presto + Hive Security Configuration - hive

we have presto cluster with Hadoop cluster
when all presto workers servers are installed on data-nodes machines
The following is example of a Hive Connector configuration file that is configured on the presto workers under catalog folder
we want to know what are the risks , when the access from each of the presto workers isn't secured to hive metastore machine
as we understand presto worker/s are connect to hive meta-store by using thrift protocol and port 9083
but not clearly how presto-worker perform the authentication against the hive meta-store?
We'll appreciate to get more details about - how presto workers access to hive meta-store without hive secured and with hive secured
reference -

Hive metastore provides can be configured:
not to use authentication (trust user identity provided by the caller)
to use Kerberos authentication.
Both these modes are supported in Presto.
The basic mode (no auth) requires no additional configuration properties.
For the Kerberos authentication you need to set
See full example & more at
If you need further help, you can get it on #troubleshooting channel on Trino (formerly Presto SQL) community slack.


AWS Glue as Hive Datasource

I've read AWS Glue is a a Hive compatible datastore, but I haven't found how to use AWS Glue as a JDBC datasource.
I'd like to use AWS Glue Catalog as a source for my reporting, as the Hive documentation shows here -
Connection URL for Remote or Embedded Mode
The JDBC connection URL format has the prefix jdbc:hive2:// and the Driver class is org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver. Note that this is different from the old HiveServer.
For a remote server, the URL format is jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<db>;initFile=<file> (default port for HiveServer2 is 10000).
For an embedded server, the URL format is jdbc:hive2:///;initFile=<file> (no host or port).
When I edit the database in AWS Glue, it appears I can set a location for client - but I'm not sure what to put here, and didn't see any documentation on how this works.
Any thoughts?
AWS Glue is a Hive Metadata Store, not a Hive server.
Though, Hive server can use Glue as the metadata store.

How to use Hive Metastore standalone?

I installed and ran the Metastore Server standalone, without installing Hive. However, I cannot find any documentation about the thrift network API for communicating with the server. I need to be able to connect to the Metastore server directly or through HCatalog. Please advise.
There is a HCatalog Java client in hive-webhcat-java-client, which can be used in both client mode (which connect to hcatalog thrift server) and embed mode (which do all the things internally, connect to mysql directly).
HiveConf hiveConf = new HiveConf();
//if you set this param, the client try to connect external hive metastore
hiveConf.set("metastore.thrift.uris", "thrift://localhost:9083");
HCatClient client = HCatClient.create(new Configuration(hiveConf));
List<String> dbNames = client.listDatabaseNamesByPattern("*");
I don't think Hive provide similar client in Python, but there is a third party lib hmsclient, do the same thing.
from hmsclient import hmsclient
client = hmsclient.HMSClient(host='localhost', port=9083)
with client as c:
c.check_for_named_partition('db', 'table', 'date=20180101')
HCatalog is functionally identical to Hive Metastore.
The JavaDoc for "Hive Metastore client" and its API (branch 1.x) is available at
Now, good luck finding a tutorial or just code snippets...

connecting three computers to one hive instance

Good day,i have a need to use hive just the way we could use mysql. I want to find a way in which I can host it online so that people in different places can communicate to one hive service. Thanks in advance.
This is the functionality that Hive Server 2 provides
It exposes Hive as a thrift web service, and there are JDBC and ODBC drivers available.
You can also put Apache Knox in front of it, in order to have more options for authentication and authorization
If you are using a common distribution such as Hortonworks or Cloudera, Hive Server 2 will probably be installed automatically when you install Hive.

what is difference between org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver and org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver?

what is difference between org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver and org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver ?
Which one to use to Write a JDBC Client to connect to hive ?
Hive 0.11 includes a new JDBC driver that works with HiveServer2, enabling users to write JDBC applications against Hive. The application needs to use the JDBC driver class and specify the network address and port in the connection URL in order to connect to Hive.
HiveServer2 (HIVE-2935), brings concurrency, authentication, and a foundation for authorization to Hive
HiveServer2 is an improved version of HiveServer that supports Kerberos authentication and multi-client concurrency and use the driver "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver"
HiveServer1 or Thrift server cannot handle concurrent requests from more than one client. This is actually a limitation imposed by the Thrift interface that HiveServer exports, and can't be resolved by modifying the HiveServer code. The Driver which Hive Server "org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver"
Please find the links which will help you to understand more.
org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver and org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
To work with, it depend on ur requirement which version you are having and how you have done Hive Configuration.

Hive Server 1 vs Hive Server 2

We have hive 0.10 version and we were wondering if we should be using Hive Server 1 or Hive Server2. Another question is to connect to Hive Server running on port 10000, using 3rd party tools do we need anything else?
I had the Hive 1 v 2 question and found the basics at:
HiveServer2 Thrift API spec
JDBC/ODBC HiveServer2 drivers
Concurrent Thrift clients with memory leak fixes and session/config
Kerberos authentication
Authorization to improve GRANT/ROLE and code injection vectors
I'm sure there's more given intervening development.
Hive Server 2 supports Rest API. Tools like beeline can be used to connect from any client outside of your cluster to the hive database. In a secured environment beeline(Hive Rest API client) will connect through knox gateway. Literally there can be multiple beeline connections possible to connect with Hive Server2. So, go with hiveserver2 for more secured and to have multiple connections
HiveServer2 is an improved version of HiveServer that supports a Thrift API tailored for JDBC and ODBC clients, Kerberos authentication, and multi-client concurrency. The CLI for HiveServer2 is Beeline.
Src: Cloudera
Kerberos (authentication) and Sentry (authorization).
Sentry security will working through HiveServer2 and HiveServer1 which is used by Hive CLI.
The CLI for HiveServer1 is HiveCLI.
The CLI for HiveServer2 is Beeline.