Cannot define a BigQuery column as ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64, INT64>> - google-bigquery

I am trying to define a table that has a column that is an arrays of structs using standard sql. The docs here suggest this should work:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE ta_producer_conformed.FundStaticData
something ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64,INT64>>
but I get an error:
$ bq query --use_legacy_sql=false --location=asia-east2 "$(cat xxxx.ddl.temp.sql | awk 'ORS=" "')"
Waiting on bqjob_r6735048b_00000173ed2d9645_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
Error in query string: Error processing job 'xxxxx-10843454-yyyyy-
dev:bqjob_r6735048b_00000173ed2d9645_1': Illegal field name:
Changing the field (edit: column!) name does not fix it. What I am doing wrong?

The fields within the struct need to be named so this works:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE ta_producer_conformed.FundStaticData
something ARRAY<STRUCT<x INT64,y INT64>>


Arguments mismatch using where IN clause in query

I have column in hive table like below
2018-12-31 14:45:55
2018-12-31 15:50:58
Now I want to get the distinct values as a variable so I can use in another query.
I have done like below
abc=`hive -e "select collect_set(testing_time)) from db.tbl";`
echo $abc
["2018-12-31 14:45:55","2018-12-31 15:50:58"]
when I do
hive -e "select * from db.tbl where testing_time in ($xyz)"
I get below error
Arguments for IN should be the same type! Types are {timestamp IN (string, string)
what the the mistake I am doing?
What is the correct way of achieving my result?
Note: I know I can use subquery for this scenario but I would like to use variable to achieve my result
Problem is that you're comparing timestamp (column testing_time) with string (i.e. "2018-12-31 14:45:55"), so you need to convert string to timestamp, which you can do via TIMESTAMP(string).
Here's a bash script that adds the conversion:
RES="" # here we will save the resulting SQL
read -ra ITEMS <<< "$xyz" # split timestamps into array
for ITEM in "${ITEMS[#]}"; do
RES="${RES}TIMESTAMP($ITEM)," # add the timestamp to RES variable,
# surrounded by TIMESTAMP(x)
unset IFS
RES="${RES%?}" # delete the extra comma
Then you can run the constructed SQL query:
hive -e "select * from db.tbl where testing_time in ($RES)"

How to store the output of a query in a variable in HIVE

I want to store current_day - 1 in a variable in Hive. I know there are already previous threads on this topic but the solutions provided there first recommends defining the variable outside hive in a shell environment and then using that variable inside Hive.
Storing result of query in hive variable
I first got the current_Date - 1 using
select date_sub(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd'),1);
Then i tried two approaches:
1. set date1 = ( select date_sub(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd'),1);
2. set hivevar:date1 = ( select date_sub(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd'),1);
Both the approaches are throwing an error:
"ParseException line 1:82 cannot recognize input near 'select' 'date_sub' '(' in expression specification"
When I printed (1) in place of yesterday's date the select query is saved in the variable. The (2) approach throws "{hivevar:dt_chk} is undefined
I am new to Hive, would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Hive doesn't support a straightforward way to store query result to variables.You have to use the shell option along with hiveconf.
date1 = $(hive -e "set hive.cli.print.header=false; select date_sub(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(),'yyyy-MM-dd'),1);")
hive -hiveconf "date1"="$date1" -f hive_script.hql
Then in your script you can reference the newly created varaible date1
select '${hiveconf:date1}'
After lots of research, this is probably the best way to achieve setting a variable as an output of an SQL:
INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '<home path>/config/date1'
select CONCAT('set hivevar:date1=',date_sub(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd'),1)) from <some table> limit 1;
source <home path>/config/date1/000000_0;
You will then be able to use ${date1} in your subsequent SQLs.
Here we had to use <some table> limit 1 as hive got a bug in insert overwrite if we don't specify a table name.

Create table name in Hive using variable subsitution

I'd like to create a table name in Hive using variable substitution.
SET market = "AUS";
create table ${hiveconf:market_cd}_active as ... ;
But it fails. Any idea how it can be achieved?
You should use backtrics (``) for name for that, like:
SET market=AUS;
CREATE TABLE `${hiveconf:market}_active` AS SELECT 1;
DESCRIBE `${hiveconf:market}_active`;
Example run script.sql from beeline:
$ beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/ -n hadoop -f script.sql
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/> SET market=AUS;
No rows affected (0.057 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/> CREATE TABLE `${hiveconf:market}_active` AS SELECT 1;
INFO : Dag name: CREATE TABLE `AUS_active` AS SELECT 1(Stage-1)
No rows affected (12.402 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/> DESCRIBE `${hiveconf:market}_active`;
INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20190801194250_1a57e6ec-25e7-474d-b31d-24026f171089): DESCRIBE `AUS_active`
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| _c0 | int | |
1 row selected (0.132 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/> Closing: 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/
Markovitz's criticisms are correct, but do not produce a correct solution. In summary, you can use variable substitution for things like string comparisons, but NOT for things like naming variables and tables. If you know much about language compilers and parsers, you get a sense of why this would be true. You could construct such behavior in a language like Java, but SQL is just too crude.
Running that code produces an error, "cannot recognize input near '$' '{' 'hiveconf' in table name".(I am running Hortonworks, Hive 1.2.1000.
I spent a couple hours Googling and experimenting with different combinations of punctuation, different tools ranging from command line, Ambari, and DB Visualizer, etc., and I never found any way to construct a table name or a field name with a variable value. I think you're stuck with using variables in places where you need a string literal, like comparisons, but you cannot use them in place of reserved words or existing data structures, if that makes sense. By example:
drop table if exists;
-- Does NOT work:
--drop table if exists ${hiveconf:MY_FILE_NAME};
-- Works
set REPORT_YEAR=2018;
select count(1) as stationary_event_count, day, zip_code, route_id from aaetl_dms_pub.dms_stationary_events_pub
where part_year = '${hiveconf:REPORT_YEAR}'
-- Does NOT Work:
set MY_VAR_NAME='zip_code'
select count(1) as stationary_event_count, day, '${hiveconf:MY_VAR_NAME}', route_id from aaetl_dms_pub.dms_stationary_events_pub
where part_year = 2018
The qualifies should be removed
You're using the wrong variable name
SET market=AUS; create table ${hiveconf:market}_active as select 1;

BigQuery select alias using regex_extract_all in standard mode

I'm unable to reference a SELECT alias in BigQuery (standard mode).
Trying to do this query:
r"(<div \w+>)") AS matches
matches IS NOT NULL
Here are steps to reproduce.
bq mk regex
bq mk -t regex.test id:integer,text:string
echo '{"id":1, "text":"<div a>"}' | bq insert regex.test
echo '{"id":2, "text":"<div b>"}' | bq insert regex.test
echo '{"id":3, "text":"<div>"}' | bq insert regex.test
bq query --use_legacy_sql=false "select REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(text, r\"(<div \w+>)\") AS matches FROM regex.test WHERE id IS NOT NULL"
| matches |
| [u'<div b>'] |
| [] |
| [u'<div a>'] |
When I try to reference the matches alias, I see an error:
bq query --use_legacy_sql=false "select REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(text, r\"(<div \w+>)\") AS matches FROM regex.test WHERE matches IS NOT NULL"
Error in query string: Error processing job 'myname': Unrecognized name:
I am unable to reference the alias matches, and am unable to filter those results WHERE matches IS NOT NULL.
Does anyone know what I'm doing incorrectly here?
Even in BQ, you can't use a column alias in the where clause. Just use a subquery:
FROM (SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(text, r"(<div \w+>)") AS matches
FROM regex.test
) t
Check out SELECT list aliases visibility
The reason why comparing with NULL does't work for REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL is because
it returns array so checking with length is the way. Comparing with NULL still will work for REGEXP_EXTRACT
In addition, ideally you should be able use REGEX_MATCH to filter out records w/o matches, but looks like there is an issue with this function in standard mode

BigQuery Table Wildcard Function Aliases?

According to documentation here, I should be able to reference a table wildcard function as an alias:
[project_name:]datasetId.tableId |
(subselect_clause) |
table wildcard function
[[AS] alias]
But, when I try to do this, things fail:
bq query "SELECT * FROM TABLE_QUERY(my_data, \"TIMESTAMP(table_id) BETWEEN TIMESTAMP('2014-05-21') AND TIMESTAMP('2014-06-10')\") AS blah WHERE = 5 LIMIT 30"
Waiting on bqjob_some_id ... (0s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in query operation: Error processing job 'some_id': Field '' not found in table 'mydata.20140521'; did you mean 'foo2'?
I want to do a join on the data returned from the wildcard function treating it as a single table, so aliasing it is very important to me. Ideas?
The page you linked to does mention "Do not use alias with a table wildcard function."
You might want to try
FROM (SELECT * FROM TABLE_QUERY(--insert query here--)) AS blah