Facing issue while publishing apps to odoo.com site - odoo

I have a git hub account and I am created a repository in it. I need to publish this module in odoo.com site.
I have registered the repository in the site but on clicking 'Publish' button I am not able to see the app in the Registered app list.


Run automation tests in front of GitHub UI

My company implemented a plugin for GitHub that scans repository code and warns about security violations.
I need to implement UI automation tests for this plugin so I manually created a dedicated user in GitHub and also created a repository with some files.
In my tests, I need to log in to GitHub via UI, which means navigating to https: https://github.com/, entering username and password, and clicking on the sign-in button.
Things work fine on my local machine but when trying to run it from Jenkins machine Github sends a device verification code to my Gmail account that is connected to the GitHub user and the test failed.
This happens although I disabled the Two-factor authentication mechanism in my GitHub account.
I’m wondering what is the best way to solve this issue.

Facing Authentication Issue in GitHub Windows Desktop app at the time of Initial commit

I am able to login GitHub account on Web login. But in Windows desktop app,
I am able to publish, fork and clone repository but at the time of initial commit, it is always saying authentication issue.
I have tried all the points given in popup-box as by signing-out and signing-in again, by creating GitHub PAT (Personal access token) token also.
I have checked my account settings, In settings, the main branch is the default branch and SSH is also enabled in app and the repository type is public. Even I am able to see changes and created repositories on web login also.
Usually it'll be a credential problem, but it is not. What should I do?

Firebase dynamic link fails to launch iOS app during password-less auth

Firebase is sending the password-less auth email correctly from my app via a 'Sign up' button, the 'magic link' in the email is taking me to my dynamic link domain, but I'm getting stuck at that point and the app is not being opened.
I've got an Ionic 3 application built for iOS using Firebase for the back end. I'm trying to implement Firebase password-less auth and followed this tutorial:
I've added my iOS app to Firebase, and in project settings, added the bundle ID, 10 char. app ID and 10 char. development team ID. The app has been created on App Store Connect, although it's not live in the App Store yet.
I've placed the GoogleService-Info.plist file into the root of my Ionic 3 project.
I've enabled email/password and password-less auth in Firebase.
As per the tutorial, I created a new index.html page (configured as a single page app using Firebase tools with some simple "logging in..." text) and ran '$firebase init hosting' and '$firebase deploy'.
I enabled Firebase dynamic links through my Firebase console, sticking with the simple 'my-app.page.link' domain.
I installed the Firebase dynamic links plugin for Cordova by using:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase-dynamiclinks -- variable APP_DOMAIN="my-project.web.app" --variable PAGE_LINK_DOMAIN="my-app.page.link"
I was sure to use the correct project app domain (from hosting) and page.link domain. My package.json includes:
"cordova-plugin-firebase-dynamiclinks": {
"APP_DOMAIN": "my-app.web.app",
"PAGE_LINK_DOMAIN": "my-app.page.link"
My config.xml file includes the correct values, eg.:
<platform name="ios">
<preference name="GoogleIOSClientId" value="my-value" />
<platform name="android">
<preference name="GoogleAndroidClientId" value="my-value" />
I also installed the Ionic native plugin:
$npm install #ionic-native/firebase-dynamic-links
The plugins seem to be working correctly as I built a simple page to capture an email address and send the 'magic link' email. That works. I'm receiving the email correctly.
When I click on the magic link on my iOS device (opens in Safari), I see a 'preview.page.link' page with my app name, a little checkbox saying "Save my place in the app. A link will be copied to continue to this page." and an 'Open' button.
Clicking that button takes me to my Firebase hosted index.html page with the "logging in..." text I added, but hangs there. The app does not open so I just stay in Safari on that page.
I'm stuck now :(
No idea how to debug this further.
Any ideas how to get the redirect to open the iOS app correctly? Thanks in advance!

Google apps marketplace - test app - admin workflow vs individual workflow

I am trying to build a prototype for one of our customers. We have one intermediate step during install.
I want to show them the workflow of how the end customer admins will see the app in marketplace, follow the steps of install and then it will show up in the top box.
The regular users for that domain can then click on that icon to initiate the app workflow.
In the previous version of marketplace sdk, I could do this easily.
But in the current version, I don't see the option to add the manifest. Can't demo app in marketplace.
There is only one button test install flow. Which actually takes me to the app url instead of install url.
Is that the only way to demo a complete test workflow?

Google Apps Marketplace v2 - How to test the project created in GAMv2 with another test domain using Test Install?

I have done the following steps in Google Developer Console for creating an App in GAMv2.
Created a project in the Google Developer Console
Created a web application in the project
Created a Service Account in the project
Added Google Marketplace SDK and tried with Test Install Flow.
If I need to test the install flow with the another domain before listing in the Google Marketplace, how do I test with a domain other than the Domain with which the Project is created?
If I need to create in the Chrome Webstore as a private listing, how do I test with another test domain ?
Can anyone help with this or some help links, if any, that could describe this ?
In the Google Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com/project) go to your project then go to Permissions, any Member that is added there (editor or reader) will be able to go to your project and run 'Test Install Flow'.
For the chrome webstore, go to your developer dashboard (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard) and add a user as a tester in 'Edit your tester accounts' near the bottom. Then in your listing, set your Visibility options to 'Private' and 'Only trusted testers from your developer dashboard'.
Edit Note that in both cases, the user doesn't have to be in your domain.