Can we use two MTProto connections in a single app? - telegram-bot

Hello I am trying to run both "userbot" and "bot account" in a single app (worker).
These two connections are namely tbot[main bot] and ubot[userbot]. For example:
tbot = TelegramClient("myapp", API_KEY, API_HASH)
ubot = TelegramClient(StringSession(STRING_SESSION), API_KEY, API_HASH)
But the problem is these two connections can't run simultaneously, both the connections quits just after the first (tbot) starts
Anything I can do here ?

Try to use python threading for that
import threading
# ...
tbot = TelegramClient("myapp", API_KEY, API_HASH)
tbot_thread = threading.Thread(target=tbot.start, kwargs={'bot_token': TOKEN})
ubot = TelegramClient(StringSession(STRING_SESSION), API_KEY, API_HASH)
ubot_thread = threading.Thread(target=ubot.start)
So each client will start separately in separate Thread instead of waiting in the main thread. If anything else fails - see logs.


Python Telegram Bot ConversationHandler not working with webhook

I want to make a ConversationHandler in my bot that is using a webhook, the ConversationHandler only runs the function at the entry point, after that neither does it run the state function, nor does it run the fallback function. This CommandHandler runs fine when bot is run by polling.
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler("start", start)],
NEW_PROJECT: [CallbackQueryHandler(project_name)],
PROJECT_NAME: [MessageHandler(Filters.regex(".*"), store_name_maybe_project_type)],
PROJECT_TYPE: [CallbackQueryHandler(store_type_maybe_admin)]
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', cancel)],
All the required functions:
def start(update, context):
# Gives button of add project
# We can use for loop to display buttons
keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton("Add Project", callback_data="add_project")],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
update.message.reply_text("You have no projects right now.", reply_markup=reply_markup)
# if existing project then PROJECT or else NEW_PROJECT
def project_name(update, context):
# asks for project name
query = update.callback_query
update.message.reply_text(text="Okay, Please enter your project name:")
def store_name_maybe_project_type(update, context):
# stores project name and conditionally asks for project type
keyboard = [
[InlineKeyboardButton("Telegram Group", callback_data="group")],
[InlineKeyboardButton("Telegram Channel", callback_data="channel")]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
update.message.reply_text("What do you want to make?", reply_markup=reply_markup)
def store_type_maybe_admin(update, context):
# stores project type and conditonally asks for making admin
keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Done", callback_data="done")]]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
update.message.reply_text(f"Make a private {update.message.text} and make this bot the admin", reply_markup=reply_markup)
return ConversationHandler.END
def cancel(update, context):
update.message.reply_text("Awww, that's too bad")
return ConversationHandler.END
This is how I set up the webhook(I think the problem is here somewhere):
#app.route(f"/{TOKEN}", methods=["POST"])
def respond():
"""Run the bot."""
update = telegram.Update.de_json(request.get_json(force=True), bot)
dispatcher = setup(bot, update)
return "ok"
The setup function
def setup(bot, update):
# Create bot, update queue and dispatcher instances
dispatcher = Dispatcher(bot, None, workers=0)
##### Register handlers here #####
bot_handlers = initialize_bot(update)
for handler in bot_handlers:
return dispatcher
And then I manually setup the webhook by using this route:
#app.route("/setwebhook", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def set_webhook():
s = bot.setWebhook(f"{URL}{TOKEN}")
if s:
return "webhook setup ok"
return "webhook setup failed"
The add project button doesn't do anything.
ConversationHandler stores the current state in memory, so it's lost once the conv_handler reaches the end of it's lifetime (i.e. the variable is deleted or the process is shut down). Now your snippets don't show where you initialize the ConversationHandler, but I have the feeling that you create it anew for every incoming update - and every new instance doesn't have the knowledge of the previous one.
I have that feeling, because you create a new Dispatcher for every update as well. That's not necessary and in fact I'd strongly advise against it. Not only does it take time to initialize the Dispatcher, which you could save, but also if you're using chat/user/bot_data, the data get's lost every time you create a new instance.
The initialize_bot function is called in setup, where you create the new Dispatcher, which is why my guess would be that you create a new ConversationHandler for every update. Also it seems odd to me that the return value of that function seems to be dependent on the update - the handlers used by your dispatcher should be fixed ...
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot

Pika SelectConnection adapter 'Unresolved attribute reference'

I have a problem with connection to RabbitMQ using pika.SelectConnection adapter. I am using Pika 1.1.0 and Python 3.7.9, development using PyCharm Community.
Below snapshot of my code showing how I am creating connection.
import pika
def on_done():
print("Open Callback")
if __name__ == '__main__':
account = "user"
password = "password"
server = ""
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(account, password)
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=server, port=15672, credentials=credentials, socket_timeout=10)
connect = pika.SelectConnection(parameters, on_open_callback=on_done)
RabbitMQ is running, I have checked connection and messaging using pika.BlockingConnection adapter.
My IDE (PyCharm) is highliting start() function as "Unresolved attribute reference 'start' for class 'object'". When I run this code, there is no error. On admin webpage I don't see that connection is opened.
Has somebody meet similar problem? Something is wrong with my IDE?
Thank you for answer.
Just had the same warning, but in the AsyncPublisher-Example and I also wanted to get rid of it.
The problem is that the IOLoop is not specifically defined by pika, even though it should.
If you work with pika, the type of IOLoop you are looking for is:
In your case it would be the easiest to cast your IOLoop and then use this one to start.
io_loop = cast(pika.adapters.select_connection.IOLoop, connect.ioloop)
For the more complex AsyncPublisher I did pretty much the same thing:
def __init__(self, amqp_url: str, queues: List[str], interval: float):
self._ioloop: Optional[pika.adapters.select_connection.IOLoop] = None
And after the connection is established:
def run(self):
"""Run the example code by connecting and then starting the IOLoop.
while not self._stopping:
self._connection = None
self._deliveries = []
self._ack = 0
self._not_ack = 0
self._message_number = 0
self._connection = self.connect()
self._ioloop = cast(pika.adapters.select_connection.IOLoop, self._connection.ioloop)
self._ioloop.start() - Is there a way to save socketid to prevent a new one being generated

After a connection to the server a is given for the connection. When the socket connection has not been used after some time a new socket id is generated.
I have read a lot of tutorials that do a "hello world" connection that just gets you connected, but, there is not much literature on messaging peer-to-peer/group. The docs give a 3 line paragraph on rooms/namespaces and every question related to this is just given a link to the same 3 line paragraph.
I understand that you can create and object/array of chats(in this example). For this example, let's say it is an object. That Object looks something like this:
const connections = {
"randomSocketID1": {
recipient: "Mom",
messages: [Array of Objects]
//more information
I then send a message to randomSocketID1 --> 'Hello'. Then next day I want to send another message to "Mom". Is that socketID going to be the same OR AT LEAST will "randomSocketID1" be updated under the hood, to its updated ID(which sounds improbable)? Is the regeneration of the socketID a product of garbage collection or a socket/engine/websocket protocol?
thanks for any clarification
So I was still unable to find an actual answer to this and by the 0 responses i see that no one knows. So what I have done in order to make sure that user and socket id are maintained is whenever a user enters the component that connects to the socketio server an automatic 'update-user' is emitted and the back end then just finds the user and assigns it the value.
So I have something like this:
this.socket.emit('update-user', 'Ctfrancia');
then in the back end:
const users = {};
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('update-user', user => {
if (user in users) users[user] =;
else users[user] =

DB not changing when testing Flask-Security with peewe and PyTest

I just got into testing my flask application with pytest, and it mostly works as expected. Unfortunately the test uses the live DB instead a mock one. I'm quite sure this has to do with the fact, that flask-security is using peewee's database_wrapper instead of an "straightforward" database.
Here's some code. This is from the test:
def client():
db_fd,['DATABASE'] = { 'name': 'userLogin_TEST.db',
'engine': 'peewee.SqliteDatabase' } }['TESTING'] = True
client =
#this seems not to help at all
yield client
This is some code from my
app.config['DATABASE'] = {
'name': 'userLogin.db',
'engine': 'peewee.SqliteDatabase',
app.config['SECURITY_URL_PREFIX'] = "/users"
# Create a database instance that will manage the connection and
# execute queries
db_wrapper = FlaskDB(app)
class Role(db_wrapper.Model, RoleMixin):
name = CharField(unique=True, default="standard")
description = TextField(null=True)
def __repr__(self):
When preforming the test, Flask is using the userLogin.db instead of userLogin_TEST.db. I suppose this is because of the db_wrapper in - but I did not find a way to change this behaviour. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The root of the issue seems to be this in bv_user_model:
app.config['DATABASE'] = {
'name': 'userLogin.db',
'engine': 'peewee.SqliteDatabase',
Since you are using FlaskDB with the app that has the production credentials, it seems like the db_wrapper will "remember" that and not be overridden by your tests.
The most straightforward answer would be to not use your app to create the FlaskDB instance directly
db = FlaskDB()
And then later on initialize it on your app
from models import db
def create_app():
app = ...
app.config["DATABASE"] = ...
return app
Which would let you have a separate function like this which you can use for testing.
def create_test_app():
app = ...
app.config["DATABASE"] = ...test credentials...
return app
and when you create your models, use the FlaskDB instance just the same as you were already.
db = FlaskDB()
class Role(db.Model, RoleMixin):

Ruby on Rails 5 Action Cable: stream for current model instance (URL-based subscriptions)

I have searched the web far and wide (including reading many code examples for ActionCable) for what seems to be an answer to a very basic question. Alas, I have not solved my problem.
Suppose, I have a model Search and I have navigated to the URL /searches/1.
I would also have the file under javascripts/channels/ which starts with:
App.instance = App.cable.subscriptions.create 'SearchChannel'
and a SearchChannel class that looks like this:
class SearchChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
search = Search.find(params[:id])
stream_for search
def unsubscribed
Naturally, the code above produces an error because params[id] is nil.
Here are my questions:
How do I subscribe to the correct Search instance based on the URL?
How do I avoid trying to subscribe to SearchChannel if I am on another URL that doesn't require a subscription, e.g. /searches/1/results?
Thank you for help!
If you look at implementation of ActionCable.Subscriptions#create, it can be called in two ways.
Option 1 (with channelName):
App.cable.subscriptions.create 'SearchChannel'
Option 2 (with channel Object):
App.cable.subscriptions.create channel: 'SearchChannel', id: 'Best Room'
If you go with Option 1, internally, it gets converted into channel Object.
So, if you want to capture id on the server side, you need to use the 2nd option and pass the id of the search, then you should be able to capture it on the server side as you described:
class SearchChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
search = Search.find(params[:id])
stream_for search
def unsubscribed
Refer to Client-Server Interactions and Subsciptions for more info.
Hello if you need to access the variables from the URL for server side handling of the connections, here is what you can do. In your file.
string = window.location.href
cut_string = "/"
if string.indexOf(cut_string) != -1
id = string.split(cut_string)[4]
id = // something else
App.instance = App.cable.subscriptions.create { channel: "SearchChannel" , id: id } , ...
In your channel file, you can succesfully use it.
class SearchChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
search = Search.find(params[:id])
stream_for search
def unsubscribed
How do I subscribe to the correct Search instance based on the URL?
You can change the coffeescript code and make it so that it only creates an actioncable connection if the desired page is browsed.
string = window.location.href
cut_string = "/"
if string.indexOf(cut_string) != -1
id = string.split(cut_string)[4] IF BLOCK CREATE CONNECTION
App.instance = App.cable.subscriptions.create { channel: "SearchChannel" , id: id } , ...
How do I avoid trying to subscribe to SearchChannel if I am on another
URL that doesn't require a subscription, e.g. /searches/1/results
Add multiple conditions to the if block in the coffescript code.