MDX Result Count - mdx

I am a beginner in MDX queries. Can any one tell me how to get the record count that is a result of a MDX query?
The query is following:
select {[Measures].[Employee Department History Count],[Measures].[Rate]} on columns, Non Empty{{Filter([Shift].[Shift ID].[Shift ID].Members, ([Shift].[Shift ID] <> "1"))}*{[Employee].[Business Entity ID].[Business Entity ID].Members}} on rows from [Adventure Works2012].
I have tried various methods and I haven't really got a solution for that.

I assume you mean row count when you talk of "record count", as MDX does not know a concept of records, but the result shown from an MDX query is the space built by the tuples on the axes.
I see two possibilities to get the row count:
Just count the rows returned from your above query in the tool from which you call the MDX query.
If you want to count in MDX, then let's state what you want to have:
You want to know the number of members of the set of non empty combinations of [Shift ID]s and [Business Entity ID]s where the Shift ID is not "1" and at least one of the measures [Employee Department History Count] and [Rate] is not null.
To state that different: Let's call the tuples like above for which the first measure is not null "SET1", and the tuples like above for which teh second measure is not null "SET2". Then you you want to know the count of the the tuples which are contained in one of these sets (or in both).
To achieve this, we define these two sets and then a calculated menber (a new measure in our case) containing this calculation in its definition, and then use this calculated member in the select clause to show it:
NonEmpty({{Filter([Shift].[Shift ID].[Shift ID].Members,
([Shift].[Shift ID] <> "1"))}
* {[Employee].[Business Entity ID].[Business Entity ID].Members}},
{[Measures].[Employee Department History Count])
NonEmpty({{Filter([Shift].[Shift ID].[Shift ID].Members,
([Shift].[Shift ID] <> "1"))}
* {[Employee].[Business Entity ID].[Business Entity ID].Members}},
MEMBER [Measures].[MyCalculation] AS
SELECT [Measures].[MyCalculation] ON COLUMNS
FROM [Adventure Works2012]
Please note:
The sets SET1 and SET2 are not absolutely necessary, you could also put the whole calculation in one long and complicated definition of the MyCalculation measure, but splitting it up makes is easier to read. However, the definition of a new member is necessary, as in MDX you can only put members on axes (rows, columns, ...). These members can either already been defined in the cube, or you have to define them in the WITH clause of your query. There is no such thing as putting expressions/calculations on axes in MDX, only members.
The + for sets is a union which removes duplicates, hence this operation gives us the tuples which have an non empty value for at least one of the measures. Alternatively, you could have used the Union function equivalently to the +.
The Nonempty() I used in the definitions of the sets is the NonEmpty function, which is slightly different from the NON EMPTY keyword that you can use on the axes. We use one of the measures as second argument to this function in both set definitions.
I have currently no working SSAS installation available to test my statement, hence there might be a minor error or typo in my above statement, but the idea should work.


Not Specifying an Axis

I am trying to write an MDX Code which has all the members of my cube in the row. However when I specify the row, it mentions that I must ALSO specify Columns. But if I do not set an ON ROW nor an ON Column, my code does not validate.
How do I put all my members in a row, and have a single data column be returned?
In mdx ON COLUMNS is axis 0 and ON ROWS is axis 1. For an mdx statement to be valid it must have at least an axis 0 .... this is one of the rules of the language, no getting around it.
Quite often if I need lots of information in my ON ROWS but the columns needs to be a single column then I will select a dimension I am not using e.g. Language, and then use that selected dimensions ALL member for COLUMNS - just to obey the rule. e.g.

Slow MDX Custom Distinct Count Formula

I have a question related to creating a (more efficient) custom Distinct Count Measure using MDX.
My cube has several long many to many relationship chains between Facts and Dimensions and it is important for me to be able to track which members in certain Dimensions do and do not relate to other Dimensions. As such, I have created a "Not Related" record in each of my dimension tables and set those records' ID values to -1. Then in my intermediate mapping fact tables I use the -1 ID to connect to these "Not Related" records.
The issue arises when I try to run a normal out-of-the-box distinct count on any field where the -1 members are present. In the case that a -1 member exists, the distinct count measure will return a result of 1 more than the true answer.
To solve this issue I have written the following MDX:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Provider DCount]
//Oddly enough MDX seems to require that the PID (Provider ID) field be different from both the linking field and the user sliceable field.
SUM( [Providers].[PID Used For MDX].Children ,
//Don't count the 'No Related Record' item.
IIF( NOT([Providers].[PID Used For MDX].CURRENTMEMBER IS [Providers].[PID Used For MDX].&[-1])
//For some reason this seems to be necessary to calculate the Unknown Member correctly.
//The "Regular Provider DCount Measure" below is the out-of-the-box, non-MDX measure built off the same field, and is not shown in the final output.
AND [Measures].[Regular Provider DCount Measure] > 0 , 1 , NULL )
VISIBLE = 1 , DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Distinct Count Measures' ;
The Issue
This MDX works and always shows the correct answer (yeah!), but it is EXTREMELY slow when users start pulling Pivot Tables with more than a few hundred cells that use this measure. For less than 100 cells, the results are nearly instantaneously. For a few thousand cells (which is not uncommon at all), the results could take up to an hour to resolve (uggghhh!).
Can anyone help show me how to write a more efficient MDX formula to accomplish this task? Your help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
Jon Oakdale
You can use predefined scope to nullify all unnecessary (-1) members and than create your measure.
SCOPE ([Providers].[PID Used For MDX].&[-1]
,[Measures].[Regular Provider DCount Measure]);
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Provider DCount]
SUM([Providers].[PID Used For MDX].Children
,[Measures].[Regular Provider DCount Measure]),
By the way, I used in my tests [Providers].[PID Used For MDX].[All].Children construction since don't know, what is dimension / hierarchy / ALL-level in your case. It seems like [PID Used For MDX] is ALL-level and [Providers] is name of dimension and hierarchy, and HierarchyUniqueName is set to Hide.

MDX - Is it possible to have two unrelated dimension members in one row?

I need to create the table of the following structure in MDX (to be used in SSRS report):
For that I have 2 dimensions and one measure:
Option dimension, with option type and option value attributes
Standard dimension, with IsStandard flag
Price measure
In first column I need to show all option type attributes,
in second all value attributes where IsStandard flag is set to [Y],
in third values chosen by user in parameters and
in fourth prices for components selected by user.
Is it possible to do the above in single MDX? Or will I be better off creating 2 distinct queries and creating 2 tables for them?
EDIT: Since my updates won't fit into the comment, I will add some thoughts here.
EXISTS function from answer below does not filter the result set, I don't get standard values but all possible values concatenated. When I issue the following code:
[Measures].[Price] ON 0,
NON EMPTY [Option].[Option Type].children
[Option].[Option Value].children ON 1
FROM [Cube]
It returns the default values correctly, but if I use
[Measures].[Price] ON 0,
[Option].[Option Type].children
[Option].[Option Value].[Option Value].members
) ON 1
FROM [Cube]
It does not filter the results.
If you can accept a slightly different order of columns, then this can be done in MDX, using a calculated measure which is actually a string (as you want to see a list of attributes values in column). This avoids having the same attribute twice in the rows:
WITH Member Measures.[Standard Value] AS
Generate(NonEmpty([Option].[Option Type].[Option Type].Members,
[Option].[Option value].CurrentMember.Name,
", "
SELECT { Measures.[Standard Value], Measures.[Price] }
[Option].[Option Type].[Option Type].Members
{ #chosenValues } // the parameters value should be a comma separated list like "[Option].[Option value].[AMD], [Option].[Option value].[INTEL]"
FROM [Your Cube]
WHERE [Configurations].[Configuration].&[conf1]
You can adapt the list separator (the last argument of the Generate function) to anything you like.
And in case there is more than one measure group that is related to the dimensions [Option], [Standard], and [Configurations], you should add the name of the measure group to use for determining the relationship as additional last parameter to the Exists, so that you and not the engine determines that. Just use the name of the measure group in either single or double quotes.
Yes it is, dimension will just be ignored. This is assuming you've all in the same schema / cube.
Note, depending on the OLAP Server you're using it's possible you've to change a flag that sends an error if you're using a dimensions that is not defined at Measure Group level.

Create dynamic calculated member based on dimensions selected ON ROWS

Is there a way to create a dynamic calculated member based on the dimension selected ON ROWS?
I have the following example with 2 dimensions [Dim1].[Dim1] and [Dim2].[Dim2], with a measure [Measures].[Measure] and a calculated member [Measures].[CalculatedMeasure]:
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[CalculatedMeasure] AS
IIF([Dim1].[Dim1]**.....IS SELECTED ON ROWS.........**,
([Measures].[Measure], [Dim1].[Dim1].CurrentMember.Parent),
([Measures].[Measure], [Dim2].[Dim2].CurrentMember.Parent))
SELECT {[Measures].[Measure],[Measures].[CalculatedMeasure]} ON COLUMNS ,
{[Dim2].[Dim2].Members)} ON ROWS
FROM [DataBase]
What I want is that when I select [Dim2].[Dim2] ON ROWS, the calculated member should be the result of
([Measures].[Measure], [Dim2].[Dim2].CurrentMember.Parent)
([Measures].[Measure], [Dim1].[Dim1].CurrentMember.Parent)
In Analysis Services, your [Dim1].[Dim1]**.....IS SELECTED ON ROWS.........** could be coded as
Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Hierarchy IS [Dim1].[Dim1]
if you can assume there is only one hierarchy on the rows.
Here, Axis(1) returns the rows axis as set. I am not sure if this function is supported by Pentaho/Mondrian. Then, the first Item(0) selects the first tuple of this set, and the second one returns the first member of that tuple. Finally, the Hierarchy function returns the hierarchy of a member.
To extend this to queries containing up to three hierarchies in the rows, you would write
Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Hierarchy IS [Dim1].[Dim1] OR
Axis(1).Item(0).Item(1).Hierarchy IS [Dim1].[Dim1] OR
Axis(1).Item(0).Item(2).Hierarchy IS [Dim1].[Dim1]

MDX Query SUM PROD to do Weighted Average

I'm building a cube in MS BIDS. I need to create a calculated measure that returns the weighted-average of the rank value weighted by the number of searches. I want this value to be calculated at any level, no matter what dimensions have been applied to break-down the data.
I am trying to do something like the following:
I have one measure called [Rank Search Product] which I want to apply at the lowest level possible and then sum all values of it
IIf([Measures].[Searches] IS NOT NULL, [Measures].[Rank] * [Measures].[Searches], NULL)
And then my weighted average measure uses this:
IIf([Measures].[Rank Search Product] IS NOT NULL AND SUM([Measures].[Searches]) <> 0,
SUM([Measures].[Rank Search Product]) / SUM([Measures].[Searches]),
I'm totally new to writing MDX queries and so this is all very confusing to me. The calculation should be
([Rank][0]*[Searches][0] + [Rank][1]*[Searches][1] + [Rank][2]*[Searches][2] ...)
/ SUM([searches])
I've also tried to follow what is explained in this link
Currently loading my data into a pivot table in Excel is return #VALUE! for all calculations of my custom measures.
Please halp!
First of all, you would need an intermediate measure, lets say Rank times Searches, in the cube. The most efficient way to implement this would be to calculate it when processing the measure group. You would extend your fact table by a column e. g. in a view or add a named calculation in the data source view. The SQL expression for this column would be something like Searches * Rank. In the cube definition, you would set the aggregation function of this measure to Sum and make it invisible. Then just define your weighted average as
[Measures].[Rank times Searches] / [Measures].[Searches]
or, to avoid irritating results for zero/null values of searches:
IIf([Measures].[Searches] <> 0, [Measures].[Rank times Searches] / [Measures].[Searches], NULL)
Since Analysis Services 2012 SP1, you can abbreviate the latter to
Divide([Measures].[Rank times Searches], [Measures].[Searches], NULL)
Then the MDX engine will apply everything automatically across all dimensions for you.
In the second expression, the <> 0 test includes a <> null test, as in numerical contexts, NULL is evaluated as zero by MDX - in contrast to SQL.
Finally, as I interpret the link you have in your question, you could leave your measure Rank times Searches on SQL/Data Source View level to be anything, maybe just 0 or null, and would then add the following to your calculation script:
({[Measures].[Rank times Searches]}, Leaves()) = [Measures].[Rank] * [Measures].[Searches];
From my point of view, this solution is not as clear as to directly calculate the value as described above. I would also think it could be slower, at least if you use aggregations for some partitions in your cube.