JSON query to extract all ids where array is not empty - sql

I have a JSON structure similar to this:
"feedback": {
"Features": []
I wish to find all the documents where Features is not an empty array.
This is what I have tried:
SELECT * FROM c where ARRAY_LENGTH([c.feedback.Features])> 0
I am not sure if this is the correct approach. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Your query would not work fine and still return the document in below JSON you provided:
"feedback": {
"Features": []
Would suggest to use the query like below. This will cover when there are zero items present in 'Feature' attribute as well as if 'Feature' attribute is missing altogether.
SELECT * FROM c where ARRAY_LENGTH([c.feedback.Features[0]]) > 0

It should work if you exclude the surrounding brackets from the property path:
SELECT * FROM c where ARRAY_LENGTH(c.feedback.Features) > 0


Oracle SQL JSON_QUERY ignore key field

I have a json with several keys being a number instead of a fixed string. Is there any way I could bypass them in order to access the nested values?
My expected output here would be 5295, but since 59668509 can vary from json to json, JSON_QUERY(data, '$."59668509".registers."001".readingValue) would not be an option. I'm not able to use regexp here because this is only a part of the original json, which contains more than this.
UPDATE: full json with multiple occurrences:
This is how my whole json looks like. I would like all the readingValue in brackets, in the example below, my expected output would be [32641, 00964].
WITH test_table ( data ) AS (
"errorText":"Error Text1",
"errorText":"Error Text2",
JSON_QUERY(data, '$.payload.error.*.registers.*[*].readingValue') AS reading_value
Solved, this would do the trick, upvoting the first comment.
JSON_QUERY(data, '$.payload.error.*.registers.*.readingValue' WITH WRAPPER) AS read_value
As I explained in the comment to your question, if you are getting that result from the JSON you posted, you are not using JSON_QUERY(); you must be using JSON_VALUE(). Either that, or there's something else you didn't share with us.
In any case, let's say you are using JSON_VALUE() with the arguments you showed. You are asking, how can you modify the path so that the top-level attribute name is not hard-coded. That is trivial: use asterisk (*) instead of the hard-coded name. (This would work the same with JSON_QUERY() - it's about JSON paths, not the specific function that uses them.)
with test_table (data) as (
}' from dual
select json_value (data, '$.*."registers"."001"."readingValue"'
returning number) as reading_value
from test_table
As an aside that is not related to your question in any way: In your JSON you have an object with a single attribute named "registers", whose value is another object with a single attribute "001", and in turn, this object has an attribute named "register" with value "001". Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me.

Querying an array of objects in JSONB

I have a table with a column of the data type JSONB. Each row in the column has a JSON that looks something like this:
"AA": "something",
"AB": false
"B": {
"BAAA": [1,2,3,4]
"BABA": {
Note: the JSON is a complete mess of lists and objects, and it has a total of 300 lines. Not my data but I am stuck with it. :(
I am using postgresql version 12
How would I write the following queries:
Return all row that has the value of AB set to false.
Return the values of BAAA is each row.
You can find the AB = false rows with a JSON Path query:
select *
from test
where data ## '$[*].A.AB == false'
If you don't know where exactly the key AB is located, you can use:
select *
from test
where data ## '$[*].**.AB == false'
To display all elements from the array as rows, you can use:
select id, e.*
from test
cross join jsonb_array_elements(jsonb_path_query_first(data, '$[*].B.BA.BAAA')) with ordinality as e(item, idx)
I include a column "id" as a placeholder for the primary key column, so that the source of the array element can be determined in the output.
Online example

Parsing JSON in Snowflake

I'm trying to parse a the below nested JSON in Snowflake using the latteral function in Snowflake but I wanted to each nested column in "GoalTime" to show up as a column. For example,
"GoalTime": [
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InDoorOpen",
"GoalTime": "2020-03-26T12:58:00-04:00"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InLastOff"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InReadyToTow"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_OutTowAtGate"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_OutStartBoarding",
"GoalTime": "2020-03-27T14:00:00-04:00"
or if you have many rows (what appear to be flights) and thus you need to columns per flight this code be what you are after
with data as (
select flight_code, parse_json(json) as json from values ('nz101','{GoalTime:[{"GoalName": "GoalA", "GoalTime": "2020-03-26T12:58:00-04:00"}, {"GoalName": "GoalB"}]}'),
('nz201','{GoalTime:[{"GoalName": "GoalA"}, {"GoalName": "GoalB", "GoalTime": "2020-03-26T12:58:00-02:00"}]}')
j(flight_code, json)
), unrolled as (
select d.flight_code, f.value:GoalName as goal_name, f.value:GoalTime as goal_time
from data d,
lateral flatten (input => json:GoalTime) f
select *
from unrolled
pivot(min(goal_time) for goal_name in ('GoalA', 'GoalB'))
order by flight_code;
it gives the results:
nz101 "2020-03-26T12:58:00-04:00" null
nz201 null "2020-03-26T12:58:00-02:00"
create or replace function JSON_STRING()
returns string
language javascript
return `
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InDoorOpen",
"GoalTime": "2020-03-26T12:58:00-04:00"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InLastOff"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InReadyToTow"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_OutTowAtGate"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_OutStartBoarding",
"GoalTime": "2020-03-27T14:00:00-04:00"
select value:GoalName::string as GoalName, value:GoalTime::timestamp as GoalTime
from lateral flatten(input => parse_json(JSON_STRING()));
-- See how the lateral flatten combination works on a JSON variant:
select * from lateral flatten(input => parse_json(JSON_STRING()));
I wrote this to run in any Snowflake worksheet, no tables needed. The function on top simply allows the JSON to be written as a multi-line string in the SQL statement below it. It has no other use than representing a string holding your JSON.
Step 1 is to PARSE_JSON, which converts a string into a variant data type formatted as a JSON object.
Step 2 is the lateral flatten. If you do a select star on that, it will return a number of columns. One of them is "value".
Step 3 is to extract the properties you want using single : notation for the property name and dots to traverse down the nodes from there (if there are any).
Step 4 is to cast the property to the data type you want using double :: notation. This is especially important if you're doing comparisons on the column particularly in join keys.
Note that there's a slight invalid part of the JSON that did not allow it to parse. In the top level the array had a property, which did not parse. I removed that to allow parsing.
Probably close to what you seek is using a standard SQL UNION statement.
Given the following are true to recreate the solution:
Created a table 'JSON_GOALS' with one column for raw JSON called, GOALS_RAW
You have loaded JSON data into a table as the raw JSON, with compliant JSON object array syntax, and a parent, GoalTimeGroup, ex: {[{}]}, so
"GoalTimeGroup": [{
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InDoorOpen",
"GoalTime": "2020-03-26T12:58:00-04:00"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InLastOff"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_InReadyToTow"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_OutTowAtGate"
"GoalName": "GoalTime_OutStartBoarding",
"GoalTime": "2020-03-27T14:00:00-04:00"
Doing so allows you to write a fairly standard JSON retrieve in Snowflake with the following syntax:
SELECT GOALS_RAW:GoalTimeGroup[0].GoalName, GOALS_RAW:GoalTimeGroup[1].GoalName, GOALS_RAW:GoalTimeGroup[2].GoalName
SELECT GOALS_RAW:GoalTimeGroup[0].GoalTime, GOALS_RAW:GoalTimeGroup[1].GoalTime, GOALS_RAW:GoalTimeGroup[2].GoalName
This gives you closer to the answer you are looking for and seems to provide a simpler solution. You can also control how many rows you'd want based on your JSON object attributes for each GOAL object.
Recommendations to enhance this would be to create a function that could detect the depth of each nested element and perhaps auto generate the indexes for 'n' number of columns.
The library below provides a method called "ExecuteAll" which one of the params is "tags", so if you provide an array of tags and values, all of them will be parsed and validated plus keeping the features of the sql injection protection from Snowflake.

Filter datetime value within a JSON collection of a collection inside CosmoDB using SQL

Using Microsoft CosmoDBs SQL like syntax. I have a collection of entries that follow a schema like this (simplified for this post)
"activities": {
"activityA": {
"loginType": "siteA",
"lastLogin": "2018-02-06T19:42:22.205Z"
"activityB": {
"loginType": "siteB",
"lastLogin": "2018-03-07T11:39:50.346Z"
"activityC": {
"loginType": "siteC",
"lastLogin": "2018-04-08T15:21:15.312Z"
Without knowing the exact index into the activities entry activities list/sub collection, how can I query to get back all items in the Cosmo db collection that have a "lastLogin" matching a date range?
If I only wanted to search on the first item in the activities list, I could do something like this using index 0.
SELECT * FROM c where (c.activities[0].lastLogin > '2018-01-01T00:00:00') and (c.activities[0].lastLogin <= '2019-02-15T00:00:00')
But I want to search all entries in the list. Would be nice if there was something like this:
SELECT * FROM c where (c.activities[?].lastLogin > '2018-01-01T00:00:00') and (c.activities[?].lastLogin <= '2019-02-15T00:00:00')
But that doesn't exist.
The answer is that you can not iterate over a non list collection. Had the collection item been structured like this
"activities": [
{ "label": "activityA",
"loginType": "siteA",
"lastLogin": "2018-02-06T19:42:22.205Z"
"label": "activtyB",
"loginType": "siteB",
"lastLogin": "2018-03-07T11:39:50.346Z"
It would be easy to crease a UDF to iterate over with something like this
UDF: filterActivityList
function(activityList, targetDateTimeStart, targetDateTimeEnd) {
var s, _i, _len;
for (_i = 0, _len = activityList.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
s = activityList[_i];
if ((s.lastLogin >= targetDateTimeStart) && (s.lastLogin < targetDateTimeEnd))
return true;
return false;
Then to query:
select * from c WHERE udf.filterActivityList(c.activities, '2018-01-01T00:00:00', '2018-02-01T00:00:00');
If I were to leave the structure as a JSON hierarchy instead of converting it to a JSON list then I would have to write another udf to accept the top level node of the hierarchy as an input parameter and have it convert the notes under it to a list, then apply the udf.filterActivityList UDF to the result. From my experience this approach is resource intensive and takes a very long time for Cosmo to process.

MongoDB like statement with multiple fields

With SQL we can do the following :
select * from x where concat(x.y ," ",x.z) like "%find m%"
when x.y = "find" and x.z = "me".
How do I do the same thing with MongoDB, When I use a JSON structure similar to this:
value : "find"
value : "me"
The comparison to SQL here is not valid since no relational database has the same concept of embedded arrays that MongoDB has, and is provided in your example. You can only "concat" between "fields in a row" of a table. Basically not the same thing.
You can do this with the JavaScript evaluation of $where, which is not optimal, but it's a start. And you can add some extra "smarts" to the match as well with caution:
"$or": [
{ "data.value": /^f/ },
{ "data.value": /^m/ }
"$where": function() {
var items = [];
this.data.forEach(function(item) {
var myString = items.join(" ");
if ( myString.match(/find m/) != null )
return 1;
So there you go. We optimized this a bit by taking the first characters from your "test string" in each word and compared the tokens to each element of the array in the document.
The next part "concatenates" the array elements into a string and then does a "regex" comparison ( same as "like" ) on the concatenated result to see if it matches. Where it does then the document is considered a match and returned.
Not optimal, but these are the options available to MongoDB on a structure like this. Perhaps the structure should be different. But you don't specify why you want this so we can't advise a better solution to what you want to achieve.