Maximo REST API WHERE clause - where-clause

I am calling this MAXIMO REST API to fetch incidents belonging to a group:
The above query works fine, I get all incidents belonging to I-AMS-TEST-VG for 0-9 pages.
I want to further filter it based on Incident status - INPROG, QUEUED, SLAHOLD
So I added this additional clause to the WHERE clause:
https://domain/maximo/oslc/os/mxosincident?lean=1&oslc.pageSize=10&*&oslc.where=ownergroup="I-AMS-TEST-VG"&status IN ["INPROG","SLAHOLD","QUEUED"]
But the above query is fetching all incident status. As per the Maximo documentation, I see the above syntax is OK.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That ampersand (&) in your where clause actually splits the parameter up. I think if you just change it to the word "and", like you would do in a typical where clause inside of Maximo, it will work. (Though I can't remember if those brackets need to be parenthesis instead too.)
&oslc.where=ownergroup="I-AMS-TEST-VG" and status IN ["INPROG","SLAHOLD","QUEUED"]


Filter for "contains text" with OR or CASE to allow multiple options in NetSuite. Custom field: Keyword Match option seems available

NetSuite formula(text) problem.
I have a specific search I need to power up but I could also really use this for general use across a few types of reporting.
We use a lot of custom body fields which do not seem to have access to the Keyword Match option in the dropdown system or I would be using commas left and right.
I need to search a single custom field for multiple possible answers.
I was thinking maybe a CASE WHEN formula but I don't have an else.
Lets call the field states. I want this report to only return rows of records where there are the following 5 states in the custom body field "Shipping State". it isn't allowing keyword match. I only want to see transactions with Michigan, New Jersey and Floria (this is hypothetical) so I want just to put a filter in up front to pair down the results.
CASE WHEN {custbody.shippingstate} IS 'Michigan' ...
Can I use an OR construct here? and do I need an else?
I tried using coalesce but I don't think I had the syntax around the coalese right.
Any help for a formula newbie appreciated.
Try the following as a formula text result column in a NetSuite saved search.
CASE WHEN LOWER({custbody.shippingstate}) LIKE '%michigan%'
OR LOWER({custbody.shippingstate}) LIKE '%jersey%'
OR LOWER({custbody.shippingstate}) LIKE '%florida%'
LIKE conditions are case sensitive, so that's why I incorporated the LOWER() method. Reminder in NetSuite "%" matches any string of any length (including zero length, and "_" matches a single character. If this works as a results column you can add the formula text as a criteria to filter results.

Invalid Position in SQL WHERE Clause

I have a query I am writing that examines an ID field and derives an ID number from that column based on several criteria. Now that I have its logic written, I want to run the query on each criteria to see if the logic is working. So, the last part of my query for doing so is as follows:
LIMIT 10000
Essentially what I am trying to do here is tell it to return to me only items with SOURCE_SYSTEM_NM equal to 'XYZ', while eliminating any with a SOURCE_ARRANGEMENT_ID not having the first 4 characters equal to '21CC' or '23CC'. I have a third criteria I want to filter on as well, which is that the first three characters must be '0CC'.
My problem when I run this is I get back an "Invalid Position" error. I removed one of the strings from the criteria, and it works. So, I decided to add the second in its own 'NOT IN...' clause with an AND between them, but that resulted in the same error.
If I had to guess, the NOT IN ('21CC','23CC') puts an AND between them and I think that must be the root of my issue. The criteria in my CASE statement derives the ID number with the following:
So with that, I am just trying to check each criteria to make sure the ID derived/created is correct. I need to filter down to get results for that last WHEN statement above, but I keep getting that "Invalid Position" in my WHERE statement at the end. I am using Aginity to run this query and it's running against an IBM Netezza database. Thanks in advance!
I figured out what the issue was on this - when performing
There are some of those Arrangement IDs that do not have 4 characters, thus I was getting an "Invalid Position". I fixed this by updating this query to use substring() instead:
This fixed my issue. Just wanted to post an answer in case others have this issue. It s not Netezza specific, this will react this way with any SQL variant.

Datasource Establishment in Tableau and 170,000 records

I have two EXCEL datasources. 175,000 rows. I'm trying to set up a join (Add New Join Clause) using the INNER option between the two datasources. The left datasource includes certain member id #s. Unfortunately, the right datasource's member id #s are within a large field called member Desc. Something like below,
Datasource Left
Member ID #
Datasource Right
Member Desc
So, I need to deal with two scenarios as you notice from above. The member id is within the Member Desc after a TO= and it could be anywhere like scenario 2 POALL89098
If I can't get this done in Tableau to establish the Join between these two columns from different datasources, since I have both of these datasources loaded into SQL Server DB, I can run SQL statements in SQL since they are in two different Tables within SQL Server DB as well.
I'm trying the use of CONTAINS clause in Tableau such as below but it is running very very slow. it is only Tableau Desktop with 16 GB Ram.
if contains([Member Desc],([Member id #])then
[Member id #]
Thanks so much for your time.
You can create a join calculation. The highlighted dropdown shows where this can be found:
As long as the format of the Member ID in [Member Desc] has some pattern, it can be extracted with Regex. As you mention in your question, one way the ID may present itself is after a "TO=" and it looks like it ends before a "_". The following regex calculated field will pull the string between the two:
REGEXP_EXTRACT([Member Desc],"([^TO=]*)(?=_)")
The result should properly join the two datasources:
The above is an outline which I hope sets you on the right path. I realize that there may be a few different methods in which the [Member ID] presents itself so I wont be able to nail down the exact Regex, but if there is any pattern at all then the format above should work. (ie: even if the only pattern is that [Member ID] is three letters followed by four numbers - or it always starts with an A and ends with something else - etc.)
Regex should also perform better than a contains() function, but do be aware that the function does need to search through every string in every row to make the join.
Edit in response to comment:
To add multiple conditions, try the following method:
IF LEN(REGEXP_EXTRACT([Member Desc],"([^FROM=]*)(?=,)")) > 0
THEN REGEXP_EXTRACT([Member Desc],"([^FROM=]*)(?=,)")
ELSEIF LEN(REGEXP_EXTRACT([Member Desc],"([^TO=]*)(?=,)")) > 0
THEN REGEXP_EXTRACT([Member Desc],"([^TO=]*)(?=,)")
ELSEIF [...Put as many of these as might match your pattern]
THEN [...Put as many of these as might match your pattern]
Essentially the calculation is going down the list and trying each possibility. I changed yours a little to look at the length (LEN()) of the returned value which should compare fairly quickly, as it is an integer. As this calculation iterates through each ELSEIF and finds a match, it will stop iterating through the list -- so its important to put the most likely match at the top. The result of the calculated field should be a member ID. If there is no match, there really isn't a need for an ELSE statement because the Inner Join will exclude it automatically.
Edit in response to comment:
Thank you. I see your recommendations.
I think you are going to have to find a way to strip out the member ID from the member desc in SQL. There should be some pattern to Member ID.
For instance is it always 3 letters followed by 5 numbers or something similar.
If you can come up with a pattern, then you can use SQL and some combination of Substring, Charindex, and/or Like %Text% or a regex
pattern to strip out the actual member ID in the SQL Server table as its own field before bringing it into Tableau.

Clarification when using the OVER clause

new to ORACLE 11g and I noticed the OVER clause seems pretty useful for some analytics. I'm having some issues understanding the syntax I believe even after looking at the ORACLE manual on the OVER clause.
I'm trying to get the cumulative amount for all gifts donated in chronological order. This is all from only one table, Donations which includes all the columns seen below in the query.
SELECT Donations.donationid,, Donation.giftdate, Donation.amount, SUM(Donation.amount)
OVER (ORDER BY Donations.amount) AS Total_Gift_Amount
FROM Donations.donations
ORDER BY Total_Gift_Amount DESC;
I thought I was on the right track but there is something I'm missing that's making my columns be out of scope. The error I receive is
Error at line 1: ORA-00904:"DONATION"."AMOUNT": invalid identifier (its the SUM(donations.donations))
Donations table includes: DonationID, Charity, Amount, GiftDate, DonorID
My main confusion is that when I DONT use the OVER clause I can get the result set no problem. However, when I try using the OVER I start to get lots of syntax errors and things of that nature. I want to learn how to use OVER properly though.
I know that error message usually is when you type an invalid column header or if it is out of scope. Why wouldn't it be able to see that Donations.amount is a valid column name? I could just be messing up the syntax of this new clause.
The error has nothing to do with analytical (window) functions.
The table is simply named Donations, in plural, and one of the columns you're selecting is Donation.amount, with Donation, in singular. Slap on the missing "s" there and you should be fine.

API: Issue with exact match in deep queries

I'm querying for test results which are associated with any test set that has a particular tag.
However, this query does not work:
(TestSet.Tags.Name = "foo")
What does work is:
(TestSet.Tags.Name contains "foo")
I would think the first query should work if the second one returns matches with the tag "foo". I presume this is a bug?
I can get around this problem by using the second query, but of course the problem is that this can match a tag named "foo2" as well, so my query can have extra results (potentially many more) and I have to filter them out. Additionally, now I need to have my query fetch the "Tags" as well, so every result I get back is larger because of it.
Yes, as user1195996 suggested this feels like a bug. Your same queries work as expected against defect or user stories. Please work with Rally Support on this issue so we can work to correct it.