CodePush target versions and Testflight - code-push

So I have uploaded a code push earlier with the target version as ">=1.0.1" (Already out on the app store)
But now I have an updated version uploaded to Testflight version 1.0.2
so I went back into the App center code push console, and updated the previously released code push's target version to ">=1.0.1 <1.0.2"
But the old update is still being downloaded when I install version 1.0.2 from Testflight. So what I want to know is, does what I did make sense? Or is there a better process for uploading new version of the app

The following table is pulled from this answer on SO:
How to deploy CodePush bundle for multiple versions?
Range Expression Who gets the update
---------------- ----------------------
1.2.3 Only devices running the specific binary app store version 1.2.3 of your app
* Any device configured to consume updates from your CodePush app
1.2.x Devices running major version 1, minor version 2 and any patch version of your app
1.2.3 - 1.2.7 Devices running any binary version between 1.2.3 (inclusive) and 1.2.7 (inclusive)
>=1.2.3 <1.2.7 Devices running any binary version between 1.2.3 (inclusive) and 1.2.7 (exclusive)
1.2 Equivalent to >=1.2.0 <1.3.0
~1.2.3 Equivalent to >=1.2.3 <1.3.0
^1.2.3 Equivalent to >=1.2.3 <2.0.0
So with ">=1.0.1 <1.0.2" it seems that you're asking for the update to affect all app versions 1.0.1 or below as well as all app versions up to but not including 1.0.2.


How to update mac OS application to support Catalina?

I have an old mac OS application developed in Mojave with the deployment target 10.12. Now how to update mac OS application to support Catalina? Or is the application automatically supports all future mac OS versions?
When developing for macOS (or any other Apple platform, for that matter), there are two key concepts to take into account when thinking about compatibility:
The SDK version: this is the SDK you're compiling against and it is usually determined by the Xcode version you're using to build your project.
The Deployment Target: this is the lowest OS version you want to support.
Normally, if you have followed the best practice in implementing your code and all of your dependencies have done the same, updating an app for a new macOS version requires only to download the latest Xcode on the latest macOS, build it and run your smoke tests (manually or through automated tests).
There may be things that have been deprecated in the meantime and Xcode will report them as warnings while building. You may read more about deprecated APIs in the macOS 10.15 release notes.
Keep in mind that you don't actually have to rebuild your app every time a new macOS version comes out. Even though it is better to test it at least once and dedicate time to explore and make use of new APIs, apps built on the previous version of macOS will, most of the times, run flawlessly on the next version (and maybe even further). This obviously depends on the app complexity, so your mileage may vary.

Is it possible to install Xcode 10.2 on High Sierra (10.13.6)?

I recently upgraded iOS in my iPhone device to 12.2 (to provide support of latest versions for my app "Match4app"), and this does not appear to be compatible with Xcode 10.1. Should I update Xcode to 10.2 ?
In my Mac with High Sierra, when I click "Update" for Xcode, 10.2 is not available.
I have found this link:
With this comment:
"Xcode 10.2
Released March 25, 2019
Available for: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 or later"
How can I install Xcode 10.2 with High Sierra in order to test iOS 12.2 ?
Note: Upgrading to Mojave or Catalina is NOT an option in my old Mac (though I will try to install the macOS Catalina Patcher soon ( ).
Yes it's possible. Follow these steps:
Download Xcode 10.2 via this link (you need to be signed in with your Apple Id): and install it
Edit and change the Minimum System Version to 10.13.6
Do the same for (might require a restart of Xcode and/or Mac OS to make it open the simulator on run)
Replace with the one from 10.1 (or another version you have currently installed, such as 10.0).
If there are problems with the simulator, reboot your Mac
You don't need to run Xcode 10.2 for iOS 12.2 support. You just need access to the appropriate folder in DeviceSupport.
A possible solution is
Download Xcode 10.2 from a direkt link (not from App Store).
Rename it for example to Xcode102.
Put it into /Applications. It's possible to have multiple Xcode versions in the same directory.
Create a symbolic link in to have access to the 12.2 device support folder in Xcode 10.2
ln -s /Applications/\ \(16E226\) /Applications/
You can move Xcode 10.2 to somewhere else but then you have to adjust the path.
Now Xcode 10.1 supports devices running iOS 12.2
Download xcode 10.2 from below link
Edit: Minimum System Version* to 10.13.6 in Info.plist at below paths
Replace: from Xcode 10
you can install disk image of 12.2 in your existing xcode to run on 12.2 devices
Download disk image from here
And paste at Path: /Applications/
Note: Restart the Xcode
Based on responses and comments below, the following was the simple solution for my issue and THIS WORKED. Now my app, Match4app, is fully compatible with latest iOS versions!
Download Xcode 10.2 from a direct link (not from App Store). (Estimated Size: ~6Gb)
From the downloaded version just copy/paste the DeviceSupport/12.2 directory into "Applications/"
You can discard the downloaded version now (we just need the small 12.2 directory!)
None of the above helped for me.
I was able to install Mojave using this link here:
This patch worked beautifully and without a hitch
here's Mojave running on my (unsupported) 2011 Mac-mini
Cracked it. Just #Damnum steps and then follow the path to run xcode. Bad way but running like a charm.
Double click to /Applications/

How to downgrade version from 4.5.X to 4.4.X

I upgraded the mettermost version from 4.4.1 to 4.5.
However, I got the error...
So, I tried to downgrade the version to 4.4.1, but the mattermost said "The database schema of the older version isn't supported".
Does anyone know how we should modify the database schema.
※browser: FireFox ESR 52
Unfortunately you can't downgrade a Mattermost install to a previous version through any officially supported path. You will need to revert to the database backup from before the upgrade in order to go back to version 4.4.
However, for the specific versions in question (reverting from 4.5 to 4.4) it is possible to do a downgrade as there are no database schema changes between these two versions. You will need to run the following SQL command in your Mattermost database:
UPDATE Systems SET Value='4.4.0' WHERE Name='Version';
You should then be able to run Mattermost 4.4.1 successfully on that database.

Pharo 2.0 not running on CentOS 6.6

I am trying to run my pharo2.0 application on CentoOS which was previously been installed in a mac. The original version is pharo2.0 so I need to run the same image CentoOS too, but I get an error which says this below :
/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by xxxxx)
Should I be trying to upgrade the CentoOS and see if pharo2.0 works or port my whole application to a later version of pharo?
There is now a VM build especially for systems with an older libc version. In fact there is a build for Centos specifically (which has a slight variation in linkages from Debian), the latest version of which is permalinked here. See for more info.

Confusing Mono versions

I'd like to get the latest Mono 2.x version.
According to the official Mono release history page it is 2.10.9
According to what appears to be the official archive it is 2.11.4
However the latest modification date in the archive above for a 2.X release actually belongs to 2.10.12
There is no mentioned of the latter two versions in Mono's website (according to Google at least).
Any ideas what's going on?
I found this blog post that suggests 2.11.4 may be an Alpha release (see the comments). Perhaps the same is true for 2.10.12, and the latest stable version was indeed 2.10.9?
A similar questions arises for the latest version of MonoDevelop supporting Mono 2.X.
According to a Xamarin rep in their mailing list it is, but the GitHub release history shows 2.9.6, and the following link works:
Is it again a case of an Alpha / Beta release ?
Mono 2.10.12 is the latest stable 2.x release (although 2.10.10, 2.10.11, and 2.10.12 were really just MacOS-specific releases, iirc).
Mono 2.11.x releases were previews for Mono 3.0.
The latest stable 2.x release of MonoDevelop was
MonoDevelop 2.9.x releases were previews for 3.0.
At the time, we used the same version scheme as the Linux kernel for both Mono and MonoDevelop, where an even minor version meant stable and an odd minor version meant development/unstable/preview/alpha/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
I think Mono still uses the same version scheme, but MonoDevelop no longer does (starting with 5.0). For example, MonoDevelop 5.1 is stable even though the minor version number is odd.