T24 - core banking - banking

I am getting below error in t24 when executing Auth Routine.
the error appears when the routine gets executed and completed.
i have also tried to call a mainline routine which post OFS,
the problem is the code gets executed successfully, the OFS response is also retured.
but when the routine gets end, it shows this error.

I know some but wanna share everyone this issue was solved, please check below capture
Just add 1 line SENSITIVITY = '' after execute OFS.GLOBUS.MANAGER, all version routine when face this this issue we can do this way no need to create main routine.


vba selenium waitDisplay method not working

Who can tell me why the method of Selenium WebDriver.WaitDisplayed is not working in my code below?
I can share other code if needed?
Set a = webdriber.FindElementsByClass("search-global-typeahead__collapsed-search-button")
a.Item(1).WaitDisplayed(True).Click ' operation timed out after -1ms. Run-time err'21'
a.Item(1).Click ' gives an error
I added code below; without successful result
a.Item(1).WaitDisplayed(True, 100).Until(a.Item(1).IsDisplayed,10)
I guess to start with the most obvious, does it still cause an error after fixing the typo in the 'webdriber' identifier? I'm guessing your declaration is spelled 'webdriver'.

How to Call package successfully

got error when calling package
error is
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
Error report - Unknown Command
Session state protection violation is definitely an Apex error, relating to your page settings. It seems your package is trying to change the state of a read-only page. See this other question.
The item identifier in the error message P164_COURSECOUNT has the same prefix as the parameters you pass to the package (:P164_APP_ID) so presumably they relate to the same page. We know nothing about your application or its architecture, so it's hard to offer concrete advice. Maybe you need to change the page or item settings, maybe you need to change what the package does. Only you can tell the right course of action.
As you didn't post the whole command, a note: you have to enclose it into begin-end block, e.g.
PKG_Generate_GRNo.GenerateGR (TO_NUMBER ( :P164_APP_ID, '9999999'),

Loop exit not working

So I have a workflow which is supposed to throw an error after a certain condition is satisfied. (False condition) As you can see in the log directly below, it works: I do a loop exit first for the group 'coms' and an error is thrown. However, Flowgear seems to only read the last executed node and then determine the workflows status from that. Since the loop finishes last and is successful, if you look in the second log, you can see that the workflow has been evaluated as 'successful' although an error was thrown inside.
Any ideas how to make the loop break? Also why does flowgear only consider the last node? There should be an option in the error node to stop all execution.
Iterator nodes (Splitter and Loop) will consume the errors. The only way at this stage to get the workflow to return an error is to cause an error in the AnyError or UnhandledError part of the workflow. I've created a workflow to demonstrate this here: http://flowgear.me/s/UdpGBbd
Hope this helps.

Getting Timeout Error When Using suspendExecution and resumeExecutionWithResult with NSScriptCommand

I am currently making use of the suspendExecution and resumeExecutionWithResult of NSScript command in order to execute Apple Scripts asynchronously in my application. Provided below are the set of basic steps that I have taken to achieve the same.
1) Get the script command and store it in an IVAR. Now suspend the execution of the command using [NSScriptCommand suspendExecution]
2) Execute any transaction calls which will return the results asynchronously.
3) In the completionHandler of the Async call resume the execution with the fetched results i.e
[NSScriptCommand resumeExecutionWithResult:result]
The steps mentioned above work perfectly fine when I execute scripts from the Script Editor. but using an NSAppleScript object (when executing the scripts from say a scripts menu) to execute the same results in the following error
"AppleEvent timed out. Error Number: -1712"
The timeout error occurs almost instantaneously. Any pointers as to how this issue can be fixed would be greatly appreciated.
I found that using NSUserAppleScriptTask(available with the 10.8 SDK) instead of NSAppleScript to execute the Apple Script resolves this issue.

VBA Error - Reflection.FTP.3

I had this error pop up on exactly the 3rd line of code below. There seem to be no explanation on the Internet for this behaviour.
I'm looking at why this error came up, and fixed itself after few minutes.
Set Ftp = CreateObject("Reflection.FTP.3")
Ftp.Open "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "username", "password"
Ftp.SetCurrentDirectory "DirectoryName/DirectoryName/DirectoryName"
What was the error?
Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':
Method 'SetCurrentDirectory' of object 'IReflectionFTP' failed
More details:
Application: Excel Macro
Language : VB (VBA)
*Is this because of a coding error? *
Not likely. The macro has been long running and this came up for the first time.
*Is it because of a FTP service disruption? *
May be. But logs have a recording for every second and there seems to be no outage.
It seems to me there is a connection problem here - maybe a timeout? I assume that your three lines of code don't execute one after another (ie the SetCurrentDirectory is after some more code). This error will come up if the Ftp object doesn't have a valid connection that is logged in. Change the IP for the Open command to an invalid one and you'll see you get the same error.
Try setting the following line of code before SetCurrentDirectory command.
If FTP.Status = rcLoggedIn + rcConnected Then
Ftp.SetCurrentDirectory "DirectoryName/DirectoryName/DirectoryName"
'Error handle
End If
Note, that you are late binding the object so for it to work for you, you'll need the If statement to be:
If FTP.Status = 17 Then
Also, if it is a timeout problem then I'd set the Timeout period for the session to be longer, ie FTP.TimeoutSession = 300.