I would like to use their API to get the flight delay prediction and obviously access key is the pre-request.
However, there is something wrong with the page of talking about how to get access key. Can anyone teach me to get the access key for every API get?
I'm wondering if anyone else has been able to use the kucoin api. I have been trying to call it from Postman, but the docs are extremely confusing. I am trying to call for lending rates data, and I was thinking that should be at this endpoint:
This seems to be the correct endpoint, but I can't figure out what the correct headers are to pass in- it's pretty weird that kucoin requires FOUR headers where some are encoded, some are not... Anyway, this is what I'm using:
KC-API-KEY: the key from kucoin browser when making a new api key
KC-API-PASSPHRASE: the passphrase from kucoin browser when making a new api key
KC-API-TIMESTAMP: the current number of seconds since epoch
KC-API-SIGN: the secret from kucoin browser when making a new api key
I have made 4 keys now and am 100% sure I'm using the correct passphrase and secret, but every time I get an error response that it doesn't like either KC-API-SIGN or KC-API-PASSPHRASE...
I have tried sha encoding and base64-ing each of these, but nothing has worked for me so far... Has anyone had any success with kucoin api? what am I doing wrong here??
I've been trying to use the google sheets api key to get data from a spreadsheet I created. But the thing is that I've failed many tries.
I know a way to do this, and it's using the credentials.json and the OAuth2, but with this method, when I run my program, it redirects me to the browser for an authentication. And that's something I don´t need.
My development is back-end and of course I don't need any authentication in any browser.
So I don't know what else I can do because when I try to use the URL "https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}" after getting the API KEY, I receive errors like "the caller does not have permission".
I read that to be able to use the api key with google sheets I must make my spreadsheet public but that's something I don't want to, I can't make my spreadsheet public because it contains sensitive information.
If anyone can help me I'd really thank you..
I'm using Teamwork as a project management tool in my team. It is a great tool, but it ridiculously lacks some important functionality. For example, their reporting facility sucks.
Though, they have API using which I can build reports myself. API key is specific to the user, so using any given API key you get access of the owner of the key.
So, if I give my API key, anyones who has it, gets access to all infromation in Teamwork (including information under NDA). So giving my API is not an option.
Making an app where I need to put my API key manually is not an option too, as developer still can get access to this key (by simply recording all inputted keys).
So my question is: is there some way to make authorisation like the one facebook has for other sites for services where such kind of authorisation is not implemented?
So I've just been fighting shadows in the Amazon labyrinth. Went to use the Amazon Product Advertising API Scratchpad to test out my Access Key Id and Secret Access Key, as well as entering the Associate Tag which isn't used in critically in the API query, just important if you want credit for the query later.
I kept getting the following error, no matter how many times I went and created a new set of keys or verified them in the download section of the AWS Management Console for the root user - IAM users don't work in the API seemingly.
Error! SignatureDoesNotMatch
HTTP Status 403: Forbidden
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Rinse and repeat. Many, many times. Complete and utter frustration....
Lo and behold, I come across this oasis of sanity - Signed Request Helper - which provides a successful result to my query with the same keys as used above.
So, can anyone else confirm problems with the Scratchpad that didn't bear out in other applications, like the Signed Request Helper or their own code? At this point I'm betting that there is a bug in the Amazon Scratchpad. I guess I will go roll something to test in Python but the apparent craziness of the URL construction makes me wary. Seemingly it's soo hard even the Amazon guys got it wrong...
Yes, this reminds me of the dark days I had trying to get the signature just right.
I too had similar troubles when I started playing with the API. Ultimately, I ended up using the master credentials. This link will take you to the right spot after you login. Open the "Access Keys" tab. This is the area I made a new master access key for signing requests. When you get into the users/groups/roles/policies, I had trouble.
But I have a key there and I can use the scratchpad no problem. I have an application running that uses the key, but I just went and tried a query to confirm it's all still good.
Note that in the scratchpad the Associate Tag is irrelevant like you said. To get the error you have, it's for sure the SECRET ACCESS KEY that is incorrect. If you entered the ACCESS KEY ID field incorrectly, you would get this error:
Error! InvalidClientTokenId HTTP Status 403: Forbidden The AWS Access
Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
For others who may come across this, let me impart my findings. Importantly, I was able to verify the keys with the Signed Request Helper but wasn't able to get the query to work in the Scratchpad. The error received clearly informs me that it is the signature that is wrong:
Error! SignatureDoesNotMatch HTTP Status 403: Forbidden The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
So one ponders, as instructed, on the Secret Key and the signing method. Since one is using the scratchpad, it must be the key. But the same key works in the signed request helper! What to do.
It turns out that the error was in one of the supplied parameters. If the scratchpad produces a signed url with a faulty parameter, it will result in that error. There is some validation going on, but you can still wind up with a bad parameter. So, if you get the above error, try a simple query with your key to prove that your secret access key is valid, then start investigating your supplied parameter values.
I’ve a Flickr which I’m using to upload pictures from my phone and all images are public. On my blog I want to retrieve all the images to show and for that I’ve first tried to create an application to get my API key. I’m using the Flickr API flickr.people.getPublicPhotos. This API service is said to not require authentication and putting it all together I end up with this call:
The problem is that every around 10 hours I fails and returns the error message a:3:{s:4:"stat";s:4:"fail";s:4:"code";i:100;s:7:"message";s:31:"Invalid API Key (Key not found)";}
I tried to create the API call when logged in to Flickr and also with not logging in and in both cases I get the error message. It’s like the API key expires or stops working. Have a missed something on Flickr about the API key or what could cause this? It is really frustrating to renew the URL twice at day.
Thank you
- Mestika
If I read the docs correctly, the &api_sig query string parameter is constructed using an authentication token, one that eventually expires. Remove that parameter (= do not sign your API request) and I think you'll be OK.
Mestika's comment seems correct. I was getting the same problem when using the API explorer. If you use your accounts API, or go in and create a new app, then use the API given for that, then the key doesn't change every few hours.
The url to request a key is:
I got the same problem.
This is how i solved it:
removed the auth_token and the api_sig parameters
replaced the api_key value with an app key
Hope this helps.
i met this issue before. with new api key, only accept https request.
Let's change your url to: https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.people.getPublicPhotos&api_key.....
I am sure it will be work right know.