CASE function for multiple instances - sql

I am looking to return a table with each column tagging whether or not a user used a certain product in a given month. The data appears as below:
User Date Product
001 1/1/2019 A
001 1/1/2019 A
001 1/1/2019 B
002 1/1/2019 A
002 1/1/2019 A
003 1/1/2019 C
004 1/1/2019 A
004 1/1/2019 B
004 1/1/2019 C
I would like the SQL code to result in this (i.e. a column for each product type, with a 1 or 0 if that product appeared in the row in the data):
User A B C
001 1 1 0
002 1 0 0
003 0 0 1
004 1 1 1
Currently I only end up with only a single 1 in each column, even when multiple instances exist. (This is in SQL Server)

You can use conditional aggregation:
select user,
max(case when product = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as a,
max(case when product = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as b,
max(case when product = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as c
from t
group by user


Using SQL to categorize a multiple rows of a column using Snowflake

A tricky conundrum I'm trying to figure out in Snowflake.
Let's say I have data like this
ID tag
001 A
001 A
002 B
003 A
004 1
003 1
005 B
005 2
004 B
002 C
006 A
006 2
006 A
And basically, my goal is I would like to categorize each ID into a unique table on the following criteria. So across ALL of a given ID...
If at any given point the ID is equal to 1 AND/OR A, then "GROUPA"
If at any given point the ID is equal to 2 AND/OR B, then "GROUPB"
If 1 AND B appear to the same ID OR if 2 AND A appear to the same ID, then NULL
And if any other values appear, no issue, I only care about 1,2,A,B ; each ID will have a row with atleast one of these.
So the resulting DF will be...
004 NULL
006 NULL
Notice, 004 and 006 were nulled out because in 004 both 1 and B appeared. Similarly, even though A appeared twice in 006, the 2 does not match and thus is NULL.
Using conditional aggregation, here: COUNT_IF:
CASE WHEN COUNT_IF(tag IN ('1','A')) > 0 AND COUNT_IF(tag IN ('2','B')) > 0 THEN NULL
WHEN COUNT_IF(tag IN ('1','A')) > 0 THEN 'GROUPA'
WHEN COUNT_IF(tag IN ('2','B')) > 0 THEN 'GROUPB'
END AS grp
FROM tab
WHERE tag IN ('1', '2', 'A', 'B')

Redshift Row_Number() Query with partitions that restart

I have data with id, timestamp(ts) event, capital_event_bool, and prev_event_capital_bool.
id ts event capital_event_bool prev_event_capital_bool
001 00:01 a 0 0
002 00:02 b 0 0
002 00:03 b 0 0
002 00:04 b 1 0
002 00:05 c 0 1
003 00:03 c 0 0
003 00:04 b 0 0
003 00:05 b 1 0
003 00:06 b 0 1
003 00:07 b 0 0
003 00:08 b 1 0
Only "b" events can have a capital_event_bool = True.
What I would like to accomplish is have a way to count all capital_event_bool = False b events prior to every capital_event_bool = True event for every id. I originally thought I could accomplish this via the row_number() window function in Redshift with
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id, event, capital_event_bool ORDER BY ts) AS row_num
but the part that is tripping me up is how to get the count to restart after every capital_event_bool = True event. It is fine if the row numbering will stop at every capital_event_bool = True event and then restart because I can just use a case statement with the capital_event_bool to reach my final result.
row_num DESIRED only row_num Final Desired Result
1 1 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
1 3 2
1 1 0
2 2 0
1 1 0
1 2 1
2 1 0
3 2 0
2 3 2
This is a type of gap-and-islands problem. Basically, you need to define subsets of the data by the number of "1" in the "b" columns. For this purpose, an inverse sum of capital_event_bool does exactly what you want. Then, you can use window functions on this group:
select t.*,
(case when capital_event_bool = 1
then sum( (event = 'b')::int ) over (partition by id, grp) - 1
else 0
end) as final_result
from (select t.*,
sum(capital_event_bool) over (partition by id order by ts desc) as grp
from t
) t

Display output is columns based on filter criteria

I am trying to display data is columns/subcolumns based on certain filter criteria using case when statement but not getting required output.
ID ID2 Country Type
1 001 US A
1 009 US A
2 002 AU B
3 003 CA A
3 005 CA A
4 007 US B
5 001 FR B
6 003 US B
7 002 US A
8 004 NZ A
based on my current case statement, here is how my output looks:
Type Country Count
B Other 2
B US 1
B Subtotal 3
A Other 4
A US 3
A Subtotal 7
Total 10
I want to display the following format, bonus if I can get the subtotal/totals:
Type-A Type-B
US Other US Other
3 4 1 2
I also need Subtotals, and Grandtotals, but these need to be calculated separately.
SubTotal: 7 SubTotal: 3
Grand Total: 10
You can like this
sum(case when Type = 'A' and Country = 'US' then 1 else 0 end) as US_TYPE_A,
sum(case when Type = 'A' and Country != 'US' then 1 else 0 end) as Other_TYPE_A,
sum(case when Type = 'B' and Country = 'US' then 1 else 0 end) as US_TYPE_B,
sum(case when Type = 'B' and Country != 'US' then 1 else 0 end) as Other_TYPE_B
from myTable

Conditional Row Deleting in SQL

I have a table that contains 4 columns. I need to remove some of the rows based on the Code and ID columns. A code of 1 initiates the process I'm trying to track and a code of 2 terminates it. I would like to remove all rows for a specific ID when a code of 2 comes after a code of 1 and there is not an additional code 1. For example, my current data set looks like this:
Code Deposit Date ID
1 $100 3/2/2016 5
2 $0 3/1/2016 5
1 $120 2/8/2016 5
1 $120 3/22/2016 4
2 $70 2/8/2016 3
1 $120 1/3/2016 3
2 $0 6/15/2015 2
1 $120 3/22/2016 2
1 $50 8/15/2015 1
2 $200 8/1/2015 1
After I run my script I would like it to look like this:
Code Deposit Date ID
1 $100 3/2/2016 5
2 $0 3/1/2016 5
1 $120 2/8/2016 5
1 $120 3/22/2016 4
1 $50 8/15/2015 1
2 $200 8/1/2015 1
In all I have about 150,000 ID's in my actual table but this is the general idea.
You can get the ids using logic like this:
from t
group by
having max(case when code = 2 then date end) > min(case when code = 1 then date end) and -- code 2 after code 1
max(case when code = 2 then date end) > max(case when code = 1 then date end) -- no code 1 after code2
It is then easy enough to incorporate this into a query to get the rest of the details:
select t.*
from t
where not in (select
from t
group by
having max(case when code = 2 then date end) > min(case when code = 1 then date end) and -- code 2 after code 1
max(case when code = 2 then date end) > max(case when code = 1 then date end)
The approach I took was to add up the Code per each ID. If it equals 3 exactly, it should be removed.
;WITH keepID as (
,SUM(code) as 'sumCode'
From #testInit
Group by ID
HAVING SUM(code) <> 3
Select *
From #testInit
Where ID IN (Select ID from keepID)
Your post showed keeping ID = 1 which does not seem to fit the criteria ? Are you sure you would be keeping ID = 1 ? It only as 2 records with a code of 1 and a code of 2 which adds up to 3 ... thus, remove it.
I just showed the approach in logic ... let me know if you need help with the delete code.
delete from table
where in
(select id from B where and>
(select code,id,max(date),id where code=1 group by id) as A,
(select code ,id,max(date),id where code=2 group by id) as B)
explanation: select code,id,max(date),id where code=1 as A
will fetch data with the highest date for a specific id of code 1
select code ,id,max(date),id where code=2 group by id) as B
will fetch data with the highest date for a specific id of code 2
select id from B where and> wil select all the ids for which the code 2 date is higher than code 1 date.

Is it possible to use 1column extract to 4 column

i don't sure this to possible i don't have idea
this my tables : tbchecked
[id] [status]
001 present
001 present
001 absent
001 absent
001 leave
001 present
001 present
002 present
002 absent
002 leave
it is possible? to output in gridview1 how to query?
[id] [present] [absent] [leave]
001 4 2 1
002 1 1 1
You can do it this way.
select id,
sum(case when status = 'present' then 1 else 0 end) as present,
sum(case when status = 'absent' then 1 else 0 end) as absent,
sum(case when status = 'leave' then 1 else 0 end) as leave
from tbchecked
group by id