square root and powers on numpy arrays - matplotlib

I need help with square root and powers. I am calculating the mean errors and I have been told to do this for each element:
dmgfeerr = sqrt(dmgherr**2 - dfeherr**2).
but I get an error message: TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars.
Below is the data. Its something called quadrature error :
dfeh = d[1].data['Fe_H_2']
dmgh = d[1].data['MG_H']
dnh = d[1].data['N_H']
dch = d[1].data['C_H']
dalh = d[1].data['AL_H']
dmnh = d[1].data['MN_H']
dcfe = (dch) - (dfeh)
dnfe = (dnh) - (dfeh)
dalfe = (dalh) - (dfeh)
dmnfe = (dmnh) -(dfeh)
dmgfe = (dmgh) - (dfeh)
dfeherr = d[1].data['FE_H_ERR_2']
dmgherr = d[1].data['MG_H_ERR']
dalherr = d[1].data['AL_H_ERR']
dcherr = d[1].data['C_H_ERR']
dnherr = d[1].data['N_H_ERR']
dmnherr =d[1].data['MN_H_ERR']
dcfeerr = dcherr - dfeherr
dnfeerr = dnherr - dfeherr
dalfeerr = dalherr - dfeherr
dmnfeerr = dmnherr - dfeherr
dmgfeerr = dmgherr - dfeherr


How to optimize for a variable that goes into the argument of a function in pyomo?

I am trying to code a first order plus dead time (FOPDT) model and use it
for PID tuning. The inspiration for the work is the scipy code from: https://apmonitor.com/pdc/index.php/Main/FirstOrderOptimization
When I use model.Thetam() in the ODE constraint, it does not optimize Thetam,
keeps it at the initial value. When I use only model.Theta then the code throws an error -
ValueError: object arrays are not supported if I remove it from uf argument i.e.model.Km * (uf(tt - model.Thetam)-model.U0))
and if I remove it from the if statement (if tt > model.Thetam), then the error is - ERROR:pyomo.core:Rule failed when generating expression for Constraint ode with index 0.0: PyomoException: Cannot convert non-constant Pyomo expression (Thetam < 0.0) to bool. This error is usually caused by using a Var, unit, or mutable Param in a Boolean context such as an "if" statement, or when checking container membership or equality.
`url = 'http://apmonitor.com/pdc/uploads/Main/data_fopdt.txt'
data = pd.read_csv(url)
data = data.iloc[1:]
t = data['time'].values - data['time'].values[0]
u = data['u'].values
yp = data['y'].values
u0 = u[0]
yp0 = yp[0]
yf = interp1d(t, yp)
# specify number of steps
ns = len(t)
delta_t = t[1]-t[0]
# create linear interpolation of the u data versus time
uf = interp1d(t,u,fill_value="extrapolate")
model = ConcreteModel()
model.T = ContinuousSet(initialize = t)
model.Y = Var(model.T)
model.dYdT = DerivativeVar(model.Y, wrt = (model.T))
model.Yp0 = Param(initialize = yp0)
model.U0 = Param(initialize = u0)
model.Km = Var(initialize = 2, bounds = (0.1, 10))
model.Taum = Var(initialize = 3, bounds = (0.1, 10))
model.Thetam = Var(initialize = 0, bounds = (0, 10))
model.ode = Constraint(model.T,
rule = lambda model, tt: model.dYdT[tt] == (-(model.Y[tt]-model.Yp0) + model.Km * (uf(tt - model.Thetam())-model.U0))/model.Taum if tt > model.Thetam()
else model.dYdT[tt] == -(model.Y[tt]-model.Yp0)/model.Taum)
def obj_rule(m):
return sum((m.Y[i] - yf(i))**2 for i in m.T)
model.obj = Objective(rule = obj_rule)
discretizer = TransformationFactory('dae.finite_difference')
discretizer.apply_to(model, nfe = 500, wrt = model.T, scheme = 'BACKWARD')
opt=SolverFactory('ipopt', executable='/content/ipopt')
opt.solve(model)#, tee = True)
model2 = ConcreteModel()
model2.T = ContinuousSet(initialize = t)
model2.Y = Var(model2.T)
model2.dYdT = DerivativeVar(model2.Y, wrt = (model2.T))
model2.Yp0 = Param(initialize = yp0)
model2.U0 = Param(initialize = u0)
model2.Km = Param(initialize = 3.0145871)#3.2648)
model2.Taum = Param(initialize = 1.85862177) # 5.2328)
model2.Thetam = Param(initialize = 0)#2.936839032) #0.1)
model2.ode = Constraint(model2.T,
rule = lambda model, tt: model.dYdT[tt] == (-(model.Y[tt]-model.Yp0) + model.Km * (uf(tt - model.Thetam())-model.U0))/model.Taum)
discretizer2 = TransformationFactory('dae.finite_difference')
discretizer2.apply_to(model2, nfe = 500, wrt = model2.T, scheme = 'BACKWARD')
opt2=SolverFactory('ipopt', executable='/content/ipopt')
opt2.solve(model2)#, tee = True)
# model.pprint()
t = [i for i in model.T]
ypred = [model.Y[i]() for i in model.T]
ytrue = [yf(i) for i in model.T]
yoptim = [model2.Y[i]() for i in model2.T]
plt.plot(t, ypred, 'r-')
plt.plot(t, ytrue)
plt.plot(t, yoptim)
plt.legend(['pred', 'true', 'optim'])

Creating a fixed list of constants in pyomo: set, param or variable?

I am trying to make an array of fixed constants (model.oldweights) that I subtract from the variable x in this model, but I am getting an error:
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import LinearExpression
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.nVars = pyo.Param(initialize=4)
model.N = pyo.RangeSet(model.nVars)
model.x = pyo.Var(model.N, within=pyo.Reals)
model.er = [1, 1, 3, 1]
model.oldweights = pyo.Param(model.N, initialize=[0,0,0,0])
model.linexp = LinearExpression(constant=0,linear_coefs=model.er,linear_vars=[model.x[i] for i in model.N])
model.c1 = pyo.Constraint(rule=sum(model.x[i] for i in model.N)==0)
model.c2 = pyo.Constraint(rule=sum(abs(model.x[i]) for i in model.N)==2)
model.c3 = pyo.Constraint(rule=sum(abs(model.x[i]-model.oldweights[i]) for i in model.N)<=0.03)
model.obj = pyo.Objective(expr = model.linexp, sense = maximize)
results = SolverFactory('ipopt', executable='/content/ipopt').solve(model)
ERROR:pyomo.core:Rule failed for Param 'oldweights' with index 0:
KeyError: "Index '0' is not valid for indexed component 'oldweights'"
I have tried to make the list as a set, param and variable and nothing works.

Spacy v3 - ValueError: [E030] Sentence boundaries unset

I'm training an entity linker model with spacy 3, and am getting the following error when running spacy train:
ValueError: [E030] Sentence boundaries unset. You can add the 'sentencizer' component to the pipeline with: nlp.add_pipe('sentencizer'). Alternatively, add the dependency parser or sentence recognizer, or set sentence boundaries by setting doc[i].is_sent_start. .
I've tried with both transformer and tok2vec pipelines, it seems to be failing on this line:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/spacy/pipeline/entity_linker.py", line 252, in update sentences = [s for s in eg.reference.sents]
Running spacy debug data shows no errors.
I'm using the following config, before filling it in with spacy init fill-config:
train = null
dev = null
kb = "./kb"
gpu_allocator = "pytorch"
lang = "en"
pipeline = ["transformer","parser","sentencizer","ner", "entity_linker"]
batch_size = 128
factory = "transformer"
#architectures = "spacy-transformers.TransformerModel.v3"
name = "roberta-base"
tokenizer_config = {"use_fast": true}
#span_getters = "spacy-transformers.strided_spans.v1"
window = 128
stride = 96
factory = "sentencizer"
punct_chars = null
factory = "entity_linker"
entity_vector_length = 64
get_candidates = {"#misc":"spacy.CandidateGenerator.v1"}
incl_context = true
incl_prior = true
labels_discard = []
#architectures = "spacy.EntityLinker.v1"
nO = null
#architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v1"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 2
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
factory = "parser"
#architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v2"
state_type = "parser"
extra_state_tokens = false
hidden_width = 128
maxout_pieces = 3
use_upper = false
nO = null
#architectures = "spacy-transformers.TransformerListener.v1"
grad_factor = 1.0
#layers = "reduce_mean.v1"
factory = "ner"
#architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v2"
state_type = "ner"
extra_state_tokens = false
hidden_width = 64
maxout_pieces = 2
use_upper = false
nO = null
#architectures = "spacy-transformers.TransformerListener.v1"
grad_factor = 1.0
#layers = "reduce_mean.v1"
#readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
path = ${paths.train}
max_length = 0
#readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
path = ${paths.dev}
max_length = 0
accumulate_gradient = 3
dev_corpus = "corpora.dev"
train_corpus = "corpora.train"
#optimizers = "Adam.v1"
#schedules = "warmup_linear.v1"
warmup_steps = 250
total_steps = 20000
initial_rate = 5e-5
#batchers = "spacy.batch_by_padded.v1"
discard_oversize = true
size = 2000
buffer = 256
vectors = ${paths.vectors}
#misc = "spacy.KBFromFile.v1"
kb_path = ${paths.kb}
I can write a script to add the sentence boundaries in manually to the docs, but am wondering why the sentencizer component is not doing this for me, is there something missing in the config?
You haven't put the sentencizer in annotating_components, so the updates it makes aren't visible to other components during training. Take a look at the relevant section in the docs.

Oanda API - Issue Price - Instruments

I'm using Oanda API to automate Trading strategies, I have a 'price' error that only occurs when selecting some instruments such as XAG (silver), my guess is that there is a classification difference but Oanda is yet to answer on the matter.
The error does not occur when selecting Forex pairs.
If anyone had such issues in the past and managed to solve it I'll be happy to hear form them.
PS: I'm UK based and have access to most products including CFDs
class SMABollTrader(tpqoa.tpqoa):
def __init__(self, conf_file, instrument, bar_length, SMA, dev, SMA_S, SMA_L, units):
self.instrument = instrument
self.bar_length = pd.to_timedelta(bar_length)
self.tick_data = pd.DataFrame()
self.raw_data = None
self.data = None
self.last_bar = None
self.units = units
self.position = 0
self.profits = []
self.price = []
#*****************add strategy-specific attributes here******************
self.SMA = SMA
self.dev = dev
self.SMA_S = SMA_S
self.SMA_L = SMA_L
def get_most_recent(self, days = 5):
while True:
now = datetime.utcnow()
now = now - timedelta(microseconds = now.microsecond)
past = now - timedelta(days = days)
df = self.get_history(instrument = self.instrument, start = past, end = now,
granularity = "S5", price = "M", localize = False).c.dropna().to_frame()
df.rename(columns = {"c":self.instrument}, inplace = True)
df = df.resample(self .bar_length, label = "right").last().dropna().iloc[:-1]
self.raw_data = df.copy()
self.last_bar = self.raw_data.index[-1]
if pd.to_datetime(datetime.utcnow()).tz_localize("UTC") - self.last_bar < self.bar_length:
def on_success(self, time, bid, ask):
print(self.ticks, end = " ")
recent_tick = pd.to_datetime(time)
df = pd.DataFrame({self.instrument:(ask + bid)/2},
index = [recent_tick])
self.tick_data = self.tick_data.append(df)
if recent_tick - self.last_bar > self.bar_length:
def resample_and_join(self):
self.raw_data = self.raw_data.append(self.tick_data.resample(self.bar_length,
self.tick_data = self.tick_data.iloc[-1:]
self.last_bar = self.raw_data.index[-1]
def define_strategy(self): # "strategy-specific"
df = self.raw_data.copy()
#******************** define your strategy here ************************
df["SMA"] = df[self.instrument].rolling(self.SMA).mean()
df["Lower"] = df["SMA"] - df[self.instrument].rolling(self.SMA).std() * self.dev
df["Upper"] = df["SMA"] + df[self.instrument].rolling(self.SMA).std() * self.dev
df["distance"] = df[self.instrument] - df.SMA
df["SMA_S"] = df[self.instrument].rolling(self.SMA_S).mean()
df["SMA_L"] = df[self.instrument].rolling(self.SMA_L).mean()
df["position"] = np.where(df[self.instrument] < df.Lower) and np.where(df["SMA_S"] > df["SMA_L"] ,1,np.nan)
df["position"] = np.where(df[self.instrument] > df.Upper) and np.where(df["SMA_S"] < df["SMA_L"], -1, df["position"])
df["position"] = np.where(df.distance * df.distance.shift(1) < 0, 0, df["position"])
df["position"] = df.position.ffill().fillna(0)
self.data = df.copy()
def execute_trades(self):
if self.data["position"].iloc[-1] == 1:
if self.position == 0 or None:
order = self.create_order(self.instrument, self.units, suppress = True, ret = True)
self.report_trade(order, "GOING LONG")
elif self.position == -1:
order = self.create_order(self.instrument, self.units * 2, suppress = True, ret = True)
self.report_trade(order, "GOING LONG")
self.position = 1
elif self.data["position"].iloc[-1] == -1:
if self.position == 0:
order = self.create_order(self.instrument, -self.units, suppress = True, ret = True)
self.report_trade(order, "GOING SHORT")
elif self.position == 1:
order = self.create_order(self.instrument, -self.units * 2, suppress = True, ret = True)
self.report_trade(order, "GOING SHORT")
self.position = -1
elif self.data["position"].iloc[-1] == 0:
if self.position == -1:
order = self.create_order(self.instrument, self.units, suppress = True, ret = True)
self.report_trade(order, "GOING NEUTRAL")
elif self.position == 1:
order = self.create_order(self.instrument, -self.units, suppress = True, ret = True)
self.report_trade(order, "GOING NEUTRAL")
self.position = 0
def report_trade(self, order, going):
time = order["time"]
units = order["units"]
price = order["price"]
pl = float(order["pl"])
cumpl = sum(self.profits)
print("\n" + 100* "-")
print("{} | {}".format(time, going))
print("{} | units = {} | price = {} | P&L = {} | Cum P&L = {}".format(time, units, price, pl, cumpl))
print(100 * "-" + "\n")
trader = SMABollTrader("oanda.cfg", "EUR_GBP", "15m", SMA = 82, dev = 4, SMA_S = 38, SMA_L = 135, units = 100000)
trader.stream_data(trader.instrument, stop = None )
if trader.position != 0: # if we have a final open position
close_order = trader.create_order(trader.instrument, units = -trader.position * trader.units,
suppress = True, ret = True)
trader.report_trade(close_order, "GOING NEUTRAL")
trader.signal = 0
I have done Hagmann course as well and I have recognised your code immediately.
Firstly the way you define your positions is not the best. Look at the section of combining two strategies. There are two ways.
Now regarding your price problem I had a similar situation with BTC. You can download it's historical data but when I plotted it to the strategy code and started to stream I had exactly the same error indicating that tick data was never streamed.
I am guessing that simply not all instruments are tradeable via api or in your case maybe you tried to stream beyond trading hours?

Generating a value in a step function based on a variable

Im creating an optimization model using gurobi and have some trouble with one of my constraints. The constraint is used to establish the quantity and is based on supply and demand curves. The supply curves cause the problems as it is a step curve. As seen in the code, the problem is when im writing the def MC section.
Demand_Curve1_const = 250
Demand_Curve1_slope = -0.025
MC_water = 0
MC_gas = 80
MC_coal = 100
CAP_water = 5000
CAP_gas = 2500
CAP_coal = 2000
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.Const_P1 = pyo.Param(initialize = Demand_Curve1_const)
model.slope_P1 = pyo.Param(initialize = Demand_Curve1_slope)
model.MCW = pyo.Param(initialize = MC_water)
model.MCG = pyo.Param(initialize = MC_gas)
model.MCC = pyo.Param(initialize = MC_coal)
model.CW = pyo.Param(initialize = CAP_water)
model.CG = pyo.Param(initialize = CAP_gas)
model.CC = pyo.Param(initialize = CAP_coal)
model.qw = pyo.Var(within = pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.qg = pyo.Var(within = pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.qc = pyo.Var(within = pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.d = pyo.Var(within = pyo.NonNegativeReals)
def MC():
if model.d <=5000:
return model.MCW
if model.d >= 5000 and model.d <= 7500:
return model.MCG
if model.d >= 7500 :
return model.MCC
def Objective(model):
return(model.Const_P1*model.d + model.slope_P1*model.d*model.d - (model.MCW*model.qw + model.MCG*model.qg + model.MCC*model.qc))
model.OBJ = pyo.Objective(rule = Objective, sense = pyo.maximize)
def P1inflow(model):
return(MC == model.Const_P1+model.slope_P1*model.d*2)
model.C1 = pyo.Constraint(rule = P1inflow)
Your function MC as stated would make the model nonlinear, and in a rather nasty way (discontinuous).
Piecewise linear functions are often modeled through binary variables or SOS2 sets (Special Ordered Sets of type 2). As you are using Pyomo, you can also use a tool that can generate MIP formulations automatically for you. See help(Piecewise).
An example that fits your description is here.