In vue3+typescript devtools property does not working - vue.js

In Vue3+typescript,
Property "devtools" does not existed on type "AppConfig"
But, APIDoc was guide to this.
app.config.devtools = true;
What should I do? T_T

This issue already Handled...


Set custom timeout to Bluetooth-le write with Quasar-Framework/Capacitor

I'm using the Bluetooth-LE community plugin in a Quasar/Capacitor project.
Since version 1.7.0, we can make timeouts configurable. But how? I need help with the syntax. Can someone give me a fonctionnal example with a custom timeout.
Thank you.
I was also looking for that information. Haven't found any details on the documention but the file 'definitions.d.ts' inside the Bluetooth-LE module.
Try this :
const writeFlag = await BleClient.write(
{timeout:(10000)} // <---- this is what you need

Doctrine2: Type x already exists

I have a problem with the Doctrine API.
I want to add a new Doctrine Type. I followed this documentation to create the class, and I have added the type in my custom driver.
Type::addType("custom", "Namespace\NameBundle\Types\CustomType");
$this->registerDoctrineTypeMapping("CustomType", "custom");
My problem append when I execute php app/console cache:clear.
Type custom already exists.
After few searches, I have found in Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::addType(…) throw an exception if the type is knew… I don't understand why this error is throwing.
I have found my problem !
I don't know why, but my custom type is loading again and again.
To resolve this problem, adding this code like checking.
if (!Type::hasType("custom")) {
Type::addType("custom", "Namespace\NameBundle\Types\CustomType");
$this->registerDoctrineTypeMapping("CustomType", "custom");
It works !

enableGesture(); error on Kinect SimpleOpenNI

everyone. I'm have a problem and i don't no how to solve it. I try to make some tutorials with Hand click on Processing, and always happened the same error, the function enableGesture(); does not exist. What I can do? Can someone Help me?
Thank You
whether it's
it doesn't matter it just depends on the variable your code chose in this line
SimpleOpenNI 'variable name here' = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
The function enableGesture(); is out of date
All you have to do is change enableGesture(); to startGesture(SimpleOpenNI."gesture");
Where "gesture" can be either
And it is most likely that you will encounter other out of date functions such as:
enableHands(); which is now enableHand();
addGesture(String); which is now startGesture(SimpleOpenNI."gesture");
removeGesture(String); which is now endGesture(SimpleOpenNI."gesture");
startTrackingHands(PVector); which is now startTrackingHand(PVector);
Hope this Helps
- E.B.
i think this is because of the simpleopenni version you are using. try using
SimpleOpenNI context = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
//change constant for other gestures

LinkedInApi class with scope

I am trying out example from scribe-java.
However, it errors out on .provider(LinkedInApi.withScopes("foo", "bar", "baz")).
withScopes() is not recognized as part of scribe-1.3.3.jar.
Please advise which scribe-java version is the withScopes() included in.
I had the same problem but 'scibe-1.3.5.jar' works well. Try it.
Download link:

yii-user-management Yumuser.php get() on a non-object yum_user_relations

I have just installed the yii-user-management module but when I try to access it via browser I get
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in ..../modules/user/models/YumUser.php on line 368
$relations = Yii::app()->cache->get('yum_user_relations');
Appreciate any help.
It seems like the yii-user-management module requires a cache component for it to work. So in your application config add the cache component as
Here we are using CDummyCache copmponent which is, as its name says, acts as a dummy. You can replace it by any other cache components as described here
Thanks #dInGd0nG. Your answer works for me too. Just would want to remind people to follow his link. In the link, you will see the configure statement shall be added in