How update properly VueJs .env files - vuejs2

Getting old value still after updating with the fresh new values
Is there a command to clear the cache?
I have event build my project again... :(


open gitpod without a repo - not starting from a template

is it possible to open gitpod in order to have a fresh and empty enviroment without an existing project or template?
I'd like to manually create a project and issue gp init to initialize my enviroment from scratch
and morover, opening an existing repo and modify the gitpod.yml, is it possible to re-execute the enviroment without push the changes and open a new window?
Wait no more.
Spins up empty environment for you.
Currently, the best thing you can do is to have an empty repository on your git provider(GitHub/GitLab/or-anything-else) and open that from New Workspace button on
Other than that, please upvote this feature request:

WSL 2: VS Code´s npm scritps doen´t refresh when creating a new script in package.json

When I write a new script in package.json the npm scripts view doesn´t refresh with the new script. I have to restart VS Code to see the new script in it.
Also, when I create a new file into the folder via terminal, the folder´s view doesn´t refresh automatically. I have to click into refresh button to see the new files.
I´m running VS Code with WLS extension and my project is located at windows C: filesystem (/mnt/c/Users/paulo/src).
Move your project to inside WLS file system (e.g /home/pauloh/src).
It solves VS Code refresh issues and is recommended for better perfomance.

Aurelia au run --watch... not watching

I downloaded an Aurelia project for testing purpose. After restoring the packages (npm install) and running the application (au run --watch). Now I see Start watching... I was curious about doing some changes (for example in contact-list.html) and seeing the website adjusting after pressing F5 (because of watching). It does not work. My changes are not reflecting in the running website. In the shell prompt where it is watching, nothing happened.
You can test by yourself with the project zipped below.
Zip of the Aurelia project
If I create a new Aurelia project from scratch (au new) and following the wizard, the watching works pretty well.
I don't know why it does not work in the project I downloaded (code provided by a Book for learning Aurelia).
What book is this?
Part of the problem is that the version of the CLI you are using is 2 years old. I would recommend getting the latest version of the CLI, creating a new project that uses RequireJS
au new
give new project a name
choose custom (3)
choose RequireJS (2)
choose Babel (1)
choose defaults for the rest
copy the src folder from your zip file over to it the newly created project
You'll need to run npm install bootstrap#3.3.6 --save or yarn add bootstrap#3.3.6 to pull down bootstrap.
Copy the link to bootstrap's css from your zip file's index.html to the new project
Delete the Promise.config line in src/main.js.
Then just run au run (--watch is no longer needed). It should work.

This dependency was not found: * .components/table in ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib

Trying to add bootstrapVue to my project has scrambled my dependencies in my webpack Vuejs project. Everything was dandy until I tried to implement this npm install and subsequent change to "webpack.config.js". Immediately everything began to fall apart. The dev server couldn't compile for various reasons, so I did 'npm uninstall style-loader css-loader'. That didn't help. Eventually I came across a solution that involved removing my changes to the "webpack.config.js" file. Cool, now I could at least run my project again.
Somewhere along the line my node_modules/babel-loader/package.json file started giving me problems. Inside, the bundleDependencies: has a value of false. VS Code is telling me it should be an array of package names. Okay, I'm not sure how I can remedy this warning, so I ignore it.
I added a new .vue component to my src/components file named 'Table.vue' to use within my main App.vue. Added my import Table from ".components/table"; line to my App.vue file. Now my dev server fails to compile for this reason: terminal error.
In this project, I've already installed: axios, vue-axios, sass-loader, node-sass, webpack, bootstrap, bootstrap-vue. I'm pretty new to all of this so any help would be greatly appreciated. Worst case scenario I just start from scratch and copy paste my code.

Project not up-to-date after building with IntelliJ

I'm a newbie to both IntelliJ and Aurelia. I did my last web project almost a decade ago, and I find myself a bit lost between all those new libraries. That said, my question is probably of rather trivial nature:
I've downloaded the Aurelia skeleton project [1], imported the sources into a new node js project in IntelliJ and started index.html. Voila. Browser opens, shows the site.
Then I changed something (added a new route to src/app.js).
I hit the run button to show index.html again: No changes. Hm?
I rebuild the project in IntelliJ, and retried. Still my changes aren't shown.
I run gulp watch on the command line, open the browser, and my changes are shown.
So, I'm asking two things: What needs to be done to really refresh the build within IntelliJ?
And secondly, when did it become a sport to create inter-depending Javascript libraries with blurry names? Just kidding... (though I'm not laughing)
I found it out myself. You need to put 'gulp build' to the pre-launch list of the run configuration. This is because the sources get transpiled and copied to the dist directory, from where the server is actually running.
Just building the sources from IntelliJ isn't enough.
Project rebuild start automatically after any files was changed in project directory. You do not need to build it from IDE-- only save your changes and wait a few seconds to refresh.
Of cause it will work only when you run project build with watch statement like gulp watch (e.g. run gulp watch and your project will rebuild automatically).
But if there were some errors in code -- gulp process will stop and you must restart it again. I recommend you change IDE's settings to disable automatically saving to files and use <CTRL+S> buttons to save data manually.