendor system using Informatica to truncate and load into our tables. How do we find Delta records without using Triggers and CDC as it comes with cost on vendor system.
4 tables are such that which have 200 columns and records around 31K in each with expectation that 100-500 records might update daily.
We are using Left Join in Informatica to load new Records in our Main and _HISTORIC tables.
But what's efficient approach to find the Updated records of Vendor table and load them in our _HISTORIC table ?
For new Records using query :
I believe a system versioned temporary table will be something you are looking for here. You can create a system versioned table for any table in SQL server 2016 or later.
for example, say I have a table Employee
EmployeeName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
EmployeeDOJ DATE,
ValidFrom datetime2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START,--Automatically updated by the system when the row is updated
ValidTo datetime2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END,--auto-updated
PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (ValidFrom, ValidTo)--to set the row validity period
the column ValidFrom, ValidTo determines the time period on which that particular row was active.
For More Info refer the micorsoft article
Create staging tables, load wipe&load them. Next, use them for finding the differences that need to be load into your target tables.
The CDC logic needs to be performed this way, but it will not affect your source system.
Another way - not sure if possible in your case - is to load partial data based on some source system date or key. This way you stage only the new data. This improves performance a lot, but makes finding the deletes in source impossible.
A. To replicate a smaller subset of records in the source without making schema changes, there are a few options.
Transactional Replication, however this is not very flexible. For example would not allow any differences in the target database, and therefore is not a solution for you.
Identify a "date modified" field in the source. This obviously has to already exist, and will not allow you to identify deletes
Use a "windowing approach" where you simply delete and reload the last months transactions, again based on an existing date. Requires an existing date that isn't back dated and doesn't work for non transactional tables (which are usually small enough to just do full copies anyway)
Turn on change tracking. Your vendor may or may not argue that tihs is a costly change (it isn't) or impacts application performance (it probably doesn't)
Turning on change tracking will allow you to more easily identify changes to all tables.
You need to ask yourself: is it really an issue to copy the entire table? I have built solutions that simple copy entire large tables (far larger than 31k records) every hour and there is never an issue.
You need to consider what complications you introduce by building an incremental solution, and whether the associated maintenance and complexity is worth being able to reduce a record copy from 31K (full table) to 500 records (changed). Again a full copy of 31K records is actually pretty fast under normal circumstances (like 10 seconds or so)
B. Target table
As already recommended by many, you might want to consider a temporal table, although if you do decide to do full copies, a temporal table might not be the beast option.

Keeping BigQuery table data up-to-date

This is probably incorrect use case for BigQuery but I have following problem: I need to periodically update Big Query table. Update should be "atomic" in a sense that clients which read data should either use only old version of data or completely new version of data. The only solution I have now is to use date partitions. The problem with this solution is that clients which just need to read up to date data should know about partitions and get data only from certain partitions. Every time I want to make a query I would have first to figure out which partition to use and only then select from the table. Is there any way to improve this? Ideally I would like solution to be easy and transparent for clients who read data.
You didn't mention the size of your update, I can only give some general guideline.
Most BigQuery updates, including single DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE) and single load job, are atomic. Your reader reads either old data or new data.
Lacking multi-statement transaction right now, if you do have updates which doesn't fit into single load job, the solution is:
Load update into a staging table, after all loads finished
Use single INSERT or MERGE to merge updates from staging table to primary data table
The drawback: scanning staging table is not for free
Update: since you have multiple tables to update atomically, there is a tiny trick which may be helpful.
Assuming for each table that you need an update, there is a ActivePartition column as partition key, you may have a table with only one row.
CREATE TABLE ActivePartition (active DATE);
Each time after loading, you set to a new active date, then your user use a script:
DECLARE active DATE DEFAULT (SELECT active FROM ActivePartition);
-- Actual query
SELECT ... FROM dataTable WHERE ActivePartition = active

Best way to perform a distinct on +5M records table

I have an application using an AWS Aurora SQL postgres 10 DB that expects +5M records per day on a table. The application will be running on a kubernetes environment with ~5 pods.
One of the applications requirements is to export a method to build an object with all the possible values of 5 columns of the table. ie: all distinct values of the name column.
We expect ~100 different values per column. A distinct/group by takes more than 1s per column, making the process not meeting the non functional requirements (process time).
The solution I found was to create a table/view with the distinct of each column, that table/view will be refreshed with a cron like task.
Is this the more effective approach to meet the non functional/process time requirement using only postgres tools?
One possible solution is a materialized view that you regularly refresh. Between these refreshes, the data will become slightly stale.
Alternatively, you can maintain a separate table with just the distinct values and use triggers to keep the information up to date whenever rows are modified. This will require a combined index on all the affected columns to be fast.
DISTINCT is always a performance problem if it affects many rows.

Is it a good idea to index every column if the users can filter by any column?

In my application, users can create custom tables with three column types, Text, Numeric and Date. They can have up to 20 columns. I create a SQL table based on their schema using nvarchar(430) for text, decimal(38,6) for numeric and datetime, along with an Identity Id column.
There is the potential for many of these tables to be created by different users, and the data might be updated frequently by users uploading new CSV files. To get the best performance during the upload of the user data, we truncate the table to get rid of existing data, and then do batches of BULK INSERT.
The user can make a selection based on a filter they build up, which can include any number of columns. My issue is that some tables with a lot of rows will have poor performance during this selection. To combat this I thought about adding indexes, but as we don't know what columns will be included in the WHERE condition we would have to index every column.
For example, on a local SQL server one table with just over a million rows and a WHERE condition on 6 of its columns will take around 8 seconds the first time it runs, then under one second for subsequent runs. With indexes on every column it will run in under one second the first time the query is ran. This performance issue is amplified when we test on an SQL Azure database, where the same query will take over a minute the first time its run, and does not improve on subsequent runs, but with the indexes it takes 1 second.
So, would it be a suitable solution to add a index on every column when a user creates a column, or is there a better solution?
Yes, it's a good idea given your model. There will, of course, be more overhead maintaining the indexes on the insert, but if there is no predictable standard set of columns in the queries, you don't have a lot of choices.
Suppose by 'updated frequently,' you mean data is added frequently via uploads rather than existing records being modified. In that case, you might consider one of the various non-SQL databases (like Apache Lucene or variants) which allow efficient querying on any combination of data. For reading massive 'flat' data sets, they are astonishingly fast.

Handling 100's of 1,000,000's of rows in T-SQL2005

I have a couple of databases containing simple data which needs to be imported into a new format schema. I've come up with a flexible schema, but it relies on the critical data of the to older DBs to be stored in one table. This table has only a primary key, a foreign key (both int's), a datetime and a decimal field, but adding the count of rows from the two older DBs indicates that the total row count for this new table would be about 200,000,000 rows.
How do I go about dealing with this amount of data? It is data stretching back about 10 years and does need to be available. Fortunately, we don't need to pull out even 1% of it when making queries in the future, but it does all need to be accessible.
I've got ideas based around having multiple tables for year, supplier (of the source data) etc - or even having one database for each year, with the most recent 2 years in one DB (which would also contain the stored procs for managing all this.)
Any and all help, ideas, suggestions very, deeply, much appreciated,
Most importantly. consider profiling your queries and measuring where your actual bottlenecks are (try identifying the missing indexes), you might see that you can store everything in a single table, or that buying a few extra hard disks will be enough to get sufficient performance.
Now, for suggestions, have you considered partitioning? You could create partitions per time range, or one partition with the 1% commonly accessed and another with the 99% of the data.
This is roughly equivalent to splitting the tables manually by year or supplier or whatnot, but internally handled by the server.
On the other hand, it might make more sense to actually splitting the tables in 'current' and 'historical'.
Another possible size improvement is using an int (like an epoch) instead of a datetime and provide functions to convert from datetime to int, thus having queries like
SELECT * FROM megaTable WHERE datetime > dateTimeToEpoch('2010-01-23')
This size savings will probably have a cost performance wise if you need to do complex datetime queries. Although on cubes there is the standard technique of storing, instead of an epoch, an int in YYYYMMDD format.
What's the problem with storing this data in a single table? An enterprise-level SQL server like Microsoft SQL 2005 can handle it without much pain.
By the way, do not do tables per year, tables per supplier or other things like this. If you have to store similar set of items, you need one and one only table. Setting multiple tables to store the same type of things will cause problems, like:
Queries would be extremely difficult to write, and performance will be decreased if you have to query from multiple tables.
The database design will be very difficult to understand (especially since it's not something natural to store the same type of items in different places).
You will not be able to easily modify your database (maybe it's not a problem in your case), because instead of changing one table, you would have to change every table.
It would require to automate a bunch of tasks. Let's see you have a table per year. If a new record is inserted on 2011-01-01 00:00:00.001, will a new table be created? Will you check at each insert if you must create a new table? How it would affect performance? Can you test it easily?
If there is a real, visible separation between "recent" and "old" data (for example you have to use daily the data saved the last month only, and you have to keep everything older, but you do not use it), you can build a system with two SQL servers (installed on different machines). The first, highly available server, will serve to handle recent data. The second, less available and optimized for writing, will store everything else. Then, on schedule, a program will move old data from the first one to the second.
With such a small tuple size (2 ints, 1 datetime, 1 decimal) I think you will be fine having a single table with all the results in it. SQL server 2005 does not limit the number of rows in a table.
If you go down this road and run in to performance problems, then it is time to look at alternatives. Until then, I would plow ahead.
EDIT: Assuming you are using DECIMAL(9) or smaller, your total tuple size is 21 bytes which means that you can store the entire table in less than 4 GB of memory. If you have a decent server(8+ GB of memory) and this is the primary memory user, then the table and a secondary index could be stored in memory. This should ensure super fast queries after a slower warm-up time before the cache is populated.